Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma
Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570
This would be a nice idea.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
If only it could be gifted freely … without turning into a gold mine. I don’t think ANet wants to open a portal-scalping can of worms.
Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
The problem with being able to “gift” stuff like this is that it would basically be sold either for in-game gold or for a rather large amount of real money.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: tirenareikasu.8915
Actually I was thinking about this very thing and selling it would be simple. It wouldn’t show up to sell and could only be gifted once. For example you get an extra portal, you know a friend that wants it. You gift it to them and instantly that portal becomes Account Bound, or frozen. If you had no friend to give it to then it acts as it does now, only sell-able to the merchant. No TP availability at all for the portal
And what stops people from offering to “gift” it for huge amounts of gold or cash? That’s the scalping to which I referred, with all the unsavory connotations “scalping” conveys.
Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: tirenareikasu.8915
I get that but then if they are selling it for gold then its not really a gift lol but there will always be something, at least this gives others a chance from other players without the player with multiple portals being stuck with them and feeling guilty of getting more then their friend who has been trying for it ya know?
It’s probably too much work but I could see some scheme working like:
- You need to have more than 1 portal
- You need to be friends with the receiver since before the beta event started
- The gifted portal may not be gifted again.
Just dreaming I guess. Will have to hope for the best.
The time alot of people waste here to try to convince Anet to implement any circumventions to get easier acccess to a Beta portal should be better used to actually be in the game and kill stuff, because that will actually influence better your chances of getting your desired beta portal, than wasting time here in the forums and hoping for ANet to change anything for you for this time limited event in which it is clear, that Anet doesn’t want to have everyone inside, because then it wouldn’t be anymore a CLOSED BETA, but instead an open beta where everyone would have access to it.
Anet even already increased the drop rates, what do you expect more?
Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: tirenareikasu.8915
I agree with that completely… which brings me to ask you… what does that have to do with the asked question above? Clearly the one who posted this thread HAS his portal AND an extra one. So he did put the time in to get it and so forth. The rest of these comments are on that and on the idea of players with extra portals to give them away somehow. Nothing to do with complaining about the time spent to get the portal or a whining to Anet to hand it over. So I’m a bit confused on why you would post something like that here where it isn’t warranted instead of on another thread that would better have use of it
Quite impossible, you are selected the minute you get one in the loot drop, whether you pick it up or not, and an in-game mail arrives almost instantly. How would Anet know to send an in-game mail to a player that was gifted a Beta Portal access key?
Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: tirenareikasu.8915
Touche, though I figure it was tied to the item itself so if it landed on another player then the in-game mail would send instantly like it does with loot drops. But you got a good point there ah well could dream lol
Quite impossible, you are selected the minute you get one in the loot drop, whether you pick it up or not, and an in-game mail arrives almost instantly. How would Anet know to send an in-game mail to a player that was gifted a Beta Portal access key?
While that point remains valid, if they really wanted to allow this I feel that there should be ways.
About the other things I’ve read here, it doesn’t feel to me that we’re asking for ‘extra’ beta slots if the portal dropped 2 times, but is only going to allow one player.
Still, it would be nice to give my husband and best friend the two extra ones I got. I know it’ll never be possible to do, but I’d really like to be sure that I’ll get to play the beta with my husband and friend. But since there’d be no way to stop folks from selling their extras for stupid amounts of gold or whatever I understand why they limited them to being account bound.
Still, it would be nice to give my husband and best friend the two extra ones I got. I know it’ll never be possible to do, but I’d really like to be sure that I’ll get to play the beta with my husband and friend. But since there’d be no way to stop folks from selling their extras for stupid amounts of gold or whatever I understand why they limited them to being account bound.
Quite similar case. I feel you.
I agree with that completely… which brings me to ask you… what does that have to do with the asked question above? Clearly the one who posted this thread HAS his portal AND an extra one. So he did put the time in to get it and so forth. The rest of these comments are on that and on the idea of players with extra portals to give them away somehow. Nothing to do with complaining about the time spent to get the portal or a whining to Anet to hand it over. So I’m a bit confused on why you would post something like that here where it isn’t warranted instead of on another thread that would better have use of it
Was just a general comment, because you need to just take a quick look over the forums in the moment to get the gist what I mean
I agree with that completely… which brings me to ask you… what does that have to do with the asked question above? Clearly the one who posted this thread HAS his portal AND an extra one. So he did put the time in to get it and so forth. The rest of these comments are on that and on the idea of players with extra portals to give them away somehow. Nothing to do with complaining about the time spent to get the portal or a whining to Anet to hand it over. So I’m a bit confused on why you would post something like that here where it isn’t warranted instead of on another thread that would better have use of it
Was just a general comment, because you need to just take a quick look over the forums in the moment to get the gist what I mean
You should really consider that your ‘general comment’ was out of topic here.
Since there are as many threads as you say, you could have easily posted it there.