Elite specs

Elite specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Can we PLEASE have Robert Gee do all the elite specs from now on? All the ones he’s done so far are amazing. The ones he didn’t do are trash. It would also be nice if you could nuke dragonhunter and tempest from orbit and have Robert redo them both from the ground up. There’s still time to fix those trash elite specs into something actually decent. He deserves a raise or something, he seems to know what hes doing.

Elite specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Well, I wouldn’t say that. Roy has done an awesome job with Revenant so far and has been incredibly receptive to our feedback. Just great overall communication. I love it. Much love to Robert Gee too of course.

I don’t want to count the other guys out though. Give them a chance to work on things. They might surprise you.

Elite specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Turtle Dragon.9241

Turtle Dragon.9241

I don’t want to count the other guys out though. Give them a chance to work on things. They might surprise you.


Given their track record, I dont think Dragonhunter or Tempest are getting out of this nightmare anytime soon.

These new Elite spec are not just subpar compared to the Berserker or Herald. It is so bad that those 2 Elite spec are almost unanimously disliked, to the point that some people are even asking for the dev to resign.

Besides, they probably still have to work on Thief Elite spec, and wont have time to overhaul much on Dragonhunter and Tempest, let alone fix them. Having them fix any non-Dragonhunter/Tempest bug from the specialization patch is even less likely…

Elite specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


People seem to forget there’s going to be more elite specs in the future. Which might be designed by differnet people. This aren’t the only ones we get, we’ll have another chance. Eles have NO right to complain, they’re basically the top profession in every game mode

Elite specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


We dont know what restrictions were placed on developers of those other elite specialization.