Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


… is limited to 3 options?
I just finished Bo and there’s only Celestial, marauder and minstrel’s.
Worked pretty hard for this, I’d like if I could actually select the stats I want :/ Can we please give these weapons all the stat combinations so we can chose something useful for such a weapon.

(The scavenger hunt itself was great though)

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NayNay.7680


I’m with you on this. The exotic unlocks I can understand, but with all the work that goes into getting the ascended one it should have a full selection.

Ral Xarek | Asura Elementalist
Peacemaker Ral |Asura Mesmer

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


well you could always switch stats in the mystic forge mate.

or if you dont want that craft another weapon with the stats you want and reskin

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Argon.1563


What? Celestial, Marauder and Minstrel. 2 of those stats i’d never use on a Thief to begin with, and the other I wouldn’t use because im replacing my Berserker/Marauder stuff with Viper’s.

Who picks this stuff? It makes me wonder if some devs have even played GW2.

I can half-understand Celestial…actually, its a staff intended for Daredevils, so no, I can’t grasp why you would use Celestial.

and Minstrel? Would you run Nomad’s on a Thief? No, because theres no reason to, so why would I run it’s semi-buggy sister-set.

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


That seems rather stupid. Don’t makes any sense. Maybe an oversight.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Snix Spoonman.3871

Snix Spoonman.3871

I’m confused, i thought Magus Falls map completion was bugged so unable to complete, hence not getting the reward that is required to obtain the Ascended Specialization Weapon. Or is this bug just seems to be affecting a few like me.

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

I’m confused, i thought Magus Falls map completion was bugged so unable to complete, hence not getting the reward that is required to obtain the Ascended Specialization Weapon. Or is this bug just seems to be affecting a few like me.

the bug hit only those who had 100% of map finished before expac hit

although in todays patch notes there is a shady line of “fixed bug affecting map completion” whichever bug they mean….

well you could always switch stats in the mystic forge mate.

or if you dont want that craft another weapon with the stats you want and reskin

is it confirmed it works for specialisation collection items?
and does it works with all stats or only core ones?

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“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


I’m confused, i thought Magus Falls map completion was bugged so unable to complete, hence not getting the reward that is required to obtain the Ascended Specialization Weapon. Or is this bug just seems to be affecting a few like me.

the bug hit only those who had 100% of map finished before expac hit

although in todays patch notes there is a shady line of “fixed bug affecting map completion” whichever bug they mean….

well you could always switch stats in the mystic forge mate.

or if you dont want that craft another weapon with the stats you want and reskin

is it confirmed it works for specialisation collection items?
and does it works with all stats or only core ones?

You can put Bo in the forge, but I didn’t check if the stat swap recipe works yet. Still, it’s unnecessary padding to get what you actually want and should have been on there from the start.

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I agree, those stats are not optimal in any way for a thief or a DD I don’t see why players shouldn’t be able to choose their stats as long as it falls within the set types.

Now on a side note, what is this Ascended Elite Weapon ? Where do we get/earn this, I wasn’t aware of such a thing.

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serephy.6271


I agree, those stats are not optimal in any way for a thief or a DD I don’t see why players shouldn’t be able to choose their stats as long as it falls within the set types.

Now on a side note, what is this Ascended Elite Weapon ? Where do we get/earn this, I wasn’t aware of such a thing.

You have to complete the Specialization Collection of your Elite Spec.

Anyway, back on topic – they should really give us the option to choose from all of them, after aaaaall the time and effort needed to complete the collection!

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


I agree, those stats are not optimal in any way for a thief or a DD I don’t see why players shouldn’t be able to choose their stats as long as it falls within the set types.

Now on a side note, what is this Ascended Elite Weapon ? Where do we get/earn this, I wasn’t aware of such a thing.

All the elite specs have unique skins, first a weapon when you start training, and then an armor when you finish.
Getting the first weapon will start a collection to “upgrade” that weapon into an ascended version, the one’s we’ve been seeing in the elite spec reveals, like the reaper’s greatsword or the chronomancer’s shield.
Actually, those last two are the initial weapon. All the ascended weapons have an actual name. For reaper being Dark Harvest, and chrono’s shield being Horologicus.

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NayNay.7680


Here’s to hoping a dev notices this and gives us some feedback on why they chose the stat selections they did for each weapon, as they are clearly not optimal. I’ve been grinding a little each day on masteries to eventually get “The North Wind”, but I’m not really that interested if it’s going to cost me a ton more gold just to have the skin on something worth using.

Ral Xarek | Asura Elementalist
Peacemaker Ral |Asura Mesmer

Elite spec ascended weapon stat selection...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Heartnet.5340


Out of curiosity, I just checked the stat swap recipe using Glint’s Bastion. On the plus side, it works as intended, BUT you do end up getting just the generic ascended skin back. You could just transmute it back to the Glint’s Bastion skin using a transmutation charge.