Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fate.7321


Anyone else having this problem? I’m looking for a workaround to play. Sometimes I can send a report other time Windows says that GW2 has stopped working.

I have updated my video drivers and lowered my graphics options.

Any help would be appreciated. I have opened a ticket but they are asking me to send additional info and I would like ot get back to playing as it is unplayable with it crashing every 10 minutes or so.

Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Hmm. I haven’t been having this issue, but I do want to offer help. How old is your GPU?

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fate.7321


Its a geforce 610t i believe. Worked just fine till now. I do have a 1070 on the way as I’m building a new machine.

Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Oh man. It might be the GPU pooping out. If this is the only game crashing then maybe it is moreso GW2 related

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


Can’t say I’ve had the issue either. I’m also in the latest Nvidia drivers, but using a GTX660, so might not mean much as the combo is different. Have you tried rolling back to an older driver just incase? Also any other games doing the same?

Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fate.7321


I didn’t update the driver till it started crashing after the update. I will try running on best performance even though it is so ugly.

I may try reinstalling. Maybe a file got corrupted.

Thanks guys. (p.s. I might have a 660GT. No at home to look. )

Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


Yeah if you are able to reinstall that might help, maybe on one of the updates somehow it got corrupt. If that, or rolling back to maybe drivers from 3-4 updates ago doesn’t work then maybe run some sort of realtime performance checker or recorder in the background, so when it crashes maybe you’ll see a spike or something there that might help narrow down the issue.