First impressions

First impressions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lily.1935


First off. Not enough time to appreciate the visuals. The 2 hour window really didn’t help my wanderlust. But thats a minor issue.

The old build that was provided for the revenant was interesting to say the least but didn’t provide us a real insight into the how things are going to change. Again not a big deal this was more about the events then the revenant. But I’d still like to give my impressions of the profession.

The Profession has loads of internal synergy and is great for a party due to its many fields, and blast finishers. The ability to defend allies through other means or pull conditions from allies to fuel your offensive abilities is great. After playing with both Mallyx and Great Dwarf I have to say that both are geared fairly well toward melee combat. Although they do have some ranged and mid line utility, they defiantly function best in the heat of battle. They complimented each other very well even if it wasn’t a perfect match.

Some of the issues I noticed was with the Unyielding Anguish which didn’t always path right and with Forced Engagement which seemed to have too high of a cost with little to no pay off. At least in PvE. In PvP this could be a completely different story but in PvE the skill wasn’t very favorable for me to use. The last problem was with customizing the skills. It seemed that skills from the demon stance and dwarf stance were linked with each other so if I changed the location of one skill it swapped the location of the other stance’s skills. I didn’t like this one bit. It made my rotation less fluid for one by trying to make the other fit my needs.

The Hammer, Mace and Axe were all very good weapons. Mace being rather quick along with Axe which functioned very well together. The Hammer was a bit slow but really powerful. I look forward to seeing the hammer with zerker stats. I imagine it’ll be rather painful if you get caught in its range.

The Map was great though I found it difficult to level the appropriate Masteries. I spend the entire time on the ground and couldn’t glide around like I hoped I could. The meant I had to walk around to get to an event that should have only taken me seconds to get to. I missed too much content without the ability to glide and I couldn’t seem to get the points to get the glider. This is really only a beta problem and not a release problem seeing as letting me wonder around without real aim at release will be just fine for me. But for the beta when we’re trying to experience the events, it wasn’t ideal.

Over all, it was fun. The events felt a little easy to me and it wasn’t possible to fail. While other events failed and it wasn’t clear at all why they failed. When the NPCs were in danger, if there was danger we didn’t have any warning of it. Unlike in Silverwaste were the hold captain would be loud enough to inform you that they were in danger and you could have a much easier time seeing it. Maybe I did something wrong, but it would be nice to know why I failed and see how things are going down hill rather then just a pop up that says it failed. I’d like to learn from my mistakes. Even in the failed events I never felt like I was at risk from the Enemies. They were never very threatening. And that might be something to look into.

I look forward to seeing more. I’d like to recap on this as well. I defiantly want to get the chance to play it again to see what I can do differently and see where it could be improved or I could improve.