Good bye Revenant[BETA] Loot !
i don’t think mystic forge count as drop especially you have 48 hours of unlimited exotic to flush.
It should be DROPS from mob, chest, bag that we should mourn.
This was a reason for me to not play revenant to much this weekend.
I’ve never had a precursor drop EVER and if it were to drop for me on a beta character from a mob kill or some other legitimate means other than the mystic toilet I would quit the game right at that moment !!!
HATE: Jumping puzzles.
Didn’t drop anything remotely valuable on my Rev. I wonder if someone did Silver Wastes with his Revenant and got the bee-queen?
I don’t even press my aoe loot key, Since my first day in game I never had pre (either from drop or MF) and I was too scared to loot anything on my revenant beta, so yeah if I dropped some precursors, I do not know about it.
On the other hand I was only playing something like 1h with beta character (nothing to do if You can’t keep your shines ) so I don’t think there was some valuable loot for me.
After reading about all the success people had with the Forge I threw everything left on my revenant in there (I’d already sold some of the exotics to clear inventory space), then made 2 new ones and threw all their exotics in.
The best I got was a few named exotics, didn’t check prices but nothing that jumped out at me as being hugely valuable.
I don’t remember getting any notable drops either. Loot was about the same as I normally get. Although I didn’t go to Silverwastes or anything like that, I spent most of my time doing normal events in Frostgorge (because I find it harder to tell what effect my skills are having with lots of people around).
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I actully got Leaf of Kudzu from the mystic forge. 10 min into the beta I thought that was funny since I’ve been playing the game since launch and never got any precursor drop. No big deal though.
I didn’t get anything great and wonderful while I was playing my revenant. Just the normal stuff, even played the mystic forge a bit and actually did worse than I usually do.
I’m going to seriously miss my Revenant. I actually had a lot of fun playing it even though it was the half-kitten done version of it. But since I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep anything I simply didn’t loot hardly any chests and just trashed or sold my stuff. I did use the shovels I got to help my fellow peeps do chest trains in SW
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
All the guys throwing exotics in from their beta character and getting precursors must like self punishment or something, complete waste of time imo.
I got a bunch of named exotics and The Colossus. First pre I’ve ever gotten
I got Zap from a chest and turned it into Bolt
Oh wait, I got that in the actual game, phew! I was terrified there for a moment, but it was just a false alarm guys.
QQ all my shiny ectos gone from salvaging loot in SW…