Glider skin collections in central Tyria
Glider skin collections in central Tyria
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
So, the new(er)/non-HoT purchasers would have to wait until L80/purchase/fulfilling the Glider Mastery to actual use these gliders from collections?
Or are the collections only available to those owning HoT?
The masteries are across the account so low levels could glide but not if you hadn’t gotten a character to level 80 and unlocked basic gliding.
Glider skin collections in central Tyria
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Of course. But you stated new players, so I was confused. My apologies.
Ugh…flood control keeps me from posting sooner than every 5 minutes. =(
Well if you are on this forum you have paid for the game and currently if you purchase the game you are buying gw2: hot. So assuming someone paid for the game and was a new player this would be great for them.
Glider skin collections in central Tyria
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Well, lots of players don’t and/or can’t post on the forums.
It may be a great idea, though I’m not sure how much waiting until one is L80, started the HoT story and gained enough XP in the Heart of Maguuma before being able to utilize an item that was unlocked some time ago in the Starter zones will be embraced.
Certainly something for the Devs to ponder. =)
You only start it in the starter zone, but there will be tiers that unlock at each level so that you get rewards at lower level also.
I imagine it as a collection that starts in the zone and then you travel to other lands to either gather tools/materials or artifacts to be brought back to people later on, but still starting it off in the original zone.
It could have a vital role in incorporating new seasonal updates as well by pairing it up with things that are going on in our living world.
This idea kind of reaches past map completion and adds a whole new level of completion for each zone that stretches past it borders
The whole point behind keeping gliders locked behind mastries (and HoT) is so that you need to level at least one character. It’s progression, like the other mastries, so that when you get it you can go ‘man, This was such a pain before, and now I can just glide over all awesome like’
Gliders are a skillset our characters don’t learn until HoT because before that point they don’t have a reason to even consider it. Addind gliding to central tyria is awesome, but it’s more a consistancy thing, not a QoL thing, so you can go back to these old zones with new things you learned from your time in the jungle and experience them in new ways, cut travel time in some places, etc.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I love how Arenanet ignores this topic and releases virtually the same concept, but in the gem store