Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gaurvaeth Laegrim.6945
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gaurvaeth Laegrim.6945
Any timeframe????
As expressed in the FAQ:
Q: When will Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns launch?
A: We’ll announce the official launch date when we can. Check back at for the latest updates.
We’re as thrilled about HoT as you are — thanks for sharing your excitement!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: skepticalpaj.9578
That’s all I need to know at this point. When? And how much?
when it’s ready
Yeah, they said we will be dropping info from now til launch. So when is it? LOL!
shut up and take my money!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CureForLiving.5360
No one knows at this points
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: UnholyDucky.2134
When its ready.
End of June.. or first week of July…:D
2020 /15characterneeded
i think end of August or October..or i hope so
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ricky Da Man.5064
I predict release date will be 17/3/2015.
(edited by Ricky Da Man.5064)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flower Lyssa.8012
I want it for my birthday!!! (Which is, conveniently, GW1’s 10th birthday.)
With so many references to GW1, it’d be sooooo cool.
I need to know!
The sooner the better. Withholding the Living Story for 6+ months is far too long a time frame.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flower Lyssa.8012
Oh, early beta :S I guess we’ll wait until August 28th
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: HailTheKing.8176
When can we expect a release date to be announced and when can we pre order ? I’m so excited ! Great job Anet can’t wait to play your wonderfull expansion and see where the story will take me to next
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Regina Buenaobra
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be released when it’s ready.
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be released when it’s ready.
It’ll be ready in Q3 this year, no?
That’s what your spoilor-y income predictions tell us
Since they didn’t even state it would be released in 2015, that tells me they probably hope it will be ready in Q3, Q4 of this year, with the possibility of it going into 2016 if some things go wrong.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JesseBensen.4817
Apologies if there is already a thread about this in existence, I didn’t see one. I was just wondering if there has been any mention of a release date for the Heart of Thorns expansion.
Nope, none aside the usual “when it is ready”.
All we know right now is that next event HoT will be part of will be in 6 weeks with a playable demo on the show floor.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Galleron Kurn.7490
“will be released when it’s ready” is NOT an answer. Basically you’re telling us it will be released next month or next year.
Next year.
I’d hope spring, more likely summer, though I’m prepared for holiday 2015 in case.
“will be released when it’s ready” is NOT an answer. Basically you’re telling us it will be released next month or next year.
It is an answer.
It’s just not the answer you’re wanting. And I highly doubt it’s next month. 6 weeks a DEMO will be available at Pax East. If the game was out, it wouldn’t be a demo.
It also gives a huge hint that maybe NCSoft isn’t pushing ANet to get the game out. Meaning that it won’t be rushed to market if something comes up that requires more time than initially thought.
Do they have a release date in mind? Of course they do. All companies have the release date in mind AGES before they tell the public. The moment they tell the public is the moment they can’t quietly delay it without any negative publicity (at least as long as there aren’t too many delays).
They’re expecting a large bump in their 3rd/4th quarter earnings of this year, right? It would make sense that HoT is the reason for it.
Under 9 months. Anything else would be a PR nightmare for Anet.. Plus that lands right into 3 year launch date
Let’s see… Given the history of ‘it will be done when it is ready’, I predict sometime in 2017.
As I recall (I could be misremembering), GW2’s launch was announced 2 months in advance, somewhere around the second Beta Weekend. That gives a hint of a window in which ANet feels confident enough something is ready to actually give a specific date.
As I recall (I could be misremembering), GW2’s launch was announced 2 months in advance, somewhere around the second Beta Weekend. That gives a hint of a window in which ANet feels confident enough something is ready to actually give a specific date.
Let’s hope so. “When it’s ready” is how you answer little children when they are bugging you about when dinner is going to be ready, not how you respond after making a big deal of announcing a major expansion to your game.
Obviously, they want to build anticipation for this, but I’m not sure how being overly coy about the release date works in their favor.
(edited by TobyTucker.5317)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be released when it’s ready.
Is there a -1 or a thumbs down button we can press to rate this comment? :/
Can you guys Please add an OPTIONAL/non required. Subscription model to this game AS WELL? — I’d love to support you guys in a way that would directly influence content like this being released more often.
(F2P helps you/the publisher see people interested in fluff, and etc. But how do you gauge if/when people want more content!? —- typically it’s been when subscription numbers start falling lower – #1 gauge for the need for new content. // Are you guys gauging the need for new content by the Decrease in Gem Purchases???)
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to us all if We the players could decide where our money is being spent? That way you could see what we find valuable—-where you/the publisher could become more successful by providing services and content we show an interest in—shown by what we’re spending our dollars on?
Why is there no Subscription Option? :: I’d like to Pay for Content. Not Fluff/Glimmer Glammer/in-game costumes, etc.. Not these “random occurring events/holiday esque things”. (Very little content competes with Killing an Elder Dragon.?)
I’d like to throw a monthly investment at you guys, to say hey, I like what you’re doing right now. I like what I can currently Play. And when I cancel that subscription. That means I’m no longer interested in what I Can currently play.
But, I’d most likely come back if there were more of the content I was interested in. And I’d stay invested, if there were a steady stream of it.
:::: suggestion ::::: add a subscription model, that rewards players for their continued/recurring investment(s). :::::::
- Suggested Subscriber Benefits?
×"Early" access to new content. (I’d like to enjoy the content I’d like, possibly sooner then other’s -in some way- who may not be subscribed, or others who aren’t contributing up to the same amount(s) —-eg; ~$15-20+ of gem purchases/month = same benefits?? Result: encourages players to invest more of their time/dollars.)
×"Gem" In-Game Store Discounts? (successful w/ other titles?)
×Extra XP(s)
×Subscriber “fluff” item(s)?
×etc. (whatever else that might be seen as an added value?)
I really enjoyed this game, but after I slew the Elder dragon, and did some other things. My interest declined rapidly. Why? well. I wasn’t really interested in killing or raiding bandit incursions, repeating the same content/quest lines, participating in the random holiday events, or whatnot. I wanted a New goal to works towards. And PVP is great and all, but. It’s lacking. In one area – A fundamental and competitive dis-advantage over this game’s predecessor. GUILD WARS.
- I read that you’re adding Guild Halls back into the game. Please. Just Please. For all that was fun, rewarding, and enjoyable in your predecessor game. Introduce Guild-Wars into “Guild Wars 2”. 5v5/10v10/etc. vs etc. battle modes, Attack And Defense Sieges on Upgradeable/Customizable/ Guild Halls. // There is not anything else like an “arena” type mode that competitor’s currently offer, but Guild War(s)-Guild Hall Vs Battles. will definitely help add the replayability that your first installment had, and that would compete with the (small team based-arena modes) that other titles currently offer that you don’t as of yet.
thanks for reading !
(edited by Dredghill.8593)
Can you guys Please add a Subscription model to this game AS WELL? — I’d love to support you guys in a way that would directly influence content like this being released more often.
(F2P helps you/the publisher see people interested in fluff, and etc. But how do you gauge if/when people want more content!? —- typically it’s been when subscription numbers start falling lower – #1 gauge for the need for new content. // Are you guys gauging the need for new content by the Decrease in Gem Purchases???)
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to us all if We the players could decide where our money is being spent? That way you could see what we find valuable—-where you/the publisher could become more successful by providing services and content we show an interest in—shown by what we’re spending our dollars on?
Why is there no Subscription Option? :: I’d like to Pay for Content. Not Fluff/Glimmer Glammer/in-game costumes, etc.. Not these “random occurring events/holiday esque things”. (Very little content competes with Killing an Elder Dragon.?)
I’d like to throw a monthly investment at you guys, to say hey, I like what you’re doing right now. I like what I can currently Play. And when I cancel that subscription. That means I’m no longer interested in what I Can currently play.
But, I’d most likely come back if there were more of the content I was interested in. And I’d stay invested, if there were a steady stream of it.
:::: suggestion ::::: add a subscription model, that rewards players for their continued/recurring investment(s). :::::::
- Suggested Subscriber Benefits?
×"Early" access to new content. (I’d like to enjoy the content I’d like, possibly sooner then other’s -in some way- who may not be subscribed, or others who aren’t contributing up to the same amount(s) —-eg; ~$15-20+ of gem purchases/month = same benefits?? Result: encourages players to invest more of their time/dollars.)
×"Gem" In-Game Store Discounts? (successful w/ other titles?)
×Extra XP(s)
×Subscriber “fluff” item(s)?
×etc. (whatever else that might be seen as an added value?)I really enjoyed this game, but after I slew the Elder dragon, and did some other things. My interest declined rapidly. Why? well. I wasn’t really interested in killing or raiding bandit incursions, repeating the same content/quest lines, participating in the random holiday events, or whatnot. I wanted a New goal to works towards. And PVP is great and all, but. It’s lacking. In one area – A fundamental and competitive dis-advantage over this game’s predecessor. GUILD WARS.
- I read that you’re adding Guild Halls back into the game. Please. Just Please. For all that was fun, rewarding, and enjoyable in your predecessor game. Introduce Guild-Wars into “Guild Wars 2”. 5v5/10v10/etc. vs etc. battle modes, Attack And Defense Sieges on Upgradeable/Customizable/ Guild Halls. // There is not anything else like an “arena” type mode that competitor’s currently offer, but Guild War(s)-Guild Hall Vs Battles. will definitely help add the replayability that your first installment had, and that would compete with the (small team based-arena modes) that other titles currently offer that you don’t as of yet
thanks for reading !
Those of you who want to support the game monthly, buy gems monthly.
Do not force the rest of us to do the same to play. Some of us can’t afford it. But we can save up for a one time buy or have it gifted to us for a birthday or for a gift giving holiday or other such occasion.
Can you guys Please add a Subscription model to this game AS WELL? — I’d love to support you guys in a way that would directly influence content like this being released more often.
(F2P helps you/the publisher see people interested in fluff, and etc. But how do you gauge if/when people want more content!? —- typically it’s been when subscription numbers start falling lower – #1 gauge for the need for new content. // Are you guys gauging the need for new content by the Decrease in Gem Purchases???)
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to us all if We the players could decide where our money is being spent? That way you could see what we find valuable—-where you/the publisher could become more successful by providing services and content we show an interest in—shown by what we’re spending our dollars on?
Why is there no Subscription Option? :: I’d like to Pay for Content. Not Fluff/Glimmer Glammer/in-game costumes, etc.. Not these “random occurring events/holiday esque things”. (Very little content competes with Killing an Elder Dragon.?)
I’d like to throw a monthly investment at you guys, to say hey, I like what you’re doing right now. I like what I can currently Play. And when I cancel that subscription. That means I’m no longer interested in what I Can currently play.
But, I’d most likely come back if there were more of the content I was interested in. And I’d stay invested, if there were a steady stream of it.
:::: suggestion ::::: add a subscription model, that rewards players for their continued/recurring investment(s). :::::::
- Suggested Subscriber Benefits?
×"Early" access to new content. (I’d like to enjoy the content I’d like, possibly sooner then other’s -in some way- who may not be subscribed, or others who aren’t contributing up to the same amount(s) —-eg; ~$15-20+ of gem purchases/month = same benefits?? Result: encourages players to invest more of their time/dollars.)
×"Gem" In-Game Store Discounts? (successful w/ other titles?)
×Extra XP(s)
×Subscriber “fluff” item(s)?
×etc. (whatever else that might be seen as an added value?)I really enjoyed this game, but after I slew the Elder dragon, and did some other things. My interest declined rapidly. Why? well. I wasn’t really interested in killing or raiding bandit incursions, repeating the same content/quest lines, participating in the random holiday events, or whatnot. I wanted a New goal to works towards. And PVP is great and all, but. It’s lacking. In one area – A fundamental and competitive dis-advantage over this game’s predecessor. GUILD WARS.
- I read that you’re adding Guild Halls back into the game. Please. Just Please. For all that was fun, rewarding, and enjoyable in your predecessor game. Introduce Guild-Wars into “Guild Wars 2”. 5v5/10v10/etc. vs etc. battle modes, Attack And Defense Sieges on Upgradeable/Customizable/ Guild Halls. // There is not anything else like an “arena” type mode that competitor’s currently offer, but Guild War(s)-Guild Hall Vs Battles. will definitely help add the replayability that your first installment had, and that would compete with the (small team based-arena modes) that other titles currently offer that you don’t as of yet
thanks for reading !
Those of you who want to support the game monthly, buy gems monthly.
Do not force the rest of us to do the same to play. Some of us can’t afford it. But we can save up for a one time buy or have it gifted to us for a birthday or for a gift giving holiday or other such occasion.
Thank you for NOT reading the entire post. I never once stated Non-Subscribers wouldn’t be able to play the same content as people who do. (Unless subscribers got Early-emphasis on early- access in SOME way. as a suggestion.) —- You like the game how it currently is? Fine Keep playing what You have paid for. I hope the guild wars Expansion costs $30-60. I’d like them to know that’s what I want to pay for.
Can you guys Please add a Subscription model to this game AS WELL? — I’d love to support you guys in a way that would directly influence content like this being released more often.
(F2P helps you/the publisher see people interested in fluff, and etc. But how do you gauge if/when people want more content!? —- typically it’s been when subscription numbers start falling lower – #1 gauge for the need for new content. // Are you guys gauging the need for new content by the Decrease in Gem Purchases???)
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to us all if We the players could decide where our money is being spent? That way you could see what we find valuable—-where you/the publisher could become more successful by providing services and content we show an interest in—shown by what we’re spending our dollars on?
Why is there no Subscription Option? :: I’d like to Pay for Content. Not Fluff/Glimmer Glammer/in-game costumes, etc.. Not these “random occurring events/holiday esque things”. (Very little content competes with Killing an Elder Dragon.?)
I’d like to throw a monthly investment at you guys, to say hey, I like what you’re doing right now. I like what I can currently Play. And when I cancel that subscription. That means I’m no longer interested in what I Can currently play.
But, I’d most likely come back if there were more of the content I was interested in. And I’d stay invested, if there were a steady stream of it.
:::: suggestion ::::: add a subscription model, that rewards players for their continued/recurring investment(s). :::::::
- Suggested Subscriber Benefits?
×"Early" access to new content. (I’d like to enjoy the content I’d like, possibly sooner then other’s -in some way- who may not be subscribed, or others who aren’t contributing up to the same amount(s) —-eg; ~$15-20+ of gem purchases/month = same benefits?? Result: encourages players to invest more of their time/dollars.)
×"Gem" In-Game Store Discounts? (successful w/ other titles?)
×Extra XP(s)
×Subscriber “fluff” item(s)?
×etc. (whatever else that might be seen as an added value?)I really enjoyed this game, but after I slew the Elder dragon, and did some other things. My interest declined rapidly. Why? well. I wasn’t really interested in killing or raiding bandit incursions, repeating the same content/quest lines, participating in the random holiday events, or whatnot. I wanted a New goal to works towards. And PVP is great and all, but. It’s lacking. In one area – A fundamental and competitive dis-advantage over this game’s predecessor. GUILD WARS.
- I read that you’re adding Guild Halls back into the game. Please. Just Please. For all that was fun, rewarding, and enjoyable in your predecessor game. Introduce Guild-Wars into “Guild Wars 2”. 5v5/10v10/etc. vs etc. battle modes, Attack And Defense Sieges on Upgradeable/Customizable/ Guild Halls. // There is not anything else like an “arena” type mode that competitor’s currently offer, but Guild War(s)-Guild Hall Vs Battles. will definitely help add the replayability that your first installment had, and that would compete with the (small team based-arena modes) that other titles currently offer that you don’t as of yet
thanks for reading !
Those of you who want to support the game monthly, buy gems monthly.
Do not force the rest of us to do the same to play. Some of us can’t afford it. But we can save up for a one time buy or have it gifted to us for a birthday or for a gift giving holiday or other such occasion.
Thank you for NOT reading the entire post. I never once stated Non-Subscribers wouldn’t be able to play the same content as people who do. (Unless subscribers got Early-emphasis on early- access in SOME way. as a suggestion.) —- You like the game how it currently is? Fine Keep playing what You have paid for. I hope the guild wars Expansion costs $30-60. I’d like them to know that’s what I want to pay for.
No to anything that would give subscribers any benefit.
Head start on stuff equals they get rich off future crafting. Think of what would have happened if people with early access got to create ascended gear first and what that would have done to the market.
So no to the experience boosts. They sell experience boosters in the gem store, buy gems, buy boosters, use them.
Don’t have an issue with more gems than someone who bought without the subscription. Nothing’s pay to win in the gem store.
And if fluff items are things that don’t give any in game advantage (no boosters, etc), then I’d be fine with that.
And I wouldn’t pay $10-$15 a month regularly for fluff items and more gems/$. I’d just subscribe for a month when I wanted to buy gems and then cancel my subscription before the next month started.
Otherwise, buy gems monthly.
How does buying gems in any way Let the developer or publisher know I want More content to be added to the game? [[[ the devs typically have little say over where the $ actually goes. ]]]
((leveling up faster then others can be seen as “paying to win”/having a competitive advantage over other players. ))
(( In-Game Market Concerns?: Ok. Rich off crafting? You mean, someone is paying extra in game gold to buy the BOE-Gear/Items Subscribers are making or attaining? Early Cost of adoption? Same as if someone were to buy a Bunch of experience boosts, then farm those drops faster/quicker then sell them on the market to make it rich as well? — I don’t see that as game breaking. But if it were. Then let the subscribers get Beta Access to that new content. Oh, they’ll get inside knowledge of said items ahead of time?. Well players with experience boosts will get a similar “advantage” as well.))
I don’t condone Buying Something I will not use (gems). Because in reality. What I’m supporting. Is the addition of more “Gem Store” Products. Not More Content. [[eg; Go buy a haircut. Instead of Tipping them for said workers -exceptional job-, I buy a Bottle of Shampoo from them -“to support them”. --- End Result: That store buys more of that shampoo to replace the one on the shelf. INSTEAD of Encouraging the other workers to do the same Quality of a job.]]
(edited by Dredghill.8593)
I will not support ANYTHING subscription based that would give players any type of actual advantage over other players in game.
They get content revealed to them the same time as others and get access to it at the same time. They do not get special subscriber only boosts to anything.
It will create a divide in the game between the subscribers and the non-subscribers. It would be different if the world didn’t revolve around money where some of those non-subscribers are not there by choice. If money was not an object and everyone could freely choose to fall on what side they wanted to, then it would be different.
And your salon example. They could also go: we must be doing something right if they buy our overpriced shampoo instead of going to a grocery store and buying the generic version that’s much cheaper.
Arena Net is very aware that a lot of people will only buy gems if they feel the game is going in a direction they like. Therefore they can use spikes in gem sales (or dips) as indicators of how much people liked an update (or didn’t).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flower Lyssa.8012
The truth is, I’ve spent more on GW2 than if it had been subscription-based. And a subscription will not necessarily help with more frequent releases. That money could be used for a host of things, including Living Story updates, paying for the upkeep of servers and stuff, etc. The best way to get more updates more often is to ask for them, politely, over here and play the game. Buy gems, convert them to gold if there’s nothing you want in the gem store (really? Not even an additional crafting profession slot on your toon?).
(edited by Flower Lyssa.8012)
If it’s released in 2015, I am happy, don’t know about you guys
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: gilea villeneuve.7430
i’ve already parted with my money (smug mode!!XD)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be released when it’s ready.
If memory serves me well, it could take up to 3 years going by how long it took to release GW2 once it was announced.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flower Lyssa.8012
Well, it took 2 years between the first demo and the release… but they had to do a whole game, from starting zones to end zones, with races and profession mechanics. Now, they are revamping the professions and adding a new one, so they have to be careful with the balance. Still, I don’t think we’ll have to wait 2 years before the release.
With the demo being att PAX in 6 weeks I think we are about 6 months away from the release of the expansion. I would assume a closed beta of Heart of Thorns will be in May and keep going to June, open beta in July and the release will be in August or September.
Just wait and play wow or something else
I would personally assume that the playable demo will be more or less a finished product.
They don’t have to completely build an engine and so after all, and have probably already spent almost two years working on it.
I would say that the closed beta will start soon after PAX, with a aim for release around the 10th anniversary of the series (April).
This spring 90% sure.
I would personally assume that the playable demo will be more or less a finished product.
They don’t have to completely build an engine and so after all, and have probably already spent almost two years working on it.
I would say that the closed beta will start soon after PAX, with a aim for release around the 10th anniversary of the series (April).
If I was optimistic I would say the same as you, but I’ve learned it’s never good to be optimistic and expect something really good from anyone or anything.
We only want to know the quarter when it is released.
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