Friend of the Frogs

Friend of the Frogs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Grover.8753


At which point does the 2nd event in the list " Protect beetle Hatchlings" occur?
I have completed this chain 3 times just recently and it goes from “Defend Beetle Larvae” to “Herd Young Beetles”. There is no in between event that occurs as stated. Is it somewhere else not near Teku Nuhoch?

Friend of the Frogs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wahaha.7938


It’s right next to the 1st event.

Friend of the Frogs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Grover.8753


I’ve discovered what the problem was. I was not catching the event chain from the very start. I was starting it at “Defend Beetle Larvae” which is the second event in the chain. Not the first. The order in which the achievements page list it is incorrect. The first and second need to be switched. I guess I should post this in the “Bugs” section.
