Frustrated with things gated by adventures

Frustrated with things gated by adventures

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wieland.2056


Masteries and collection specialization weapons, mainly.

I can’t even finish that sanctum scramble thing, let alone in bronze :/

Thus far, I have always managed to avoid things that require too much hand eye coordination, like complicated jumping puzzles, super adventure box, etc …. They were not required to really complete anything, except achievements. This kind of content is fine, and I am glad many people are enjoying it, but it is not for me. And it is ok mind you, thus far I have always managed to have these things not interfere with my in game goals.

However, with heart of thorns, I feel that this kind of content has been way too forcefully pushed into everyone throats. One one hand, people wishing to do the collection weapons, which are for 90% of their part purely PVE, event based, grinding content, and yet require a sliver medal adventure. On the other hand, adventures are like never open, and require people who have fun with them to complete the relevant meta events before they can enjoy them.

I don’t want adventures to be nerfed. They are probably, fine, I don’t event have a clue. Apparently they are also good exp and have good rewards, which is very good for the people who enjoy them. Just keep them separate. At this moment, my will to complete my class weapons is sapped. Why should I bother grinding my masteries, doing all the meta events, when I know I am physically unable to get one of the components at all :/