Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Entenkommando.5208
All we wanted was a GvG.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Entenkommando.5208
Regardless of when it is, I find it disturbing that people are so willing to pre-purchase something with no release date. Hopefully after the community address they will reveal that soon. Wouldn’t a proper release date encourage sales? If you’re doing beta weekends then why isn’t a release date set in stone and ready to be announced?
I used to scoff at people who would try to encourage others not to pre-order a game, especially since it is becoming an industry standard to push this but now….maybe the consumer really would benefit more from waiting a while.
It’s a good thing that there is no release date. It gives them all the time they will need for open beta testing.
What would you prefer: waiting for a release date because they actually want a good game to come out or have a fixed date and start like ESO?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869
While reading the recent pre-purchase community address I noticed the cut off date for HoT pre-purchase for refund of your initial GW2 fee (for new accounts) is 31st July. Why this date? The news that you don’t need to buy separately was made public last week so why not that date?
Could this be because HoT is due to go live on 1st August? Do I need to book the following week off work?
Edit: My kittening mobile altered the title and I didn’t notice!
(edited by Spirited Was Eceni.3869)
becouse they want to get all the rebuying or returns finished before people go on holliday ofcourse
While reading the recent pre-purchase community address I noticed the cut off date for HoT pre-purchase for refund of your initial GW2 fee (for new accounts) is 31st July. Why this date? The news that you don’t need to buy separately was made public last week so why not that date?
Could this be because HoT is due to go live on 1st August? Do I need to book the following week off work?
Edit: My kittening mobile altered the title and I didn’t notice!
I still think the end of August makes the most sense with it coinciding with the anniversary and that they need all the weeks in between to reveal the remaining 7 elite specs, the last base legend for the Revenant, and the “challenging content”. 9 weeks from now is August 28th-August 30th. Coinky-dink? I think not!
That cut-off date might be because they need it settled out well before the expansion hits.
Hello all,
I have pre-ordered the Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns expansion and as said when I bought it, I would have access to all the beta events from now on
One question though…
When are these beta event weekends?
No news yet. So stay tuned.
Alright will do
I for one, will never buy something until 1) More information about what I am spending my money on is released, and 2) An actual release date is announced.
Could you imagine Mercedes saying “Hey guys, we are working on a new car that’s gonna be awesome, here’s a quick pick of the driver side tire… on our website you can pre-purchase the care for $100,000 or $200,000 for the deluxe version of the car that has more than one tire”
People would lose their collective mind, there would be huge controversy.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947
I for one, will never buy something until 1) More information about what I am spending my money on is released, and 2) An actual release date is announced.
Could you imagine Mercedes saying “Hey guys, we are working on a new car that’s gonna be awesome, here’s a quick pick of the driver side tire… on our website you can pre-purchase the care for $100,000 or $200,000 for the deluxe version of the car that has more than one tire
People would lose their collective mind, there would be huge controversy.
By the same token though, when your favourite band is ready to release a new album, we don’t know the full content of that album either, yet we still buy them.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Stu Grockalot.2937
August 28th 2015 is my prediction. 3 years to the day for the release of the original GW2, and it is a Friday. So lots of time to play at the weekend
I have been a fan for a long time. I have really enjoyed playing GW2 and went ahead and bought HoT Ultimate edition yesterday. I am just curious what people think is the reason or strategy of not giving a release date or approximate target time frame like say " We will release sometime in Fall " or " We are shooting for a Holiday Release "?
It is ok with me but, just was curious what other player thought about how the release dates are being handled? Are you OK with not knowing and buying without any idea of when you might play?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793
Anet doesn’t like to disappoint fans and if they announce it and have to push it back they would like to avoid that.
I’m completely OK with not knowing the exact launch date of HoT because I would rather get TOP quality content, rather than get the HoT filled with bugs and things that might not work, faster.
Anet doesn’t like to disappoint fans and if they announce it and have to push it back they would like to avoid that.
Anet’s reticence on such matters is far more disappointing and damaging than missing a deadline would ever be. Obviously, whoever is calling the shots doesn’t care.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Pre-purchase for the core game, Guild Wars 2, started 2 months before a release date was given. Guild Wars 2 launched 2 months after the release date announcement.
Thus, this…so far…follows precedent.
I find it odd to offer pre-purchases before announcing a release date, that’s why I didn’t pre-purchase. However, if we can assume that Anet doesn’t want its most motivated players (those who already bought HoT) to wait too long for it, it’s safe to say that HoT will come out in 2015.
I still want to believe that it will be in August-September. After all, a guy from their marketing department let slip that the expansion was to be released “this summer”.
Anet doesn’t like to disappoint fans and if they announce it and have to push it back they would like to avoid that.
Anet’s reticence on such matters is far more disappointing and damaging than missing a deadline would ever be. Obviously, whoever is calling the shots doesn’t care.
You’re being over-dramatic. Of course missing a deadline would be worse! Anet has no obligation to give a deadline. Well, had: they better give one relatively soon, since some people already purchased HoT.
I find it odd to offer pre-purchases before announcing a release date, that’s why I didn’t pre-purchase. However, if we can assume that Anet doesn’t want its most motivated players (those who already bought HoT) to wait too long for it, it’s safe to say that HoT will come out in 2015.
I still want to believe that it will be in August-September. After all, a guy from their marketing department let slip that the expansion was to be released “this summer”.
But the original game was also offered for prepurchase before the release date was announced. I paid for the original game in full on April 1st and the game didn’t launch until August 25 for head start players. And it was a couple of months after I paid before the release date was announced.
The more time passes the more outdated it will be on launch…or ppl won’t care about it anymore.
The more time passes the more outdated it will be on launch…or ppl won’t care about it anymore.
That’s true for some people. Not all people and not even necessarily most people. You know, it’s very easy for Anet to say a few words closer to launch, and the hype train will start up again. Why?
Because a lot of people people want to be hyped. Don’t ask me why.
Anet doesn’t like to disappoint fans and if they announce it and have to push it back they would like to avoid that.
Anet’s reticence on such matters is far more disappointing and damaging than missing a deadline would ever be. Obviously, whoever is calling the shots doesn’t care.
You’re being over-dramatic. Of course missing a deadline would be worse! Anet has no obligation to give a deadline. Well, had: they better give one relatively soon, since some people already purchased HoT.
Nope, not being dramatic at all. Missing a deadline? Sure, it would be worse if they didn’t tell us they were going to miss it until, ya know, after the fact. Before, though — ‘Hey, guys, we tried, but we’re not gonna make it! Here’s our projected new release date. If we miss this one, you can point at us and laugh, and we’ll all have a grand old time.’
Approximated target date: very soon.
Probably release date: soon.
For definition of these terms, see this: (replace blizzard with anet when applicable)..
It will be after the kids go back to school – before Halloween with enough time to smooth out bugs – on a Tuesday
September 22nd if you trust my wonky deduction ;D.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249
It will be anywhere between now and the end of the year.
So if Anet releases games 2 months prior, then are we going to look at the Pre-Puchase as a 2 month heads up?
when they announced i thought it wouldn’t be any later than summer release but looks like fall right now. i feel they announced expansion far too early for a fall release
I’m completely OK with not knowing the exact launch date of HoT because I would rather get TOP quality content, rather than get the HoT filled with bugs and things that might not work, faster.
I agree. But also keep in mind that A-net won’t be able to get all the bugs or make everything perfect. So be patient when HoT launches. This is their first expansion after all.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639
Everybody prepurchase so they can hire more people to get HoT out, or atleast hire someone that knows how kittened off cliants are getting being kept in the dark without even a rough idea of launch kitten
I’m completely OK with not knowing the exact launch date of HoT because I would rather get TOP quality content, rather than get the HoT filled with bugs and things that might not work, faster.
Judging by all updates over the years here, I don’t think an early or late release date will make much of a diffrence.
Anet doesn’t like to disappoint fans and if they announce it and have to push it back they would like to avoid that.
Anet’s reticence on such matters is far more disappointing and damaging than missing a deadline would ever be. Obviously, whoever is calling the shots doesn’t care.
You’re being over-dramatic. Of course missing a deadline would be worse! Anet has no obligation to give a deadline. Well, had: they better give one relatively soon, since some people already purchased HoT.
Nope, not being dramatic at all. Missing a deadline? Sure, it would be worse if they didn’t tell us they were going to miss it until, ya know, after the fact. Before, though — ‘Hey, guys, we tried, but we’re not gonna make it! Here’s our projected new release date. If we miss this one, you can point at us and laugh, and we’ll all have a grand old time.’
Ok. I guess we have different sensibilities on the matter. Sorry you have to wait
I have been a fan for a long time. I have really enjoyed playing GW2 and went ahead and bought HoT Ultimate edition yesterday. I am just curious what people think is the reason or strategy of not giving a release date or approximate target time frame like say " We will release sometime in Fall " or " We are shooting for a Holiday Release "?
It is ok with me but, just was curious what other player thought about how the release dates are being handled? Are you OK with not knowing and buying without any idea of when you might play?
It’s been quietly hinted that the xpac will be released somewhere during Summer, but a dev told us to not take it seriously, so…
If they gave out the release date at E3 they would be forced to rush the expansion out and have it “playable” that day. i would rather have a finished product than lets say Batman: Arkham Knight the PC version.(bad port..but still)
Let them get through a few Beta tests and let them decide if it’s ready. Thats all it took for the core game. I prepuchased and will happily play the beta’s and try to break the Expansion for them.
We saw playable footage of the game months ago and Anet seems more driven to tot this game around the game show circuit than actually releasing it.
We have a stress test coming up and in those notes they say many more are to come in the future for those who pre-ordered. This also means with there vertical slice of content and the fact that it wont be till mid July till they start that one could assume an august release is out too. Seeing how they use a Two week updating schedule and they seemed to imply many stress tests then one could also logically guess september is out.
When you get into October that’s the holiday season and no MMO’s has ever been stupid enough to release an expansion in the holiday buying season as it would just get overlooked and forgotten in the sea of new games being released back to back one after another until January when the season ends.
Hype is dead to be sure as other MMO’s don’t hold there expacs at the end of a carrot milking there consumer base. The other companies announce then release in a reasonable amount of time and pre-orders aren’t done multiple months in advance to further milk the base. The people who pre-ordered will get content and temporary content at that while the rest of us will no doubt get squat in return. No SaB, Bash, or Labrynth Cliffs as there putting all there effort into so called stress tests…
I’ll get the expac whenever it releases I suppose but probably not at launch as if the game isn’t released in 2016 then it will probably get released and instantly forgotten in the midst of the holiday buying season.
ok just a question? you came here to whine why? apparently you are unhappy with it being released when its ready, and would like a broken, unfinished, exploitable expansion as soon as possible, and 2 hours of that, you will be complaining that its broken and demand they fix it, GG, but you’re an idiot
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Winter is coming
Hype train is dead for sure!
Can’t believe they can’t give us a realease date!
And still only one pve stupid multi-level map!?!
It’s been 3 years for me now ! No SAB this year was so hurtful for me! They fail pleasing their player so badly!! :’(
More likely HoT will be released this summer
‘’This summer’’? What a joke!
This summer 2016
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
Guy from marketing said the is will be out “This Summer”. In regards to you many more. What is the numerical definition of many? 4, 5, 57? I think the guy from marketing should know when he’s trying to sell a product.
(edited by BrotherBelial.3094)
Have more faith guys
Hi BrotherBelial !
Can you link me the info where the marketing guy said ‘’this summer’’ please ?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
Yes, it’s towards the end of the video. When they start talking about HoT, that’s when he said “This Summer”.
Auuuuw, that hurts, was expecting August. No, new content for whole year gonna be suck big time. This game is on Zzzzzzzzzzz mode right now.
At 25:35 ‘’this summer’’. Thanks Steve Fowler!
So A.Net will disapoint more and more players if it’s not released this summer! ^^’
ok just a question? you came here to whine why?
People who disagree with you aren’t just “Whiners.”
apparently you are unhappy with it being released when its ready, and would like a broken, unfinished, exploitable expansion as soon as possible, and 2 hours of that, you will be complaining that its broken and demand they fix it, GG, but you’re an idiot
Do you honestly think this? It’ll be launched when NCSoft want it launched, Regardless of how finished it is.
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