Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

It’s hard to do the Gerent. You have to get into a map that is explicitly doing it. These maps fill up quickly and so you end up either locked out, hoping a secondary map will happen, or spamming “join in Tangled Depths” hoping a spot will open up. Having even a chance of doing the event often involves arriving over half an hour early and then sitting there doing nothing if you can get in. The whole process requires commanders (to be able to port in enough players) and involves large amounts of harassment of other people on the map to either get out or join the meta due to how many it needs. The entire system just makes both being on the map around the time of a Meta or doing the Meta at the least annoying and at the most downright unpleasant.

Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Or you can arrive early, do the event chains and farm the zone currency and use your chak acid.

I mean when I had to do certain dungeons I did pre-events before them that barely rewarded me at all. Not sure why you have to do nothing. I don’t.

Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

You can arrive on the map, do the pre-events, and then get locked out of the main meta if you don’t join a group in time, or if there just isn’t a group happening at the time. Or you can not do anything, but jump into the right map and join a group and get to do the meta without doing anything else. That’s kinda the point of the post: The final meta event is too difficult to deal with due to this massive infrastructure issue with groups and maps underlying it. You can’t just be on a map doing events and then participate like you can for VB and AB, you have to go through this involved and failure-prone process.

Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I suppose that’s possible, but since groups are listed half an hour early when I’ve done it, it’s unlikely and hasn’t happened to me yet. The trick is to keep checking the LFG while you’re doing stuff. It’s a bit inconvenient, I agree. But it’s not worse than something like Triple Threat where you pretty much have to join a giant guild event to get it done.

Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


The problem is, scaling isn’t fair. If they’re going to let zergs trivialize everything, they should let everyone do so. It’s possible to do the Gerent with only 3-5 players per lane (minimum scaling), but the catch is, they’ll need to know how to play and it’s going to take far more effort for the same rewards. Why bother when you can just taxi to an easy mode map to AFK and win. If scaling was actually fair however, the zerg would always fail – see shatterer’s pre-nerf break bar.

The split meta design was originally done to counter zergs in active maps, but it’s devastating for everyone else. Silverwastes was eventually nerfed to compensate for its dying population, so HoT will likely also be nerfed with the next expansion. If they’re going to keep doing this, they should split these events from the map and have them in their own area. At least then they could scale events for exact numbers, limiting the population to something like 20-50. Alternatively, they could keep it as is and make actual overflows, where all instances are linked together as if they were a single map.

Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I’ve never had issues joining maps doing Gerent. I don’t find the 30 minute lead time that big of a deal as there are continuous events to do to stay occupied.

Hard to do Gerent due to map issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Myhr.9108


Yup, same as Tequatl or any demanding meta-event. Showing up early drastically increases your chances of success. Even Shadow Behemot can fail if you try it at odd hours, at the last moment, in an empty map. If anything, I thing it has more to do with Tangled Depths as a whole, being a somewhat unfriendly and hard-to-navigate map (not that I mind, there are in fact some easy shortcuts for the Meta, but you have to understand the map’s layout first)