Guild Hall Arena, PvE pet buffs
Yup. My guild unlocked the arena yesterday and first thing I noticed: WTF? Why am I in PvE gear?
Not sure if this is intended because if it is, it’s a major flaw.
I 1shot people with a low health pool (11-12k hp) with vault. I don’t think this is right in a PvP setting.
And to be fair, I think anyone can pretty much 1shot everyone like that.
Inb4 this is one of the ways Anet is using to get rid of the zerker meta. ¦D
Well it’s not going to work.
But yes. The PvE buffs, food… everything… Just feels wrong.
(edited by glenndevis.8327)
I was actually expecting it to work this way since it was announced… I got the feeling from the blogs that they were targeting wvw GvG and people wanting to duel in pve in an attempt to meet these groups half way.
The custom arena stuff was the pvp version of these in the more controlled pvp environment
(I know neither of these actually reach the expectations of many people, just mentioning)
The problem isn’t using PvE gear – the problem is using PvE ruleset, so to speak, as opposed to WvW ruleset. Pets, clones, phantasms and so on have a massive hp bonus in PvE, which shouldn’t be the case when fighting players.
While self-bumping is generally frowned on, as this is a one-sided issue in the sense that there is no reason whatsoever why PvE-specific buffs should apply in a zone where you can’t fight PvE at all, only other players (the claiming happens in a separate instance, afterall), and harms the intended function of the arena, I feel like this should get more attention.
So, bump.
I’m not sure what the problem here is… I’m pretty sure Anet made it clear in s couple blog post that the Guild Arena would be PvE/WvW stats. Even going as far as detailing which Hall would be better for GvG’s which is why the guild arena’s are using PvE stats.
I’d have to find the link but it should be on Dulfy.
Basically the same rules as in WvW should be applied in ze arenas, no point having a third variable outside WvW and SPvP numbers.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
I’m not sure what the problem here is… I’m pretty sure Anet made it clear in s couple blog post that the Guild Arena would be PvE/WvW stats. Even going as far as detailing which Hall would be better for GvG’s which is why the guild arena’s are using PvE stats.
I’d have to find the link but it should be on Dulfy.
You are missing the point – as I’ve stated, my beef isn’t with using PvE gear – it is that in PvE, certain things are buffed for PvE environment so as to be more viable against PvE design. These buffs aren’t there in WvW. These buffs shouldn’t be there in guild hall arena, where no PvE takes place. However, due to what must be an oversight, these buffs are there when you’re fighting other players.
If you have a ranger, look at your pet hp in any PvE zone. Then go into a WvW zone and look at it again. Now, step into a guild hall arena and look at the health. Do you see the issue yet?
The same applies not only to ranger pets, but to mesmer illusions, necro minions, guardian spirit weapons, and engi turrets and gyros too, I believe. Basically, all player-controlled/spawned allies.
Ah I see what you are saying. I’ve not spent much time in our arena so it’s not something I would have noticed on my Mesmer right a way.
I disagree with almost everything posted.
Sure you can 1 shot people with vault if they have 10k health but you can already do that in both WvW AND spvp if you build correctly…
I don’t think we should get WvW ruleset either, I know “No pve happens there” but turning off a bunch of consumables and other things is unnecessary.
I don’t see why people think it should have the same ruleset as spvp or WvW. It’s not supposed to be version2 of them gamemodes. When sPvP is involved you can always just get a custom arena there aswell.
People keep talking about balance, It’s not supposed to be balanced. WvW isn’t balanced, not even close. If they wanted it balanced they would have made it use the sPvP format, because while it’s not perfect it’s the best out of the 3…
The arenas purpose is that it’s a sandbox and you can do a bunch of stuff there that you can’t in WvW.. Let’s not just “Turn it all off” because we want WvW v2
Also who kills pets anyway? They might die to cleave but nobody specifically targets them, not in a 1v1 nor a 20v20.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
I disagree with almost everything posted.
Sure you can 1 shot people with vault if they have 10k health but you can already do that in both WvW AND spvp if you build correctly…
I don’t think we should get WvW ruleset either, I know “No pve happens there” but turning off a bunch of consumables and other things is unnecessary.
I don’t see why people think it should have the same ruleset as spvp or WvW. It’s not supposed to be version2 of them gamemodes. When sPvP is involved you can always just get a custom arena there aswell.
People keep talking about balance, It’s not supposed to be balanced. WvW isn’t balanced, not even close. If they wanted it balanced they would have made it use the sPvP format, because while it’s not perfect it’s the best out of the 3…
The arenas purpose is that it’s a sandbox and you can do a bunch of stuff there that you can’t in WvW.. Let’s not just “Turn it all off” because we want WvW v2
Also who kills pets anyway? They might die to cleave but nobody specifically targets them, not in a 1v1 nor a 20v20.
So, you want mesmer illusions to take almost twice as much to kill? So you want the scrapper bulwark gyro to absorb almost twice as much damage? Oh wait, let me guess – you play a minionmancer, and want your minions to last almost twice as long? Ad hominem, I know, but somehow feels appropriate here. Nowhere did I mention disabling consumables – all I’m asking for a buff that doesn’t belong in player combat to be removed from player combat.
PS. Smart people who know what they are doing kill pets when against certain BM builds.
From what I have seen the area looks way too small to have any meaningful pvp in anyway…
So, you want mesmer illusions to take almost twice as much to kill? So you want the scrapper bulwark gyro to absorb almost twice as much damage? Oh wait, let me guess – you play a minionmancer, and want your minions to last almost twice as long? Ad hominem, I know, but somehow feels appropriate here. Nowhere did I mention disabling consumables – all I’m asking for a buff that doesn’t belong in player combat to be removed from player combat.
PS. Smart people who know what they are doing kill pets when against certain BM builds.
That’s some real nice assumptions, But honestly lets not attempt to make petty insults? Minionmancer? please. Even with double the health you would have to be utterly garbage to lose to that.
PS “Smart people” are just random bads who can kill other random bads who don’t know how to pet swap. What good player even runs a BM build that allows you to focus the pet…
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
I was very happy to see arena be in PvE gear. I can do my vustom PvP arenas already so…