-Mike Obrien
Game optimization
-Mike Obrien
There have been a few threads about this since the announcement, and I am interested in it myself. Unfortunately, no word from Anet.
Even a better PC does not help. I just recently upgraded mine (i5, 280X, SSD, etc.) and the game still crashes relating to graphics at least once per play session.
My wife has a similar (but slightly older) system to mine and this game crashes (the typical black screen/blue screen/freeze with sound crashes the bug forum is full of) for her at least once an hour, while it will hardly ever (to never) do so for her even with a game as modern as DA:I.
While there is new content (read: gem store purchases, HoT, LS) to churn out, the dev team will never re-factor this POS (but subjectively fun) software. Ever!
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Well, dunno about the issue but on mine pc (i5, gtx 660, hdd, 8gb ram) it never crashes, works with 60fps @high all time (except large events as teq – ~25fps @high).
my GF with much weaker pc (duo-core E8400 as far as I remember, gtx260, hdd, 6gb ram) never had any crash too, plays with 40-60fps @mid with low shadows (dropping down to 15-20 on large events).
As ATI hater I should prob say that you should finally throw that piece of burning paper and buy yourself a GPU but well… Anyway this game really works fine for all of my friends no matter on their PC specs. Only one of them has blackscreens but its due to his power supply and almost every game does so for him after few hours.
It USED to have really bad optimalization back 1.5year ago but now its really fine. At least for everyone I know.
(edited by Gibon.1705)
As ATI hater
ATI is no longer. AMD bought ATI and now produce their GPUs. So, yeah. Shows how much you know!
It USED to have really bad optimalization back 1.5year ago but now its really fine. At least for everyone I know.
Listen to this (1 month ago):
So even an overclocked 4790k with GTX770 is reportedly getting 40-60 fps, down to 7-11 at times! And I’ve seen other people saying similar things.
That processor is practically the best single-threaded one money can buy in 2015.
I was looking at getting one for Heart of Thorns, but if I don’t get >60fps at all times with the greatest processor money can buy, there’s a problem with the game.
Don’t give me this bs that “the game’s fine afaik”, you’re not helping anyone. We need Anet to get on this and improve the game for the sake of everyone.
(edited by Gazareth.7230)
Then how would you explain that for some it works fine and for some it does not?
Your complaining does not help anyone either.
@ATI/AMD – I knew that AMD bought ATI but that does not matter, AMD processors are kittenty too They are both making hardware that in theory has better stats than intel/nvidia but are not as efficient. (maybe with exception of the latest radeon series)
Then how would you explain that for some it works fine and for some it does not?
Your complaining does not help anyone either.
I don’t need to explain that. Anet should. The game should work fine (and perform like a game from 2015, once the expansion drops) for everyone.
Since the big boss battles are a core feature of the game, they should’ve made sure the technology was there. As it stands, the greatest consumer PC in the world will be crippled by the large crowds (that are forced to occur via game mechanics) in GW2, and the effects/lighting aren’t even that impressive.
My complaint doesn’t help? I’m complaining for the sake of improvement. I want the game engine to be improved. What do you want? To call people liars when the game doesn’t run well? If we all complained, ANet would be more inclined to improve the game engine. Is that not something you want?
@ATI/AMD – I knew that AMD bought ATI but that does not matter, AMD processors are kittenty too
They are both making hardware that in theory has better stats than intel/nvidia but are not as efficient. (maybe with exception of the latest radeon series)
Less good =/= bad.
Without AMD, Intel and Nvidia would have exploited a monopolistic stranglehold in their respective industries, forcing us to pay more for less innovation. Yes, their CPUs are behind, and their GPUs produce more heat and use more power, but that doesn’t mean you should write AMD off entirely.
Whether you like them or not, they are good for the industry, and they haven’t committed anywhere near as many shady things as Intel and NVidia in order to get ahead.
(edited by Gazareth.7230)
As ATI hater I should prob say that you should finally throw that piece of burning paper and buy yourself a GPU but well…
That’s real cute! Pity how that invalidated the rest of your post…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
dirext 11 will not sort out a lot when the game is still 32bit.
the only way to get any use out of direct x 11 is to have a 64 bit client with direct x 11 support. until then even If we have direct x 11 while still using a 32 bit client it will be a very small and almost un-noticible improvement.
32bit restricts the game to set amount of ram and other system resources
64 bit has no restrictions on what the game can use. provided you have a 64 bit OS to begin with.
which leads to another problem. a lot of players only use 32bit OS yes us the high end pc gamers have high end PC with 64 bit os and windows 7 / 8.1 but the vast majority do not sadly.
as long as cheap budget PC exist ppl will not get expensive high end PC. also as long as ppl think a low budget pc = xbox one performance we will for ever be plagued with this problem.
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
as long as cheap budget PC exist ppl will not get expensive high end PC. also as long as ppl think a low budget pc = xbox one performance we will for ever be plagued with this problem.
I know exactly what you mean, I hate going out on my Ferrari 458 and everyone else is just on these crappy cars, but as long as they keep making them…
By the way, about the console remark and since you’re coming across as a #masterrace, show me a PC-Game running on a P4, 7600, 512MB RAM that looks and plays like The Last of Us, MGS5, GTA5 etc.
What? You can’t? Oh because you need a lot more power on a PC to do what a console does with a fraction? And years for now the PC you got now that’s on paper better than a PS4/Xone is gonna be on a can because it just won’t be able to play anything while the consoles are still gonna be kicking? Bummer.
dirext 11 will not sort out a lot when the game is still 32bit.
the only way to get any use out of direct x 11 is to have a 64 bit client with direct x 11 support. until then even If we have direct x 11 while still using a 32 bit client it will be a very small and almost un-noticible improvement.
32bit restricts the game to set amount of ram and other system resources
64 bit has no restrictions on what the game can use. provided you have a 64 bit OS to begin with.
which leads to another problem. a lot of players only use 32bit OS yes us the high end pc gamers have high end PC with 64 bit os and windows 7 / 8.1 but the vast majority do not sadly.
as long as cheap budget PC exist ppl will not get expensive high end PC. also as long as ppl think a low budget pc = xbox one performance we will for ever be plagued with this problem.
That is absolutely NOT true, and if any ArenaNET developer believes this they need to look at the steam hardware survey: http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/
As of January 2015 this is the OS split.
Windows 7 64 bit 46.37%
Windows 8.1 64 bit 26.86%
Windows 7 11.07%
Windows 8 64 bit 4.20%
Windows XP 32 bit 3.80%
Windows Vista 64 bit 1.07%
Windows 8.1 0.64%
Windows Vista 32 bit 0.63%
Windows 8 0.31%
Windows 10 64 bit 0.28%
Windows XP 64 bit 0.19%
Anyone who is still under the delusion that most people who have a PC still go around with some junky low end 2005 notebook with WinXP 32bit needs to have a reality check!
My personal system specs are 16Gb 2133 RAM, Intel i7- 3930k Oveclocked to 4.5Ghz, and an ASUS Nvidia GTX Titan, also slightly overclocked.
My specs are decent, I don’t have the latest GPU or CPU, but the fact that this game runs at 15FPS during some world boss fights is just pathetic!
We really need for the devs to get with the times and update the game engine to properly support 64bit and Dx12 or at least Dx11.2.
I do not want any magic switch that will make the graphics better, I just want the performance increase that this amazing game deserves!
There are lots of issues with an MMO. Some of them are due to rendering (GPU), tasks/threading (CPU), and networking/bandwidth. There are ways to address each, within bounds. I have a theory that the older DX9/DX10 cards do better with GW2 (DX9) due to changes in the architecture in favor of DX11, though it may not be that simple. I don’t think that Arena Net is under the impression that most people are running ancient systems, though they have to determine where the inflection point is on the hardware graph, and it’s probably lower than we like. Reality is, MMOs are hard. They are doing remarkably well under an engine using DX9, but would need to transition to a newer DX version if they want to do any further optimization. Basically, it’s not going to get that much better apart from an engine re-write. Which isn’t going to happen any time soon I would wager.
EDIT: By the way, if the game is updated to use a newer DX, they couldn’t use the wrapper in use for the Mac client. So, there would need to be some significant changes there.
(edited by Peril of Darkness.9830)
’we dont give a f*** get a better pc or get out’
That’s actually not a solution.
Two years after release even the most powerful desktop CPU (i7-5960X which retails at 1000€) can’t hold the 60fps at Tequatl with "All" reflections and "Ultra" shadows, probably due to the ridiculous Direct3D overhead on draw calls.
And there’s not much they can do on that front since DirectX12 is clearly not an option. Even if they waited for it to come out before getting into engine stuff (which they won’t do) it will be Windows 10 only.
There are lots of issues with an MMO. Some of them are due to rendering (GPU)
I wouldn’t say GW2 is GPU intensive, even mid-tier ones are perfectly capable of running it at max settings with supersampling thrown on top with the CPU still being the bottleneck. All MMOs have the same problem, WoW on a good card has no problem pushing close to 120fps at max settings while questing, then you go to the Highmaul entrance at raid hour and you have a slideshow...
(edited by Spiuk.8421)
And there’s not much they can do on that front since DirectX12 is clearly not an option. Even if they waited for it to come out before getting into engine stuff (which they won’t do) it will be Windows 10 only.
I would imagine that most people nowadays are on windows 7/8/8.1. All of these people get a free upgrade the first year Windows 10 is out.
You’re right about MMOs always having this problem, but I feel that GW2 is particularly bad. Another thing to note about MMOs as well is that they always have worse graphics. I guess having to render large amount of players really does a number on hardware.
I wouldn’t say GW2 is GPU intensive, even mid-tier ones are perfectly capable of running it at max settings with supersampling thrown on top with the CPU still being the bottleneck. All MMOs have the same problem, WoW on a good card has no problem pushing close to 120fps at max settings while questing, then you go to the Highmaul entrance at raid hour and you have a slideshow…
it is. on hd7850 2gb (runs much better looking games smoothly) at max settings with native rendering, its constantly at 90-99% load, fps dropping often to 30 or less, while my 4690k @ 4,2 is rarely going over 70% load. thats about regular playing – world bosses are barely playable, regardless of settings
and stop that bs with amd making bad gpu – in many and more title they far outperformthe green cards (unless nvidia pays $$ to developers to make their games work worse on amd products. latest gtx970 problems and the gsync joke perfectly fit with that)
Let’s not have this devolve into AMD vs NVidia. This is about Guild Wars 2 and optimisation of its engine.
(edited by Gazareth.7230)
Let’s not have this devolve into AMD vs NVidia. This is about Guild Wars 2 and optimisation of its engine.
so at work i got i7 4790k @ 4,4 with gtx760 OC 2gb (ok, its not the fastest one but again, considering gw2 age and what it offers visually – should be more than enough)
i dont see it running any better than at my home rig – fps drops to 30-40 are regular thing, no matter the settings (im not even commenting performance at teq or wurm…)
iam playing this game since beta.. and i dont remember my game ever crashed.. i got a lot of DC.. but never crash.. if u want more fps.. u need to get better GPU.. basicly any intel quad-core CPU is enough and more cores or OC will not give u more fps..
iam playing this game since beta.. and i dont remember my game ever crashed.. i got a lot of DC.. but never crash.. if u want more fps.. u need to get better GPU.. basicly any intel quad-core CPU is enough and more cores or OC will not give u more fps..
cmon, you say we should get 2015 top gpu for game looking like from 2010?
Sooner or later they have to switch to a newer DX version, right…?
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
I would imagine that most people nowadays are on windows 7/8/8.1. All of these people get a free upgrade the first year Windows 10 is out.
Where did you read about that? Microsoft giving their newest OS for free for people who have bought Windows 7 three years ago? I don’t think so.
Sooner or later they have to switch to a newer DX version, right…?
Yeah sure, and that update will probably be called Guild Wars 3.
Did they upgrade the engine in GW1 from one DX version to another?
(edited by Tom Gore.4035)
cmon, you say we should get 2015 top gpu for game looking like from 2010?
no! read what i wrote again..
u dont need top 2015 GPU to play GW2..
i said u need to get better GPU if u want more FPS because better CPU wont help u
I would imagine that most people nowadays are on windows 7/8/8.1. All of these people get a free upgrade the first year Windows 10 is out.
Where did you read about that? Microsoft giving their newest OS for free for people who have bought Windows 7 three years ago? I don’t think so.
It’s definitely true. Microsoft did a press conference about a week or so ago about Windows 10 and confirmed that everyone with at least Windows 7 will get a free upgrade to Win10.
Microsoft are undoubtedly making this a lot easier for Anet. DX12 hype!
(edited by Gazareth.7230)
cmon, you say we should get 2015 top gpu for game looking like from 2010?
no! read what i wrote again..
u dont need top 2015 GPU to play GW2..
i said u need to get better GPU if u want more FPS because better CPU wont help u
I have R9 290X and I get regular fps drops to 30. You don’t know what you’re talking about, please stop.
cmon, you say we should get 2015 top gpu for game looking like from 2010?
no! read what i wrote again..
u dont need top 2015 GPU to play GW2..
i said u need to get better GPU if u want more FPS because better CPU wont help u
i understood you perfectly
id just like to know why 2012 game, with engine from 2005 (ok, it was ‘heavily modified’ but still..) cant run stable 60fps (in age of 144hz screens…) on midrange 2013 gpu
it just works bad. almost as bad as gta4 was running at launch (no matter the pc – performance was fully random – and patches helped just a bit)
well, i dont know how graphic engines works.. but this is actualy good questions..
i was thinking.. and this game doesnt have one thing.. when u go closer to the any object, the detail/texture resolution is exactly just the same.. its not like in any other game.. when u r far, the object is so far so u dont need so much details on it so it is basicly very poor textures, which is fine.. alwasys when iam in CoF p1 and i look above me while we do the room before last boss, i always get like 5fps.. or in any other map when o look far to country.. its pretty much time expensive to make all skins of armor and weapons skins more times because of optimalization.. but.. this is the tax
so maybe this is one of the things
I would imagine that most people nowadays are on windows 7/8/8.1. All of these people get a free upgrade the first year Windows 10 is out.
Where did you read about that? Microsoft giving their newest OS for free for people who have bought Windows 7 three years ago? I don’t think so.
It’s definitely true. Microsoft did a press conference about a week or so ago about Windows 10 and confirmed that everyone with at least Windows 7 will get a free upgrade to Win10.
Microsoft are undoubtedly making this a lot easier for Anet. DX12 hype!
Well that sounds almost too good to be true, so I’m afraid there might be a catch. But thanks for the info. I signed up for the mailing list to receive information about the supposedly “free” upgrade.
Game needs to be optimized. Big boss battles shouldn’t be this lousy on FPS with a top notch gaming PC. I’m excited by what’s coming and the camera changes and such, but a game optimization would trump just about everything at this point. Imagine 30-60 FPS on ALL big boss battles.. it would be awesome.
I’ve found the game to be much more crashy lately – getting disconnected a lot – which I assume is the result of increased player numbers since announcing HoT.
I hope it doesn’t get as bad as it was at launch. I couldn’t play the game at all back then. Like many players I couldn’t stay connected for more than a few minutes at a time.
Well that sounds almost too good to be true, so I’m afraid there might be a catch. But thanks for the info. I signed up for the mailing list to receive information about the supposedly “free” upgrade.
The catch might be it’s the most basic version which will drive you so insane with the things it won’t do that you’ll throw any amount of money at them to upgrade to a better version.
Or it could be a cost / benefit decision. The cost for them of maintaining older versions might outweigh the lost sales revenue for giving this away for free.
Well that sounds almost too good to be true, so I’m afraid there might be a catch. But thanks for the info. I signed up for the mailing list to receive information about the supposedly “free” upgrade.
It’s actually nothing new. Windows 8 Pro was $40 to XP/Vista/7 users for the first six months to drive up adoption. That’s 80% off of its normal $200 price tag. I can easily see them taking it one step further.
iam playing this game since beta.. and i dont remember my game ever crashed.. i got a lot of DC.. but never crash.. if u want more fps.. u need to get better GPU.. basicly any intel quad-core CPU is enough and more cores or OC will not give u more fps..
I have i7 4.5 ghz, 16gb ram and GTX 780. Not the best but still powerful enough to run Archeage (based on CryEngine 3) at 140-150 FPS. And on guild wars 2 max I have gotten ever is 100fps in low populated environment of the game. This is bullscrap because the game is 32 bit which only uses your ram up to 4gb and is only compatible with Directx 9. Archeage is compatible with both DX9 and 10 and also 32 bit and 64bit options. I dont know why this can not happen in Guild Wars 2. Ofcourse it will require time and resources but its something many MMO have done over their life. Its not about kittenty PC or good PC being able to or unable to handle the game. If they update the game engine all moderate and high end pc will be able to make use of it. moderate pc will not drop to 5-10 fps in big zerg fights.
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
i5 4690k, 8gb corsair vengeance @ 1600mhz cl 9 dual channel, gtx 970 OC
the optimization in gw2 is trash. while i have 200fps in front of arah with everything maxed, there are areas in the game where my fps drop below 60 or even 50, for example at the beginning of Caledon Forest. world bosses drop my fps below 30.
cpu load doesnt go over 50-60%, even with stuff running in the background.
whats also funny, if i run gw2 in 4k resolution i lose about 10 fps, if not less.
Every time I think about updating my comp for gw2 I read things like thisand decide against it. Getting new hardware wont do anything for this game. Im using 3-5 year old equipment and haven’t had any of these problems. Yeah everyone drops fps on huge boss fights, but other than that this game has run flawlessly ane never crashes. This is low end nowa days but…
I been running the game max settings with supersample and vertical sync on. Charcter number limit on the highest with the chracter model at limit at medium. Most of the game runs between 40-60 fps only dropping lower during boss battles. 1920 × 1080 res.
AMD Phenom II x6 1075T OC 3.5ghz
Asus EVO Mobo
XFX 2GB DDR5 R7 260x
8gb DDR3 corsair ram
150gb raptor hardrive
750w power supply
Windows 7
I went from intel to this at a time where my budget was pretty tight to AMD. This is the most stable rig I ever owned. I never have to hard reset it and the only time it bluescreen ia when I was pushing it to far.
If your game is crashing or is unreasonably slow its rarely the game, its your rig is unstable or just isnt as compatable with it. Sometimes drivers on newer stuff just dont look backwards to older graphic engines like gw2. Sometimes from bad hardware from people cheaping out on the mobo. Sometimes its simply the driver and you can’t do anything other than wait. Sometimes its just one of those times where the manufacture screwed up on the model.
My point is, if you are building your own rig. It is very rarely an issue with the actual game especially when its been out for so many years.
(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)
Believe it or not, DX11 won’t do much to improve GW2. DX12 / OpenGL / Mantle would improve it immensely.
Over all GW2 and many MMOs are CPU bound. The low level programming capability of the APIs mentioned above would significantly reduce CPU stress and allow the game to run much better.
The future looks great for MMOs when DX12 and OpenGL next become widely used. RIP Mantle btw, AMD just announced.
My point is, if you are building your own rig. It is very rarely an issue with the actual game especially when its been out for so many years.
well it is an issue with the actual game. because with my hardware i should have way better performance. when newly released games run better than gw2 on high end hardware, it is an issue.
and i really wish anet thinks about dx 12 and 64 bit. it would be a major increase in performance even for people with older hardware.
nvidia for example will update drivers for gpus back to gtx 500 or something. ofc the old cards wont support dx 12 on hardware level, but via software emulation. and thats still an improvement.
imagine instead of 15 fps when fighting a world boss, you suddenly have 40+, without upgrading your hardware at all.
i5 4690k, 8gb corsair vengeance @ 1600mhz cl 9 dual channel, gtx 970 OC
the optimization in gw2 is trash. while i have 200fps in front of arah with everything maxed, there are areas in the game where my fps drop below 60 or even 50, for example at the beginning of Caledon Forest. world bosses drop my fps below 30.
cpu load doesnt go over 50-60%, even with stuff running in the background.
whats also funny, if i run gw2 in 4k resolution i lose about 10 fps, if not less.
Cpu load doesn’t go over 60% because there are certain bottlenecks you cannot overcome without specific optimisation. That’s why cpu design went from “more clock speed” to “more cores”.
If you increase resolution, it typically strains gpu, all calculations that are done for e.g. world bosses are done with cpu mostly.
Anet needs to start using gpu process power for typical cpu processing and/or utilize multiple cores better than now. But that’s a lot of work I don’t see done in the near future.
and i really wish anet thinks about dx 12 and 64 bit. it would be a major increase in performance even for people with older hardware.
nvidia for example will update drivers for gpus back to gtx 500 or something. ofc the old cards wont support dx 12 on hardware level, but via software emulation. and thats still an improvement.
If they’ll do that, the’ll lose the Mac Player Base …
why? they could give people the option to run the game in 64 bit and dx 12.
and people who cant use 64 bit and dx12 would still be able to run the game like right now.
why? they could give people the option to run the game in 64 bit and dx 12.
and people who cant use 64 bit and dx12 would still be able to run the game like right now.
Than they would have to maintain at least 2 different clients, which will cost more money …
Don’t get me wrong, i still hope for a 64 bit Client, but oGL and not dX12 which would also eliminate most of the problems.
Then how would you explain that for some it works fine and for some it does not?
Your complaining does not help anyone either.I don’t need to explain that.
Why not it’s a horribly easy explanation. PCs aren’t homogeneous and aren’t dedicated gaming devices. This means issues can crop up with certain configurations (for which there are many many possible ones), or as a result of a non-gaming or gaming application, configuration or setting on a computer.
This is why developers like consoles since they only have to test on a handful of platforms i.e. the platforms they will deploy on. Also this is why PC games tend to be bugger than their console version.
64 bit has no restrictions on what the game can use.
Well that’s not strictly true, it simply has a higher restriction. Could probably google the math for you if you want.
What? You can’t? Oh because you need a lot more power on a PC to do what a console does with a fraction? And years for now the PC you got now that’s on paper better than a PS4/Xone is gonna be on a can because it just won’t be able to play anything while the consoles are still gonna be kicking? Bummer.
Sort of correct but not fully. The advantage is in the standardised architecture. Anyone with a working knowledge of assembler can tell you that certain processor architectures can be optimised in certain ways while others can’t. On the console you can do a lot more tricks to get performance which isn’t as easy to do on PC because of the different possible setups. This doesn’t means that consoles are always better, these optimisation do improve efficiency but eventually PCs can have a processing potential that exceeds a console with all the stopped pulled out.
As of January 2015 this is the OS split.
Windows 7 64 bit 46.37%
Windows 8.1 64 bit 26.86%
Windows 7 11.07%
Windows 8 64 bit 4.20%
Windows XP 32 bit 3.80%
Windows Vista 64 bit 1.07%
Windows 8.1 0.64%
Windows Vista 32 bit 0.63%
Windows 8 0.31%
Windows 10 64 bit 0.28%
Windows XP 64 bit 0.19%
I’ll go with a not representative sample here.
Let’s not have this devolve into AMD vs NVidia. This is about Guild Wars 2 and optimisation of its engine.
Optimised for what? That’s the question, since optimisation inherently requires specialisation.
i said u need to get better GPU if u want more FPS because better CPU wont help u
Depends on where the bottleneck is, but GPU is usually a good bet. We’d probably need to see CPU, RAM and GPU usage to be certain.
I’ve found the game to be much more crashy lately – getting disconnected a lot – which I assume is the result of increased player numbers since announcing HoT.
But I haven’t. So yeah, we’d probably need bigger numbers to be sure. ANet is probably the only one who would know, assuming people actually submit crash reports.
why? they could give people the option to run the game in 64 bit and dx 12.
and people who cant use 64 bit and dx12 would still be able to run the game like right now.
Actually no you wouldn’t be able to. 64bit can run 32bit but 32 bit can’t run 64bit, and dx12 can run dx9 but dx9 can’t run dx12. So you’d likely have to maintain two versions of the game. Although not exactly sure about this, I think you might be able to still change between dx9 and dx12 in game (or in code, but I’m not a game programmer so maybe I’m wrong), but the moment you compile the code (that is 32bit or 64bit) you’re basically locking it to that architecture.
Than they would have to maintain at least 2 different clients, which will cost more money …
Not to mention change control. Although this might be covered under deployment management… Well I know this one consultancy I worked for was implementing this rather complex system that would have allowed them to compile common code for different platforms, but I never actually looked into how.
I would imagine that most people nowadays are on windows 7/8/8.1. All of these people get a free upgrade the first year Windows 10 is out.
Where did you read about that? Microsoft giving their newest OS for free for people who have bought Windows 7 three years ago? I don’t think so.
Think so. Check the very bottom of this page (quoted below the link)
“1Windows Offer Details
Yes, free! This upgrade offer is for a full version of Windows 10, not a trial. 3GB download required; standard data rates apply. To take advantage of this free offer, you must upgrade to Windows 10 within one year of availability. Once you upgrade, you have Windows 10 for free on that device.
Windows 10 Upgrade Offer is valid for qualified Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 devices, including devices you already own. "
seriously though, I can run the Witcher 3 on ULTRA and get an average 65 fps, but this kitten game won’t go passed 15 fps maximum since the update last spring. whoever outsourced the scripting to Bangalore, India is an idiot. I’m kittening uninstalling this load of crap just like I did with SWTOR.
seriously though, I can run the Witcher 3 on ULTRA and get an average 65 fps, but this kitten game won’t go passed 15 fps maximum since the update last spring. whoever outsourced the scripting to Bangalore, India is an idiot. I’m kittening uninstalling this load of crap just like I did with SWTOR.
Witcher 3 don’t have 100 active players in your vicinity doing some stuff….
seriously though, I can run the Witcher 3 on ULTRA and get an average 65 fps, but this kitten game won’t go passed 15 fps maximum since the update last spring. whoever outsourced the scripting to Bangalore, India is an idiot. I’m kittening uninstalling this load of crap just like I did with SWTOR.
Witcher 3 don’t have 100 active players in your vicinity doing some stuff….
Witcher 3 is also not CPU intensive. Most people forget you have to update your CPU with your GPU occasionally when you play MMOS.
Witcher 3 is also not CPU intensive. Most people forget you have to update your CPU with your GPU occasionally when you play MMOS.
Am I right to assume you’ve never played the Witcher 3, Tomb Raider 2013, Crysis 3, etc … pretty much any game other than World Of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 ?