Guild Hall Capturing

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Animal Uta.6934

Animal Uta.6934

I’m one part of a small close knit guild. My fellow guild members and I are trying to ensure we have enough players online to venture out into the jungle and claim our prized Guild Hall. I’m attempting to organize a date and time, giving plenty of notice to maximize the guild participation. Are the guild halls located in areas that can be reached relatively quickly after launch? I’m wondering if we can locate and claim it on Saturday 24th… or am I deluded?

Really hoping for an answer so we can plan accordingly.

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seth Moonshadow.2710

Seth Moonshadow.2710

I can tell you you will likely not be alone!! Our guild has a October 24th, 2015 Guild Claim Event planned @ 7pm PST also

I would wager many guild will probably go for the Guild Hall at 12:02 p.m. PST on the 23rd!!

As far as getting there, that’s another story. If I recall correctly one guild hall is reported to be on the north end of Verdant Brinks and another south west I think? I would think guild hall maps will be the ones with the most number of TAG’s up

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Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Oyranos.9750


I bet you can solo it with a pug group… Lets say you own a guild and you play an event with pugs/random people… when the event finishes, you may have the chance to claim it.

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

Where is the info on the way Guild Halls will work?
Will only some guilds be able to get them?
I was hoping it would be the way they did them in GW 1, where you paid the registrar for the stuff you wanted.

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kailee.8790


From the preview I would have to assume that the Guild Hall is instance based and not specifically on the map, which would be best.

If you only had X number available, then it should be a constant neverending siege.

If you take it, you have to defend it indefinitely… so on and so forth

else if it was not limited (instanced) then people would fight for a guild hall 1x and keep it forever

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Animal Uta.6934

Animal Uta.6934

As far as getting there, that’s another story. If I recall correctly one guild hall is reported to be on the north end of Verdant Brinks and another south west I think? I would think guild hall maps will be the ones with the most number of TAG’s up

Thanks for the heads up on the locations. Verdant Brink is the starting zone in HoT.
I would imagine locating and claiming a Guild Hall is well within our capability!

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Animal Uta.6934

Animal Uta.6934

I bet you can solo it with a pug group… Lets say you own a guild and you play an event with pugs/random people… when the event finishes, you may have the chance to claim it.

Thanks for the reply.
You’re correct, I read it’s the guild leader that touches the crystal/stone that claims a guild hall. It’s not getting to one that’s the issue, it’s getting one when the majority of our guild is present. I want all of us to feel the pride in fighting our way to and claiming for our guild.

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Was it ever stated that multiple guilds could be in the same instance and and get credit for claiming the map? I only ask because what’s to stop someone with a personal guild from stealing claim if that wasn’t the case (or potential trolling)? Or is claim ownership dependent on which guild started the instance?

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirian Direstorm.9748

Eirian Direstorm.9748

If I understand the info already released, the guild hall mission will be more like a combination of one of the new raids and the “retake fort” events in the SW. So you aren’t competing with other people at all.

Some more details here:

You start the thing in Lion’s Arch at that new guild building that isn’t really accessible yet.

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slalom.3174


bump to keep this discussion going.
I am interested.

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Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


You wont be getting a guild hall in the first couple of days unless of course Anet changes the amount of favor needed at launch. Colin said its feasible in the first week if guilds can collect enough favor that the 2nd week is more doable.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

Guild Hall Capturing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sirjarros.4107


This summary of the Guild Week Q&A last week, pretty much answers your question:

_"Q: Guild has only 3 players, can we get a guild hall and get enough favor?

Yes if you are really good players you can get a guild hall with less than 5 players. Less than 5 reduce the amount of guild missions you can run and the amount of favor you can earn.
We are balancing most of the cost assuming 10 players."_


_"Q: How feasible is it for guild to claim their guild hall first week after launch

Very feasible. You need to run some guild missions first to gain enough favor to run the expedition. You should be able to get enough favor in the first week but if not definitely the second week."

Hope this helps!