Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update
Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: mrauls.6519
Hmm. I haven’t been having this issue, but I do want to offer help. How old is your GPU?
I make PvP & WvW videos
Its a geforce 610t i believe. Worked just fine till now. I do have a 1070 on the way as I’m building a new machine.
Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: mrauls.6519
Oh man. It might be the GPU pooping out. If this is the only game crashing then maybe it is moreso GW2 related
I make PvP & WvW videos
Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: killermanjaro.5670
Can’t say I’ve had the issue either. I’m also in the latest Nvidia drivers, but using a GTX660, so might not mean much as the combo is different. Have you tried rolling back to an older driver just incase? Also any other games doing the same?
I didn’t update the driver till it started crashing after the update. I will try running on best performance even though it is so ugly.
I may try reinstalling. Maybe a file got corrupted.
Thanks guys. (p.s. I might have a 660GT. No at home to look. )
Game crashes frequently since 2/22/17 Update
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: killermanjaro.5670
Yeah if you are able to reinstall that might help, maybe on one of the updates somehow it got corrupt. If that, or rolling back to maybe drivers from 3-4 updates ago doesn’t work then maybe run some sort of realtime performance checker or recorder in the background, so when it crashes maybe you’ll see a spike or something there that might help narrow down the issue.