Firstly, my opinion of the new zones in Heart of Thorns. I love how they are visually amazing, and the exploration side of it is amazing! Until you hit a stupid time-gated event that occurs WAY too frequently that blocks your progress. I’m also fed up of trying to complete “meta” map events, and being unable to join the map because it’s full. You should not have to be on the map 20-30mins prior to an event and HOPE that maps gets people just to participate. You have a working LFG system that allows you to find groups, but a broken map/server capicty bottleneck! I wanted to craft one of the new Legendary weapons and have given up on it because I cannot join meta events as the maps are full or there aren’t enough people to complete the event. It’s a complete waste of time and frustrating.
Secondly, the new season 3 maps. I will split these up individually, because I have different opinions of them all.
Bloodston Fen – If you enjoy falling to your death repeatedly because you cannot do anything while trying to glide, then this is the map for you! Even after the mobs had their stupid rock-throwing range nerfed, it’s still my most-hated zone! The mobs should have a range of 600 for that stupid rock throwing. And the portals should not spawn in ley gliding paths or on updrafts. Also, the ley gliding needs an option in the settings to “interact” with it to use it. This is for people like me who want to glide near one without being pulled away from where I was trying to fly, and sent speeding off in the complete opposite direction! Lastly, the bloodstone nodes should give bloodstones, not maybe give you 1 stone every 50 mining attempts.
Ember Bay – I can’t really fault this zone much, except that if you want to explore on foot it’s rediculous. There are way too many steps and ledges that are JUST too high to jump up, forcing you to walk a mile South to head North. If you’re gliding around and using the therman tubes, no problems.
Bitterfrost Frontier – Another hated zone of mine. It’s not has bad as Bloodstone Fen, but almost as bad. I wasted Mastery points on a useless trait that allows me to pick up a flame, whoopy. This Mastery trait should also make me immune, yes IMMUNE, to the ‘chill’ condition while in this zone! I am fed up of being perma-chilled and slowed while trying to do stuff in this zone. Even with good condi clense, it’s still rediculous. Also, those Svanir mobs need a MASSIVE damage nerf! I’m fed up with being 1shot by them! They also need a huge drop-rate increase of that stupid armor you need to get to the heart-npc. Getting 2/3 parts of the armor is eacy, then there’s always 1 piece that refuses to drop for the next 10-15mins. It’s a time waster. The Quaggan heart, near the whirlpool springs, the frequency of that event needs a hufe nerf too!
In conclusion, I’m fed up with the time-gated grind-fest zones that we’re getting just so we can purchase an item for the current ‘meta build’ to go complete a Raid or something. What happened to the founding principals of this great game?! Let me remind you of them: 1) A player can chose any profession and any build and do well. This is not the case, as there is always a meta build. My Ranger longbow will never do the 50k damage that an Ele can do with their ranged attacks in 10sec or less! (2) This game was never supposed to be an endless grind like other MMO’s, yet it is becoming that way with it’s endless time-gated zone specific materials. I’m not saying gear should be free, obviously not. I’m just fed up with having to endure these stupid new zones just to get an item.
I hope this feedback is helpful. The key things I’d like to see changed are map taxi slots increased and less grinding for time-gated events.