Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fancypants.9705


Hey all I dont ever really complain on forums i just keep it to myself but this really put a bad taste in my mouth.

Anet, wanted to make the game less grindy and less gold orientated. Being able to obtain legionaries and higher end items just by playing the game. So they decreased the amount rewarded given by dungeons… horrible idea…

Now to be able to obtain skins like the Wintersday skin, we have to do endless grinding for 10k alcohol points or stuck paying 800g+ on the TP….. so… where/when is this less grinding and less gold orientated come in to play?

Even doing these new legendary achievements… sure you can do it all by just playing… but you will be spending countless hours farming resources. Is this suppose to be more fun then grinding/playing dungeons?

None of this makes sense…. if I am wrong please tell me, I welcome all types of criticism and hope that I am wrong in all of these cases. If you are going to say I am cheap just dont bother posting, I think anyone expected to spend over 800g+ to have some snowflake effects has some screws loose.

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


You can do the shoulder collection after the Wintersday ends, so do the achives to get the Wintersday tree in your house and keep getting boxes during the whole year and buying some while you play, no need to buy right now when the demand for the booze is the highest.

Your examples become really a grind if you try to make it as fast as you can, like you see that you need 30 spirit wood for a legendary step, so you go grind to get them all in 3 days, but if you just played as you wanted, you would be able to get them in 3 months, the difference is that you don’t feel that you grinded at all.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fancypants.9705


Ah nice thanks for the suggestion. i will definitely have to get that tree!

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

For comparison, before HoT, the Queen Bee (‘some insect effects’) was around 1100-1500g on the TP; the poly-luminescents (‘some ghostly effects’) were 300-1200g, depending on the color (each of those is cheaper now, since old shinies tend to drop in price when new shinies appear).

By comparison, Winter’s Presence current costs are pretty typical.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


You can do the shoulder collection after the Wintersday ends, so do the achives to get the Wintersday tree in your house and keep getting boxes during the whole year and buying some while you play, no need to buy right now when the demand for the booze is the highest.

Your examples become really a grind if you try to make it as fast as you can, like you see that you need 30 spirit wood for a legendary step, so you go grind to get them all in 3 days, but if you just played as you wanted, you would be able to get them in 3 months, the difference is that you don’t feel that you grinded at all.

You get 1 gift a day on average you need 12 Thousand gifts to get all the drinks
even if you knock 9 thousand drink off be for event end you still got 1000 daily logins
and prices will go up not down when that happens until next December

Tree not gonna help you at all basically

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Hey all I dont ever really complain on forums i just keep it to myself but this really put a bad taste in my mouth.

Anet, wanted to make the game less grindy and less gold orientated. Being able to obtain legionaries and higher end items just by playing the game. So they decreased the amount rewarded given by dungeons… horrible idea…

Now to be able to obtain skins like the Wintersday skin, we have to do endless grinding for 10k alcohol points or stuck paying 800g+ on the TP….. so… where/when is this less grinding and less gold orientated come in to play?

Even doing these new legendary achievements… sure you can do it all by just playing… but you will be spending countless hours farming resources. Is this suppose to be more fun then grinding/playing dungeons?

None of this makes sense…. if I am wrong please tell me, I welcome all types of criticism and hope that I am wrong in all of these cases. If you are going to say I am cheap just dont bother posting, I think anyone expected to spend over 800g+ to have some snowflake effects has some screws loose.

I can only imagine they’re desperately trying to keep people busy and this is something else that might take players some time. Also, it seems like they’re actively looking for major gold sinks, like they think players have too much gold in general. The gold sink aspect isn’t working on me, though, since I’m not planning to sink any gold at all into the shoulders.

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

People complained about the halloween shoulders. they complained about the rng. is there rng involved with this? if there is, then they should have listened to the community. if there isn’t, then they listened and all is ok.

here’s my hunch: they want this stuff to be a lot of work so that just buying stuff instead of having something to play for is more attractive.

where’s all the new earnable armor sets? there aren’t many at all. why? again, i come back to my theory that they want you to buy your fashion on top of the 50 dollar purchase you made with HoT. Then they can point to the bat shoulders and these shoulders as them putting stuff in the game.

they didn’t even fix toypocalypse so that you could play with your friends. This game is a wreck. I get my dailies every day in hopes that this game’s former luster and shine returns, but I am not holding my breath. From guild halls to masteries to elite specs to holidays to time gated raids to the new crafting profession and terrible MMR in pvp, it’s all a grind compared to what it used to be

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


Hey all I dont ever really complain on forums i just keep it to myself but this really put a bad taste in my mouth.

Anet, wanted to make the game less grindy and less gold orientated. Being able to obtain legionaries and higher end items just by playing the game. So they decreased the amount rewarded given by dungeons… horrible idea…

Now to be able to obtain skins like the Wintersday skin, we have to do endless grinding for 10k alcohol points or stuck paying 800g+ on the TP….. so… where/when is this less grinding and less gold orientated come in to play?

Even doing these new legendary achievements… sure you can do it all by just playing… but you will be spending countless hours farming resources. Is this suppose to be more fun then grinding/playing dungeons?

None of this makes sense…. if I am wrong please tell me, I welcome all types of criticism and hope that I am wrong in all of these cases. If you are going to say I am cheap just dont bother posting, I think anyone expected to spend over 800g+ to have some snowflake effects has some screws loose.

I completely agree with you! Everything about HoT and every patch since, is just all about grind-fest ideas.

[sarcasm] “Ohh lets give them a new zone to explore … that requires masteries to simply glide. Oh, and you’ll need another mastery to glide far enough to not plummet to your death, no wait, make that one 3-4 masteries later. Oh, and lets time gate the zone full of events that require many many players so when the zone is empty, nobody can complete anything! Let’s make the mastery bar so long they need to grind endless events and hours just to get one mastery level! Great, that’ll keem em busy for a while! Good job boys!” [/sarcasm]

Fractals: GW2 had a reputation for having the most friendly and helpful playerbase! But now it’s rush in, don’t greet your new group, do one single fractal, soon as you get the transition window, leave the group without a word! Next!….

What happened to grouping, greeting, playing some levels together, spending an hour together, and then parting company after some well-earned fun and adventure?

You’ve taken everything good about this game and abandonned it in a sugar-coated grind-fest expansion that’s branded as an “improvement” but is a huge step backwards in many aspects.

I would give up EVERYTHING in HoT to have the game before the expansion. There’s like less than 5 things I like about HoT and over 50 things I despise about it. Go figure.

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rchu.8945


here’s my hunch: they want this stuff to be a lot of work so that just buying stuff instead of having something to play for is more attractive.

there, you just said it, “a lot of work” essentially mean the process is a grind. Can we all stop sugar-coat what Anet is doing here? You can say “oh if I enjoy it then it’s not a grind” and all other bs, it pretty means the same as grind. Sure, some people might say they love their real jobs, but it still work.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Dear OP:

You’re thread is no different than the endless number of threads complaining about how long or hard it is to get gear. Unfortunately, your claim that game is grindy is wrong, because there is no endless grind for shoulder skins, just this one and you don’t need this one. This single skin does not make the game grindy. You can choose from many of the others for an insignificant sum of gold to get the performance you are after.

You should simply stick to your more obvious complaint; you want Winter’s Presence and you’re not willing to do what is needed to get it. You’re claim that none of this makes sense is not a generally accepted view amoung players; it makes LOTS of sense to me that exceptional skins are … expensive, take effort and (maybe) skill to get, etc…. I mean, what WOULDN’T make sense is that a special skin that has some associated significance to status ingame is something that everyone can get. It might be a nice gesture, and we DID have that with Dragon Bash back skins (HINT HINT ANet) but we didn’t get it this time.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Minx.7521


Hey all I dont ever really complain on forums i just keep it to myself but this really put a bad taste in my mouth.

Anet, wanted to make the game less grindy and less gold orientated. Being able to obtain legionaries and higher end items just by playing the game. So they decreased the amount rewarded given by dungeons… horrible idea…

Now to be able to obtain skins like the Wintersday skin, we have to do endless grinding for 10k alcohol points or stuck paying 800g+ on the TP….. so… where/when is this less grinding and less gold orientated come in to play?

Even doing these new legendary achievements… sure you can do it all by just playing… but you will be spending countless hours farming resources. Is this suppose to be more fun then grinding/playing dungeons?

None of this makes sense…. if I am wrong please tell me, I welcome all types of criticism and hope that I am wrong in all of these cases. If you are going to say I am cheap just dont bother posting, I think anyone expected to spend over 800g+ to have some snowflake effects has some screws loose.

I can only imagine they’re desperately trying to keep people busy and this is something else that might take players some time. Also, it seems like they’re actively looking for major gold sinks, like they think players have too much gold in general. The gold sink aspect isn’t working on me, though, since I’m not planning to sink any gold at all into the shoulders.

JP and bell grind all day ^.^

Gold, Grind, and Presence Shoulder skin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Either give it up or move on. Or save those money you farm and try to invest in it.

Just like real life, most of the really rich people become rich by investing. So don’t spend every last penny you have. Try to use those money to make money.

That being said, what’s the point of money if you dont’ spend them.