FeedBack: HoT Beta

FeedBack: HoT Beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: D best.3547

D best.3547

Hello, let me preface this by saying I did not explore PvE all my feedback is PvP based and on the revenant. I will state an issue than put bullet points of suggestions on how I would fix it. Only choose one of the suggestions both suggestions would make a skill OP.

1. Hammer Auto attack is difficult to hit because of how slow it moves. It feels like using warriors Bladetrail which is hard to hit.
- Make the projectile glide along the ground like blade trail this way the Revenant can predict enemy movement rather than be locked onto enemies.
- Increase projectile speed.
2. Hammer 5 is the longest cast of any weapon skill in the game you can tell because the mist hammer shows up a second after you cast it. It’s an ineffective 5 skill as it is too long to cast I could do 2 things in the time 1 cast occurs. It also feels like a waste of 1.75 seconds when your enemy dodges the incredibly slow animation. I’d rather cast Jade wind.
- reduce cast to 1 second and knock down to 1.5 seconds
-make the skill undodgeable.
3. Staff auto damage for healing weapon is fine, but its difficult for my allies to pick up orbs, by the time they see them the orbs are already gone.
-increase auto attack orb duration to 5 seconds
4. Renewing wave hard to use as a support its radius is small and so if allies move away as I cast they do not gain the benefits.
- increase Area to 600
- allow movement while casting.
5. Sword/Sword and Mace/axe are both good at what they do.

Ok that’s it for Weapons now for Ledgends.
1. Jalis needs a stun break utility for 35 energy or less. A thief can strip stability and pistol whip when channeling Jalis the only way to stunbreak is your elite which is often not feasible.
- Make Inspiring reinforcement a stun break.
- make Vengeful hammers a stun break and give the release a 10 second cooldown.
2. Facet of Chaos passive unusable as it drains too much energy to continuously up keep.
- reduce upkeep cost to 3
3. Ventari similar problem to staff auto attack chain, my team mates see the orbs but by the time they get to them they are gone. In PvP you have to think about cripples and chills as well.
- allow us to trait for a 10 second duration of healing fragments.
4. Ventari needs a stunbreak for same reason as Jalis anytime my stability is stripped I need an OMG key.
- Make Natural harmony a stunbreak
- Make Purifying essence a stunbreak
5. Mallyx needs a stunbreak. no PvP build is without stunbreak, what is so hard to understand about that? Making a Ledgendary stance without a stun break stance will cause Revenants in PvP to not want to use them.
- make Pain absorption a stunbreak
- make Banish Enchantment a stunbreak
I found myself only using Shiro almost always it was the only stance with a reliable stun break, therefore the only stance I could win 1v1s in.

Ok Finally traits All but the fist suggestion is for the ledgend
1. There are no traits that help with cooldowns. Add something like that somewhere
- make traits like Nefarious Momentum which are ledgend specific give back energy from that stances skills or reduce cooldown of heal
2. Shared empowerment isnt shared because of cooldown. Heres what I mean, you use a skill that gives 5 allies a boon instead of gaining 5 might they get 1 might, therefore it matters not if you give boons or just apply them to yourself. So with a sigil of strength I can easily give myself 18 might and allies 9 might where as if I’m using 3 of Glints skills the most might I’ll reach is 3 because of the interval of the boon giving Glint gives.
- Keep the cooldown but make the amount of might based on how many allies were affected by a skill. So if my skill gives protection to 3 allies nearby allies get 3 might if its just me I get 1 might.

1. Remove the catapults nobody likes siege
- this is true but ultimately doesnt matter.
2. If the lords are in combat at the end of the game dont end it till the lords arent in combat
- this one is real, so many times have we been fighting lord and the timer ran out but the enemy team had a higher score. And then we kill lord while score screen pops up.

Sea of Sorrows
Champion Paragon

(edited by D best.3547)