Fastest way to farm Maguuma Masteries?
Dragon Stand events, and u dont feel “grinding” while doing it, will earn loots of gold and stuff too. whem u get familiar with it, its most easy navigable map.
Dragon Stand events, and u dont feel “grinding” while doing it, will earn loots of gold and stuff too. whem u get familiar with it, its most easy navigable map.
I would agree with this. The meta events all give great XP. Especially DS. Toss a booster on and you can pull 1/2 to 2/3 of a level from one depending on your participation. The other best way is adventures. I don’t personally like them. But they are huge XP that can be done daily.
worry more about getting the 112 Mastery Points for Maguuma Masteries… the exp will come along the way…. but if you must farm the exp quickly, do Dragon Stand meta. may mastery points there too.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Yeah, just play metas, I wouldnt worry about xp. You should worry more about those mastery points because you have to do those stupid most annoying minigames 3000 times in order to get them all.
worry more about getting the 112 Mastery Points for Maguuma Masteries… the exp will come along the way…. but if you must farm the exp quickly, do Dragon Stand meta. may mastery points there too.
Got all my mastery points. Never had any missing mastery points. Now I “just” need ~8 million more exp. I guess I have to do Drangons Stand 16 more times after having it done several times already.
Dragon Stand events, and u dont feel “grinding” while doing it, will earn loots of gold and stuff too. whem u get familiar with it, its most easy navigable map.
I agree. I’ve not been there for a while, but I think a usual run through there would yield 1-1.3 M experience or similar. That was with food, utility and maybe one other EXP boost.
I also agree that it’s not ‘grindy’. It’s quite enjoyable for the most part, minus the client crashes.
If you (like me) can’t stand playing the same meta events again and again, map exploration (preferably with boosters, even if it’s just the xp boosters from the wvw dailies) gives a good bit of experience, too, and you can do ith with several characters.
Fastest farming.
Participate in the Meta Events of the game, namely Dragon Stand and Tarir Defense, and or now also too Tangled Depths Djungle King Meta, now that its doable alot better
Use all kinds of Exp Boosters that you can get:
Buff Food and Tonics
Guild Banners
Exp Boosters from WvW Dailies
Laurel Boosters
Celebration/Birthday Boosters
4% Exp Guild Buffs
Get as much as AP as possible to boost your overall account based Exp bonus
Farm, when the world exp bonus from WvW is highest
And wen you are not doing currently any meta, then farm daily with an extra made up group/team for that of peopel that also want to farm exp in all hot maps daily the Hero Points and Adventures, as doing these things gives you daily also quick some nice exp boosts towards the masteries.
Bets spot is definetely an organized dragons stand map with its tons over tons of enemies that you can kil lthen very quickly..that paired with all the exp boosts and buffs, can net you in quickly at the end of the meta around a million exp or so surely.
I made a few days a ds metya tra just only with the wvw exp booster on and 15% buff food, sadly the instance made it only in my case to the north tower, then we had to give up due top anet bringign naturally at the most lousiest moment a patch leading the instance to fail, because dead peopel couldnt come back, and so on …
roughly 400k exp and the best thign about it – it didnt felt like grind.. i had fun while gettign all the exp