Favor and lack there of...

Favor and lack there of...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


Okay, so… Husband and I with the help of several friends claimed our guild hall last night.

I LOVE it, seriously, totally, and 100% honestly.

However… and I know a lot of posts were made about this before, during and after the launch of the expansion… the crap concerning the favor.

While I truly understand this, I have a few objections here.

When influence was in full swing, Anet you let us small, pitiful guilds by pass that by allowing us to increase our influence by way of buying drink.

Now that that is gone, and my husband and I did extensive research on this, there is no way to increase our Favor unless we do guild mission. Okay, I dig that, but our guild is a 2-person establishment and would be seemingly impossible for us to go on guild mission with just the two of us.

It is just the two of us, we WANT it this way, this guild of our is just meant for my husband and I. Now we have a guild hall… that is OUR little place for just us… Yet now we can’t build anything as we lack the favor, yet we cannot increase our favor, no matter how long that may take us to do… because we cannot go on guild missions or treks or bounties and succeed with just two people.

Husband and I would keep buying gems out the wazoo if we could buy our favor… and we would be one of your top gem patron, Anet… if that option was available, but it’s not and now my husband and I after all the work we did to get Gilded Hallows, now have to see in age old ruin… that will remain an age old ruin cause we can’t dress it up.

Am I being unreasonable? Cause if I am, I apologize.

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

(edited by Jaymee.1560)

Favor and lack there of...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: hwpersia.2065


I dont think its unreasonable at all. We spent 100g to buy this guild, using up whatever influence we had to get the 150 favor needed to buy the quest and now that we have the hall… we’re stuck watching it in ruin.

All that work that my wife and I did, and for the 4 other people we gracious paid to help us claim the hall, now we can’t do anything with it.

Even if it took months of doing and million of gold converted to favor to start working on this we would do it, no questions asked. Our guild, just my wife and I… we should be able to keep it that way and not suffer any punishments just because we dont have a bigger roster to have it set up the way we would like it.