Well, I’d say the beta was fun, and about average. Not really under or overwhelming.
General Notes:
It looks like the day/night cycle is on a 75min/45min timer. Personally, I feel that night needs more work, but more on that later.
Sadly, no new trait system. Makes me think that the TDB engi traits are still in the works and/or they are still messing with the numbers for a lot of professions/working with any feedback we gave them.
It seemed that the first level of every mastery took 254,000 exp (we were unlocking gliding ~90min into the beta from killing mobs/events, but it was no where near as event heavy kitten is). The 2nd level of gliding took 1,016,000 exp or 4 levels to get.
I’ll have to check my recorded vids but I think it took ~17 mastery points to master each line, at least for all of the HoT lines. I know the Fractals and Precursor lines had more. Sadly the fractals line facts were still obscured and no new lines either.
The map looks gorgeous and felt pretty darn large, we had access to maybe about 1/3 of it. Though a good chunk in the center was just a bunch of vines for you to glide to/around. There was a lot of nice detail looking up to see wyvrens flying around, or off into the distance to see more crashed pact ships.
The northern section focused on the tree frogs and their village. The southern section focused on ruins and a lot of vertical climbing space. I think the north west was the for the other frogs, but that’s just based on my speculation. I only went to the middle western part at night, and it was very barren.
Day/Night Cycle:
During the day I didn’t have too much trouble finding something to do. I tried following the southern chain of events (I think there was another chain that went north). It was
defend/retake the center base
—> follow the group to the ruins (harmless escort event)
—> defend them while they plant explosives (this felt like it took way too long, the enemies were neigh invincible, with a break bar to be able to hurt them, or you had to use the riffle up top to either 1 shot them or kill them in a few hits. It may have been the upscaling, but it took way too long to progress.)
—> Secure 8 areas in the ruins (fun event, a bit easy to get lost running around there for the first time)
—> 2 events at once, I got lost and ended up top where you had to kill Mordrem and free the Slyvari snipers so they could kill a special Champ, while another event was going on below to defend an area. This is where I got dc’ed, but I presume there was at least 1-2 more events in the chain.
I never was around for the defending the base camp, but it seemed to fail really quickly. And then you had to take bombs from destroyed pact choppers to destroy massive vines.
The day time events that I did were fun (except the one to clear a path into the ruins/open a wp took way too long), but night time seemed pretty “meh”.
At night there were points marked on the map of areas that you controlled, I think it was up to 2 in the tree frog area and maybe 2 in the southern ruin area and 2 by the starting pact base camp. But at nightfall we only had the two starting camps, this may be my bigger issue. But there seemed to be only 2 types of events at night.
Defend the camp every 1-2 min.
Run to a seemingly random appearing pact solider, save him, and then escort him back to the closest camp. And if he dies the event fails, no chance to rez him.
I was not a fan of the solider events. It was hard to apply swiftness to them with other players in the area. They do have a buff that increases their toughness and vitality, but it wears off over time. It’s the only thing that keeps them alive until someone can get close enough to rescue them. But then it’s too long of a walk back to base, for little to no reward.
The only other thing to do at night is to pick up supply from the ground and bring it to a base to increase it’s supply. And I think all that does (along with escorting survivors) is to slightly increase that camps defense against attacks. I didn’t notice a camp supply bar, but did see it eventually change from Tier 1 to 2. There was also a larger meta event, which hardly moved the entire night. It may just be because we only had the two base camps to defend, but the night was kinda boring, especially since it lasted 45 min.
Also, without playing it a couple of times, it’d hard to tell this, but, it seems a really, really long meta event. 75 min for the day, 45 min for night. I had no clue what the point of the night meta was, for the full 45 min. After about 10-15 of just seeing the same defense event, I got bored and started wandering around, but still couldn’t find anything of value to do.