Guild Halls: Influence / Merits / Coin
Aside from influence which you can save up, I’m assuming you won’t be able to make all the upgrade purchases on day one seeing as how merits are currently limited and are likely to be a part of the purchase/upgrades.
probably, but it all depends on the merit cost. when bounties were introduced several large roster guilds were able to unlock all said upgrades in one day just speeding up the build que by spending more influence.
250 merits sounds like a good number for a guild hall “baseline” then further upgrades from there much smaller amounts of merits / influence. that shows your guild is thriving and even needs a guild hall, but it also prevents new guilds from competing in GvG right away…
I’d think it would be the other way around. I see the initial purchase being a moderate amount of influence and merits, with each upgrade costing more and more. I just can’t see anet releasing the long-overdue guild halls which are supposed to be a huge new feature just to have large guilds fully upgrade them on day 1 and start complaining that there’s nothing to do right away again. So hopefully they’re at least a little time gated.
Im more interested to know if guild halls are just purchased for influence/merits/gold with no needed prerequisite or will we need architecture or another line leveled up quite a bit? my guild is currently at 4 architecture and Im curious to know if i need it max (or another line maxed) for guild halls or not? Good to know so we can prepare
i have a guild that consists of 2 active members, i sure as hell hope its not merit gated (or at least not heavily gated under merits)
I’m guessing they will add more to the Architecture line, without a doubt. Start saving up your influence now everyone.