Guild Hall Claiming
I’m not sure I can answer the questions as we did it with more people so it’s probably a little different but if you’re on EU servers then I’d be happy to give you a hand claiming it if I’m on at the same time as you.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
My guild was able to claim it with 5 people, but it was tough. We wiped a couple times before getting the hang of it. Here’s how we did it:
1. Have all members except one go to the center of the map. When they’re in place, have the final member start the instance with the NPC at the beginning. That will give people enough time to get to the first maw spawn.
2. Once you’re at the maw spawn, focus 100% on the vinetender, and use every CC you can on him to diminish the breakbar. Simply put, pound on him until he dies. Then, move on to the second vinetender and repeat.
3. Once the vinetenders are gone, attack the maw with everything. Ignore all other mobs, as they will get downed by the AOE and cleaves you will be doing. If you can get both vinetenders down with 1 minute or more left, you should be able to kill the maw.
4. Do this every maw. If a spawn is very far away, let it go. You can allow four maws to live without wiping the whole instance.
The trick is to get to the spawns as quickly as possible and focus ENTIRELY on the vinetenders.
Failing that….hit up people in the chat for help. Good luck!
It does scale, every 10 people spawns an additional maw at once, so 9 or less people = 1 spawn at a time, 10-19 = 2 spawns at a time and so on.
The boss scales as well. Less than 20 people = 1 boss at a time.
If you’re unable to do it with 5 people, ask in /map chat for some help.
In another thread, a guild claimed the guild hall with 3 person.
In the many other threads, many guilds claimed the hall with 5.
So, to answer your question, guild hall can be claimed by 5.
For education purpose, the more people, the harder it is.
Henge of Denravi Server