Gliders and jumping puzzles
Any tips on not deploying the glider during jump puzzles?
single tap to jump but if you hold for more than a split second the glider deploys and you shoot past the land spot…
any tips?
Im having the same issue. =(
They need to fix it.
Don’t hold the jump key? There is nothing to “fix” really. Yes it’s happened to me. But it just makes you focus more on what you are doing.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Don’t hold the jump key? There is nothing to “fix” really. Yes it’s happened to me. But it just makes you focus more on what you are doing.
This standard response ignores that there are lag issues that affect both the opening AND closing of the glider. This may be related to living in Australia, at least in some cases. A number of times I’ve over-shot a tight landing spot because I’m tapping the key to close the glider and it doesn’t respond until a second later. I say this as a person who completed Troll’s Revenge and six other jumping puzzles every day for weeks, so I can objectively say I’m pretty focused on my jumping puzzles. And yet the glider catches me out regularly. This is a case of not playing the game but fighting the interface. People are justly asking for the option to disable or reassign the gliding key. It wouldn’t affect those who want it to work as-is. It would just help those of us where the glider isn’t as consistent as yours.
This happens to me to on a regular basis :-(. It would be awesome have the opportunity to reassign the gliding to a different key (at least while in jumping puzzles) or, as Zoltar said, to be able to disable the gliding in the options, but so far Anet did not react to suggestions like that :-(. It is a little bit frustrating. I just got the hang of JPs and no I feel like I took a huge step back – ability-wise :-(
Sometimes I wonder if it is due to my keyboard. Maybe it has a slower reaction time or something like that. But I do not have any problems with it at all otherwise so I really do not want to buy a new one just because Anet cannot or don’t want to implement a “switch of gliding”-option :-(
I had this issue too, but after a while I learned to not hold the jump key/space bar in GW2. I know a lot of Jump N Run/Platformers like Super Mario have the mechanic that the longer you hold the jump button and we do it intuitively. But you can just learn not to hold it. It’s not that of a problem though I’d love to toggle it off. Only deploy glider while double pressing. But hey, maybe they’ll introduce that
‘would of been’ —> wrong
i cant control my character. can u make your game so that when i press what i press, my character does what i imagine him doing?
Any tips on not deploying the glider during jump puzzles?
single tap to jump but if you hold for more than a split second the glider deploys and you shoot past the land spot…
any tips?
Practice. I used to do it all the time; now, I hardly ever do it.
Which streamer would you like to contact? :P
i cant control my character. can u make your game so that when i press what i press, my character does what i imagine him doing?
Petricia, it’s fun to be snarky and all (I’ve done it too) but as I said above even skilled players struggle with this part of the interface when it lags intermittently for reasons beyond their control. All people are asking for is an option to manage the gliding a little differently because apart from some client lagging issues I mentioned in my post above (you might have missed it) there’s also the issue that people have different physical capabilities and it hurts no-one to allow them to customise the interface a little to improve their enjoyment of the game.
I’m not in the high end of “skilled” when it comes to keyboard dancing. Even when I’m concentrating on releasing the space bar fast while still doing all the other little things I need to do for a micro-jump my glider sometimes deploys. If it doesn’t, I still had to add one more move to my jump, the quick-release.
I’m not holding the space bar down like I used to but the game still seems to trigger the glider for a fraction of a second longer tap than the quickest lift of my thumb. So perhaps a slider setting to tell the game how long we want to have to hold the bar to get that deploy? If it has to be welded to the jump key, anyway? (In the careful what I ask for department: If changes are made to allow separate hotkey for jump and glide, please allow them to still share the same key if desired by the player).
This standard response ignores that there are lag issues that affect both the opening AND closing of the glider. This may be related to living in Australia, at least in some cases. A number of times I’ve over-shot a tight landing spot because I’m tapping the key to close the glider and it doesn’t respond until a second later. I say this as a person who completed Troll’s Revenge and six other jumping puzzles every day for weeks, so I can objectively say I’m pretty focused on my jumping puzzles. And yet the glider catches me out regularly. This is a case of not playing the game but fighting the interface. People are justly asking for the option to disable or reassign the gliding key. It wouldn’t affect those who want it to work as-is. It would just help those of us where the glider isn’t as consistent as yours.
That’s a completely different issue. The original question is 100% an L2P problem; just don’t hold the jump button for as long. Lag causing a delay in opening/closing the glider is 100% unrelated.
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
So perhaps a slider setting to tell the game how long we want to have to hold the bar to get that deploy?
That’s an excellent suggestion. It’s been a mainstay of Windows for as long as I can remember that you can control what constitutes a double-click of your mouse; i.e. a slider that tells Windows how far apart two clicks can be to be considered a double-click. It’s a standard feature of many OS UI’s now.
Then again, some of the posters here would probably say the mouse slider feature is unnecessary and everyone should just learn to double-click faster.
Oh, Zoltar, on the tapping to close the glider — try hitting back peddle instead, if you have lean techniques. That has you slowly go straight down while still gliding. It’s very useful for landing on small spaces and gives you more time to steer to make sure you don’t miss your mark.
This standard response ignores that there are lag issues that affect both the opening AND closing of the glider. This may be related to living in Australia, at least in some cases. A number of times I’ve over-shot a tight landing spot because I’m tapping the key to close the glider and it doesn’t respond until a second later. I say this as a person who completed Troll’s Revenge and six other jumping puzzles every day for weeks, so I can objectively say I’m pretty focused on my jumping puzzles. And yet the glider catches me out regularly. This is a case of not playing the game but fighting the interface. People are justly asking for the option to disable or reassign the gliding key. It wouldn’t affect those who want it to work as-is. It would just help those of us where the glider isn’t as consistent as yours.
That’s a completely different issue. The original question is 100% an L2P problem; just don’t hold the jump button for as long. Lag causing a delay in opening/closing the glider is 100% unrelated.
You’re right that it’s getting off-topic to the question as the OP asked and I won’t pursue that any further in this thread. But it’s not “100% unrelated”. Sometimes you do want to open the glider but because of lag it doesn’t open promptly, even if you’re holding the button. That’s why these threads keep popping up. Regardless of the wording, people are asking for more control of the glider. That’s all. The repeated admonishments to L2P aren’t offering anything, not even as comedy. People like the OP and myself are already aware that they need to press quicker and practicing to get better. But we’re still fighting an interface that gives inconsistent results.
Edited: typo
(edited by Zoltar MacRoth.7146)
Oh, Zoltar, on the tapping to close the glider — try hitting back peddle instead, if you have lean techniques. That has you slowly go straight down while still gliding. It’s very useful for landing on small spaces and gives you more time to steer to make sure you don’t miss your mark.
Haha! That’s brilliant. Thanks.
But it’s not “100% unrelated”. Sometimes you do want to open the glider but because of lag it doesn’t open promptly, even if you’re holding the button. That’s why these threads keep popping up. Regardless of the wording, people are asking for more control of the glider. That’s all.
Taking what the TC said and expanding it to “more control of the glider” is reasonable, but your comments are completely irrelevant; the TC isn’t having any lag related issues. That isn’t why these threads keep popping up.
The repeated admonishments to L2P aren’t offering anything, not even as comedy. People like the OP and myself are already aware that they need to press quicker and practicing to get better.
Yet it’s still the best option; it’s really not all that difficult. It actually surprises me that people hold the spacebar for so long when they jump where this is an issue. It sounds a bit harsh, but at the end of the day it’s not a problem with the game, it’s just the user and it’s something they can easily correct
But we’re still fighting an interface that gives inconsistent results.
Except the results are consistent; maybe if your ping wildly fluctuates, but that would cause issues in all gameplay modes, not just gliding. And if that were the case, there’s not much Anet can do, since it’s on your end (although unless I’m mistaken they updated the glider to release clientside instead of being authorized by the server?)
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Fermi.2409)
All the confusion about lag aside, more control is what I think is needed and I hope the OP gets it. Anyway, time to get back to practicing.
EDIT: Lol. Another thread on the same issue just popped up:
(edited by Zoltar MacRoth.7146)
It doesnt bother me , but it does mean that if you have HOT and have the glider mastery,then you are disadvantaged compared to players who dont have HOT and also do jumping puzzles.
Keybinds and their functions should be the same for all players.
Just allow the glider function to be bound to another key, if you have probs with the spacebar.
It actually surprises me that people hold the spacebar for so long when they jump where this is an issue. It sounds a bit harsh, but at the end of the day it’s not a problem with the game, it’s just the user and it’s something they can easily correct
Except that I can’t. The trigger is so sensitive that if I give a full press to the space bar and release immediately, the glider still sometimes deploys. Maybe it’s my keyboard, which is a very nice Razer mechanical one. It’s not like I’m holding the bar down for seconds at a time. If I give a solid press, it’s enough to make the game think I want the glider. Which, most of the time, I do; just not when making a tricky short hop onto a tiny pole.
Frankly, I don’t know why “Hold to glide” is a thing. I’ve always gotten my glider out faster by double-tapping space, and it gives me better control to double-tap anyway.
And I too am prone to holding “Jump” until I reach max jumping height. I blame City of Heroes for conditioning that into me.
Except that I can’t. The trigger is so sensitive that if I give a full press to the space bar and release immediately, the glider still sometimes deploys.
It’s not that sensitive though. Unless you’re holding it down in your “full press” it’s not going to cause issue; all it takes to jump is a tap of the spacebar.
Maybe it’s my keyboard, which is a very nice Razer mechanical one.
Eh. Razer isn’t great but their keyboards are ok (especially if it’s an older one) so that shouldn’t be a proble
It’s not like I’m holding the bar down for seconds at a time. If I give a solid press, it’s enough to make the game think I want the glider. Which, most of the time, I do; just not when making a tricky short hop onto a tiny pole.
It really just sounds like you’re pushing and holding the bar to jump instead of just hitting it, especially since it’s a “solid press”; there’s plenty of time between “jump” and “glider release”. Do you hold down space for a long time while typing, too? It should be the same sort of tap and move on
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
Which Jp(s) still allow gliding? Anet tried to alleviate complaints of gliding making some JPs easier by disabling it completely. But, in certain puzzles, it’s just doesn’t seem possible to disable because the puzzles run through, over or under maps that do allow gliding (ie LA and SW) and disabling gliding in those areas would probably mess with alot of other people not participating in the JP.
Not everyone has HOT and not everyone is bothered by jump and glide being tied to the same key while in the very few instances where it could be an issue. In fact, I’d assume most people have gotten quite used to hitting, tapping and even holding down spacebar when falling from the skies of VB, so why change that?
Perhaps tie Jump to another key if it’s an issue and switch it back once you’re done with the JP.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Perhaps tie Jump to another key if it’s an issue and switch it back once you’re done with the JP.
I am 95% sure that jump and glide share the same key no matter which key you pick to perform that function.
Well if that’s true, then I could understand the frustration of not even either being configurable. But, I still believe anet has done everything they can to limit these instances, and any remaining instances are so minor that changing the way or time a glider deploys for everyone now, after 3 years of jumping and 6 months of gliding is a waste of anets time.
Take SAB, take your home instance, take any JP where gliding is disabled and compare jumping across certain things. 9/10 you’ll hold down the space bar to make a hail Mary jump, but it doesn’t really make a difference, because the same jump could be made with a simple tap and speed boost.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
In fact, I’d assume most people have gotten quite used to hitting, tapping and even holding down spacebar when falling from the skies of VB, so why change that?
You said in a later post that you realised why this was frustrating, but I just want to take a moment to discuss this strawman because it’s one that seems to pop up again and again. The fact is, nobody’s asking for the existing controls to be removed/replaced, just for the option to assign jump and glide to different keys, or some kind of toggle for the glider. The point is not to take anything away but to make the interface more inclusive for all players. A “play it your way” sort of thing.
changing the way or time a glider deploys for everyone now, after 3 years of jumping and 6 months of gliding is a waste of anets time.
There’s two problems here. The first is a strawman: “changing the way or time a glider deploys for EVERYONE”. It’s really the same strawman as above. Nobody’s asking for a change to be forced on everyone, which btw is exactly what happened when gliding was introduced. Suddenly EVERYONE’S jump key became a jump/glide key. We’re not asking for a change that affects everyone. We’re asking for an OPTION that anyone can use if they want.
Secondly, who’s to say what’s a waste of anet’s time, except anet? Gaile herself has asked other posters not to make guesses about how much development work a feature would take. This isn’t something that matters to you. I get that. But list for me what you consider important and I’ll guarantee there will be something I would call a waste of time. So it’s a pointless argument. Leave it to anet to decide. We can only make the request and hope.
Thirdly, come to think of it, anet can be very lenient about wasting time. They can spend a year implementing something then cast it aside. They can spontaneously implement a feature because one player on a live stream asks for it. For all we know, they could just as easily decide to implement a key binding for the glide key or some kind of toggle. Again, all we’re asking for is options, and little ones at that. We can make the request and hope.
^ What Zoltar said.
Unfortunately there were many posts around discussing this request. Somehow many of them dissappeared after a short while, so i guess ANet is very aware of this Glider/Jumping problem. As a ‘jumper’ i’d like to speak out for this request once again.
Dont keep you hopes up, qol issues seem to have very low priority