A little salt about guild missions.
I have a very small guild of 4 friends who play rather casually so its often hard to get them online all at the same time, but we really want to get a guild hall going so i decided to do the sPvP guild mission to earn a combine personal score of 300 in a conquest game. After solo completing that with a score of 300+ i found out that i have to have a minimum of 3 people to complete the mission. I think this is a little bit of an over site on Anets behalf as it will take small guilds quite some time to get a mission complete and its a little crappy as i should have be rewarded at least a few points of credit for taking on a ‘3 man’ mission and completing it solo. In the case that the player limit has been put in place to avoid people making there own little one man guild halls can’t we just limit the number of players that a guild needs to 3 before we can purchase and attempt to claim one, since you guys stated that it will take 3 good players to claim a hall for our own. Just a thought that i think could improve smaller guild experiences. Then i could organize a night that we could claim a hall of our own. I’m just a little salty that i got jack for the mission that i completed solo.
P.S. HOT has been great with a massive improvement on the story telling other than the final story arch that ended a little abruptly with Trahearne deaths
that wasn’t so great, ( I main a salad so i don’t have a disliking for Trahearne) but other than that keep up the good work Anet.