Everything wrong with HoT

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


so before I begin talking about my beta experiences lets set some ground rules. if you don’t have anything constructive to say, say nothing. example. “I think that this content was fun for me/the content could be changed in this way to make it better” is constructive dialog and “ok what do you expect? I think you are…” these are not constructive. moving on.

the negative impacts of my beta experiences on my opinion of HoT were as follows.

1. I didn’t really like Revenant. why? a lack of customizable utility skills allows for minimal variance between revenants. build variety should be treasured. if a class is added that class should follow the general guide lines of the other classes including their own selectable individual utility skills. the replacement of utility skills with locked spirit skills hurts the classes playability.

2. all of the content I have seen so far is intended for groups of 3 players and more. why I see this as bad. there are several players out there that want solo content/duo content.
I believe there to be many guilds out there that are husband and wife(like mine) or a couple of friends that play together only. I have been playing gw sense initial na release of gw1. I have enjoyed years of gameplay both in gw1 and gw2 with my wife. I have very little interest in dealing with elitists who want you to play their way only/feel they should have some sort of supervisory powers over you and your playtime/play style.
I have said before “the less I deal with other players the more I enjoy my playtime.” this has been proven to me repeatedly and for over 20 years of gaming. every time I hear a player say “oh but it isn’t like that” and I try and deal with those players it all eventually turns into the same aggravating overly dramatic negative playtime. this has been tested on 50+ games hundreds of times. (raids take a commander tag which one must purchase for hundreds of gold./guild missions and guild halls will only be able to be built/done with guilds working at 3 players+ at a time.) is it so wrong to want to play the game content silently and in my own way that I enjoy? raids should have been part of the lfg tool or their own icon/interface where players can select a raid and get matched to a party to do the raid.

3. the super Mario brothers syndrome. imo SaB was the worst content ever made for gw2. why? because of the low quality throwback graphics/SMB style play. I want new content shown to me in new ways. from my new expansion to my cutting edge game.
I was seriously discouraged to find out that the trampoline mushrooms(and they are even mushrooms) from the super Mario brothers series(that hasn’t entertained me sense I was 8 ) was apparently going to be a major part of the HoT maps(as they made up a large portion of the beta map/mastery system)

when I mention these things in game(only after being asked direct questions) I am told the same thing “why do you play mmos” the answer? because I enjoy the playtime I get with my wife and my friends(before they all quit gw2 rather then spend hundreds of gold regearing their mains after last feature pack: my friends that is). there are no high quality massive single player rpgs anymore as mmos have replaced them. while I understand the need for group content I feel that less social players who simply want to silently play their game are excluded when you require player counts. until anet either establishes a banned on first social violation(thus scaring everyone into playing nice) or gear inspects/build inspects being declared as forms of player harassment this will continue. I originally thought anet agreed that “every player and every build should be accepted every time” was their stated goal(and a good goal). but a lack of follow through on the zerk only toxicity has shown otherwise. it should be noted that I am willing and capable of enjoying group play by taking instructions that are content only related (what to do at a particular boss etc) without being told what I must run/equip.
I do not enjoy my average interaction with other players and so I find following in silence is the best course for me and groups.

I’m done with this post I had more to say but I see I am expressing it through a frustrated perspective which solves nothing. I can only hope I am judging the expansion on an incomplete system. otherwise I am discouraged that I spent 200$(two copies of ultimate. one for me and one for my wife) on content I can never play.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


All of point 2 and 2nd paragraph of point 3 I’m 100% in agreement with, OP you’re not alone in feeling this way and sure do hope the Dev’s will be willing to make a compromise sooner than rather later.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I play solo quite a bit, and when I don’t it’s with my Guildie, and I haven’t been unable to play in Verdant Brink. Now, Raids are definitely out of reach for 1 or 2-only players, but I think Guild Halls will be something that will, if not at first, eventually open to even the smallest of Guilds.

Sorry to hear you are feeling frustrated. I hope things start looking up.

Good luck.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Halvorn.9831


OP, i feel your pain. It is MMORPG, the second M is “multiplayer”, it is not “social”, then it would be MSORPG. Secondly the R stands for “role” and lone wolf is a perfect role. I typically also prefer to roam around on my own, sometimes in a small guild group.
I do however hope that the new maps are full of solo-explorable places (or at least some, that you can get to with the people you meet randomly). On the BW3 at last I felt I could participate in most event flows as a single player. Raids will be a problem, but they will be a problem anyways.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

1. I didn’t really like Revenant.

I love Revenant. I totally understand what you mean, though. If you see a Revenant you instantly know half of the entire story. You see its weapons set so you know half its weapon skills and you see the color of the glow on its hands and now you know half of all of its utility skills. If its a herald you even know what skills its running at a glance because of the circle on the ground.

It would be nice if there could be one or two extra utilities per legend such that we have at least a little more customization.

2. all of the content I have seen so far is intended for groups of 3 players and more.

I’m unclear what you’re getting at here. There are only three kinds of content with HoT. Personal Story, which is soloable. Open World which some of is actually soloable and you could definitely do with two people, but since it’s open there are going to be enough people to complete it. Raids, which really are what they need to be, and if you can’t participate in them, then that’s how it is. I don’t get to Raid, cause I’m just me and I don’t care enough to join a guild.

3. the super Mario brothers syndrome.

This is just absurd. Throwback is not a bad thing. It isn’t Mario, and SAB is completely subjective. To me it was the single greatest thing to be added to the game, and it doesn’t even provide a single bit of progression in any aspect of the game. The jumping mushrooms in HoT are just how they felt like presenting the mechanic. There are any number of other things they could have done, and every one of them could be pointed to something else to say, oh that’s where it came from. It’s entirely your opinion and not worth much.

MMOs are not designed for outliers, and social misfits. Nor should they be. They’re meant to be group content. There is plenty of things for solos to do, but the further along you get the more the focus has to be on group content.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


1. I didn’t really like Revenant.

I love Revenant. I totally understand what you mean, though. If you see a Revenant you instantly know half of the entire story. You see its weapons set so you know half its weapon skills and you see the color of the glow on its hands and now you know half of all of its utility skills. If its a herald you even know what skills its running at a glance because of the circle on the ground.

It would be nice if there could be one or two extra utilities per legend such that we have at least a little more customization.

2. all of the content I have seen so far is intended for groups of 3 players and more.

I’m unclear what you’re getting at here. There are only three kinds of content with HoT. Personal Story, which is soloable. Open World which some of is actually soloable and you could definitely do with two people, but since it’s open there are going to be enough people to complete it. Raids, which really are what they need to be, and if you can’t participate in them, then that’s how it is. I don’t get to Raid, cause I’m just me and I don’t care enough to join a guild.

3. the super Mario brothers syndrome.

MMOs are not designed for outliers, and social misfits. .

I agree. Games based around giving up large quantities of your time to advance in a computer generated world where you have no face to face interaction with anyone else, are so not designed for social misfits.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


“outliers, and social misfits” is a bit harsh here in context of OP post as the Op clearly laid out his issues.

Like the OP says and I agree with “is it so wrong to want to play the game content silently and in my own way that I enjoy?”

It’s not hurting anyone

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tregarde.6031


1 – Revenants are a new profession. Their versatility is that their weapon AND their utility skills change. No other profession can do this. ANet had to balance this somehow.

2 – I had little trouble soloing much of the content. Other content is clearly meant for more people. Since there were almost always people around, I didn’t find this a problem.

3 – Okay, no real arguments there. The jumping mushrooms are kinda silly.

As for the last paragraph – GW2 is already one of the most friendly MMO’s to casual players. I’ve been able to level several characters to 80, gear them up with Exotics, and most of it solo over the past 3 years. And I have limited play time. HoT is not meant for beginners. Pretty much every expansion for any MMO is not meant for beginners. Even so, my experience with Raids this weekend leads me to believe they will be a lot easier to get into than most other MMOs.

As for “no high quality massive single player RPGs”, have you not heard about Dragon Age, or The Witcher? The latest ones can easily consume 100+ hours, each.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kevan.8912


GW2 is already one of the most friendly MMO’s to casual players. I’ve been able to level several characters to 80, gear them up with Exotics, and most of it solo over the past 3 years.

Well, one of the most friendly mmos doesn’t mean it’s actually casual friendly, but just that it used to be less elitist/raid oriented. (it used to be: I think it has already changed)

OP, you’re not alone.
But to me , MMOs are just like a “massive sp rpg” (i would add online to your definition, as there are definitely massive sp rpg, but online and coop component is quite bad, when present -see dragon age, witcher, fallout) but with other people, far from toxicity, discrimination and competition, just to enjoy playing together.

Unfortunately, mmo in general and mmos are the wrong place to non competitive, non elitist players.

If you have any idea about where to find this content-massive, massively online single-player-like rpg, let me know
It s long years I wait for it

(edited by Kevan.8912)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


I agree almost completely with the OP. The only exception – I love SAB and I want it back!
I am 50/50 on those mushroom thingies.. they felt weird when I have read about them, but in game they are extremely useful…the same as gliders… I just hope that gliders will not become a standard for future expansion packs…. the game is extremely easy with them.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


“MMOs are not designed for outliers, and social misfits. Nor should they be. They’re meant to be group content. There is plenty of things for solos to do, but the further along you get the more the focus has to be on group content.”

as stated i am ok with group content. as long as i am able to
1.get into any party forming for the content. i refer you back to anet’s stated goal “every player/every class/every build accepted to every group, every time”
2. no gear check.
3. no build check
4. not dealing with rude behavoir.(which i have dealt with in every group i have played in in gw2)

I am not a “social misfit” simply because i prefer to not be insulted just to complete content. this is exactly the kind of verbal insulting i stated in the initial post as not being conducive to a positive play(or posting) experience. you could have made your point without insulting or labeling.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


" 2. all of the content I have seen so far is intended for groups of 3 players and more.

I’m unclear what you’re getting at here. There are only three kinds of content with HoT. Personal Story, which is soloable. Open World which some of is actually soloable and you could definitely do with two people, but since it’s open there are going to be enough people to complete it. Raids, which really are what they need to be, and if you can’t participate in them, then that’s how it is. I don’t get to Raid, cause I’m just me and I don’t care enough to join a guild."

I am referring to the twitch statement by the dev team member responsible for guild halls. that “will require a team of at least 3 to complete” this makes the kind of married/best friend 2 person guilds out there that enjoy their “drama free sense creation” status by requiring 3 players to complete the content necessary to get the mats to build and evolve the guild hall. also raids should have as i stated their own icon at the top of the screen where you click “join x raid” and you are put into a group(thus bypassing the unnecessary elitistism)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


“This is just absurd. Throwback is not a bad thing. It isn’t Mario, and SAB is completely subjective. To me it was the single greatest thing to be added to the game, and it doesn’t even provide a single bit of progression in any aspect of the game. The jumping mushrooms in HoT are just how they felt like presenting the mechanic. There are any number of other things they could have done, and every one of them could be pointed to something else to say, oh that’s where it came from. It’s entirely your opinion and not worth much.”

My opinion is just as valid and worth just as much as anyone else’s. my opinion is not “absurd” again with the name calling. i am glad that you find a nostalgia in 8 bit graphics and super mario gameplay.(jumping on trampolines and using simple graphics and combat actions) i would have said zelda but super mario was a better fit with all the jumping and side scrolling.) in reality it was a cross breed. super mario level design and movement with zelda combat. I want complex combat and content, i want a constantly evolving game that grows with the technology available. as i said and you left out, it was “just my opinion”. if you enjoyed it great. and yes imo 8bit graphics on a modern game don’t belong.

(edited by Warlock.7136)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


“As for “no high quality massive single player RPGs”, have you not heard about Dragon Age, or The Witcher? The latest ones can easily consume 100+ hours, each.”

this is a great example of what i mean. played latest dragon age for 2 days and returned it. played some of the latest witcher on a friends comp. hated it even though i loved the original. like i said gw2 dwarfs both of these games in several ways, too many to list.
combat/lore/world depth/character depth/new content/build variety.

as for “If you have any idea about where to find this content-massive, massively online single-player-like rpg, let me know It s long years I wait for it”
they are called gw1 and gw2 core game.

(edited by Warlock.7136)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


“As for “no high quality massive single player RPGs”, have you not heard about Dragon Age, or The Witcher? The latest ones can easily consume 100+ hours, each.”

this is a great example of what i mean. played latest dragon age for 2 days and returned it. played some of the latest witcher on a friends comp. hated it even though i loved the original. like i said gw2 dwarfs both of these games in several ways, too many to list.
combat/lore/world depth/character depth/new content/build variety.

as for “If you have any idea about where to find this content-massive, massively online single-player-like rpg, let me know It s long years I wait for it”
they are called gw1 and gw2 core game.

Have you tried pillars of eternity, wasteland 2 and divinity orignial sin 1 ( 2 just got kickstarted )

Also for arpg you could try diablo 3 or path of exile.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can use the little arrow at the bottom of posts the quote the user in your reply.

Good luck.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


“As for “no high quality massive single player RPGs”, have you not heard about Dragon Age, or The Witcher? The latest ones can easily consume 100+ hours, each.”

this is a great example of what i mean. played latest dragon age for 2 days and returned it. played some of the latest witcher on a friends comp. hated it even though i loved the original. like i said gw2 dwarfs both of these games in several ways, too many to list.
combat/lore/world depth/character depth/new content/build variety.

as for “If you have any idea about where to find this content-massive, massively online single-player-like rpg, let me know It s long years I wait for it”
they are called gw1 and gw2 core game.

Have you tried pillars of eternity, wasteland 2 and divinity orignial sin 1 ( 2 just got kickstarted )

Also for arpg you could try diablo 3 or path of exile.

I am aware of the quote command but it quotes the whole thing and when i try and cut out parts it cuts out everything and leaves a code command and no text on the forum. i have a ps4. i have played divinity this is a fps and not an rpg and its not even a good fps.i’ve seen some of those titles but i didn’t like the look of them so i didn’t spend the money. d3 killed my favorite game series and was a horrible debacle imo.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


1. Revenant. I personally liked the Revenant. At least for the little time I played. I didn’t want to spoil HoT too much. I don’t think the utility skills being locked based on legend hurts their playability. It does hurt the ability to have something held back when in PvP and WvW when going up against other players. This is more likely a case of utility skill # balance vs diversity. Revenants would have more than other classes if they had the ability to change up the line up. Like Elementalists and Engineers don’t have weapon swap capabilities. You see half of an ele’s or engi’s line up the moment you see their weapon. And you don’t even need to see the weapon for underwater combat for ele’s as ele’s only get one option.

So while you see it not balanced in terms of build diversity. It can also be viewed as balanced in terms of number of utility/elite skills.

2. Have you tried to find a casual guild? I’d imagine there are more social oriented guilds that aren’t so demanding on build, gear, and skill level. Raids won’t have their own tool because ANet doesn’t want raids to be PUGable unless your group can achieve higher than average organization for a PUG. There will still likely be an LFG portion for raids, even if it isn’t official. 1 in the squad, 1 in the LFG and they ferry people into the squad until it’s full.

I fully understand the desire to play alone in an MMO. I’m one of those oddballs myself and understand that I’m a minority. I do realize that a vast majority of the content that they’ve released since launch has been soloable and people have been asking for challenging group content for end game. Hence raids and given the popularity of the maps Silverwastes and Dry Top, the open world maps needing group participation isn’t surprising.

3. Certain things appeal to different people. What you like others don’t and vice versa. This is likely just a case of that and ANet can’t please everyone. Time will tell which group is in the majority.

ANet can’t prevent a meta from forming or remove it once it’s formed. None of the content released so far requires certain gear stats or higher than exotic in gear (open world areas definitely possible in rares). And only fractals requires a specific tier level and you can get pretty high with only minimal gear. There are groups that form that do not require meta gear or great skills. If you don’t see one when you go to enter a dungeon and want to do one, make one yourself and label it any welcome, casual run, or something along those lines.

If you are in NA and want to do something that requires 3 people once HoT launches, send me a message in game. If I’m online and not in the middle of something, I’ll join up and we can just play alone together.

As to this:

“4. not dealing with rude behavoir.(which i have dealt with in every group i have played in in gw2)”

I’m sorry that’s happened to you, I promise I won’t be rude when I group with you (I’m never rude to anyone who isn’t playing meta or well, as I don’t always do the former and I’m quite often not playing well myself). As to rude people in general, they’re going to be in every online game you play. No way around it, unfortunately.

Edit to add: You can send me a message in game if you need an extra body to add to the DPS even before HoT launches if you’re NA.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


Your thinking of divinity 2 a totaly other game


Andr if gw2 is a content-massive, massively online single-player-like rpg.

Then so is any mmorpg out there like wow, rift, swtor etc

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kevan.8912


well…arpg like poe or d3 have a really little rpg component. It’s just..a grindfest, exp and gear oriented.

gw2 core content as massive+sp ? yes…at launch. But as soon as I knew that a part of it was gated by AR and crafting, it became just another mmo with non-cosmetic timesinks.
And now, even more typical: raid-oriented.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


I feel like players are focusing too heavily on the tiny details of my original post and not the idea i wanted adressed here. the verbal harrasment section of the gw2 ToS is inadequate. i should not be forced to play zerk just because it’s “what everyone plays and what is expected” i am not what is expected both in person and in character and i deserve to be allowed to play how i want to play within the group content. being kicked from a group because you are not the glass cannon meta should not happen and should count as a form of harrasment that is causing players to be excluded from content. to quote another anet statement “When any one build/set of equipment becomes the only acceptable set/build, that is in and of itself unacceptable” which i agree with, but with no way to enforce this it becomes less then it should be. also i disagree that gw2 is “the friendliest community out there” world of tanks in it’s first year was an actual friendly community. how did they do it? it’s simple they had a “social zero tolerance policy” that is to say your first insultive or rude behavior got you a permaban. this scared everyone into playing nice for fear of a permaban on first unacceptable behavior. eventually they caved and removed the zero tolerance policy in favor of higher player pop and thus more money. with the removal of that policy the community tanked(minimum pun intended) and became just as toxic as any other online game. if the gw2 community stands for a higher quality of community, then prove it. every group i have ever been in has fallen apart/insulted one another and in general been a toxic experience and nothing is done. because players fear a false report ban with thoughts about “well was that really what the tos describes as a social violation?” or is not a direct insult but a kick based on not being meta. which is just as unappealing imo. build variety should be encouraged playstyles differing should not matter if the goal is “every player/class/build accepted to every party, every time” I have even tested saying nothing but yes/no/ok/i understand the instructions etc as my only party text. same result a completely toxic play experience.

(edited by Warlock.7136)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: KitOnlyHuman.6807


I understand the reasoning in OP. But I will say that there is a lot more to SAB than just the “nostalgia”. There’s actually a very in depth story to the development of SAB in game. The asura woke up to find it created and there is a presence in it that built it while he was asleep. It took on a life of its own and the job of the players is to find the cause. It’s 8bit because it’s a game in the world of Tyria. I think of it more as a side quest than a homage. =)

As for the preferring to play single player, I commonly play casually. But I’m also in a guild that I can rep when I want to be involved with other players. I go into LFG often to meet people when I feel social. Raids will also be able to be found in LFG, I have no doubt.

It is a multiplayer game, after all. Story content is single player, world content is single player (and world bosses won’t require parties even if they do require other players), and the raids? This is Guild Wars 2. It’s main centerpiece is intended to be guilds. Interactions with guilds, raiding with guilds, progression with guilds. I feel that it’s important to keep in mind that not every game is made for every kind of player, and if an MMO isn’t a fit for someone, they should consider other wonderful games that are. =)

Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I feel like players are focusing too heavily on the tiny details of my original post and not the idea i wanted adressed here. the verbal harrasment section of the gw2 ToS is inadequate. i should not be forced to play zerk just because it’s “what everyone plays and what is expected” i am not what is expected both in person and in character and i deserve to be allowed to play how i want to play within the group content. being kicked from a group because you are not the glass cannon meta should not happen and should count as a form of harrasment that is causing players to be excluded from content. to quote another anet statement “When any one build/set of equipment becomes the only acceptable set/build, that is in and of itself unacceptable” which i agree with, but with no way to enforce this it becomes less then it should be. also i disagree that gw2 is “the friendliest community out there” world of tanks in it’s first year was an actual friendly community. how did they do it? it’s simple they had a “social zero tolerance policy” that is to say your first insultive or rude behavior got you a permaban. this scared everyone into playing nice for fear of a permaban on first unacceptable behavior. eventually they caved and removed the zero tolerance policy in favor of higher player pop and thus more money. with the removal of that policy the community tanked(minimum pun intended) and became just as toxic as any other online game. if the gw2 community stands for a higher quality of community, then prove it. every group i have ever been in has fallen apart/insulted one another and in general been a toxic experience and nothing is done. because players fear a false report ban with thoughts about “well was that really what the tos describes as a social violation?” or is not a direct insult but a kick based on not being meta. which is just as unappealing imo.

People have given you suggestions on how to lower your risk of running into the jerks. We can’t do anything but report and block when we see rude behavior. ANet will handle the jerks according to the policy.

Report the players you see being rude and then block them, you aren’t paid to listen to them being rude. As long as the interaction is at least gray area and not obviously not rude, you will not be banned for reporting the person. The punishment for false reports is there to stop the jerks from reporting people for the fun of it.

If you’re being kicked due to not being meta you are either experiencing one of the few meta jerks who try to troll casuals due to the casual jerks who join meta groups knowing they don’t meet the requirements, or you’ve accidentally joined a group that requires it due to a poorly worded LFG or an honest mistake on your end. A kick before the run starts isn’t rude in and of itself.

Some people want to play with others who play the meta. Why should they not be allowed to play how they want to play just because you don’t want to be forced to be the meta?

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


Your thinking of divinity 2 a totaly other game


Andr if gw2 is a content-massive, massively online single-player-like rpg.

Then so is any mmorpg out there like wow, rift, swtor etc

I completed 100% map by myself i grouped for last personal story mission only. by myself i have assembled 17k+ achievement points. sense then i went through the horrible process of getting each dungeon path completed once. which reinforced the toxicity of group play. i expected the same from HoT soloable except for maybe the last “mission”. raids could have been handled better with a similar design to dc universe. that is their own icon at the top. click the raid you want and bang your in a group and doing the raid. i have no problem being in a group that allows me to play my way while taking the group leaders content based instructions silently. i do have a problem with being told how to play/what i must play. it is the same reason i am not in a large guild. i don’t want demands of when i play/how i play/and what to play. these are what i mean when i say “the less i deal with other players the more i enjoy my playtime” like this forum conversation thread that i came to out of years of frustration, set down the same social rules and level of respect that i wanted only to be told “play another game you….(insult deleted).”

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Your thinking of divinity 2 a totaly other game


Andr if gw2 is a content-massive, massively online single-player-like rpg.

Then so is any mmorpg out there like wow, rift, swtor etc

I completed 100% map by myself i grouped for last personal story mission only. by myself i have assembled 17k+ achievement points. sense then i went through the horrible process of getting each dungeon path completed once. which reinforced the toxicity of group play. i expected the same from HoT soloable except for maybe the last “mission”. raids could have been handled better with a similar design to dc universe. that is their own icon at the top. click the raid you want and bang your in a group and doing the raid. i have no problem being in a group that allows me to play my way while taking the group leaders content based instructions silently. i do have a problem with being told how to play/what i must play. it is the same reason i am not in a large guild. i don’t want demands of when i play/how i play/and what to play. these are what i mean when i say “the less i deal with other players the more i enjoy my playtime” like this forum conversation thread that i came to out of years of frustration, set down the same social rules and level of respect that i wanted only to be told “play another game you….(insult deleted).”

No one has insulted you in this thread.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


“No one has insulted you in this thread.”

“MMOs are not designed for outliers, and social misfits. Nor should they be. They’re meant to be group content. There is plenty of things for solos to do, but the further along you get the more the focus has to be on group content.”

This is just absurd. Throwback is not a bad thing. It isn’t Mario, and SAB is completely subjective. To me it was the single greatest thing to be added to the game, and it doesn’t even provide a single bit of progression in any aspect of the game. The jumping mushrooms in HoT are just how they felt like presenting the mechanic. There are any number of other things they could have done, and every one of them could be pointed to something else to say, oh that’s where it came from. It’s entirely your opinion and not worth much.

I agree. Games based around giving up large quantities of your time to advance in a computer generated world where you have no face to face interaction with anyone else, are so not designed for social misfits.

so i imagined these posts yes?

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shevek.2691


No, you didn’t. I wouldn’t call them insulting or derogatory, however.

As for the “toxic” discussion: I’m afraid I’m not seeing it. People have offered their opinions, as you have, and tried to give you alternatives/answers in an attempt to help you find a solution to your problem. For example: when you were going for your Dungeon achievement, you could’ve started the group yourself with an advertisement of “non-meta run, just for fun.”

As for the “social misfit” bit you seem caught up on? I normally always saw it as a term for people who willingly decide to stand away from the “majority” in a social atmosphere—it’s not a bad thing, really. It just means you don’t like the majority.

(edited by Shevek.2691)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


I solod bwe1 bwe2 bwe3

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


being kicked from a group because you are not the glass cannon meta should not happen and should count as a form of harrasment that is causing players to be excluded from content

This is ridiculous.

If you don’t want to join groups that will ask you to use X or Y build form your own group/play with friends and wife.

3. Super Adventure Box is a much loved addition to GW2 (check the number of threads asking for it back). The verticality of the maps is helped with a quick method to go up – its either mushrooms or some other mechanic similar.

People need to stop using “toxic” to mean “doesn’t agree with me.”

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xarallei.4279


1) I adore the Revenant. It’s kitten fun. The lack of customizing utilities is a bit annoying at first, but once you start playing one…Well, I miss my revenant already. I feel each legend brings some good stuff to the table and different combos work really great together.

2) Only thing that requires a group is raids. The open world is easy enough to solo or duo (especially since they nerfed the content in BWE3). The entire game does NOT have to be soloable. There needs to be stuff for guilds to do, which thankfully HoT is adding.

3) New map is amazing. And I say this as someone who violently HATES jumping puzzles and the like. It’s really not hard to level masteries for your glider and the mushrooms and it’s a blast running around jumping off things and using your glider. The only thing I do think the new maps could use more of is random dynamic events. Most of the events are long chain events. This is perfectly fine, but a nice random, stand alone event here and there would be nice.

Overall, I’m quite happy with the way HoT is shaping up.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


“No one has insulted you in this thread.”

“MMOs are not designed for outliers, and social misfits. Nor should they be. They’re meant to be group content. There is plenty of things for solos to do, but the further along you get the more the focus has to be on group content.”

This is just absurd. Throwback is not a bad thing. It isn’t Mario, and SAB is completely subjective. To me it was the single greatest thing to be added to the game, and it doesn’t even provide a single bit of progression in any aspect of the game. The jumping mushrooms in HoT are just how they felt like presenting the mechanic. There are any number of other things they could have done, and every one of them could be pointed to something else to say, oh that’s where it came from. It’s entirely your opinion and not worth much.

I agree. Games based around giving up large quantities of your time to advance in a computer generated world where you have no face to face interaction with anyone else, are so not designed for social misfits.

so i imagined these posts yes?

Please quote as the loss of the text around it removes context and context is everything. I can’t tell where your post starts and ends since you’re not even quoting.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


Well I guess some people are to sensitive to follow through with what they believe, I really don’t see anyone insulting the OP, seems to be a case of “it’s only constructive if I agree”.

It’s easy to understand why OP doesn’t like grouping with more than his wife, he seems the type that if you didn’t put a smiley behind a hello it would be insulting.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


another attempt to be calm an productive. I have posted my own lf leader and group dungeon posts. also lfg nonmeta. these posts are simply not responded to. also i do not use toxic to describe “doesn’t agree with me” i use it as a statement of “causing a derogatory effect on the overall gameplay experience” this is what that slang term means. a players behavior is toxic when it is rude or derogatory or causes unnecessary stress on the group/thread. on the casual guild idea. i am in a guild, i represent that guild because as in real life i represent my wife and my wife represents me. we started the twin flames guild in gw1 when we ran into this exact thing there and we carried it forward to gw2. there will be no guild (i know i’ve tried repeatedly) that will respond to “lf a guild that has no representation requirements/play requirements/playtime requirements/socializing” (if i could do a guild alliance i would, this is how we did things in gw1. that way we retained command of our characters while being able to choose or choose not to socialize with other guilds on a interaction by interaction basis.) and the ones that promise they do. don’t and quickly start in with “you should really be playing…at x time” “also please trigger that you represent us” and the ever popular “for this run could you switch to x class and run x build” I am not a casual player i often play several hours a day every day or at worst most every day. i did not post this previously as i feel it isn’t productive. if a player disagrees with me you are free to say so and an opinion is equally valuable no matter who it comes from. it is however not productive to say things like “this is ridiculous/absurd/antisocial” etc. they are adjectives meant to add an insulting and patronizing tone. you can say “i dissagree with what you said when you said x because imo it’s actually x or in my experience is x”
without using these nonproductive words. my opinion is not thread law. my opinion is not the only one that matters. in fact i opened this thread to gather other opinions on how this problem could be fixed.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


2) Only thing that requires a group is raids. The open world is easy enough to solo or duo (especially since they nerfed the content in BWE3). The entire game does NOT have to be soloable. There needs to be stuff for guilds to do, which thankfully HoT is adding.

Guild Missions you need players 3 or more players, Claiming Guild hall you need 5 or more players, Raids of course several players.

BW3 difficulty was bugged according to Anet or just a PR spin no one will really know outside of their studio.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


“No one has insulted you in this thread.”

“MMOs are not designed for outliers, and social misfits. Nor should they be. They’re meant to be group content. There is plenty of things for solos to do, but the further along you get the more the focus has to be on group content.”

This is just absurd. Throwback is not a bad thing. It isn’t Mario, and SAB is completely subjective. To me it was the single greatest thing to be added to the game, and it doesn’t even provide a single bit of progression in any aspect of the game. The jumping mushrooms in HoT are just how they felt like presenting the mechanic. There are any number of other things they could have done, and every one of them could be pointed to something else to say, oh that’s where it came from. It’s entirely your opinion and not worth much.

I agree. Games based around giving up large quantities of your time to advance in a computer generated world where you have no face to face interaction with anyone else, are so not designed for social misfits.

so i imagined these posts yes?

Please quote as the loss of the text around it removes context and context is everything. I can’t tell where your post starts and ends since you’re not even quoting.

as stated before when i cut out sections of another players post to show that i am quoting a partial quote and not their whole post it doesn’t post any text except the (/quote} etc coding i cut and paste because it is the only way to do a partial post quote.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


“No one has insulted you in this thread.”

“MMOs are not designed for outliers, and social misfits. Nor should they be. They’re meant to be group content. There is plenty of things for solos to do, but the further along you get the more the focus has to be on group content.”

This is just absurd. Throwback is not a bad thing. It isn’t Mario, and SAB is completely subjective. To me it was the single greatest thing to be added to the game, and it doesn’t even provide a single bit of progression in any aspect of the game. The jumping mushrooms in HoT are just how they felt like presenting the mechanic. There are any number of other things they could have done, and every one of them could be pointed to something else to say, oh that’s where it came from. It’s entirely your opinion and not worth much.

I agree. Games based around giving up large quantities of your time to advance in a computer generated world where you have no face to face interaction with anyone else, are so not designed for social misfits.

so i imagined these posts yes?

Please quote as the loss of the text around it removes context and context is everything. I can’t tell where your post starts and ends since you’re not even quoting.

as stated before when i cut out sections of another players post to show that i am quoting a partial quote and not their whole post it doesn’t post any text except the (/quote} etc coding i cut and paste because it is the only way to do a partial post quote.

Then that is, honestly, your fault for removing too much. I’ve cut out parts of quotes just fine without any issue. And I haven’t heard of anyone else having that issue at all so it’s very likely not a forum issue.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


i guess that is good to know i will open a tech support ticket with the forums section on this.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Labjax.2465


I don’t know how much I’m gonna get out of the gliding and such, cause I’ve been thoroughly spoiled by Saints Row 4’s robust aerial system. Still, I think it is a cool idea and I see it going places.

Now that you mention it, I see peoples’ concern with Rev, although when I tried it, my thought was “this is meant to be a tanky class in one spirit form and a more DPS oriented one when you flip.” The ability to hybridize to your heart’s content would be welcome tho.

I pretty much play this game 100% solo, but I get by on the open world content. I’m a little afraid that the new stuff isn’t gonna match up to what I’ve seen in SW, which I really enjoy. Especially with the gliding and such, I expect it’ll reach a point where everybody glide-glide-glides and mushroom-bounces from event to event, which could get tedious very fast.

Time will tell.

Or words to that effect.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


another attempt to be calm an productive. I have posted my own lf leader and group dungeon posts. also lfg nonmeta. these posts are simply not responded to. also i do not use toxic to describe “doesn’t agree with me” i use it as a statement of “causing a derogatory effect on the overall gameplay experience” this is what that slang term means. a players behavior is toxic when it is rude or derogatory or causes unnecessary stress on the group/thread. on the casual guild idea. i am in a guild, i represent that guild because as in real life i represent my wife and my wife represents me. we started the twin flames guild in gw1 when we ran into this exact thing there and we carried it forward to gw2. there will be no guild (i know i’ve tried repeatedly) that will respond to “lf a guild that has no representation requirements/play requirements/playtime requirements/socializing” (if i could do a guild alliance i would, this is how we did things in gw1. that way we retained command of our characters while being able to choose or choose not to socialize with other guilds on a interaction by interaction basis.) and the ones that promise they do. don’t and quickly start in with “you should really be playing…at x time” “also please trigger that you represent us” and the ever popular “for this run could you switch to x class and run x build” I am not a casual player i often play several hours a day every day or at worst most every day. i did not post this previously as i feel it isn’t productive. if a player disagrees with me you are free to say so and an opinion is equally valuable no matter who it comes from. it is however not productive to say things like “this is ridiculous/absurd/antisocial” etc. they are adjectives meant to add an insulting and patronizing tone. you can say “i dissagree with what you said when you said x because imo it’s actually x or in my experience is x”
without using these nonproductive words. my opinion is not thread law. my opinion is not the only one that matters. in fact i opened this thread to gather other opinions on how this problem could be fixed.

There are no guilds that will actively seek out people who do not have a desire to be a true part of the guild. And by true part of the guild I mean contribute to the guild either by representing them or socializing with them.

First you have to convince us that there is a problem that needs fixing. And to me, there’s no huge rampant problem with the game. It’s just fine for those who wish to play the meta to play the meta with others who wish to play the meta. It’s also just fine for those who do not want to play the meta to play with others who do not want to play the meta. Both groups coexist in this game quite well, with both sides having their jerks that give the other side a bad name.

And there will be content that excludes players who will not do group content in an MMO. Just a fact of life there and it’s not a problem with the game.

Therefore, I can offer no solutions as I do not think there is a problem. I do not wish to fix what I do not feel is broken.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Well if you choose to play with just your wife and on your own, while in a guild of 2, you will just need to understand those choices will limit you. The game will NEVER be designed around 2 man guilds who will not represent others – you would be better off changing how you go about the game (assuming you want to do the content you mention) there are plenty nice guilds out there.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bellatrixa.3546


One thing I’m curious about OP is if you’ve tried to build up your guild with other players who are like-minded. You’re not the only person I’ve seen post complaining about guild drama/rep requirements/time requirements and the like, and as you say you’re not a casual player, it sounds as if you have time to develop a guild past just you and your wife. Not wanting to sound rude, but it sounds as if you have a very insular life in game if it’s just the two of you. I’ve met many married couples over the years and although they might do the majority of content together, they’ve still been happy to group up with and talk to other people in a guild.

You said that you’ve tried making your own LFGs and they don’t get filled… I started the game about 5 weeks ago and decided last week that I was finally going to get my Daily fractal done; a daily I’d always avoided because I didn’t want to run with pugs and be yelled at for my lack of experience. So, after I sat watching LFG for about 30 minutes seeing meta group after meta group form up and one party disintergrate before my eyes, I advertised in LFG. Ended up with a party of 3 guildies and 2 pugs, the pugs being the more experienced out of us. And you know what? No one got mad, we were faced with what I was told were the most difficult/annoying fractals and we had a great laugh. No one asked about what gear, what builds, what specs… We laughed at each other’s kitten-ups and congratulated each other when we finished. I realised that while yes, there are kittenheads out there who will curse you out for deviating slightly from what they see as the correct path, a lot of people are more patient than you realise. It’s all about attitude.

Thing is, Guild Wars is a multiplayer game. Heroes turned GW1 into more of a solo playing game but quite honestly, I know only a handful of people who could complete DoA/Underworld HM with heroes and certainly not without cons up the jacksie. To experience all the content at its fullest, you needed to party up at some point. I love doing my own thing in PvE but I recognise that sometimes you’re going to need to get together with others to do the content. That’s why I’ve stuck with my NA-based guild from GW1 – they’re people who I know and trust not to be kittenwipes if I don’t understand something right away or need to learn something. Most of them have played from launch if not soon after, and the members who I hadn’t met prior to GW2 have fitted into the guild’s way of life just fine.

I realise guilds have drama (people = drama!), but that’s controlled by you as a guild leader. Kick people you don’t like, keep the ones you do. Much like a more interactive friend list.

The only problem I’m seeing is that you’re stubbornly refusing to listen to any constructive criticism in this thread and simply making excuses when people are giving you sound ideas for how to improve your game experience. The thing is, the game doesn’t revolve around one person. It could be that this is no longer the ‘right’ game for you if you have as many issues as you say you do. Games evolve over time, nothing stays static.

“Even if we find a way to save the world from the
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I am aware of the quote command but it quotes the whole thing and when i try and cut out parts it cuts out everything and leaves a code command and no text on the forum.

I can help you with this part, anyway, though I am too brain dead from my day to coherently address your central concerns.

You click the little backwards arrow on the bottom right of the post you want to quote. That puts up the whole thing, with quote code in brackets at each end, including embedded quotes. Trim out everything you want to remove (as I just did to your post), making sure that any embedded quote brackets have a start and end set. Do not delete any of the brackets in the text you are keeping. Then type your comments after the final bracket. Voila!

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Suinz.5968


2) Only thing that requires a group is raids. The open world is easy enough to solo or duo (especially since they nerfed the content in BWE3). The entire game does NOT have to be soloable. There needs to be stuff for guilds to do, which thankfully HoT is adding.

Guild Missions you need players 3 or more players, Claiming Guild hall you need 5 or more players, Raids of course several players.

BW3 difficulty was bugged according to Anet or just a PR spin no one will really know outside of their studio.

Duh. Keyword is Guild. Of course Guild oriented content needs more than 1 player. Not seeing the problem.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GrapeGatsby.6937


People will always go with the most optimal build so unless A.net releases more skills that make people question the cost vs. benefits of equipping them looking at any character will tell you their whole story for example berserker warriors.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


2) Only thing that requires a group is raids The open world is easy enough to solo or duo (especially since they nerfed the content in BWE3). The entire game does NOT have to be soloable. There needs to be stuff for guilds to do, which thankfully HoT is adding.

Guild Missions you need players 3 or more players, Claiming Guild hall you need 5 or more players, Raids of course several players.

BW3 difficulty was bugged according to Anet or just a PR spin no one will really know outside of their studio.

Duh. Keyword is Guild. Of course Guild oriented content needs more than 1 player. Not seeing the problem.

Congrats on missing my point, I was correcting the poster, please see the bolded part thus the reason for my post. Only thing that requires a group is raids.

2) Only thing that requires a group is raids. The open world is easy enough to solo or duo (especially since they nerfed the content in BWE3). The entire game does NOT have to be soloable. There needs to be stuff for guilds to do, which thankfully HoT is adding.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

(edited by JediYoda.1275)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


“outliers, and social misfits” is a bit harsh here in context of OP post as the Op clearly laid out his issues.

Like the OP says and I agree with “is it so wrong to want to play the game content silently and in my own way that I enjoy?”

It’s not hurting anyone

You are hurting people if you’re a small group that feels that way and you’re asking for changes to be made that will affect the much larger group of people.

HoT is soloable, but not every event is. However, the OP doesn’t have the full experience, because he’s had neither adventures which are solo or the stories, which are very very likely to be solo.

He ran a beta that tested the event chains in a zone and from that he drew erroneous conclusions. Which is fair since that’s all he’s seen.

But saying the game needs to change for someone like you, when even more people are saying the open world is too easy does affect other people.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


“outliers, and social misfits” is a bit harsh here in context of OP post as the Op clearly laid out his issues.

Like the OP says and I agree with “is it so wrong to want to play the game content silently and in my own way that I enjoy?”

It’s not hurting anyone

You are hurting people if you’re a small group that feels that way and you’re asking for changes to be made that will affect the much larger group of people.

HoT is soloable, but not every event is. However, the OP doesn’t have the full experience, because he’s had neither adventures which are solo or the stories, which are very very likely to be solo.

He ran a beta that tested the event chains in a zone and from that he drew erroneous conclusions. Which is fair since that’s all he’s seen.

But saying the game needs to change for someone like you, when even more people are saying the open world is too easy does affect other people.

People are like us are the only getting hurt because the Dev’s are no longer being accommodating with H.O.T along with certain changes to core game since they are heavily focusing on guilds based on 10 or players. Since that’s what the Guild Hall is balanced around to max them out in 6 to 9 months.

Open world content isn’t the issue here as everyone just pretty much goes from event to event and so on their own without having to form a group to do said events. The issue comes when being forced to go big guild or go home is what putting players like us off for various reasons as the OP posted above.

If the “GW2 community is the friendliest community out there” as Anet touts then most likely OP, myself and others wouldn’t have an certain issue/s. Since its clearly isn’t the friendliest community out there hence we have some issue/s.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

(edited by JediYoda.1275)

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


From Bellatrixa.3546 “One thing I’m curious about OP is if you’ve tried to build up your guild with other players who are like-minded. You’re not the only person I’ve seen post complaining about guild drama/rep requirements/time requirements and the like, and as you say you’re not a casual player, it sounds as if you have time to develop a guild past just you and your wife. Not wanting to sound rude, but it sounds as if you have a very insular life in game if it’s just the two of you. I’ve met many married couples over the years and although they might do the majority of content together, they’ve still been happy to group up with and talk to other people in a guild.”

Warlock.7136: on building up my guild. i have no interest in this. the point of the twin flames is that it is us and thus drama free. no details necessary but i get enough drama from rl, i don’t need it in the thing i do to unstress. on grouping: (post deleted for being too stubbornly unhelpful) the hopeful helpful part i wish i had some of the experiences you speak of in fractals. but i consider fractal content off limits because it is where i find the highest concentration of “do it my way and on the first time” the idea of entertainment seems lost on these groups as shaving mins off your run time is seen as superior to any other goal. this was reinforced by the recent game time i played doing other dungeons for achievements. the lofty goal = doing each dungeon path successfuly once each. it was a total nose dive. i only managed it in the end by shutting up no matter what was said and riding several groups till they either completed the content(one path took 4hrs in one session) or disintegrated around me. it was horrible and if i wasn’t so set on eventually having a full hellfire armor set, i wouldn’t have even tried because i know dungeons concentrate these interactions down.

From Bellatrixa.3546:Thing is, Guild Wars is a multiplayer game. Heroes turned GW1 into more of a solo playing game but quite honestly, I know only a handful of people who could complete DoA/Underworld HM with heroes and certainly not without cons up the jacksie. To experience all the content at its fullest, you needed to party up at some point. I love doing my own thing in PvE but I recognise that sometimes you’re going to need to get together with others to do the content. That’s why I’ve stuck with my NA-based guild from GW1 – they’re people who I know and trust not to be kittenwipes if I don’t understand something right away or need to learn something. Most of them have played from launch if not soon after, and the members who I hadn’t met prior to GW2 have fitted into the guild’s way of life just fine.

Warlock.7136: only thing i can say is i had two pleasant experiences in gw1 for uw/fow runs. me+my heroes+my wife+her heroes=duoed. awesome time. heroes were the best thing gw ever came up with and i was saddened that gw2 didn’t continue to offer this highly desirable option. the second pleasant experience was advirtising “Friar LFG FoW full run” to which players asked “lol friar whats that about?” my response"my character is a monk who will be so drunk the whole run that the screen is incoherant. luckily i can follow and heal just fine under these circumstances" drunk fow runs as a healer are hilarious and much fun.

Bellatrixa.3546: The only problem I’m seeing is that you’re stubbornly refusing to listen to any constructive criticism in this thread and simply making excuses when people are giving you sound ideas for how to improve your game experience. The thing is, the game doesn’t revolve around one person. It could be that this is no longer the ‘right’ game for you if you have as many issues as you say you do. Games evolve over time, nothing stays static.

Warlock.7136 if gw2 was not the best game out there i would be playing what was.
my original post in this thread said there were a few problems/opinions i wished to share, which i have not seen any solutions to.
1. the tos doesn’t have a strict enough social violations section
2. the raid/guild mission/dungeon formats should be instanced so that gear/build/class aren’t choices players are being punished for. by assembling teams with the same technique that pvp matches do alot of social violation/unpleasant harrasment could be bypassed.
3. guild alliances would be a nice addition as this would allow you to play with other players while retaining the answering to no one but yourself playstyle.

oh and 4.(the new one) heroes rule why are we not funding the gw2 asuran research intp these advanced golem types.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warlock.7136


I am aware of the quote command but it quotes the whole thing and when i try and cut out parts it cuts out everything and leaves a code command and no text on the forum.

I can help you with this part, anyway, though I am too brain dead from my day to coherently address your central concerns.

You click the little backwards arrow on the bottom right of the post you want to quote. That puts up the whole thing, with quote code in brackets at each end, including embedded quotes. Trim out everything you want to remove (as I just did to your post), making sure that any embedded quote brackets have a start and end set. Do not delete any of the brackets in the text you are keeping. Then type your comments after the final bracket. Voila!

when i did exactly what your saying and previewed my post it was a bunch of html script with no typed text either from me or the person i quoted.

Everything wrong with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


If the “GW2 community is the friendliest community out there” as Anet touts then most likely OP, myself and others wouldn’t have an certain issue/s. Since its clearly isn’t the friendliest community out there hence we have some issue/s.

There are other ways to kitten the situation; you’re being in some way awkward, friendliest doesn’t mean “shares all JediYoda’s values,” friendliest just means most friendly (doesn’t mean will be everyone’s friend).

You could maybe try to make your own guild which you can build with likeminded people if you’re having trouble finding those preconstructed out there.