Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Guild Halls and small guilds
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Try again.
No thanks. I will stop wasting my time with your condescending answers and just end this with a “I don’t believe you when you say that 5-7 people with almost no gold farmed all the mats needed to go to level 31 themselves in 1 month”.
If five to seven people all had alts and all participated in wood farming, religiously, then yeah, the probably could just sell the wood and get what they need. But yeah it’s not something most would find fun.
Most of us had alts parked at flax farms, and really we just did the content, salvaged everything, donated what was needed, sold what we didn’t and bought what we did need.
Assuming we were just rich players in game was far more condescending then my reply, I assure you. It took effort. Not credit cards or hours of mindless farming though.
The treasurey is a tough but fair mistress.
I don’t believe it either. It’s not… feasible. I’ve spent about 450 gold on my guild hall and I know a couple of guildies have done close to that. My wealth has plummeted and we’re not to level 31 on the guild hall. Even if I could believe that just 5-7 people flax farming could pay for 31 levels, which I don’t, you’d still have to come up with the favor. Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
Your posts don’t hold water.
Sorrows Furnace
Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
All treks, easy (and sometimes medium) bounties and some rushes (depending on how many other guilds are doing them at the moment) can.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
All treks, easy (and sometimes medium) bounties and some rushes (depending on how many other guilds are doing them at the moment) can.
I think you can add some guild challenges and guild puzzles to that list. Especially the last weeks challenge for full PvE missions can be done by just 3 people. Guild puzzles (6 minimum) aren’t that hard either, just a matter of knowing what to do for those.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
The “difficulty” with leveling a guild hall is greatly exaggerated.
Sure, it’s not “difficult”, we’re only pushing a button on a keyboard. That doesn’t mean the cost of upgrading a Guild Hall isn’t prohibitive. Nor, does it mean the cost of a Guild Hall and the Scribing that goes with it, isn’t sucking all joy out of ownership. If you were a PvE player and most of your time in game was spent circling a map gathering, then the Guild Hall probably doesn’t suck for you. If you are a TP flipper and had a good amount of wealth, then the cost isn’t too much for you either. Now if you were a WvW or PvP player, the cost of a Guild Hall is obnoxious. Completely sucking the life out of playing the game.
The cost of Guild Hall upgrading is imbalanced across the game modes. The per person cost of Guild Halls is imbalanced too. There should have been a sliding scale.
My guild is a WvW guild. People being willing to part with their wealth to build a community asset helps quite a bit. All WvW players aren’t broke.
NSP | Os Guild Master |
Try again.
No thanks. I will stop wasting my time with your condescending answers and just end this with a “I don’t believe you when you say that 5-7 people with almost no gold farmed all the mats needed to go to level 31 themselves in 1 month”.
I don’t believe everything I read on the interwebz. It’s too easy for people to climb onto the forums and make stuff up just to make their points or to try to put people down.
I still think there could have been a better way to include smaller guilds in the whole guild halls and upgrades thing. They wanted to make scribing and guild hall upgrading take a long time in an attempt to keep people playing. With that goal in mind, it was just easier to gear the requirements toward large guilds.
I was poor and wanted to get some gold to bump up my scribing a tier. I cleared out my material bank completely (minus scribe tier 1 & 2 mats) and it sold on tp for 240g. This is after maxing out 3 crafting disciplines a week before hot (no 500 cooking/jeweling after all) and dumping my materials into guild upgrade treasury dude for the past month and also into scribing. Ended up finishing the materials for workshop 2 aswell.
People have more wealth than they know. Especially after HoT added value to some materials.
The livestream already made it really clear that it is balanced around 10 players
Har har har. At the same time when they give out their estimated values to max a guildhall, those happen to be the minimum times (the ones gated by aetherium). No, 10-man guilds will not be able to upgrade even close to the rate given. Again, what they say and what they do don’t match.
6 to 9 months is the minimum? Really? Some guilds already reach level 40 within a month, you really think it takes 6 to 9 months to upgrade to max?
Yes, those guilds that got to level 40 first already mentioned they have another approximate 4 months of queues till they max everything (based on aetherium production). (link here). So, Anet’s predictions were pretty much spot-on.
If you look at the comment below of that comment, that guy did a math and says it takes 5 months at optimal speed. 1 month extra for margin of error like forgetting to upgrade and so on. So, really 6 months? Nope.
Henge of Denravi Server
Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
You’re right. Most can’t be completed with <10 people. If our guild is short on mission runners, we actually kindly ask in map chat for people to join us. It works. PvP missions are practically balanced for 5 people too.
WvW requires at least 3 guild members, again, easy.
We did all but 2 missions last week, the 5 target bounty we skipped and the Stronghold mission (why that even popped up, idk, Stronghold being disabled and all.)
So Favor isn’t an issue either. The 10% added bonus for selecting no preference on missions is good too.
All this thread is proving to me that most of you want everything unlocked, at a heavily reduced cost, regardless of whether you use the feature or not, because you want shiney pretty things but don’t want to forgo the effort.
I’ve not had more than 60g since HoT released because I dump it into the treasurey (yes you can still acquire gold after that magical date of Oct 23rd) and most guild members have done the same. Most looked at how much gold I had previously, then where we are now, but didn’t think of the almost 2 months in between? Of actually setting targets with upgrades in mind? The mind boggles.
On that note, my last post in thread. Its like a brick wall.
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
“The cost of used cars is fine” says the average person.
“The cost of Porsches is fine” says the manager across the street.
“The cost of Lamborghinis is fine” says the lottery winner.But only egocentric people take their own standard of “fine” and think it has to apply to everyone else too. What might be “fine” for you may not be “fine” for others.
We aren’t talking about 1 person buying 1 thing. A guild pools their resources allowing for greater things, that’s the point.
For example, I couldn’t buy my own home by myself, but with the help of my now future husband we bought our own home last year.
1 average person can’t buy a 10 bedroom mansion, but 10 people (or even 10 couples) could very well pool together to be able to afford it.
This is the point of a Guild. You may say that people who are a duo guild should have lower requirements, but the fact is, a Guild of less than 5 is a glorified party. There’s many small guilds making the system work, but asking for something to make smaller guilds be able to get what other slightly bigger guilds are getting, at a reduced requirement, would be unfair to those guilds of the same size making it work.
Problem= My micro guild can’t build a Guild hall.
Solution= Expand your guild.
Sorry This isn’t the answer you want to hear but This is most definitely the solution to your issues. Not reducing requirements.
This was why A net encouraged the Guild Recruitment a couple of months ago.
A new player wanting to make a guild and work for it is NOT ALLOWED according to you to explore and find out all guild relates things before expanding? EXACTLY as we had it before, EXACTLY that what devteam took away from ALL players NEW OR VET alike.
Wow, thank you for all your responses. I agree with those who say you can upgrade your hall with a small guild if you work hard… the thing is, I’m not getting paid for playing GW2 xD. I play it for fun, to share an adventure with other people and yes, to form a community of players. But as someone said before, I’m not up for establishing cold relationships with anyone just to gather mats. Over the last couple of weeks I’m starting to feel that playing GW2 resembles more to working on your job’s desk or doing your homework, and not actually playing a videogame. What’s the point of repeating over and over again the same events? If the objective of the game is setting up a realistic world, fighting the same dragon to death everyday kills all the immersion it could had. You roam Divinity’s Reach these days and the only thing you see is players repeating all the time the Bo-Bo-Bot (or whatever his name is) event, not even talking to other players. I started playing a few months ago, but someone told me that GW2 community wasn’t always like that. People gathered at taverns and had some chat.
But hey… it’s an MMORPG. We all know how they are -.-
The livestream already made it really clear that it is balanced around 10 players
Har har har. At the same time when they give out their estimated values to max a guildhall, those happen to be the minimum times (the ones gated by aetherium). No, 10-man guilds will not be able to upgrade even close to the rate given. Again, what they say and what they do don’t match.
6 to 9 months is the minimum? Really? Some guilds already reach level 40 within a month, you really think it takes 6 to 9 months to upgrade to max?
Yes, those guilds that got to level 40 first already mentioned they have another approximate 4 months of queues till they max everything (based on aetherium production). (link here). So, Anet’s predictions were pretty much spot-on.
If you look at the comment below of that comment, that guy did a math and says it takes 5 months at optimal speed. 1 month extra for margin of error like forgetting to upgrade and so on. So, really 6 months? Nope.
the 6->5 months downgrade was likely due to reducing Arena requirements later on (originally the first stage was going to take a minimum of 1 month, got reduced to 1 week shortly before HoT launch). Also, at least two upgrades (perhaps more) are currently hidden and not shown in the upgrade options (nobody’s currently sure why, ‘cause Anet’s not telling).
Also, 5 months +1 extra for possible delays due to favour cap/wasting aetherium due to not upgrading immediately when possible is still 6 months. Notice how all that presumes not having any problems from gathering materials, it really is the max speed, which won’t be the case for a huge majority of the guilds out there.
So yeah, Anet’s predictions are still mostly correct. They still weren’t made with the 10-man guilds in mind.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Also, 5 months +1 extra for possible delays due to favour cap/wasting aetherium due to not upgrading immediately when possible is still 6 months. Notice how all that presumes not having any problems from gathering materials, it really is the max speed, which won’t be the case for a huge majority of the guilds out there.
So yeah, Anet’s predictions are still mostly correct. They still weren’t made with the 10-man guilds in mind.
As the one who ‘did the math’ I have to agree. While it’s possible that a 10-20 can make it happen in the 6 month time frame, I would have to say that it isn’t very likely. That being said, I’m sure there will be a few guilds that do and my hat is off to all of them.
Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
You’re right. Most can’t be completed with <10 people. If our guild is short on mission runners, we actually kindly ask in map chat for people to join us. It works. PvP missions are practically balanced for 5 people too.
WvW requires at least 3 guild members, again, easy.We did all but 2 missions last week, the 5 target bounty we skipped and the Stronghold mission (why that even popped up, idk, Stronghold being disabled and all.)
So Favor isn’t an issue either. The 10% added bonus for selecting no preference on missions is good too.
All this thread is proving to me that most of you want everything unlocked, at a heavily reduced cost, regardless of whether you use the feature or not, because you want shiney pretty things but don’t want to forgo the effort.
I’ve not had more than 60g since HoT released because I dump it into the treasurey (yes you can still acquire gold after that magical date of Oct 23rd) and most guild members have done the same. Most looked at how much gold I had previously, then where we are now, but didn’t think of the almost 2 months in between? Of actually setting targets with upgrades in mind? The mind boggles.
On that note, my last post in thread. Its like a brick wall.
You could call every opinion a brick wall, merely because you don’t see it changing. Ironically your opinion that the costs are completely reasonable is just as much as a brickwall as the other opinion that they aren’t.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
why do you NEED to max the guild hall in a small guild? Work the upgrades one at a time. Most of them don’t do anything serious anyhow.
You don’t need to max it, but you need to go pretty high, too high for any smaller size guild to go within any sort of reasonable amount of time whatsoever, because of +5 supply and base buffs which they used to have.
Now not only they can’t get it, but what they earned has been wiped.
PvE wise, the Guild Hall is fluff except for the buff. PvP/GvG wise the Arena is a nice addition and not too hard to level unless you want all the tricks and traps. Also the arena from what I’ve heard barely fits 10 players. WvW wise (total failure) buffs hidden behind a grind/pay wall in game modes that most players don’t venture in. You do the math.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
Small guilds will have less equipped guild halls than bigger it makes sence
Should I go left where nothing is right,
or right where nothing is left?
Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
I know this because my guild does missions every monday. We normally do them with 5-7 people. Some weeks we have a few extra people.
Easy missions can usually be soloed or done with 3 people or so when not soloable. We’ve done all the puzzles with 4 people. Yes. Even langmar’s estate. We’ve done all the challenges with 3-5 on light weeks.
A week has not gone by in which we don’t complete every mission on our list with the exception of the wvw slot, or legitimately bugged missions, and the wvw slot is more a function of people being split between wvw servers and disinterest than inability.
Every member of the guild makes an average of 10+ gold in raw currency or materials weekly off of missions. Most of them contribute at least half of that to the guild in the form of mats or scribe materials.
Our upgrades aren’t progressing as fast as theoretically possible, but we’re seeing on average 1 or 2 a week. We’ve got all of our buffs at this point, as well as a t2 market, and some t2 nodes and deco merchant. Feels like a reasonable amount of progression for the effort invested.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Small guilds will have less equipped guild halls than bigger it makes sence
Not when they need the buffs about as much as the big guilds. Sometimes more (case of +5 supply for WvW).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
Every member of the guild makes an average of 10+ gold in raw currency or materials weekly off of missions. Most of them contribute at least half of that to the guild in the form of mats or scribe materials.
kitten me how the heck do you accomplish that? 2-3 I can see 10+? please explain
obo resonating slivers are worth the bulk of that but thats usually donated to the scribe i’d assume
Since when WvW players are poor? I’m playing WvW few days, I have hundreds of bags to open.
Imagine a well-coordinated guild of 10 people focused on WvW. multiply 50 champ bags x 10. And I’m not counting on kills bags, and gathered materials on WvW maps.
It has something that does not fit well there. The guys of these so called “small guilds” are allegedly well organized, have teamspeak, organize raids in WvW but fail to organize to reverse its gains in WvW, to upgrade to the guild hall?
(edited by ugrakarma.9416)
Since when WvW players are poor? I’m playing WvW few days, I have hundreds of bags to open.
Imagine a well-coordinated guild of 10 people focused on WvW. multiply 50 champ bags x 10. And I’m not counting on kills bags, and gathered materials on WvW maps.
It has something that does not fit well there. The guys of these so called “small guilds” are allegedly well organized, have teamspeak, organize raids in WvW but fail to organize to reverse its gains in WvW, to upgrade to the guild hall?
Havoc guilds don’t usually have ten active members, they usually have three to five. Also, the time to farm ley line sparks and Silverwastes shovels is a deal breaker for a lot of people. Those are account bound items so can’t be bought off the trading post.
Either way, you have to have members spend a significant amount of time farming because the rate of material acquisition in wvw is significantly subpar compared to both sPvP and PvE.