For LS3 Please add more mastery point options
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892
I hope when LS3 arrives Anet offers more options to gain mastery points for both HoT and Central Tyria. I think it would be a good way for people that have struggled with some of the mastery points currently available to have more options. For those that don’t need more options perhaps there could be some other reward available if they are maxed out and earn them. Just a thought.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146
It’s inevitable that more mastery points will have to be added if more masteries are added (and I hope they are). They will undoubtably be scattered across adventures, achievements and open world commune points as they are now. So if you’re only going for a few masteries, I expect you’ll be able to get points from content you like and not, say, adventures. But if you expect to get all masteries (I’ll be working towards that) then you’ll probably have to do all kinds of content.
EDIT: At least, I hope the masteries points that come with LS3 aren’t all locked behind story achievements. Those are by far the most work for the smallest reward.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AliamRationem.5172
That’s a great idea…I think? I wasn’t around prior to HoT, so I don’t know how the LS content was received. But the implication is that players who might not find HoT palatable would likely jump at the chance to bypass jungle MPs in favor of picking them up in the LS instead. Correct?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892
It’s inevitable that more mastery points will have to be added if more masteries are added (and I hope they are). They will undoubtably be scattered across adventures, achievements and open world commune points as they are now. So if you’re only going for a few masteries, I expect you’ll be able to get points from content you like and not, say, adventures. But if you expect to get all masteries (I’ll be working towards that) then you’ll probably have to do all kinds of content.
EDIT: At least, I hope the masteries points that come with LS3 aren’t all locked behind story achievements. Those are by far the most work for the smallest reward.
I doubt there will be more mastery added to LS3. I think those will come with the next expansion but I could be very wrong. I agree with mastery points locked behind LS2 achievements and those darn arcade game “adventures” in HoT.
That’s a great idea…I think? I wasn’t around prior to HoT, so I don’t know how the LS content was received. But the implication is that players who might not find HoT palatable would likely jump at the chance to bypass jungle MPs in favor of picking them up in the LS instead. Correct?
Correct, but I imagine if they add more mastery point options in LS3 there would be some, if you want HoT mastery points, that would still require doing so in HoT maps. I’m just hoping they will add some more options with LS3. I also hope LS3 has some more options for Central Tyria MPs.
Also I think in the future some of the more difficult MP tasks should reward more than one mastery point. For example, I spent a total of about 6 hours doing that kitten lost golden badge mega jump puzzle in silver wastes for one darn mastery point. At the same time, I took 5 minutes and got an equal mastery point for killing the Karka Queen.
As I said before, for those already maxed out on MPs perhaps Anet can provide incentive to do the proposed new LS3 mastery points by allowing them to earn a weapon skin, armor skin, or some special mini for completing them. It seems like a win win for everyone.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146
Also I think in the future some of the more difficult MP tasks should reward more than one mastery point. For example, I spent a total of about 6 hours doing that kitten lost golden badge mega jump puzzle in silver wastes for one darn mastery point. At the same time, I took 5 minutes and got an equal mastery point for killing the Karka Queen.
Absolutely this. The disparity between the tasks that reward mastery points is staggering. Story achievements are another area that requires a tremendous amount of work for a single point, including sitting through the same campy story dialogue again ..and again ..and again.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: femalehumanmeta.8351
It’s very unlikely to happen. Just look at some of the mastery points for central Tyria. They’re gated behind achievements like the emperor’s new wardrobe, ambrite weapons collection, and ascended accoutrement. The only reason to gate mastery points behind such grind heavy achievements is to get people who weren’t around during LS2 to buy it if they want to max all their masteries.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
They shoul add in general add more masteries everywhere, and when they add new masteries to the game (and not just only currently for new raids wings), then they will naturally also have sooner or later to add new mastery points through new achievements…
Currently there is no need to add new points, because there are aleady mroe points in the game than you need to max out everything!!!
Please not again this topic, it has been already discussed to death
I for example have maxed out all Tyria Masteries, without having to do again any of the Tri Wurm Head Kills and have still 11 more points more, than I need.
Same thing with HoT, ive max out everything am 161 so far (don’t care for raids, until Anet nerfs out of raids the Elitism from players and rebalances the raid mechanics, so that all classes are equally welcome in them! Some Classes offer way too good group support and at the same time too good DPS, while others lack at the DPS, or come close to the required DPS, but lack therefore completely at the required Group Support and thus don’t get therfore spots in raids, unloess you play with your social guildies and not with some antisocial elitist scum together that instantly kicks you out, if your don’t bring precisely with you all of their “perfect” requirements.
Raids shouldn’t be just Wannabe-Dungeons on permanent DPS-Race, but thats sadly waht we have now, however thats a different topic.
on topic about masteries, there is still so much unused potential.
Anet self said that HoT should worlk liek some kind of foundation for what is about to come out of it and with Hot build its foundation, I thikn it should be a normal thing for this game, when they improve and EXPAND the mastery system also from this point on in a more constant manner every now and then by adding some new masteries or expanding the already existing lines to give people through this also reasons to return to older regions due to new masteries beign there for them.
Also through living world changing some of the older maps, which havent seen until today any bigger actions at all in them they can make the neccessary changes to add new tyrian masteries that can be part of the map changes.
Also the existing onces should get fixed… that nuhoch alchemy thing for beign the last mastery of their line for example is COMPLETE USELESS, it barely functionates and simply sad is just bad designed mechanically reviewed. It should get reworked into a mastery, that significantly should reduce the damage from Chak Spew and it should once learned prevent you from getting completely glued full by it so that once you have that mastery, Chak can#t immobize you anymore with their spew, then this mastery would be finalyl really useful by havign a helpful effect, which makes directly clear, that it is THERE and that it functionates like what you would expect from such a mastery, how it shoudl work like described basically.
Theres also announced missing masteries, like that once, that should help us to defeat easier Modrem, which got completely removed, maybe intentionalyl so that they could add it later, but in this case it would have been a nice info of ANet to TELL US THIS, instead if just stealth removing the content without saying a word of reason for this change
Anet just needs to take a look over thge already plenty of threads for mastery suggestions just to get a good impression on how much unused potential there is for new very helpful and game improving masteries there is to keep us players busy while giving us at the same time more new food for horizontal character progression, which is one of the main reasons why we even received Masteries!!!!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146
Currently there is no need to add new points, because there are aleady mroe points in the game than you need to max out everything!!!
Please not again this topic, it has been already discussed to death
Just on this… yes, currently there’s no need but if they add more masteries they’ll need to add more points, as you yourself said. Not sure why you’d participate in the topic if you’re so sick of it. :/
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Actually it would be nice if Anet got rid of mastery points. Let experience filling the mastery bar be enough to earn a particular mastery. I’m tired of devs choosing which content I must play(adventures so terrible that they must dangle mastery points to try to entice, or collections that are gold sinks)
Let player freedom prevail like it was at vanilla launch.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: General Health.9678
I spent a total of about 6 hours doing that kitten lost golden badge mega jump puzzle in silver wastes for one darn mastery point. At the same time, I took 5 minutes and got an equal mastery point for killing the Karka Queen.
Pfft that quick? Two days! And I’d already done some of them previous to getting gliding!
But really it’s not about comparison, it’s about got to have them all. If there’s 20 available and you need 16, don’t do the almost impossible timesink ones. Those are there for the completionists who spend 18 hours a day playing and really need something to fill their time and the stupidly stubborn who, having done some of a task feel compelled to finish the durn thing off even if it does take them two days.
I’ve already maxed my core Tyria lines and already have spare points, I didn’t need this one, I was just doing it because it was there.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: General Health.9678
Actually it would be nice if Anet got rid of mastery points. Let experience filling the mastery bar be enough to earn a particular mastery. I’m tired of devs choosing which content I must play(adventures so terrible that they must dangle mastery points to try to entice, or collections that are gold sinks)
Let player freedom prevail like it was at vanilla launch.
I choose what content I play every time I log in and use the keys to move my characters to places. If the devs are choosing the content for you, you should raise that with support and get them to stop it. You have every right to control your own character as you see fit and to spend your gold on your own things.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
You can’t choose what content you want to play to get the masteries. You must acquire mastery points which seem to be an arbitrary assortment of content that in no way explain why your character can suddenly bounce on mushrooms, ley-line glide, etc.
The mastery points are the problem. Take those away and let experience filling the mastery bars be enough for the mastery and players would have real gameplay freedom.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: General Health.9678
Even without mastery points, how you suddenly learned to jump on mushrooms isn’t going to be explained. I got some XP and now I can do this? That makes no sense with or without a mastery point gating it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Actually the experience makes sense, the mastery point not so much.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146
Nah, even the experience doesn’t explain it. You gain XP by doing everything except bouncing on the mushroom.. and suddenly you know how to bounce on a mushroom? Or you gain xp by killing things and suddenly that gives you the mutant ability to breathe poison? I drove myself crazy thinking about it when HOT came out.
In any case.. having completed almost all the masteries as they are, I’m somewhat biased towards the system. There is a certain enjoyment in aquiring and using mastery points, just as there is with getting the mastery XP. It feels some kind of compulsive collection fetish in me. I don’t think I’ll be too bothered if they add more mastery points – but with the understanding that we’re all different, I hope any future points added are a little less ..adventurous.. and a little more enjoyable for you guys.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281
i think it can be very well assumed that the LS3 episodes will have meta achievements that grant mastery points…. just like LS2, and HoT story episodes…. but i could be Bacon Defecient again…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
I would be very happy to see more mastery points available for the current mastery lines, as well as new lines and an amount of points greater than needed to fill those as well. What I expect is that we won’t see new lines until the next XPac, but it is my hope we’ll see more points before then.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
Just making only exp is senseless, then we could have directly stayed at just increasing the level cap, it would have been literally exactly the same.
ANet did make it right with adding Mastery Points as a requirement to fully learn the Masteries, because due to the Mastery Points learning a new Mastery does feel like a achievement, like actually character progression and not like just only grinding exp like in every other stupid generic 0815 MMO.
The moment will surely come, once Anet will add new mastery points together with new mastery lines for Central Tyria, as like also new regions, most likely with Expansion 2 when we will get to explore a new yet unexplorable region of Tyria.
ANet could also always add simply some new MP in central through adding also new INSIGHT MPs for central Tyria by for example replacing some POIS with them and make these Insights part of the Map exploration to get it to 100%
I think there should be easily around 30 POIs in central tyria, which could get replaced with Insights instead.
There are currently around 662 POIS in the game, if Anet would reduce them down now to 632 to have for central tyria 30 MP giving insights, I’m pretty sure no one here would ever miss those old 30 POIs, or ????
Just putting one in every town would be already 6 Insights for Central Tyria(Divinity Reach, Lions Arch, Grove, Hoelbrak ,Black Citadel, Rata Sum) from 30, so a good fifth already , make it two and you have nearly already half of them placed in the game.
Insights for Central Tyria would be the easiest and quickest way how Naet could give Central Tyria some MP more, so that also all those players which don’t own the Season 2 of Living World have more leeway, while basically giving everyone also at thr same time something new to collect and to explore.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146
That’s not a bad idea, Orpheal. Some of those poi are tricky to find, so why not replace them with mastery points. Two birds, one stone.
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