Guild Wars 2: Scholar of the First Sin

Guild Wars 2: Scholar of the First Sin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Machiavell.7396


And yet I thought what FROMSOFTWARE did about Dark Souls 2 and later release of Scholar of First Sin… making same game on dx11 with some small addons… everyone was infuriated.

Atleast they have option to upgrade for lower price! And atleast they moved game to new DirectX which is kind of understandable to demand money for. Anet you made biggest fail in history of gaming, you did same work as with Living Story, small additions clumped into HoT package, and demand full price of a game for that + we still need to buy character slot.

Scholar of First Sin fits what they did, a first deadly sin commited against fans and community. Welcome to club ArenaNet.

If you are so kitteny then give us option to buy HoT with gems now, you will feel what it is like to be ripped off when people will just farm gold to buy it and you will get nothing.

Unofficial Master Bugfinder and Design Critic.
“He will improve everything that ArenaNet added to infinity and beyond.”

Guild Wars 2: Scholar of the First Sin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CynicalFred.9135


Whine more i’m sure it’ll fix everything for you…… Or not.

They are doing this to help new players get in, every MMO ever that does expansion packs will either need to compartmentalize or they will die because of it. What really amazes me is the sense of entitlement that you’re owed something or have somehow been violated. Just don’t. buy. the kittening. game.
If enough people agree not to buy the game than an amazing thing will happen, they’ll do things different because they’re not making money but don’t sit there and spout off like you’ve been personally wronged or something. I for one actually don’t care, Anet has released content out the wazoo for free, if you think about it they’re more or less just asking for a little more out of the players who’ve sat around enjoying all that free content for all that time… and like i said you don’t need to buy it, nobodies holding a gun to your head, so suck it the hell up.

Also SotfS actually did a lot in terms of switching around enemy placement and item locations, but i guess you wouldn’t know that because you probably just heard “dark souls 2 X edition” and got mad when it wasn’t a whole batch of new content on the ps4/xkittenelese… it’s there for people who didn’t buy it because they’ve got one of the afore mentioned systems and they’re adding a little something to be nice about it. As for PC players… this is just what happens when you invest in ports, sadly a lot of developers don’t use the PC to its full potential when developing games side by side because it would kitten off the console fanboys so this is the result.