HP change won't change the game

HP change won't change the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


All it does is set a much more reasonable expectation for players to be able to get elite specialisations on their alts. This is a good thing, a very good thing, because player choice matters now, there are OPTIONS for obtaining the elite specialisations, and now more people will be able to play more classes more esily. I certainly feel a lot more comfortable knowing that i can level all 9 characters and get access to their elites within a reasonable time frame. I’ll be able to ENJOY the jungle, instead of immediately rushing out and searching for hero points on the horizon.

This isn’t going to be a slippery slope until, and i quote someone here, “Anet hands out legendaries on logins.” These straw mans need to stop. The ability for players to more easily access content and enjoy the game doesn’t mean the game will turn into a ‘press one to aoe instakill everything within vision". The game will not turn into a faceroll. The game will not suddenly turn into toys-r-us. The game will still have CHALLENGE. It’s just now getting the elite specialisations won’t be FRUSTRATING and ANNOYING. there’s a reasonable pace to get it now, the game overall will do better because of this change, and arenanet should be praised for making this decision so quickly. All of you hardcore folk who think the game will suffer from more player enjoyability, isn’t this game an mmo? Where you can enjoy the game with more people?

HP change won't change the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Players had unreasonable expectations to start with and it was left to fester because ANet barely relays information that players feel important while this was being developed.

BWE didn’t help since players who participated got to play early in the story with a fully operational Elite. If they suggested, post Traits 3.0 they sent up a trial balloon that it would take more HP than you got from just leveling your character to 80, they could have gotten a handle on this well before launch. They could have back channeled with via data mining so they could say it was simply a placeholder number.

But the devs also have somewhat unrealistic expectations. They believe their players would enjoy doing the story. Soak in the new environment. Explore the maps again and again as they can get new abilities to find new areas that you wouldn’t/couldn’t find without them.

Mark my words. The next attack will be on masteries, even though they are account and not character bound. Followed shortly by “there’s nothing to do” and “HoT isn’t worth the price” rants.

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HP change won't change the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


There would have been a backlash had it been mentioned that it was 400 hero points and that each hero point would require a group. It’s a mistake, period, and it got resolved (while a few other issues related to it got sidelined, such as impossible, gimmicky hero challenges that require chronomancers with wells giving alacrity, hero challenges with one shotting champions and just all around all hero points aren’t soloable) because of the outcry, which would have happened in either scenario. There was a serious issue with the very base design and players quickly picked up on that.

now some expectations are too high, such as having elites being given automatically (which, not gonna lie, would be nice, but would remove a certain aspect of character development imho), but most people agreed that the design alone was flawed, and eerything that sprouted from that design was poor as well. it caused problems, frustration and made what would otherwise be a fun game unenjoyable.

players catching on those things isn’t us having too high expectations, it’s us realising when something is messed up and pointing it out until our voices are heard.

HP change won't change the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MrH.2591


It’s going to make it a lot more enjoyable from tomorrow onwards, at least for me.

HP change won't change the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


It’s going to make it a lot more enjoyable from tomorrow onwards, at least for me.

actually the patch is out NOW. I just got my chronomancer fully unlocked after the most recent update.

HP change won't change the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MrH.2591


It’s going to make it a lot more enjoyable from tomorrow onwards, at least for me.

actually the patch is out NOW. I just got my chronomancer fully unlocked after the most recent update.

I’m in bed for the night, so I’ll have to wait until tomorrow

HP change won't change the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sykper.6583


Well, there will be far less complaints about the “Grindy” Mastery System since the amount of HPs required for Elite specs is drastically reduced.

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