Guild Halls for very small guilds

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Meerkatjie.7402


I’ve been looking around and haven’t found any definitive answers about how small guilds are being handled with the new expansion. I have a small guild (2 active members and 2 semi-active members) where the active members have bought HoT and the others are unlikely too.

I understand that we will need to adventure to unlock the guild hall and that it will likely require at least 5+ players to do so. Is this true and if so how are guilds like mine meant to manage it?

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


Anet expects small guilds to recruit new members, ask/hire help or just abandon our small guilds and join bigger guilds.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


You’re not.

Direct from the Q&A stream, colin stated anet considers a guild as a group of 5+ players, and less than that “not even a group really”

They aren’t designing guild systems for guilds of less than five people, but encourage you to find outside help, or bribe people if you want to use the guild system in an unintended way.

I’d be happy to have some of my guys help you out with your guild hall expedition just for fun. No bribery required

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

The theory is that the bulk of the core game (and probably even HoT) works for small guilds and so there should be some things for guilds that require more than a handful of members.

That said, as His Eminence suggests: there are ways around some of the requirements, including asking others for help. I’m sure people will be offering this as a service (i.e. ask for payment) and I’m equally sure those that are a little bit patient will be able to find volunteers in-game, via LFG, the forums, Reddit, etc.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Meerkatjie.7402


So we can have non-guild members help us unlock our guild hall? Seems a bit strange but if that is the case then when I finally get on and up to that point I might have to take someone up on the offer of a helping hand.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Pretty much as they said, you can work around the requirement by “allying” with other small guilds to complete guild missions and get halls, if you need a guild to help you out, I’m in a 3-man guild and we’d be glad to team up to help each other complete some guild missions!

(edited by thewaterguy.4796)

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


One question I have is if the 100g is per try or if the guild pays 100g and can try as many times as they want. Small guild may have to try a couple times to finally acquire a hall.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

100g paid 1 time. Then you try as many times as you need for THAT Guild Hall…if you want to change…it will cost you 100G again.

On our server (Henge of Denravi) some of the larger Guilds and many of the small Guilds, have already said they would be glad to help other small Guilds on our server claim their Guild Halls, and as far as I know, none of them have asked or even insinuated that they expect payment.

I do because I can
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


Lol… a guild is at least 5 players (think lore-wise, Destiny’s Edge and stuff).

Attempts at ele specs:

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bob.7189


You’re not.

Direct from the Q&A stream, colin stated anet considers a guild as a group of 5+ players, and less than that “not even a group really”

Sure they say that now. Even during the recent guild chat programs the employees referred to their “personal” and “vault” guilds.

From launch it was apparent that ANET intended players to be able to start a guild with 1 member and grow it from there, a pleasant departure from other mmo’s which required a full group to create a guild. The designers would have had to be clueless to not have foreseen personal guilds made for the vault space.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


You’re not.

Direct from the Q&A stream, colin stated anet considers a guild as a group of 5+ players, and less than that “not even a group really”

Sure they say that now. Even during the recent guild chat programs the employees referred to their “personal” and “vault” guilds.

From launch it was apparent that ANET intended players to be able to start a guild with 1 member and grow it from there, a pleasant departure from other mmo’s which required a full group to create a guild. The designers would have had to be clueless to not have foreseen personal guilds made for the vault space.

Sadly, given anet’s track record they are actually extremely shortsighted when it comes to emergent and unintended uses of game systems. Dungeons, fractals, world bosses, and a number of other things have illuminated this pattern of well intentioned but ultimately harmful optimism.

I love Anet. I’d also love to just sit on their design meetings and go “you guys know players are out to break your systems right? Here’s how i would break this thing you’re talking about for personal benefit.”

They’re nice people, but they tend to assume that players will play as intended rather than play as the selfish, efficiency-seeking, totally normal players that they are.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

You’re not.

Direct from the Q&A stream, colin stated anet considers a guild as a group of 5+ players, and less than that “not even a group really”

I’m disappointed with that statement from Colin, I also have a small guild, it’s still called a “guild”.

Kinda stinks.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Anet allow one person to start a guild and grow from there, exactly.
Though, some people will take this the other way, I will create a solo or super small guild because I can, then expecting to get as much things as possible. Human being human, always seeking for greatest amount of benefits even if might not be realistic or practical.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


You’re not.

Direct from the Q&A stream, colin stated anet considers a guild as a group of 5+ players, and less than that “not even a group really”

I’m disappointed with that statement from Colin, I also have a small guild, it’s still called a “guild”.

Kinda stinks.

Games are made for extrovert people, introvert people like (at least) me are always getting the short straw. I don’t even expect it anymore…

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Oenanthe.6549


I’m also a member of a small guild, just a group of RL friends who like to play together when we happen to be on at the same time. There are 7 members, 2 of which don’t have HoT, one of which is really classed as inactive and i don’t know when he will be able to be back on. We are lucky if there are 3 of us on at any one time. We have manged to get all of the guild bank levels and would have loved a Guild Hall, we had one in GW1 and we were only 3 people then. Whether we get one or not I don’t know.

ANet does seem to have forgotten that as well as personal guilds there are some of us in small guilds that don’t want to have to invite anyone and everyone to the guild. I also feel for us to do so would lead to a very two tier guild even if we didn’t intend to, it can’t be helped when you keep talking about Real Life as well as game stuff.

I would be interested to know if there is a Europe / USA variation here. If Europeans being from so many individual countries, do have a more insular mind set, and therefore are more likely to opt for guilds of friends, is this a cultural thing that ANet hasn’t quite understood.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AzureWolf.9150


Hopefully this is something ArenaNet will address in the future. There are a lot of “personal” guilds out there. Mine is also a small one of “real life” friends and having to get enough of us together to “storm” a place to get a guild hall is…disappointing.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Hopefully this is something ArenaNet will address in the future. There are a lot of “personal” guilds out there. Mine is also a small one of “real life” friends and having to get enough of us together to “storm” a place to get a guild hall is…disappointing.

They already specifically states that it is not somthing they intend to address as the concept of “personal guilds” or calling less than five people a “guild” is not something they want to continue to support systemically.

They made conscious decisions in the redesign of the system to actively discourage the idea of guilds composed of less than a group’s worth of players that can play together at once.

It may not feel great, and you may not agree with it, but they were pretty clear that they wanted to define the concept of a GW2 guild as “at least a group’s worth of players that regularly does content together” and purposely redesigned the entire guild upgrade system to reward playing together rather than just having more people logging on, or more money to burn.

I don’t think they’re going to address it because from their perspective what they’d done is a fix to the guild systems.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manu.6078


Too bad. It would have been an excellent gold sink, good for game economy.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: road range.6293

road range.6293

…Needs to be said. I’m going to go to bat for this topic.

So, per Colin’s statement, a small guild of 3, or 6, or, 9, or 11 real life family, friends, relatives, and co-workers does not constitute a real guild anymore, is that correct Colin? Really!?

Husbands, wives, and kids? Not a real guild? Really!?

I know for a fact, that there are grandparents playing the game with their grand-kids to be able to hang out, if only through their avatars. They are not really considered a guild!? (You should cherish this fact, not quash it!)

Guilds like this are supposed to invite outsiders into their personal guild, so they can grow-up into a real guild now? Hardly! These players don’t deserve to be able to open the guild hall they paid for? They wouldn’t benefit greatly by having a guild hall to hang out in, and incentive to play the game more? And to think…They paid for it with the expansion pack with hard green cash!

Personally, I paid the full $100 for it, to help development costs, and, help get one sooner. And, so did some of my (“guildies?”). And, now, we are being told that because we all work different shifts, and some are busy raising children, and some are temporarily sidelined with internet connection problems, that we can’t open our guild hall. Nor, earn guild credits for doing things we do. Unless, of course, we pay other players (or, recruit from our other guilds) to help open it. Or, invite outsiders, that we don’t know in real life, into all of our small friends and family guilds?

And, to think, it is just an instance on our computers. One that we paid hard cash for mind you!

I find it really quite insulting, to so many of us, that Colin essentially stated that a small guild with “husbands and wives and kids”, or even one with “3 generations of family”, (you read that right, they do exist in game), is “Not even considered a real guild anymore”. The core values of this game have apparently gone right into the toilet. What happened to Eye of the North values, where we all had our own personal halls to share as we pleased?

The dictionary defines a guild as: “an organized group of people who have joined together because they share the same job or interest.” Maybe we do. Maybe just not in the same time slots.

Personally, I feel that my guild can’t really contribute to much of anything anymore. We can’t even +5 camps in WvW anymore, we can’t earn points for anything to contribute to anything anymore, because we suddenly don’t really count as a guild anymore. Because we all have real lives, and we all work, and play, on different schedules. And, we don’t want people that we can’t call on the phone, or hang out with in real life, in our guild.

But, we do see each other in real life regularly, and can discuss how we probably won’t have a guild hall any time soon, if ever. Nor, can we do anything in game that benefits our guild anymore, because we can’t seem to get 5 of us together at the same time. And, it instantly makes them want to play less, not play more.

Yet somehow our small guild that “Isn’t really considered a guild anymore”, previously, had all kinds of things earned, which have now been mostly taken away. So, to combat abusers of the system, you would quash the true Guild Wars players that have often been with you since the beginning of GW1? Seems more like “Anti-Guild Wars” to me. Yo, computer nerds, you’re now required to join the football team, and cheer-leading squads! Be a part of the new big corporate guild conglomeration! Join the guild union! Show up for guild meetings, or get kicked. 100% rep. guild now taking applications, fill out an application, and we’ll consider you for our big guild, but only if you run approved builds, and can play at least 80% of the time in your designated time slots, and only if you are a profession we need! Shape up and play right!

….Or, you don’t really count as a real guild anymore. No thank you.

We’ll get our guild hall open, one way or another, someday. But, IMHO, it’s not the way it ever was, nor, is it the way it should be now. It’s essentially brings new meaning to being “guild kicked”. And, it’s not exactly fun, nor rewarding, listening to everyone else in game talking about their wonderful new guild halls. While so many of us don’t really even have a chance to open our own, on our own. Feels pretty lousy to a lot of us. Especially due to the $50 to $100 that the rest of us spent towards developing “their” shiny new guild halls.

…Had to be said.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


In case people are still QQing…..

Small guilds of 7, 6, 5 and even 4 have said that they managed to claim the guild hall. If anyone’s guild couldn’t even get a party size, you should be honest about if you really deserve the guild hall, a guild hall that is as big as a city. a guild hall that can be claimed by 4.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rac.8641


Hi, I also started a thread about small guilds where I asked people for help with obtaining the guild hall. Meanwhile we managed, with the help of others. It works fine to just ask around. You can earn favor with 3 people and only need about 6 to obtain the guildhall, so its all possible, it just might require a little bit more work.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

…Needs to be said. I’m going to go to bat for this topic.

So, per Colin’s statement, a small guild of 3, or 6, or, 9, or 11 real life family, friends, relatives, and co-workers does not constitute a real guild anymore, is that correct Colin? Really!?

Husbands, wives, and kids? Not a real guild? Really!?

I know for a fact, that there are grandparents playing the game with their grand-kids to be able to hang out, if only through their avatars. They are not really considered a guild!? (You should cherish this fact, not quash it!)

Guilds like this are supposed to invite outsiders into their personal guild, so they can grow-up into a real guild now? Hardly! These players don’t deserve to be able to open the guild hall they paid for? They wouldn’t benefit greatly by having a guild hall to hang out in, and incentive to play the game more? And to think…They paid for it with the expansion pack with hard green cash!

Personally, I paid the full $100 for it, to help development costs, and, help get one sooner. And, so did some of my (“guildies?”). And, now, we are being told that because we all work different shifts, and some are busy raising children, and some are temporarily sidelined with internet connection problems, that we can’t open our guild hall. Nor, earn guild credits for doing things we do. Unless, of course, we pay other players (or, recruit from our other guilds) to help open it. Or, invite outsiders, that we don’t know in real life, into all of our small friends and family guilds?

And, to think, it is just an instance on our computers. One that we paid hard cash for mind you!

I find it really quite insulting, to so many of us, that Colin essentially stated that a small guild with “husbands and wives and kids”, or even one with “3 generations of family”, (you read that right, they do exist in game), is “Not even considered a real guild anymore”. The core values of this game have apparently gone right into the toilet. What happened to Eye of the North values, where we all had our own personal halls to share as we pleased?

The dictionary defines a guild as: “an organized group of people who have joined together because they share the same job or interest.” Maybe we do. Maybe just not in the same time slots.

Personally, I feel that my guild can’t really contribute to much of anything anymore. We can’t even +5 camps in WvW anymore, we can’t earn points for anything to contribute to anything anymore, because we suddenly don’t really count as a guild anymore. Because we all have real lives, and we all work, and play, on different schedules. And, we don’t want people that we can’t call on the phone, or hang out with in real life, in our guild.

But, we do see each other in real life regularly, and can discuss how we probably won’t have a guild hall any time soon, if ever. Nor, can we do anything in game that benefits our guild anymore, because we can’t seem to get 5 of us together at the same time. And, it instantly makes them want to play less, not play more.

Yet somehow our small guild that “Isn’t really considered a guild anymore”, previously, had all kinds of things earned, which have now been mostly taken away. So, to combat abusers of the system, you would quash the true Guild Wars players that have often been with you since the beginning of GW1? Seems more like “Anti-Guild Wars” to me. Yo, computer nerds, you’re now required to join the football team, and cheer-leading squads! Be a part of the new big corporate guild conglomeration! Join the guild union! Show up for guild meetings, or get kicked. 100% rep. guild now taking applications, fill out an application, and we’ll consider you for our big guild, but only if you run approved builds, and can play at least 80% of the time in your designated time slots, and only if you are a profession we need! Shape up and play right!

….Or, you don’t really count as a real guild anymore. No thank you.

We’ll get our guild hall open, one way or another, someday. But, IMHO, it’s not the way it ever was, nor, is it the way it should be now. It’s essentially brings new meaning to being “guild kicked”. And, it’s not exactly fun, nor rewarding, listening to everyone else in game talking about their wonderful new guild halls. While so many of us don’t really even have a chance to open our own, on our own. Feels pretty lousy to a lot of us. Especially due to the $50 to $100 that the rest of us spent towards developing “their” shiny new guild halls.

…Had to be said.

Yeah totally agree, we got shafted.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mayga.7241


Let’s make a petition?

Everyone is entitled to a guild banner because we had access to it for three years.

And we do not want to pay $ 100 to banners, guild halls and scriber was taken from us. Let’s together ask to remove the restrictions on 3 people. Maybe Colin or someone else will hear us?
They deliberately attracted here causal community, and now we are being kicked out? This is ugly politics.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mayga.7241


…Needs to be said. I’m going to go to bat for this topic.

So, per Colin’s statement, a small guild of 3, or 6, or, 9, or 11 real life family, friends, relatives, and co-workers does not constitute a real guild anymore, is that correct Colin? Really!?

Husbands, wives, and kids? Not a real guild? Really!?

I know for a fact, that there are grandparents playing the game with their grand-kids to be able to hang out, if only through their avatars. They are not really considered a guild!? (You should cherish this fact, not quash it!)

Guilds like this are supposed to invite outsiders into their personal guild, so they can grow-up into a real guild now? Hardly! These players don’t deserve to be able to open the guild hall they paid for? They wouldn’t benefit greatly by having a guild hall to hang out in, and incentive to play the game more? And to think…They paid for it with the expansion pack with hard green cash!

Personally, I paid the full $100 for it, to help development costs, and, help get one sooner. And, so did some of my (“guildies?”). And, now, we are being told that because we all work different shifts, and some are busy raising children, and some are temporarily sidelined with internet connection problems, that we can’t open our guild hall. Nor, earn guild credits for doing things we do. Unless, of course, we pay other players (or, recruit from our other guilds) to help open it. Or, invite outsiders, that we don’t know in real life, into all of our small friends and family guilds?

And, to think, it is just an instance on our computers. One that we paid hard cash for mind you!

I find it really quite insulting, to so many of us, that Colin essentially stated that a small guild with “husbands and wives and kids”, or even one with “3 generations of family”, (you read that right, they do exist in game), is “Not even considered a real guild anymore”. The core values of this game have apparently gone right into the toilet. What happened to Eye of the North values, where we all had our own personal halls to share as we pleased?

The dictionary defines a guild as: “an organized group of people who have joined together because they share the same job or interest.” Maybe we do. Maybe just not in the same time slots.

Personally, I feel that my guild can’t really contribute to much of anything anymore. We can’t even +5 camps in WvW anymore, we can’t earn points for anything to contribute to anything anymore, because we suddenly don’t really count as a guild anymore. Because we all have real lives, and we all work, and play, on different schedules. And, we don’t want people that we can’t call on the phone, or hang out with in real life, in our guild.

But, we do see each other in real life regularly, and can discuss how we probably won’t have a guild hall any time soon, if ever. Nor, can we do anything in game that benefits our guild anymore, because we can’t seem to get 5 of us together at the same time. And, it instantly makes them want to play less, not play more.

Yet somehow our small guild that “Isn’t really considered a guild anymore”, previously, had all kinds of things earned, which have now been mostly taken away. So, to combat abusers of the system, you would quash the true Guild Wars players that have often been with you since the beginning of GW1? Seems more like “Anti-Guild Wars” to me. Yo, computer nerds, you’re now required to join the football team, and cheer-leading squads! Be a part of the new big corporate guild conglomeration! Join the guild union! Show up for guild meetings, or get kicked. 100% rep. guild now taking applications, fill out an application, and we’ll consider you for our big guild, but only if you run approved builds, and can play at least 80% of the time in your designated time slots, and only if you are a profession we need! Shape up and play right!

….Or, you don’t really count as a real guild anymore. No thank you.

We’ll get our guild hall open, one way or another, someday. But, IMHO, it’s not the way it ever was, nor, is it the way it should be now. It’s essentially brings new meaning to being “guild kicked”. And, it’s not exactly fun, nor rewarding, listening to everyone else in game talking about their wonderful new guild halls. While so many of us don’t really even have a chance to open our own, on our own. Feels pretty lousy to a lot of us. Especially due to the $50 to $100 that the rest of us spent towards developing “their” shiny new guild halls.

…Had to be said.

totally agree. wonderfully written

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laniya.9520


I’ve been looking around and haven’t found any definitive answers about how small guilds are being handled with the new expansion. I have a small guild (2 active members and 2 semi-active members) where the active members have bought HoT and the others are unlikely too.

I understand that we will need to adventure to unlock the guild hall and that it will likely require at least 5+ players to do so. Is this true and if so how are guilds like mine meant to manage it?

I have a small guild also. I started recruiting new players when ftp came out (many bought Hot then). Many are out there, some returning players. I also have friends in other guilds. If you dungeon or do fractals and meet people you like, invite them even if they have other guilds. They may not rep all the time, but you made a friend that will be willing to help. We did it with two teams of 5. Half were not regular guildies, but ones that rep once in a while, some friends we met. It wasn’t that hard, was really fun and exciting for us. If nothing else works, try map chat and ask some. Im sure a few people would love to go on the adventure again. I would. It scales down and we got it the first try.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Lol… a guild is at least 5 players (think lore-wise, Destiny’s Edge and stuff).

You do remember, that Destiny’s Edge was a merge of two smaller guilds, Edge of Steel (Rytlock, Logan and Caithe) and Dragonspawn’s Destiny (Eir, Snaff and Zojja), right?

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shukriyya.7629


you should be honest about if you really deserve the guild hall, a guild hall that is as big as a city. a guild hall that can be claimed by 4.

I’m speaking for myself here but I’m pretty sure that others will agree: I don’t need and don’t want a guild hall that is “as big as a city” for my guild. I wish anet had designed smaller halls as well, halls that fit better for smaller guilds and are less expensive to obtain. Big guilds could still go for their big halls and smaller guilds could go for something that may not be as big but gives them the same functionality (access to consumables like banners, the ability to help their server in wvw with the +5 supplies buff, etc.).


Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I don’t understand the design decision behind making it so guilds with an average online player base of 2 to not be able to do activities together for guild favor. I understand not being able to complete guild missions solo, that isn’t exactly a guild, but making it a minimum of two people seems harsh. There are many small guilds who can’t even attempt to earn favor for their guilds dude to this design, well error in my opinion. A lot of people have small family or real life friend guilds where they play together and duo a good amount of content why put a barrier between these people who supported the game buying the expansion with the idea they would be able to continue their guild with the new system and not allow them to even advance their guild. Especially given that the previous system allowed duoing the gain influence and advance your guild. It just feels extremely unfair as even though I am in a larger guild I can’t advance my smaller guild composed of my closer friends because we just don’t count anymore as a guild. I highly encourage at the very least setting the minimum for guild missions to 2 so we can at least attempt to build smaller guilds and not just be forced to have all our smaller guilds just become a tag and nothing else.

TL;DR Reduce guild mission minimum to 2 to allow smaller guilds to advance their guild. Do not invalidate small guilds and make them just a tag. We paid for the ability to further advance our guild not to remove the ability to advance our guild.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


The guild trek lvl 1 was one of the guild missions this week. That particular mission can be completed SOLO. That earns more than enough favor to open the guild hall expedition (even if you didnt have the influence to trade)

Guilds as small as 4 or 5 have opened guild halls, and Im pretty sure a really strong 3 person group could do so.

It sounds like they have done a good job giving very tiny guilds an option.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylania.6924


We just did GH with 9 people last night, our third attempt. Once you have better strategy it’s quite doable. We actually cleared out the main section of the map before even starting the event then had our guild leader start the map while the rest of us were already in position. Ironically we got the spawn right at the entrance!

But with 9 people (vs 7-8 from our previous attempts) and much more focus on killing the dangerous adds at each site first then focus fire on the vinetenders in a row we did it easily with 30 seconds or so left after each maw and no failures.

Unfortunately I have no idea how the vinewrath battle went since I died early on and died again upon returning to the battle so spent the whole time running and swimming!

Water has no mobs in it so prefer to use that to get around the island instead. Learn where the entries from the water on and you’ll have a lot more ease moving about.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ascii Red.4029

Ascii Red.4029

Plenty of people play GW2 with a small number of friends (e.g. one or two who may or may not be online together every day/week). I get the impression that the idea is to use the building in LA as a base of operations. Personaly I dont think this is a good enough alternanitive and can understand why people feel left out.

This is probably just part of “progression” i.e. guilds are ment to “progress” by doing things as a guild. This game is a lot less casual than it used to be and im not impressed, I have nothing against “progression” hell I played WoW for 6 years but giving sheeple the choice of “play as or group of 5 or get effectivly nothing” and “capture a grand hall the size of a city or get no building of your own” seems to be either harsh or stupid, depending on your perspective.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I’ve been looking around and haven’t found any definitive answers about how small guilds are being handled with the new expansion. I have a small guild (2 active members and 2 semi-active members) where the active members have bought HoT and the others are unlikely too.

I understand that we will need to adventure to unlock the guild hall and that it will likely require at least 5+ players to do so. Is this true and if so how are guilds like mine meant to manage it?

This is what the Guild Initiative is for. It’s an instance, just like Guild Halls, with all the amenities of Guild Halls, minus the ability to use decorations.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


By anet definition, 2 person isn’t a guild. HOWEVER, anet did not stop you from ASKING others to help you obtain the guild hall. The thing is, a lot of the complains that I read isn’t even that serious or really big deal, it is more of complete refusal to ask people to help to obtain the hall.

You refuse to ask for help, anet did not even ban you from getting the guild hall. The option is there, it is you, yourself that refuse to seek for temporary help.

Edit: BTW, wait till you see the upgrade costs.
Edit2: quote wrong, the post disappear! was it deleted?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shukriyya.7629


I’ve been looking around and haven’t found any definitive answers about how small guilds are being handled with the new expansion. I have a small guild (2 active members and 2 semi-active members) where the active members have bought HoT and the others are unlikely too.

I understand that we will need to adventure to unlock the guild hall and that it will likely require at least 5+ players to do so. Is this true and if so how are guilds like mine meant to manage it?

This is what the Guild Initiative is for. It’s an instance, just like Guild Halls, with all the amenities of Guild Halls, minus the ability to use decorations.

You can’t get a war room there. It’s not an alternative for small wvw guilds.

you should be honest about if you really deserve the guild hall, a guild hall that is as big as a city. a guild hall that can be claimed by 4.

I’m speaking for myself here but I’m pretty sure that others will agree: I don’t need and don’t want a guild hall that is “as big as a city” for my guild. I wish anet had designed smaller halls as well, halls that fit better for smaller guilds and are less expensive to obtain. Big guilds could still go for their big halls and smaller guilds could go for something that may not be as big but gives them the same functionality (access to consumables like banners, the ability to help their server in wvw with the +5 supplies buff, etc.).

By anet definition, 2 person isn’t a guild. HOWEVER, anet did not stop you from ASKING others to help you obtain the guild hall. The thing is, a lot of the complains that I read isn’t even that serious or really big deal, it is more of complete refusal to ask people to help to obtain the hall.

You refuse to ask for help, anet did not even ban you from getting the guild hall. The option is there, it is you, yourself that refuse to seek for temporary help.

I’m not refusing to ask for help. I’ve been getting help from friends who are in small guilds as well and I’ve been helping them out, too. What I’m asking for is to make things easier for small guilds e.g. by introducing smaller guild halls. Small guilds don’t have the same amount of gold and resources available as big guilds and it will take us very long to get our old upgrades back – you know, the upgrades that we already earned in the old system.


Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


I’ve been looking around and haven’t found any definitive answers about how small guilds are being handled with the new expansion. I have a small guild (2 active members and 2 semi-active members) where the active members have bought HoT and the others are unlikely too.

I understand that we will need to adventure to unlock the guild hall and that it will likely require at least 5+ players to do so. Is this true and if so how are guilds like mine meant to manage it?

This is what the Guild Initiative is for. It’s an instance, just like Guild Halls, with all the amenities of Guild Halls, minus the ability to use decorations.

You can’t get a war room there. It’s not an alternative for small wvw guilds.

you should be honest about if you really deserve the guild hall, a guild hall that is as big as a city. a guild hall that can be claimed by 4.

I’m speaking for myself here but I’m pretty sure that others will agree: I don’t need and don’t want a guild hall that is “as big as a city” for my guild. I wish anet had designed smaller halls as well, halls that fit better for smaller guilds and are less expensive to obtain. Big guilds could still go for their big halls and smaller guilds could go for something that may not be as big but gives them the same functionality (access to consumables like banners, the ability to help their server in wvw with the +5 supplies buff, etc.).

By anet definition, 2 person isn’t a guild. HOWEVER, anet did not stop you from ASKING others to help you obtain the guild hall. The thing is, a lot of the complains that I read isn’t even that serious or really big deal, it is more of complete refusal to ask people to help to obtain the hall.

You refuse to ask for help, anet did not even ban you from getting the guild hall. The option is there, it is you, yourself that refuse to seek for temporary help.

I’m not refusing to ask for help. I’ve been getting help from friends who are in small guilds as well and I’ve been helping them out, too. What I’m asking for is to make things easier for small guilds e.g. by introducing smaller guild halls. Small guilds don’t have the same amount of gold and resources available as big guilds and it will take us very long to get our old upgrades back – you know, the upgrades that we already earned in the old system.

it was a wrong quote, the post i trying to quote is deleted

anyway, someone already suggested so

i do agree that the upgrading cost can be scaled to a certain degree
but at the same time, some items should not be scaled, things that can be used by outsiders, people who don’t belong to the guild. this is to prevent people creating small guild just to mass produce these items. also, storage cost should not be scaled since everyone has the same storage size, it would be extremely unfair to all the guilds.

however, this implementation is hard to pull off as there are guilds who are already 500 size but rather empty, unless the dev give them a option to downsize.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Auralae.7482


you should be honest about if you really deserve the guild hall, a guild hall that is as big as a city. a guild hall that can be claimed by 4.

I’m speaking for myself here but I’m pretty sure that others will agree: I don’t need and don’t want a guild hall that is “as big as a city” for my guild. I wish anet had designed smaller halls as well, halls that fit better for smaller guilds and are less expensive to obtain. Big guilds could still go for their big halls and smaller guilds could go for something that may not be as big but gives them the same functionality (access to consumables like banners, the ability to help their server in wvw with the +5 supplies buff, etc.).


I have a guild. It is 5 rl people that represent my family and a close family friend. We never all play online at the same time. Frequently, there might be 2 or 3 of us on together. I don’t want to invite strangers to a guild. I ran a big successful guild in WoW. I don’t have any desire, or the time, to do that again. If I had other people I knew irl or from past games playing, I’d happily invite them, but they either left the game long ago or don’t see a point in buying HoT. We don’t want a big city sized guild hall. A small building would be sufficient and the ability to simply and reasonably keep creating things that we already had the ability to make before HoT came out.

To be honest, I’m irritated that things we could previously get were taken away and put, not only behind a paywall, but behind a huge materials sink and missions that will be difficult to do since there’s usually only one day per week where there are enough of us keeping the same schedule to get 3 on to do the small missions. Nor do I like the idea that we have to get allies to temporarily help us claim a hall, schedule out missions, and grind away for lots of materials, all just to get back what we had…the ability to create something that we could create before HoT.

A small house or hall for a small guild (at a smaller materials cost) where small guilds can slowly build up to being able to decorate, have access to a scribe, and create banners and other small upgrades or maybe a spot to do a very small (1v1 or 2v2) skirmish is something I would like to see.

(edited by Auralae.7482)

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


The real problem for small guilds won’t be claiming the guild hall, it will be building and upgrading it. The claiming is easy enough — the upgrading is very expensive.
Sorrows Furnace

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


A city-sized guild hall is too big for my 1.5 person guild and those monsters are far too nasty. Please can I get a guild hut, perhaps with 2 chairs, a table and a very small trophy cabinet. And with an option to add some tacky neon lighting.

I’m prepared to pay no favour, around 30 silver and to kill up to two moderately scary small creatures, or three if the chairs are especially comfortable. Thanks.

But, seriously, yes. Give us micro-guilds a little break. It won’t hurt anyone and we need love too.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ffletcher.3468


I spent a small amount of money and effort to build up my guild. Poof, it’s gone. Welcome to the new corporatism – you don’t own it, you never will own it, your license guarantees nothing, and we can therefore do whatever we want and you are required to put up with it or abandon your investment. And so it goes.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Galandil.9641


Guys, let me get one thing straight.

I have a very small guild since day one, years ago, and I managed to get some upgrades, notably the guild stash+trove+deep cave.

If I understand correctly, with the new system there’s no more any opportunity to create such a guild and upgrade the guild stash without doing missions, which require a good amount of players? Before we could play in any way we wanted and earn some influence nonetheless, now this is all gone, so new small guilds are substantially shafted, am I rite?

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Guys, let me get one thing straight.

I have a very small guild since day one, years ago, and I managed to get some upgrades, notably the guild stash+trove+deep cave.

If I understand correctly, with the new system there’s no more any opportunity to create such a guild and upgrade the guild stash without doing missions, which require a good amount of players? Before we could play in any way we wanted and earn some influence nonetheless, now this is all gone, so new small guilds are substantially shafted, am I rite?


The guild trek lvl 1 is one of this weeks pve guild missions. That one can be completed VERY EASILY with ONE person. The bounty only required finding and defeating one target – which can also be done in very tiny groups (less than 5).

That gets you the influence you need (more actually).

Groups of 4 and 5 have easily captured a guild hall.

It may take a week or two longer for a tiny guild to get a war room, but it is very very very very possible (very easy actually).

People want to ignore this because they decided before the expansion that they would be shafted, but the reality is very different.

(edited by Blaeys.3102)

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Galandil.9641



The guild trek lvl 1 is one of this weeks pve guild missions. That one can be completed VERY EASILY with ONE person.

That gets you the influence you need (more actually).

Groups of 4 and 5 have easily captured a guild hall.

It may take a week or two longer for a tiny guild to get a war room, but it is very very very very possible (very easy actually).

I was under the impression that Guild Treks would work the same as before, i.e. you need at least X different players to complete the race to get the reward.

Now you can do it in solo and get the Favor points nonetheless?

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blaeys.3102



The guild trek lvl 1 is one of this weeks pve guild missions. That one can be completed VERY EASILY with ONE person.

That gets you the influence you need (more actually).

Groups of 4 and 5 have easily captured a guild hall.

It may take a week or two longer for a tiny guild to get a war room, but it is very very very very possible (very easy actually).

I was under the impression that Guild Treks would work the same as before, i.e. you need at least X different players to complete the race to get the reward.

Now you can do it in solo and get the Favor points nonetheless?

Youre thinking of the guild rush. The Trek only requires you to visit 5 locations and interact with them in a 15 minute time period.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fowidner.6930


Small guild here, we claimed the gilded hollow guild hall with 4 man. We have sometimes 6 to 7 people online. And currently we are waiting for more Aetherium to upgrade the next step in the mine to collect up to 1500 Aetherium.

(If you are interested we could use few more man | SFR | Wvw focused PvX guild ~fowidner.6930)

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hypergrip.9673


Over the last couple of days I have helped various small guild claiming both Gilded Hollows and Lost Precipice, each time with a 5-player group. The expedition is challenging, but doable. Because of the size of the map and the random spawn location of the maws, it’s also a bit dependent on luck.

Simply use the LFG tool to search for people to help you claim your guild hall. It IS doable with a 5-player group, and the players don’t even need to join/guest your guild (they’ll get a dropdown selection when entering the map).

Brains over Brawn [Geek]
Eine familiäre, erwachsene, PvX-orientierte Feierabend-Gilde auf Flussufer/Riverside

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Galandil.9641


Youre thinking of the guild rush. The Trek only requires you to visit 5 locations and interact with them in a 15 minute time period.

You’re right.

But at the moment, under my missions list, I only have two “Races”, one in Diessa’s Plateau (Devourer Burrow) and the other in Lornar’s Pass (Bear Lope), and iirc those were the old guild rushes.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Youre thinking of the guild rush. The Trek only requires you to visit 5 locations and interact with them in a 15 minute time period.

You’re right.

But at the moment, under my missions list, I only have two “Races”, one in Diessa’s Plateau (Devourer Burrow) and the other in Lornar’s Pass (Bear Lope), and iirc those were the old guild rushes.

Before next, week, set your options to “PVE only” (unless of course, you would rather do the PvP or WvW ones, which both have very easy options as well).

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


As an experiment I did the easy PVE guild mission “solo” yesterday. Can’t remember the title but it was to locate and kill one particular NPC. I say “solo” because, although I found the target and triggered the fight on my own, other players soon joined in. I think I would have managed to kill her on my own but nowhere near as quickly and maybe not in te time limit.

I don’t know what other easy-level missions will be like but at least I was able to earn a bit of favour. So that’s a positive.

Question. Is the easy (open world) PVE guild mission the same for all guilds in any particular week? There were certainly others there with the same objective yesterday.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


Question. Is the easy (open world) PVE guild mission the same for all guilds in any particular week? There were certainly others there with the same objective yesterday.

Yes, the missions the same for all guilds within a tier. So, every guild that had an easy PvE bounty mission had that exact same one.
Sorrows Furnace

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


I agree with the OP and surprised to see no salty/toxic post like what happened to my 2 threads I made couple weeks ago on same issue pretty much.

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao