Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JPUlisses.8756


It feels there is no other MMORPG that is better than GW2 right now…

All the other seem to be hype and die in a month. (Black Desert, Blade and Soul, etc).

WoW being the one that lasts longer, but stays dead longer (1 year no content, twice), WoW has higher player base, but when you actually go and play, it feels like no one is playing, not only the garrison makes you feel alone in the game, but when you try and go out in the world you notice it is also very empty, this does not happen in GW2 as you always find a random noob every dark corner you try to dig into.
WoW vanilla felt much better, while having less players, the game felt full of players, either in cities or people trying to level up or dungeons, quite similar to GW2 world (just look how lion arch is always full of people).

Also the game modes in order of importance (mostly for casual fun):

PvP: I play casually (not seriously (competitively), but I do PvP often), GW2 feels slightly more rewarding (skins/loot) and slightly more fun (faster games). Still wish there was 1v1 or death match arenas (no contest), but this requires a lot of balance or it falls like BaS did. Something like guild wars 1 was better.

WvW: GW2 & elder of scrolls online. WoW open world pvp is dead.

PvE: GW2 content lasts forever, while WoW content dies. While players chase different content for different rewards, new players come and take their place, renewing the cycle.

Raids: WoW has more raids, GW2 raids last forever, so eventually GW2 will win.

Alts: Ascended/legendary gear being account bound, and fractal levels/pvp rank/WvW rank being account bound. Other games you have to do everything again, or most of the boring part again.

Customization: BDO, Champions Online (Original and best imagination creation possible), DCUO

Story: SWTOR.

JP/Mini Games: WoW(has battle pets), GW2 (SaB)

GW2 content is much more stable and persistent than all other MMORPGs.
If you like MMORPG you don’t have other choice, but play GW2.


(edited by JPUlisses.8756)

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I do agree that GW2 model is more replayable. What is a big factor for me is the accessibility of all modes. Exotic gear is really easy to get and won’t even break your bank if get dungeon gear. Even ascended gear has become easier to get if you raid or do fractals regularly.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Population fluctuates wildly. It’s easier to keep it consistently higher when new content adds something to player characters that can carry over and interact with pre-existing content. Gives character a longer lifespan as they can go back and enjoy things they missed or experience them again in new ways. Xpacs can accomplish that, but so can clever mechanics updates/additions.

Problem with many mmorpgs is that they don’t build a framework for such ‘re-invigoration’ from the start, and the content they do start with isn’t expansive nor deep enough to keep the game afloat long enough to revamp it’s design.

I harp on GW2 often, but it is doing things right. Adding gliding to core game and creating the base for elite specs are things that will work to efficiently use content both old and new to re-invigorate players.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Additional side benefit to GW2 that extends the play experience: Alts.

GW2 is incredibly alt friendly, which means I can experience the entire breadth of the game without groaning about hours and hours of sloughing through 100+ levels of zones or spamming dungeon runs.

So, if I’m not in the mood to play my ‘main’ for some reason, I have a ton of other play experiences waiting for me.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Suyu.1597


Black Desert and Blade and Soul are dead already??
I thought black desert is doing pretty good…

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Black Desert and Blade and Soul are dead already??
I thought black desert is doing pretty good…

This, neither game is dead. Blade and Soul in the US and Europe did about 20 billion WON, which is about a third less than Guild Wars 2 did in those regions. However, it’s coming out in Russia soon and did 50 billion WON across all the territories it’s launched in.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Follyfoot.2803


I think the Black desert dev’s have made a grave error with the forced open world pvp. I very much doubt they will ever enjoy the numbers that they could have had if not for that one boo-boo.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I think the Black desert dev’s have made a grave error with the forced open world pvp. I very much doubt they will ever enjoy the numbers that they could have had if not for that one boo-boo.

A thing that is cool with Blade and Soul is how your uniform can be used to flag your character for open world pvp if the uniform is faction based. Actually I like how they handle uniforms as a whole. With stats being linked to soul shields not uniforms.

(edited by Redfeather.6401)

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sardath.8524


Best mmorpg? No. Best at some aspects? Maybe.

PvE: Content does not last forever. Barely anyone goes after 80 in the core zones(except map-wide meta events maps). If anyone does it’s for mats/world boss grind/daylies. The leveling experience is mediocre at best, with faceroll content and weak story/lore.

Wow raids are forever too, only they won’t offer end-game rewards.

WvW: I don’t find Gw2 better at all. It’s a matter of taste. Both have their issues, but currently ESO has real rewards and incentives for you to play, WvW does not.

As for PvP, I truly think Gw2 has one of the best combat systems, but it’s hindered by wonky stats and lack of balance/diversity.

The monthly balance patches at ESO put the quarterly Gw2 patches to shame.

I love this game for its strengths, but it’s not the absolute best mmorpg.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Welcometotheden.8547


The top MMO’s for me were:
1. GW2
2. WoW
3. TSW

I loved the style, lore and gameplay of WoW, but it always ended up being raiding, etc that you end up working for. Not a raiding fan…I love GW2, but the lore doesn’t seem as compelling as WoW was. But it makes up for it in style and gameplay mechanics. I do wish all the world was connected a bit more like WoW, instead of portals. I also liked the Phase mechanic in WoW, so you could see a before/after of a certain area while moving forward in your story. That would be a good addition to GW2.

For TSW, I liked the modern twist and ambiance of the worlds. The play mechanic and greater story plot, not so much. I do like picking one character and allowing that character the full spectrum of play options. It helps immensely with those of us that have alt’itis. I picked one for each faction and once I got passed the basic story line where everything seemed to merge, I stopped playing all but one. Didn’t seem to be any point since I could convert my ‘main’ to anything I wanted.

For DCUO, well…that’s a very simplistic package that is challenging in end game, but the draw was the lore and story (as much as there was.)

Presently, I play GW2 and then hit up TSW every few months to catch up on content. There isn’t much to keep me there (again, not a raider,) so I end up staying with GW2.

For WoW, I don’t want to pay $15 a month, in addition to the xpacs, to putz around day to day, so I don’t.

~ The Cult of the Six Symbols ~

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


Best mmorpg? No. Best at some aspects? Maybe.

I’m pretty much the opposite, while I think some other mmorpgs beat GW2 in one or two specific aspects none of them does things as well overall.

So while I can say I wish it had skill targetting like in Neverwinter online or a housing system like Widlstar etc, GW2’s still way ahead of them taken as a whole.

(edited by Shinzan.2908)

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

i would agree with this ^^ GW2 overally offers the best package for long term play for mmorpg players that goes beyond racing everyone else to have the most powerful numbers.

WOW – try it now, its an abomination of a game, its empty and insipid and has simply ran out of steam – there’s only so many times you will repeat an instance over and over 40 times a week, and the garrison/class halls is such a fundamental design flaw in a game that is trying to represent a living virtual world its hard.

ESO, for me, this is a close second, the big problem however is that it has bigger balancing issues in PVP and max level gameplay and the Engine is utterly broken with regards to WVW and has been now for 2 years, the devs acknowledge it, but can do nothing about it.

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kirschsahne.2081


It feels there is no other MMORPG that is better than GW2 right now…

All the other seem to be hype and die in a month. (Black Desert, Blade and Soul, etc).

WoW being the one that lasts longer, but stays dead longer (1 year no content, twice), WoW has higher player base, but when you actually go and play, it feels like no one is playing, not only the garrison makes you feel alone in the game, but when you try and go out in the world you notice it is also very empty, this does not happen in GW2 as you always find a random noob every dark corner you try to dig into.
WoW vanilla felt much better, while having less players, the game felt full of players, either in cities or people trying to level up or dungeons, quite similar to GW2 world (just look how lion arch is always full of people).

Also the game modes:
PvE: GW2 content lasts forever, while WoW content dies. While players chase different content for different rewards, new players come and take their place, renewing the cycle.
Raids: WoW has more raids, GW2 raids last forever, so eventually GW2 will win.
PvP: I play casually all, GW2 feels slightly more rewarding (skins/loot) and slightly more fun (faster games). Still wish there was 1v1 or death match arenas (no contest).
WvW: GW2 > elder of scrolls online. WoW open world pvp is dead.
JP/Mini Games: WoW(has battle pets)

GW2 content is much more stable and persistent than all other MMORPGs.
If you like MMORPG you don’t have other choice, but play GW2.


lol… Opinions ????

Well words like Fanboy come to my mind.

But let’s assume everything you say it’s true… just for fun.

The MMo market is so incredible bad and all of the games not even close to be entertaining anymore.
Sticking out here is like being the “one eyed under the blind”
Yes, you may be better than everyone else but please…. a great game ???

I see nothign else than repeating repeating repeating over and over again.
Nothing is really content or entertaining. A-Nets cuts corners wherever they can
instead goin the extra mile.

How do you think is it possible that the only gaming aspect that has nothing to do with GW2 is the most popular and most wanted ???? And yes, you can guess it’s SAB.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Took the words out of my umm finger tips, i was gonna say the same thing about being a 1 eyed man in the kingdom of the blind.

Basically gw2 might be the best of the worse, but that don’t mean it’s good.

ps i uninstalled it a few days ago, maybe i will come back when the new personal story is out, but unless the got more to hold me it will be just log in do story log out until next part. WvW update was a joke imo only good thing was the auto loot

I did try ESO and still subed to it atm but with just 3 months playing i already saw so many skill changes some from magic to stamina and back that i think the balance is just chaos will prob cancel that as well – its like there dead set not to just make more mag/sta skills i find skyrim more fun or any other ES game

(edited by Valky.2574)

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sylent.3165


Eso and gw2 need to join forces I think. They are in my opinion both a blast and each has there strong points and weak points.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LoL NooBs.5076

LoL NooBs.5076

lol… Opinions ????

Well words like Fanboy come to my mind.

But let’s assume everything you say it’s true… just for fun.

The MMo market is so incredible bad and all of the games not even close to be entertaining anymore.
Sticking out here is like being the “one eyed under the blind”
Yes, you may be better than everyone else but please…. a great game ???

I see nothign else than repeating repeating repeating over and over again.
Nothing is really content or entertaining. A-Nets cuts corners wherever they can
instead goin the extra mile.

How do you think is it possible that the only gaming aspect that has nothing to do with GW2 is the most popular and most wanted ???? And yes, you can guess it’s SAB.


According to my immature name I seem not a big loss for the community.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JPUlisses.8756


I decided to update/edit the OP with new opinions.

Additional side benefit to GW2 that extends the play experience: Alts.

GW2 is incredibly alt friendly, which means I can experience the entire breadth of the game without groaning about hours and hours of sloughing through 100+ levels of zones or spamming dungeon runs.

So, if I’m not in the mood to play my ‘main’ for some reason, I have a ton of other play experiences waiting for me.

This is very true, plus the ascended/legendary gear being account bound, and fractal levels/pvp rank/WvW rank being account bound.

Wow raids are forever too, only they won’t offer end-game rewards.

They aren’t forever, because they are no longer raids anymore if you can solo them.

The top MMO’s for me were:
For DCUO, well…that’s a very simplistic package that is challenging in end game, but the draw was the lore and story (as much as there was.)

I agree with you, I think I will add story and customization to the tags, as super hero MMORPGs are also very good at that.

Well words like Fanboy come to my mind.

The MMo market is so incredible bad and all of the games not even close to be entertaining anymore.

I see nothign else than repeating repeating repeating over and over again.
Nothing is really content or entertaining. A-Nets cuts corners wherever they can
instead goin the extra mile.

How do you think is it possible that the only gaming aspect that has nothing to do with GW2 is the most popular and most wanted ???? And yes, you can guess it’s SAB.

I think MMORGPs are not for you. Specially if SAB is the greatest feature for you in a MMORPG. If you hate MMORPGs, its time to for you to move on, instead of saying how bad it is, and saying a feature that is the main of other types of game (PLATFORMER) is the best part of a MMORPG. You clearly prefer a PLATFORMER, with probably some minor RPG and social features, but that alone is not a MMORPG.

Basically gw2 might be the best of the worse, but that don’t mean it’s good.

My tastes are simple, I’m always satisfied with the best.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sardath.8524


Wow raids are forever too, only they won’t offer end-game rewards.

They aren’t forever, because they are no longer raids anymore if you can solo them.

My bad, they introduced timewalker only with dungeons, but iirc, they might implement it for raids too.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


You cannot compare BDO and BnS with Gw2.
BDO and BnS belong to the same category, pvp focused mmorpg.
Gw2 is not a pvp focused mmorpg, it is designed for casual mainstream market and in this design, they separate the components instead of having it as one like BDO and BnS.
You also cannot make such a comparison to WoW. WoW started in 2005 iirc and if you really want to make comparison, you have to compare WoW’s first 3 years with Gw2’s first 3 years.

IMO, I would have played BDO if not for the region block. I am not suitable for a game like gw2, gw2 has a liberal guild concept that makes guild unimportant and therefore stable and “steady” community rarely forms, especially in my timezone.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mea.5491


Black Desert and Blade and Soul are dead already??
I thought black desert is doing pretty good…

I wanted to try Black Desert but the open world PvP at max lvl scared me away. In Blade and Soul’s case, that horrible loot auction system scared me away. So I’m still in GW2. It’s not perfect either but at least nothing scares me away from it, lol.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Black Desert and Blade and Soul are dead already??
I thought black desert is doing pretty good…

I wanted to try Black Desert but the open world PvP at max lvl scared me away. In Blade and Soul’s case, that horrible loot auction system scared me away. So I’m still in GW2. It’s not perfect either but at least nothing scares me away from it, lol.

Right? XD

I might’ve joined the guild exodus to BDO, but right at the onset, it turned me off. Turns out there’s a lot more there that are turn-offs (including jailbait rangers, I hear?).

GW2 had a lot of flaws, so many flaws, but they’re all the sorts of things that could be fixed with the right attention from the devs. Add on that GW2 is, by far, the most convenient MMO I’ve ever played, and I still feel pretty good about it.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Fact is overall polish, quality of graphics and everything is so high in GW2. You’ll notice it if you play all the Korea grinders like BnS, which seem so cheap; the chars feel so patched in and the walk animations are so cheap with low frames and unnatural. Black Desert looks good though they kittened it up with no end game and boring fetch quests.

Aside from WoW all MMOs I played (including FFXIV which lacks a lot of quality of life stuff like the horrible, horrible map etc.) no other came close to GW2 quality wise. Something I actually always appreciated in games.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Harbard.5738


So GW2 is pretty much like my ex. She’s plain looking and dull and has no sense of humor, but I keep coming back to her because all women I meet are crazy and/or butt-ugly. Then, in an attempt to avoid the realization I’m a horrible and weak person, I extol the amazing personality she doesn’t really have to everyone, and then I feel good about the whole thing.

Feels familiar? lol

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LoL NooBs.5076

LoL NooBs.5076

So GW2 is pretty much like my ex. She’s plain looking and dull and has no sense of humor, but I keep coming back to her because all women I meet are crazy and/or butt-ugly. Then, in an attempt to avoid the realization I’m a horrible and weak person, I extol the amazing personality she doesn’t really have to everyone, and then I feel good about the whole thing.

Feels familiar? lol

LoL! Truly beautiful.

According to my immature name I seem not a big loss for the community.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kirnale.5914


For massive pvp fights I choose gw2.
For standard pvp matches I choose WoW.
For PVE I choose TOS.