Guardian Dragon Hunter & condition damage

Guardian Dragon Hunter & condition damage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Otiveht.5482


Being a life time Guardian, im personally really excited for this new direction for the guardian. Currently im not a fan of the range abilities the guardian has, nor the weapons used for those abilities, it just doesnt appeal to me as a player. Im drawn more towards the GS and Hammer, but we all know that there are plenty of times in group content that guardians need to use other weapons. So this added range damage option with the longbow i hope is going to fill that void for me.

I also have always wanted to be more of a condition focused guardian, just because its fun for me, but i know it hasn’t been the “best” way to go for damage so you get shyed away from it. So im hoping in HoT with the changes to condition change and the Dragon Hunter addition, im really hoping i can play marry those two things and be viable in groups, and not be kicked.

“If you can get there, You can go there”

Guardian Dragon Hunter & condition damage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horus.9685


Being a life time Guardian,[…] Currently im not a fan of the range abilities the guardian has, nor the weapons used for those abilities

wut ._.
That being said, give sinister guardian a try ;D

The meta is dead, long live the meta.

Guardian Dragon Hunter & condition damage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BIGHARSHNESS.3510


Being a life time Guardian,[…] Currently im not a fan of the range abilities the guardian has, nor the weapons used for those abilities

wut ._.
That being said, give sinister guardian a try ;D

He’s right. Scepter is ok in PvE, but its garbagetown in PvP. I cringe every time I see a scepter guard on my team. Staff is a loot tag/support weapon. The LB has its flaws… I’m not to fond of it either right now… but I’ll reserve judgement until the final release.