Handful of HoT Notes:
Are there WvW guild missions that can possibly be completed in Edge of the mists at all?
Just double checked w/ the team on this – you cannot do these while in EoTM.
You can however have people in different worlds running missions simultaneously for the guild that all contribute. They simply only need to have 3 guild members participating in the specific event for it to count towards the mission – regardless of which world.
So if i understand it right. if my 3 man guild that is from 3 servers would all do the req event from the wvw mission. it would count as having been completed by the guild. regardless that the 3 of us were not in a party at the time or even online at the same time.
Colin Great news on the guild missions and WvW hero points for HoT. Thank you!
Leader of The Backup [CREW]
Fort Aspenwood
We’ve tried to cut back some of the visual noise of some of the “noisiest” skills to make it easier to see what’s going on in combat with multiple players/mobs on screen. We’ve also made some skill FX end much faster to align with the length their actual combat effect happens in the world – previously some FX lingered much longer than the actual outcome of the skills combat interaction would occur. This is also to help make it easier to see what’s going on in combat.
While I appreciate the effort, this in turn cuts down on the visual splendor of many skills.
Many of which simply don’t look “epic enough” for their CDs. As it is.I think long term the only real solution is to offer 6 sliders:
- Own skill effect detail.
- Party skill effect detail.
- Other skill effect detail.
- Enemy skill effect detail.
- Friend skill effect max.
- Enemy skill effect max.
This allows the player to tailor their client to their desires, allowing large-scale players to focus on enemy effects and even cap those, while smallscale players can crank up the effects higher to get better visual asthetics.
Theres alot more, than this what they should do to empower everyones players options to reduce the visual clutter from the screen better!!
1) Add an Option, that enables us to deactivate all Back Items from other players
2) Add an Option, that makes it possible to reduce the numbers of shown Miniatures to a maximum of show no Miniatures of others at all
3) Add an Option, that disables Legendary Effects of other Players
4) Enable for WvW an Option, that turns all the Red Name Lines and changes the red lines whats a huge amount of moving aroubnd text flood if you hit a big zerg into somethign els, that makes it visually clear for you, that this mass is your enemy, without that your screen gets flooted with tons of red rank name lines which cause LAAAAAAAG and are just alot of visual unneccessary clutter on the screen, that makes it also very hard to see actually your enemies …and target them appropiately …. like give instead enemies colored full body condoms. ie auras or whatever, that makes it easier visually possible to recoginize someone as enemy, theres no need to get overwhelmed with a red text flood
5) Add the option to turn enemy models also for WvW into a standardized body model (human), this would be for WvW for alot of people with weaker pcs a great performance boost…never understood why that was made for pvp only …its somethign that should work everywhere, so pve alsoe, wherei t woudl help for performance in world boss battles with full maps everyone at the same spot …
6) Now where they try to implement an own version iof practically “Combat Mod”, It would be also very nice to see, if they could visually improve the game, by making an own solution that comes very close to practically integratign officially Sweet FX into the game engine to make the game engine sharper, better saturated, better contrasted ect.. Just wish this woukld be an integrated part of the game by now and not something, that people have to use as a third party program just to get GW2 to look better, when the game itself could just look as good, if it would get improvements on its shaders and functions ect. that are part of Sweet FX which make it possible that GW2 can look with its help alot better in these things
That are points that I would like to see getting changed to turn the game then into a visually much better looking experience with alot more power to the player to reduce for themself alot of unneccessary visual clutter in the game that reduces the game’s performance and likely causes the game to lag or even to crash due to running out of RAM
where we come to other thigns that hopefully soon – very soon after HoT release will get addressed finalyl for the future of GW2
1) Bringing out finally a 64bit client for ther game, so that pcs with multi cores can get make finally usage better of the RAM they have and don’t get bottlenecked anymore to just lesser than 4 GB RAM max the pc can work with
2) Improve the game finally at least with DX11 like announced, that you are looking at this for somewhen alter after game release… its about time, that we finally get rid of DX9, as DX11 or even 12 will help you in the future alot with visual stuff
I know, these two things aren’t easy tasks, but I can’t just stop thinkign about it, how good the game performance could just be with the help of a 64bit clirent and better DX support and many peole also expected this to come with the relase of HoT…
If not now, soon … when then ???
Thanks SO much for providing this information to us ahead of time. It will definitely help with our missions planning. Two quick questions:
On the good news side – guild missions reset 3 days after the launch of HoT, so at most you’re waiting 3 days if you’re not interested in doing the launch day missions. Just make sure to set your guilds preferences in those first 3 days!
1. What is the specific day and time (PST) that the launch missions will reset? 3 days later is not specific enough to plan around.
2. After the launch missions reset 3 days later, what day of the week and time (PST) will guild missions reset on a weekly basis? This will be very helpful for planning. Thanks!
Thanks again and super excited about launch!
I believe your answer should be here; https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Guild-Mission-Reset-Time-Changed/first
“In order to accommodate development and hosting of Guild Wars 2 raids, we will be changing the time that guild mission resets take place each week. Starting Monday, October 5, 2015, guild mission resets will take place at 12:30 AM Pacific time each Monday. "
Though due to some techical issues, they are changing it with the expansion instead of October 5.
Are there WvW guild missions that can possibly be completed in Edge of the mists at all?
Just double checked w/ the team on this – you cannot do these while in EoTM.
You can however have people in different worlds running missions simultaneously for the guild that all contribute. They simply only need to have 3 guild members participating in the specific event for it to count towards the mission – regardless of which world.
So if i understand it right. if my 3 man guild that is from 3 servers would all do the req event from the wvw mission. it would count as having been completed by the guild. regardless that the 3 of us were not in a party at the time or even online at the same time.
I think you got that wrong. The three people have to all be on one server doing the mission for it to count as done by the guild. If you had three people on one server and three on another, you could do them separately.
If the missions are timed, then the teams need to be working simultaneously, not hours apart. I don’t know if they’re timed for under one week, though.
We’ve tried to cut back some of the visual noise of some of the “noisiest” skills to make it easier to see what’s going on in combat with multiple players/mobs on screen.
Pleeeassseee let this be substantial.
Are there WvW guild missions that can possibly be completed in Edge of the mists at all?
Just double checked w/ the team on this – you cannot do these while in EoTM.
You can however have people in different worlds running missions simultaneously for the guild that all contribute. They simply only need to have 3 guild members participating in the specific event for it to count towards the mission – regardless of which world.
So if i understand it right. if my 3 man guild that is from 3 servers would all do the req event from the wvw mission. it would count as having been completed by the guild. regardless that the 3 of us were not in a party at the time or even online at the same time.
I think you got that wrong. The three people have to all be on one server doing the mission for it to count as done by the guild. If you had three people on one server and three on another, you could do them separately.
If the missions are timed, then the teams need to be working simultaneously, not hours apart. I don’t know if they’re timed for under one week, though.
I read that post as a three member guild who are all on different worlds (say one on Crystal Desert, one on Jade Quarry, and one on Yak’s Bend) can do the WvW missions and get credit provided they each participate in the event.
But other posts I have read as you have to have 3 members on the same world to be able to get credit for participation.
The posts have been inconsistent with the wording.
I would say “3 participating in the specific event” means all in the same world at the same time, as that specific event won’t be happening cross world.
Are there WvW guild missions that can possibly be completed in Edge of the mists at all?
Just double checked w/ the team on this – you cannot do these while in EoTM.
You can however have people in different worlds running missions simultaneously for the guild that all contribute. They simply only need to have 3 guild members participating in the specific event for it to count towards the mission – regardless of which world.
So if i understand it right. if my 3 man guild that is from 3 servers would all do the req event from the wvw mission. it would count as having been completed by the guild. regardless that the 3 of us were not in a party at the time or even online at the same time.
I think you got that wrong. The three people have to all be on one server doing the mission for it to count as done by the guild. If you had three people on one server and three on another, you could do them separately.
If the missions are timed, then the teams need to be working simultaneously, not hours apart. I don’t know if they’re timed for under one week, though.
I read that post as a three member guild who are all on different worlds (say one on Crystal Desert, one on Jade Quarry, and one on Yak’s Bend) can do the WvW missions and get credit provided they each participate in the event.
But other posts I have read as you have to have 3 members on the same world to be able to get credit for participation.
The posts have been inconsistent with the wording.
Not inconsistent. The word you are looking for is “unclear”.
That saying, I’m eading this the same as Donari. You must have 3 people doing the event on the same world for that group to count towards the mission, but you can have several 3-man groups on different worlds doing the same event, and all of them counting towards the completion as well.
Also, as i have suspected. More and more things will not make it for the launch. So much for releasing “when it’s done”.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Combat Visibility
One change you’ll notice when the expansion goes live – a number of FX for skills have changed. We’ve tried to cut back some of the visual noise of some of the “noisiest” skills to make it easier to see what’s going on in combat with multiple players/mobs on screen. We’ve also made some skill FX end much faster to align with the length their actual combat effect happens in the world – previously some FX lingered much longer than the actual outcome of the skills combat interaction would occur. This is also to help make it easier to see what’s going on in combat.
Thank you very much.
With all my heart, thank you.
@Colin Johanson: There any chance that we will get a option to disable Combat indicators (the floating combat text that appears on the screen when you deal damage, when you receive damage, when you heal someone or when a combo occurs) without using Ctrl + Shift + H after Hot. because they are annoying in some fights
(edited by Noctis.3426)
Engineer Profession Icon
We’ve had some issues over the years with folks being able to tell the difference between the Engineer and Elementalist profession icons, in particular when they are shrunk down to smaller sizes for party UI. This became even more apparent when we began testing our updated large squad UI. As a result, we’re going to be changing the engineer icon to better differentiate between the two. We’ve also done a bit of re-work to better differentiate the icons between Scrapper, Tempest, Engineer and Elementalist.
Change the Daredevil icon to be less Hermes while you’re add it
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
With the new guild mission system (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-mission-changes-and-improvements/), missions each week are randomly generated. There is a toggle you can use to allow your guild to select between PvE, PvP, WvW guild missions, or a mix of all three for more diverse guilds. When you make a change to the toggle, it’ll go into effect during the next week of missions. We’ve defaulted all guilds to the mix of all three mission options for week one, which means every guild will have the mix of missions option selected for week one.
How do we switch our guild missions to just PvE for week one if we don’t want to do the other two things?
Are we just meant to miss out on a week of guild missions?
Engineer Profession Icon
We’ve had some issues over the years with folks being able to tell the difference between the Engineer and Elementalist profession icons, in particular when they are shrunk down to smaller sizes for party UI. This became even more apparent when we began testing our updated large squad UI. As a result, we’re going to be changing the engineer icon to better differentiate between the two. We’ve also done a bit of re-work to better differentiate the icons between Scrapper, Tempest, Engineer and Elementalist.
Coincidentally, I was thinking about this last night. The solution is super simple though. The Engi and Ele icons both look like teardrops with the point slanting towards the left. The simple solution is just to flip one of them horizontally, so that it points to the right instead.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
was looking forward to claiming our guild hall on friday… but since we’re a multi-server guild it’s highly unlikely we’ll be able to complete the WvW mission(s). i hope the pvp (and maybe some influence traded in) will be enough for the guild hall claiming.
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
If it’s that important why can’t you then simply do the WvW or PvP missions then? It’s easier in some respects than PvE ones?
I get the sense that you are feeling entitled and will not budge on something so extremely trivial that I don’t know how to approach an answer. 3 days start has not ever been a deal breaker and I would appreciate it if people would stop trying to blow it out of proportion.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
was looking forward to claiming our guild hall on friday… but since we’re a multi-server guild it’s highly unlikely we’ll be able to complete the WvW mission(s). i hope the pvp (and maybe some influence traded in) will be enough for the guild hall claiming.
Can you get 3 guild people on the same server?
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
Can we get full patch notes before the launch, to save time before hopping into the game?
Can we get full patch notes before the launch, to save time before hopping into the game?
I think you’ll have plenty time to read those wile downloading the patch.
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
If it’s that important why can’t you then simply do the WvW or PvP missions then? It’s easier in some respects than PvE ones?
I get the sense that you are feeling entitled and will not budge on something so extremely trivial that I don’t know how to approach an answer. 3 days start has not ever been a deal breaker and I would appreciate it if people would stop trying to blow it out of proportion.
It has nothing to do with being entitled or not budging.
Of course we will be doing the WvW and PvP missions – but not because we want to, because we have to have to. And we will have to leave members out of this activity as well (which is the entire point of my posts).
The point of a forum and dialogue is to allow for civil discourse and discussion. I realize this probably isnt an issue to you – and that some are probably very happy that they will have wvw and pvp missions to do this weekend. It happens to create a tangible problem for me and others. Keep that in mind before throwing terms like entitled around and “blowing things out of proportion.” Proportion is a matter of perspective. We come at the topic from different points of view.
My point is I dont want to leave people out of this activity, but I will have to anyway. I think this is a fair point and am sorry you do not. I definitely dont think this is something worth attacking my words over.
While I do still hold out hope that the developers will see these posts and offer some kind of solution, I think it is probably a dead issue at this point. I won’t post any more in this thread – Im sure my concern and passion for wanting to include all of my guildees in activities this weekend has been made very clear by this point.
(edited by Blaeys.3102)
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
Do the missions. Get over it.
Personally, I almost do nothing but PVE and have been doing GM ever since I started playing back in 2014 so it should be obvious how close to my heart it is. However, isn’t all this commotion about the first week of missions being random PVP and WVW a bit too much?
After all, the devs have clearly explained that this is only for the first week and that as soon as HoT rolls in you can remove PVP and WVW from your guild mission slots for the week after and any week behind it. How is a one week loss of mission worthy of all this clamor?
Plus, as PVE guilds you are in a strong position : PVE guilds will have tons of devoted players available during mission time to push for claiming of your Guild Hall as soon as week one of the expansion by doing the expedition. Why not canalize your guild’s energy in that if you really can’t live without missions for a week?
Not to mention Halloween will be there for tons of RP and labyrinth farming if it so pleases you. Tons of stuff to do with friends and guildies.
I find it a bit unfair for the devs and wonderful Colin that people get that worked up for barely a week of minor inconvenience that can easily be played around for even funnier group adventures…
Thanks a ton for reducing the amount of “noise” around player skills.
Why are you keeping icons for the new profession specializations? I understand that they might have been necessary for beta, but with HoT, isn’t it just a profession with a particular trait line? I don’t understand why you’re keeping these icons. This will also give an unfair advantage to enemy players in PvP / WvW if they see a chronomancer icon for example. They will immediately know what to expect, as opposed to a more innocuous mesmer icon.
(edited by Spurnshadow.3678)
Personally, I almost do nothing but PVE and have been doing GM ever since I started playing back in 2014 so it should be obvious how close to my heart it is. However, isn’t all this commotion about the first week of missions being random PVP and WVW a bit too much?
After all, the devs have clearly explained that this is only for the first week and that as soon as HoT rolls in you can remove PVP and WVW from your guild mission slots for the week after and any week behind it. How is a one week loss of mission worthy of all this clamor?
Plus, as PVE guilds you are in a strong position : PVE guilds will have tons of devoted players available during mission time to push for claiming of your Guild Hall as soon as week one of the expansion by doing the expedition. Why not canalize your guild’s energy in that if you really can’t live without missions for a week?
Not to mention Halloween will be there for tons of RP and labyrinth farming if it so pleases you. Tons of stuff to do with friends and guildies.
I find it a bit unfair for the devs and wonderful Colin that people get that worked up for barely a week of minor inconvenience that can easily be played around for even funnier group adventures…
Thank you for the well thought out and logical counterpoint. It makes a lot of sense.
While I still have some concerns and stand behind what I’ve said up to this point about wishing more of my guild could participate in our pre-guild hall missions, you are right that it is just one small part of the upcoming weekend and should occlude a fun time. It will still be a fun weekend with a lot of new things to do with our guilds and that is what we should all be focusing on.
Personally, I almost do nothing but PVE and have been doing GM ever since I started playing back in 2014 so it should be obvious how close to my heart it is. However, isn’t all this commotion about the first week of missions being random PVP and WVW a bit too much?
After all, the devs have clearly explained that this is only for the first week and that as soon as HoT rolls in you can remove PVP and WVW from your guild mission slots for the week after and any week behind it. How is a one week loss of mission worthy of all this clamor?
Plus, as PVE guilds you are in a strong position : PVE guilds will have tons of devoted players available during mission time to push for claiming of your Guild Hall as soon as week one of the expansion by doing the expedition. Why not canalize your guild’s energy in that if you really can’t live without missions for a week?
Not to mention Halloween will be there for tons of RP and labyrinth farming if it so pleases you. Tons of stuff to do with friends and guildies.
I find it a bit unfair for the devs and wonderful Colin that people get that worked up for barely a week of minor inconvenience that can easily be played around for even funnier group adventures…
If there mere thought of colin fills you with wonder an merriment you may be biased.
Its not actually that crazy to be anoyyed something you paid for isnt working as planned.
That said, though some will get left out, you may have to grin and beat it and do some pvp.
If you really want to get the guild halll asap.
It sucks and you can hope they will be beyter prepared in the future, but not sure what they can do in 4 or 5 days
I never had a problem with the Engineer and Elementalist logos.
If it looks like a bottle, its an Engineer.
If it looks like a poo, its an Elementalist.
not sure if this is the right place for it but, Colin, could you please confirm whether or not . the rumor that people that achieved a 50 personal reward level in fractals already, pre HoT ,will receive an exclusive title, as in only to those who had that level of personal reward? cuz i really would like to know. since iv seen it float around alot right now.
(edited by DevisedDemise.2608)
I don’t know if this question was asked or not, but are we able to get favours from guild missions if a guild has already done their missions for the week. Since the reset for guild missions is on Monday, and HOT is release on Friday, can we do Guild Missions to get favours before Monday?
The random roll for this week already happened and we’re seeing on our internal servers that week ones missions rolled a mix of PvP and WvW missions for the first three mission slots that guilds have unlocked once you’re able to access the expansion (as you unlock deeper into your guild hall, you’ll be able to unlock more mission slots). We wanted to make sure everyone knew this information ahead of time.
I’m seeing a few potential problems with this, not just in the short-term for this week but long-term as well, that concern me as a guild leader.
The obvious short-term problem is for guilds that are primarily PvE focused, it may be difficult to get these missions done this weekend. A lot of guilds can’t even do WvW together easily because they’ve recruited people from multiple different servers. A quick solution could be to artificially rig the results for this week’s guild missions to at least include one of each type (1 PvE, 1 PvP, and 1 WvW guild mission)
Here’s 2 bigger-picture concerns though…
1. “There is a toggle you can use to allow your guild to select between PvE, PvP, WvW guild missions, or a mix of all three for more diverse guilds.” – This sounds like you can choose either 1 or 3 focuses for guild missions, but I’m wondering about 2? There are a lot of guilds that have a focus on 2 but not 3 of these categories. For mine we do everything except WvW, but I’ve seen and heard of some that only do WvW/PvP, and even some PvE/WvW focused guilds. So I’m hoping we can choose 2 of the 3 categories for guild missions, rather than only 1 or 3.
2. “we’re seeing on our internal servers that week ones missions rolled a mix of PvP and WvW missions” – Does this mean that every guild gets the exact same missions within each choice variant? This seems like it could be a big problem, especially for PvP and WvW, since it would create a huge global focus on achieving only a few specific things each week. I’m not exactly sure what the PvP or WvW missions are, but if they’re something specific enough that diverges from regular gameplay in those areas, you could see thousands of players just in there working towards those specific goals over the regular general gameplay goals, which could really hinder the matches. I think setting them at the start of the week is fine, but I personally think it would be better to randomize each guild’s missions for the week individually to prevent this potential issue.
So to summarize my 3 suggestions:
1. Make the 3 guild missions for this first opening week contain 1 of each category of PvE, PvP, and WvW
2. Let us choose any possible combination of PvE, PvP, and/or WvW guild missions for each week after that, including choosing 2 out of the 3 categories.
3. Make the specific guild missions given to each guild after this choice be randomized per guild, rather than universal.
Thank you.
(edited by Bitoku Kishi.8346)
I don’t know if this question was asked or not, but are we able to get favours from guild missions if a guild has already done their missions for the week. Since the reset for guild missions is on Monday, and HOT is release on Friday, can we do Guild Missions to get favours before Monday?
I think the answer is an implied yes, in that over the weekend the three missions available will be a PvP/WvW mix from the new system. Thus guilds able to do non-PvE missions will get a few days more than pure PvE guilds to accumulate the favor they need to kick off the guild hall claim mission.
Chaos storm used to have a lovely sound, and now is very silent, subtle, and quickly boring to listen to. (Just my opinion). If possible, Colin, I would like to know if this is what you are gonna do with the new skills more or less.
Spatial surge second example. Here I get it more, cause it’s way more spammy (thus annoys faster). Still I think I slightly prefer old sound. But overall a change lik this ain’t to bad.
As for the Dreamer, the sound first was amazing, then it got bugged 6x in in 6 diffenent ways, and now the ‘magical projectile’ sound is gone (sounds like something a guardian could have had, like a ball of light healing ppl, that kind of sound it had, speculative/imaginative speaking). Only the horse (if you didnt know it’s unicorn you would only hear a horse shout) is left. It’s less suble, and more articulated. Imo best part was that ‘light healing magic’ sound, for lack of better term, and least interesting part is the unicorn. Why was this pushed, if I may ask? Was this one of the ‘optimize FX changes’? I really hope, this doesn’t nerf other legendaries as well.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Can we get full patch notes before the launch, to save time before hopping into the game?
I think you’ll have plenty time to read those wile downloading the patch.
you’re right!
Guys, the release date had to be late October so they can get their boxes on shelves for Black Friday. The code didn’t go along with the plan, so now its release-in-stages as pieces come on-line. Its really as simple as that.
Doesnt mean we have to find it okay, like I said business practice wise its just another questionable thing IMO, something which seems to become a standard at Anet.
They ask quite some money for what we get and then they don’t even deliver stuff from it, yea sorry I don’t like such practices.
They don’t deliver the stuff for it on your schedule. That’s all. No one said they’re not delivering the stuff.
People keep looking on the expansion like a boxed game. It’s not. It’s an expansion to something that’s going to grow and change…quite a bit as time goes on. You’re paying for something more like a season pass.
For example they’ve already tested the raid/commander UI but due to feedback they’re delaying it to add functionality. This doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
I play this game for years, not weeks. People need to get some perspective.
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
Do the missions. Get over it.
You get over it, the complaints/concerns are legit
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
Maybe they should just turn off guild missions until the weekly reset. That way everyone can start off on equal footing.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
The random roll for this week already happened and we’re seeing on our internal servers that week ones missions rolled a mix of PvP and WvW missions for the first three mission slots that guilds have unlocked once you’re able to access the expansion (as you unlock deeper into your guild hall, you’ll be able to unlock more mission slots). We wanted to make sure everyone knew this information ahead of time.
Colin, is it possible that the favor requirement for guild hall expeditions could be waived for the first week of HoT release? Either that or the first guild hall expedition could cost only gold, not favor.
As it stands my guild won’t know if we can even attempt the Guild Hall expedition until Friday evening and we’ve had a chance to see what the misisons are, and that’s far too late to schedule anything for Saturday.
For that matter, last we heard the mission reset time was being left at SATURDAY. Does this mean the Friday that HoT lands, the reset time is being adjusted to Monday at the same time?
(edited by Ahkaskar.3906)
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
Do the missions. Get over it.
You get over it, the complaints/concerns are legit
It’s 3 days out of what… 365 per year? No they’re not legit. Just do it like sPvP and WvW guilds have done for the past 2+ years. The only legit concern is about cross server guilds BUT that has been answered already. So yeah, not ground to stand on.
It comes off as very entitled.
Is the new mission reset time coming in with HoT?
For example they’ve already tested the raid/commander UI but due to feedback they’re delaying it to add functionality. This doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
I play this game for years, not weeks. People need to get some perspective.
Actually they pulled it because the feature was broken. If you were around for BWE3 you’d know that.
Honestly, though the complaints are well founded. The art of selling games is becoming problematic. It’s one of the only industries where you’re allowed to get away with selling broken, incomplete or otherwise unpolished products that are told with good faith will be available at a certain date.
It’s sketchy at best and reflects poorly on the companies that do it. Whether its a case of the Molyneux syndrome or Hacktivisions Overlord state dictating release doesn’t change how the public receives it. It also makes genuine people look like fools especially after they just had a livestream where they had to eat crow for failing to deliver features they promised once already.
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
Do the missions. Get over it.
You get over it, the complaints/concerns are legit
It’s 3 days out of what… 365 per year? No they’re not legit. Just do it like sPvP and WvW guilds have done for the past 2+ years. The only legit concern is about cross server guilds BUT that has been answered already. So yeah, not ground to stand on.
It comes off as very entitled.
No one is blowing their upset at the nature of the missions over the weekend out of proportion.
I haven’t seen one person yell and scream and demand that guild missions be PvE only or otherwise altered to satisfy their guild’s situation.
All I’ve seen are players expressing their displeasure with the fact that the guild missions aren’t going to be ideal for them and worry about how far behind that will put them in getting a guild hall compared to other guilds if they choose not to do the missions. I’m sure PvP and WvW guilds brought up how they felt excluded when guild missions first came out.
Being displeased with something and voicing that displeasure in a calm and reasonable way, even if it is something that in the long run won’t really matter, is never wrong and always legit.
The random roll for this week already happened and we’re seeing on our internal servers that week ones missions rolled a mix of PvP and WvW missions for the first three mission slots that guilds have unlocked once you’re able to access the expansion (as you unlock deeper into your guild hall, you’ll be able to unlock more mission slots). We wanted to make sure everyone knew this information ahead of time.
Colin, is it possible that the favor requirement for guild hall expeditions could be waived for the first week of HoT release? Either that or the first guild hall expedition could cost only gold, not favor.
As it stands my guild won’t know if we can even attempt the Guild Hall expedition until Friday evening and we’ve had a chance to see what the misisons are, and that’s far too late to schedule anything for Saturday.
Why not schedule it with a backup plan? Do missions if you can, if not have another guild activity planned.
It is literally only 3 days for those guild missions, get over it.
It isn’t the three days. It is the favor required to begin the guild hall expedition.
I realize that, for many guilds, this isn’t that big a deal. However, for others it is an actual problem, so “get over it” really comes across snide and insulting.
Were still looking forward to HOT. We still respect all of the work that has been done.
We just want to be able to experience something important to our guild as an actual guild group – and do something we actually enjoy doing as a group when the game launches instead of feeling pushed into content we may not want to do. That isn’t a lot to ask.
Do the missions. Get over it.
You get over it, the complaints/concerns are legit
It’s 3 days out of what… 365 per year? No they’re not legit. Just do it like sPvP and WvW guilds have done for the past 2+ years. The only legit concern is about cross server guilds BUT that has been answered already. So yeah, not ground to stand on.
It comes off as very entitled.
My concern isn’t doing WvW. My concern is people in my guild being left out because more and more of the guild isn’t on my server.
Maybe you think it’s okay for me to say okay I’m doing a guild mission now, the rest of you can listen to us on mumble and feel left out, but I don’t think that’s okay.
The random roll for this week already happened and we’re seeing on our internal servers that week ones missions rolled a mix of PvP and WvW missions for the first three mission slots that guilds have unlocked once you’re able to access the expansion (as you unlock deeper into your guild hall, you’ll be able to unlock more mission slots). We wanted to make sure everyone knew this information ahead of time.
Colin, is it possible that the favor requirement for guild hall expeditions could be waived for the first week of HoT release? Either that or the first guild hall expedition could cost only gold, not favor.
As it stands my guild won’t know if we can even attempt the Guild Hall expedition until Friday evening and we’ve had a chance to see what the misisons are, and that’s far too late to schedule anything for Saturday.
Why not schedule it with a backup plan? Do missions if you can, if not have another guild activity planned.
It’s not about what we do instead, it’s just trying to get the Guild Hall going so we can start generating the time-gated currency.
Will we be able to see all the legendaries on launch ? Because i’m unsue whether i’ll want ot start working on the Juggernaut or i’ll like the new legendary Hammer more. Even if they are not craftable from the start, will we at least be able to see them ?
Will FoTM mastery be fully released? Will FoTM 51-100?
Will FoTM mastery be fully released? Will FoTM 51-100?
51-100 comes out on HoT release date.
How much time will we have to wait to complete the legendary backpack? it’s the first thing I want to get after the expansion release tbh.
Guys, the release date had to be late October so they can get their boxes on shelves for Black Friday. The code didn’t go along with the plan, so now its release-in-stages as pieces come on-line. Its really as simple as that.
Doesnt mean we have to find it okay, like I said business practice wise its just another questionable thing IMO, something which seems to become a standard at Anet.
They ask quite some money for what we get and then they don’t even deliver stuff from it, yea sorry I don’t like such practices.
They don’t deliver the stuff for it on your schedule. That’s all. No one said they’re not delivering the stuff.
They don’t deliver it on their own schedule either. They like to say things like “when it’s done™”, and “thoroughly tested”, but those are empty words that are never followed in practice.
For example they’ve already tested the raid/commander UI but due to feedback they’re delaying it to add functionality. This doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
They are delaying it, because it was just plain broken. They have managed to patch some parts of it for the last day of beta somehow, but that was a rush job (and there still were some major problems visible).
I play this game for years, not weeks. People need to get some perspective.
We do. And in perspective, Anet really should stop rushing things that much. It may be good for th marketing department, but the game suffers for it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November