main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]
(edited by meeflak.9714)
And I must say…..good job in this one. Sounds absolutely amazing.
The hype is real.
Edit. Wanted to say something on the torch,
I had previously posted I was affraid they’d drop the ball on Torch, like I felt they did with warhorn. But this is pretty awesome and I’m very excited !!! =) gj on torch, CHANGING YOUR BURST SKILLS WHILE BERSERK?! WHAT?! that’s awesome.
The rage skill example .. knocking foes back into eacbothrt to knock foes back… Awesome..
So awesome
(edited by meeflak.9714)
So, they will be playing bowling with players? awesome.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
Hmmm… light them self ablaze. Yup, called that one.
New utility skill type.. I didn’t think they wanted to do new skill types for this round of elites?
Good to see Wild Blow come back, and definitely an interesting take on it. I wonder if the enemy player counts as a projectile finisher? Wouldn’t that be fun!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Turamarth.3248
Good to see Wild Blow come back, and definitely an interesting take on it. I wonder if the enemy player counts as a projectile finisher? Wouldn’t that be fun!
Nope. From the interview
We wanted to know more about the rage skills including Wild Blow that was revealed to us. We asked if the skill’s description of turning an enemy’s body into a projectile meant that it could count as a physical projectile finisher and got a laugh out of Robert.
If that was the case then we’d need to reflect the player when they hit a Wall of Reflection! To answer the question, though, we don’t have the capability to make players count as projectile finishers, so this isn’t part of what the skill does.
Shame the engine couldn’t support that, it would have been hilarious using reflect on players.
Everything they have revealed so far looks great, can’t wait to get the whole picture on Friday
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
Good to see Wild Blow come back, and definitely an interesting take on it. I wonder if the enemy player counts as a projectile finisher? Wouldn’t that be fun!
Nope. From the interview
We wanted to know more about the rage skills including Wild Blow that was revealed to us. We asked if the skill’s description of turning an enemy’s body into a projectile meant that it could count as a physical projectile finisher and got a laugh out of Robert.
If that was the case then we’d need to reflect the player when they hit a Wall of Reflection! To answer the question, though, we don’t have the capability to make players count as projectile finishers, so this isn’t part of what the skill does.
Lol I wasn’t actually serious! I hadn’t finished reading the article either, when I posted. However, logically speaking, it not being a projectile finisher does make sense, as does his answer.
Looks like another ‘Profession 2.0’. These first Elite specs so far are either unimpressive, or just more of the same, it would be nice to see some real innovation. Chronomancer remains the best one in my opinion and even then the trait line will be staple for Mesmers because it offers pure enhancement to what they already have.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: maddoctor.2738
That Torch Flames of War skill is how the Tempest Overload Fire should’ve been… a moving fire field you can combo with AND it explodes after some time. I bet unlike the Overload Fire this won’t lock all your skills and dodge and won’t be a useless channel.
It sounds unique enough (and awesome) I haven’t even seen it in action yet but I’m excited for the Berserker. One issue I have with it is the name, I mean we already have a stat set called Berserker, calling an Elite spec Berserker (while the weapon for it is a condition weapon no less) feels a bit weird and out of place.
Maybe they should’ve called the elite spec Rampager?
That Torch Flames of War skill is how the Tempest Overload Fire should’ve been… a moving fire field you can combo with AND it explodes after some time. I bet unlike the Overload Fire this won’t lock all your skills and dodge and won’t be a useless channel.
It sounds unique enough (and awesome) I haven’t even seen it in action yet but I’m excited for the Berserker. One issue I have with it is the name, I mean we already have a stat set called Berserker, calling an Elite spec Berserker (while the weapon for it is a condition weapon no less) feels a bit weird and out of place.
Maybe they should’ve called the elite spec Rampager?
You mean like the Soul Reaping Reaper with the Reaper Title activated?
Dibs on the name “Bud Spencer” for my new bersie!
Ha, check the linked screenshots from the article at — the last one, Head Butt, is a riot with that helm.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619
Sounds tasty. And exactly what the doctor ordered for Kagra. Already running Sinister on her with a Longbow and burny trait under the sword…will be super interesting to see what additional burny traits we can get. Still not my hoped-for Rifle-based marksman build (that actually works), but it sounds like this could offer some real benefits for players looking for things to do on Warrior that aren’t greatsword.
Really bummed out the torch doesn’t have a smoke field. That would have been the only explanation why they even made powerful synergy the way it is now.
Now it’s even more baffling how any competent designer could think that trait is fine :/
Other than that it seems alright. Not a fan of torch as a weapon but it makes sense so yeah. Just kinda underwhlemed by what was presented so far. I’ll probably stick to s/s and maybe take the berserker line over discipline since that trait line doesn’t really support condis anyway.
Loosing quickswap and warrior sprint is going to suck pretty bad though. Makes me wish at least one of those was made baseline.
EDIT: forgot to add: I hope the condi traits in the berserker line are not torch specific so using s/s is still an option for people who want condi berserker but without torch. I could see that taking away a huge deal from build diversity among condi speccs.
(edited by Crovax.7854)
Can you pop a projectile reflect skill and send that player that was hit by wild blow back to the warrior? if so, that will be hilarious.
Really bummed out the torch doesn’t have a smoke field. That would have been the only explanation why they even made powerful synergy the way it is now.
Now it’s even more baffling how any competent designer could think that trait is fine :/Other than that it seems alright. Not a fan of torch as a weapon but it makes sense so yeah. Just kinda underwhlemed by what was presented so far. I’ll probably stick to s/s and maybe take the berserker line over discipline since that trait line doesn’t really support condis anyway.
Loosing quickswap and warrior sprint is going to suck pretty bad though. Makes me wish at least one of those was made baseline.EDIT: forgot to add: I hope the condi traits in the berserker line are not torch specific so using s/s is still an option for people who want condi berserker but without torch. I could see that taking away a huge deal from build diversity among condi speccs.
if its purely burning, we might see burning warrior similar to burn guard… but probably not NEARLY as powerful so there is no way anet makes burning warrior a thing…unless they focus literally every trait in the new line with burning lol.
I’m gonna assume theres going to be an overall condi buff otherwise it will be really lackluster if they just focus on 1 type of condi. Warriors have good access to condis, just not enough application of it thou.
Yes, mate….’ave some!!!
That Torch Flames of War skill is how the Tempest Overload Fire should’ve been… a moving fire field you can combo with AND it explodes after some time. I bet unlike the Overload Fire this won’t lock all your skills and dodge and won’t be a useless channel.
It sounds unique enough (and awesome) I haven’t even seen it in action yet but I’m excited for the Berserker. One issue I have with it is the name, I mean we already have a stat set called Berserker, calling an Elite spec Berserker (while the weapon for it is a condition weapon no less) feels a bit weird and out of place.
Maybe they should’ve called the elite spec Rampager?
There is a Rampager’s armor set as well, which, interestingly, may work well the the Berserker elite spec given the new condition abilities.
Can you pop a projectile reflect skill and send that player that was hit by wild blow back to the warrior? if so, that will be hilarious.
Nope! Read the article as well as responses in this very thread to see why not.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: maddoctor.2738
That Torch Flames of War skill is how the Tempest Overload Fire should’ve been… a moving fire field you can combo with AND it explodes after some time. I bet unlike the Overload Fire this won’t lock all your skills and dodge and won’t be a useless channel.
It sounds unique enough (and awesome) I haven’t even seen it in action yet but I’m excited for the Berserker. One issue I have with it is the name, I mean we already have a stat set called Berserker, calling an Elite spec Berserker (while the weapon for it is a condition weapon no less) feels a bit weird and out of place.
Maybe they should’ve called the elite spec Rampager?
There is a Rampager’s armor set as well, which, interestingly, may work well the the Berserker elite spec given the new condition abilities.
That’s why I picked Rampager name instead of Berserker, Rampager has both power and condition stats and fits the Elite Spec more, but Berserker is fine too it’s not the mess that Dragon Hunter was :X
So, they will be playing bowling with players? awesome.
More like playing Billard with Players
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180
All I can say? Forget using conditions against Beserkers. Cleansing Ire at max power up more often with a third of the adrenaline requirement? Yeah, you accomplish nothing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: thewaterguy.4796
I may not be a warrior but this sounds ridiculously cool, I also love the idea of having a sort of opposite style to reaper! Wish we saw that more in the other classes/elite specs…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
Hmmm to me that helm looks really similar to the Charr hide helm in Guild Wars 1 that my warrior used. That was my favorite warrior helm in the game.
The tempest on the other hand.
I’d prefer other mechanics and sacrifice two attunements (10 skills only) instead of this thingy they threw at us.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Oldirtbeard.9834
Time to start leveling a Warrior.
All I can say? Forget using conditions against Beserkers. Cleansing Ire at max power up more often with a third of the adrenaline requirement? Yeah, you accomplish nothing.
It depends wether berserk drains the adrenaline or not. If it does you need only 10 less to get 2 F1’s offs.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
So, while its active. So dose that mean we can not be a berserker all the time? There is an Upkeep? Wow very elite……. Another disappointment.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chessrook.8643
So basically, the torch skill lights you on fire so that others can’t hurt you? Methinks the person who came up with this idea was reading The Adventures of Dr McNinja…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180
All I can say? Forget using conditions against Beserkers. Cleansing Ire at max power up more often with a third of the adrenaline requirement? Yeah, you accomplish nothing.
It depends wether berserk drains the adrenaline or not. If it does you need only 10 less to get 2 F1’s offs.
“Berserk will also function as a Rage skill, filling up the new smaller adrenaline bar so that players can immediately use one of the primal burst skills once going Berserk.”
Looks like it fills it, not drains.
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