Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?

Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: frodamn.3706


So I finished the Mordremoth fight last night and while it was a good fight, and is definitely more involved than Zhaitan, it didnt really feel like we were fighting an elder dragon, and ultimately all the HoT content never really had a “Mordrem are definitely a big issue that we need to address now” (in my opinion). So lets break it down a bit more

Lets start with Zhaitan:

Ignoring most of the original personal story, if we take the ones that are directly tied with Zhaitan and his minions as a threat. You’ve got Claw Island where your mentor sacrifices their life to help you all get away. Not to mention all the Orr related personal story where we are constantly told of the swarming Zhaitan minions. Cleansing of Orr is a good example of how pressing the issue of Zhaitan is, and how his minions keep coming until something is done which gives you this sense of “man this is really a world changing thing to stop Zhaitans influence and power”.

And on to the fight with Zhaitan himself. I think we can all agree that GW2 encounters back then weren’t really made for gw2 combat style compared to now, and while it was very anti-climatic that the only combat against zhaitan as a player, is getting in a turret and pressing 2 for 5 minutes.

But being on the airship, seeing zhaitan flying around, all his smaller dragons trying to kill you, and when zhaitan does finally smash in to ship, its great, you KNOW you’re fighting a big bad dragon and you get that sense of how small you are comparatively, even when hes chilling on the side of the building.

Now lets talk about Mordy:

In terms of build up, Mordy has had a lot through the living story with Scarlet doing her thing, and all the drytop/silverwastes stuff, and how his reach went as far as Ascalon, which is awesome, and its being drilled in to you that this dragon is way more of a threat than Zhaitan ever was.

But in terms of HoT as an expansion, there’s very little development about Mordys power, and even figuring out his weakness of going in to his mind felt rushed and almost like a cop-out.

It just seems really weird that not even a week in and people are already killing Mordremoth so early. If we had all that living story release after HoT, and then once that was completed you go on to do the current HoT personal story, it would have been a lot more intense.

And on top of all that, you dont even fight a dragon, you fight a Behemoth, and its in a small condensed area which seems odd when you’re fighting an Elder Dragon who can invade minds and has such a strong mental capability, that you fight a small version of himself and are confined to a small area, when generally the mind can essentially give you an infinite number of scenarios to be in.

And on top of all this, if we go and look at the HoT Cinematic launch trailer https://youtu.be/GpeLj-fDK-4?t=1m56s at the end you see a giant creature towering over our comrades, and while that was confirmed to not be mordremoth, where was that type of feeling when fighting Mordy. And where is that creature anyway? We didnt even fight an Tequatl equivalents in Mordy ranks really.

So I guess to summarize, and be more direct about this post:

Mordremoth should have been a bigger and more epic fight. Instead of just fighting him in his mind/dream, we should have had a physical fight with him. Caithe does mention that fighting mordremoth physically would be pointless because he can just regrow, but why not SHOW us that, let us EXPERIENCE that.

And because all of the Modremoth build up content was released before HoT, the HoT story seems rushed.

@Arenanet, does GW2 game engine allow for fights like Shadow of the colossus, and those types of games where you are physically running up bosses and having to attack physical weakspots and the such? If it doesnt allow for that, would/is it something you would want to develop and expand on?

Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gathslan.1870



While i have not played the last zone much yet, i have seen several times said that in dragons reach the meta event is a fight against mordremoth.

Which makes sense to me, i would have found weird if we directly fought the whole dragon just the small group of ’’heroes’’ that we are. So i think you can experience the fight you want, just outside of the story instances themselves(and i plan on doing that in coming days)

Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MarshMellow.8560



I have mixed feelings. I thought it was high quality but not long/expansive enough. Like you said, Mordi doesn’t have the same threatening scope as Zhaitan unless you combine hot with season 2. That being said I think the final fight was good. If you want epicness do the Mouth of Mordremoth fight meta. I like the idea of the Pact remnants fighting the shadow of the dragon while the hero character confronts him in the dream. I do sympathise of Arenanet. People expect to solo a elder dragon which is practically the size of divinities reach. This isn’t Bayonetta.
I will say that the the story felt stripped. The whole thing is us pursuing destinies edge. And oh what a coincidence mordy is here. The realisation of his weakness was really shoe-horned in and didn’t feel like a revelation. Whereas the core game story was perhaps too drawn out. HOT was too narrow. Where are the itzel and nuhoch allies? What are the reavers doing? What is going on back in the core cities? Oh hey exalted im just going to drop this egg off, bye, see you never again. The only time we ever communicate with these people is to ask them where destinies edge is. Whereas the Zhaitan story seemed to take place over like a year of organization. The HoT story actually seemed as if it all took place over 2 days. It felt like we were alone in the jungle finding some buds. I understand that the Pact is broken but who is fighting the front while we search. Rytlock never actually explains his powers, just keeps putting it off. Canach is awesome. Braham got some solid screen time. Taimi was well done. Everyone else barely gets any say. They barely felt present. I really feel like we were more told to accept sylvari corruption sylvari than showed. We get one scene showing transformation and even that was based on a chooseable story path. I mean what the hell is going in the Grove during this?! It felt more like i was a hero looking for his lost friends than a commander salvaging the remains of an army. Honestly, after the fleet crash finding destinies edge should not be the priority. Overall i still liked it. It just felt short and sweet rather than elaborate and juicy. Oh and the fights were awesome IMO. and despite what people say totally soloable. I did it with a zerker ele.

Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: frodamn.3706


I did not realize Dragons Stand had a proper Mordy fight. I’ll have to check that out when I can play some more.


I definitely agree that its unfortunate for Anet that most people have this idea of soloing a giant dragon, and I just want to make it clear im not complaining about that.

And I feel like the Itzel and Nuhoch will get some more screen time in S3 of living story.But the Pale Reavers seem pointless now with mordremoth being defeated.

Yeah I think people complaining about it not being soloable are the people that dont really learn to adapt.

The only way I see most of these complaints going away, is if Mordy is pulling a Voldemort and gathering his strength, and hes gonna come back stronger than ever (since we were still technically fighting him while he was feeding), and THEN the exalted and glints egg etc come in to play.

Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dengar.1785


The idea that Mordremoth’s weakness is his mind is sound. And I enjoyed the epicness of that battle. The main problem is it all came too sudden. We spent almost no time trying to find a way to defeat him. We were just following Destiny’s Edge, and by the time we found them, we were suddenly thrown into the final battle. You never even explore Dragon’s Stand properly during the storyline.

The story would have been loads better if the story made you spend a little more time in Dragon’s Stand. You know how back in the Living Story one of the objectives was to do the Marionette Fight? You didn’t even have to win. Could be like that.

Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: frodamn.3706


@Dengar, I agree the idea of mordys weakness is his mind is a sound conclusion and reason. Im saying they way we found out about it was rushed, and instead of just saying “hey we should go in to mind” it would have made slightly more sense to try and go after his physical body first, which could have been an encounter for the personal story, and then after that encounter ultimately failing, we realize we need a different approach.

The Marionette fight is a good example. God i miss that fight, it was so cool.