Glider deployment consistency

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Please give us an option to disable automatic glider deployment please, right now sometimes your glider opens up when you jump, sometimes it doesnt and you have to do it manually, and it’s just guesswork as to whether or not it’ll deploy. If you always hit space in mid air when you jump to deploy your glider, sometimes it’ll autodeploy and you just put it away instead, and if you make a jump that requires you to deploy immediately to make the jump, if you wait to see if your glider automatically deploys you wait too long and miss the jump.

The inconsistency is driving me nuts and sometimes the glider deploys when I make small jumps and don’t want it to deploy at all!

I either want it to be consistent and predictable, or better yet, give us an option to allow us to turn it off (so it’s consistent that way too)

This RNG glider deployment just does not fly.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


haven’t had a deployment problem, but i have died a few times, even though i successfully managed my glider bar to get safely to a surface. seems odd…and my only complaint w/ glider so far.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: freedomgeass.4756


yet to have a problem with it deploying on its own how ever i have had it not deploy when i hit space making me miss a ledge several time then telling the game where it can go.

karma booster? What karma Booster.

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Overlord.6893


tl;dr Hold down space bar when you jump to safely deploy your glider.

If you’re having trouble opening/closing the glider when you jump, just hold down space when you jump, the glider will auto deploy as soon as possible. Once it is deployed you can release the spacebar and the glider will still be deployed, you can then control it further from the gliding state. I have found this to be a much more consistent way of deploying the glider when jumping.

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

I think there’s still a use for disabling auto-deployment: I want to jump off something and plummet for ages, deploying the glider just before hitting the ground and landing safely. Just like Batman.

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Not to mention making small jumps. I just climbed up the trunk of a tree using its roots, seems like some jumping puzzle (but I don’t know if it is… there wasn’t a reward when I reached the hidden lab), but my glider kept deploying when making jumps root to root and messed me up.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


tl;dr Hold down space bar when you jump to safely deploy your glider.

If you’re having trouble opening/closing the glider when you jump, just hold down space when you jump, the glider will auto deploy as soon as possible. Once it is deployed you can release the spacebar and the glider will still be deployed, you can then control it further from the gliding state. I have found this to be a much more consistent way of deploying the glider when jumping.

Being a guy who learned to platform on Mario games I’m so used to holding down the jump button to jump higher (and this game holding down space longer doesn’t make you jump higher) that might be it, that I’m holding onto space when trying to make a high/long normal jump and just tapping space when I’m just thinking I’ll glide… I should be doing the opposite.. oh well, having an option to disable autodeployment would still be nice.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vinkokav.8742


Please give us an option to disable automatic glider deployment please. Some time you need only jump and glider is opened. Result is missing jump target instead to make short jump.


Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gaspara.4079


Glider Auto Deployment is not a thing.

A tap of your jump key will make you jump. It will never deploy the glider. Length of holding down jump button has no effect on jump height.

Holding down your jump key for any length of time will make you jump and deploy your glider at the peak of your jump thus maximizing gliding height.

Alternatively you can press jump once, wait until your character has at least reached its jump peak and then press it again to deploy your glider. This can be used to maximize distance when loss of height is not a problem.

Hope this helps. Though I agree that after 3 years of holding space to jump that this deploying your glider could be annoying but because of the maximizing potential of holding to deploy I would never toggle such an option off.

(edited by gaspara.4079)

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drayd Dreveniak.7419

Drayd Dreveniak.7419

I agree it is annoying to have your glide constantly opening when you are doing a jumping puzzle. There should be an option to turn it off. Regardless of rather some people say this isn’t a problem for them. It is a problem for others.

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sparc.3649


I’ve had this happen too. There’s been PLENTY of times I DO NOT want to glide, yet it pops out any kitten way. There’s been times I DO want to glide and it will NOT deploy when I hit space after having jumped and I have to hit it a SECOND time to get it to work properly.

I agree, they NEED to do SOMETHING about this!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rasgalinj.2763


If your glider “pops up” unintentionally you are probably holding down space for too long. Remember that wether you tap or hold down the button it won’t do anything for your jump heigth/length.

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sparc.3649


If your glider “pops up” unintentionally you are probably holding down space for too long. Remember that wether you tap or hold down the button it won’t do anything for your jump heigth/length.

Uhh no, I am not, (nice accusation though). I have a fully mechanical keyboard too, not one of those crappy membrane keyboards (that may be more prone to “stick” [on their own])…

Thanks for your insight though, it is false… There IS a “problem” that ANET needs to address here… Whether you want to believe it or not…

And don’t take it personal, but yes, I am quite snarky right now as ANET has about gotten on my last nerve with more and more crap as time goes on… Including this, just heap it on the pile!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rasgalinj.2763


If your glider “pops up” unintentionally you are probably holding down space for too long. Remember that wether you tap or hold down the button it won’t do anything for your jump heigth/length.

Uhh no, I am not, (nice accusation though). I have a fully mechanical keyboard too, not one of those crappy membrane keyboards (that may be more prone to “stick” [on their own])…

Thanks for your insight though, it is false… There IS a “problem” that ANET needs to address here… Whether you want to believe it or not…

And don’t take it personal, but yes, I am quite snarky right now as ANET has about gotten on my last nerve with more and more crap as time goes on… Including this, just heap it on the pile!

Don’t worry about me taking things personally, you’re the one calling a suggerstion an accusation.

Glider deployment consistency

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheMSR.7120


I highly support this idea. The absolute control of your movements in a game where jumping and gliding is one of the key features to come around is a necessity. From the outside it looks like an ‘easy fix’; just delete the ‘IF jumpkey()>1sek THEN glider()’ statement (and make it a checkbox in the option menu), but who am i to judge (since i don’t know the code). Just want to say that it looks so easy make people happy and you just don’t do it – you didn’t even say SOMETHING about it (this is not the first thread that adresses the glider deployment topic). Pity.