Havent played in a year, returned for HOT

Havent played in a year, returned for HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Notsure.7028


Hello All,

I have a couple lvl 80’s and now a lvl 31 revenant. With so much changed and so much going on I am kind of lost as to what I should focus on. Right now im working on figuring out which class I want to work on first. I have an 80 guardian, 80 necro, and 80 ranger. I want to mix working on the HOT content with lvling my revenant.

I have unlocked gliding but so far thats the only mastery, I have spent the last couple days just running around relearning the game. Any advice on how I should proceed?


Havent played in a year, returned for HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: zporter.1439


Though I’ve been actively playing for the last year, I’m in the same boat. I play HoT for a while on my level 80 Ele main, then play some on my Revenant. I say keep with what you are doing. There’s a lot of content for both characters to play and no rush to get it all done right now.

For me, I want to do full personal story and living world on my Revenant before taking it to HoT. That gives me the full experience of GW and gives me time to max gear and traits before running into raids and high end fractals.

Havent played in a year, returned for HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CD673141-975B-42E9-8500-F0FEFF861A7D


As a ranger main, things have gotten much better for Ranger lately. Druid surprised me with how entertaining healing can be in GW2. That being said I tend to lean much more heavily towards DPS play and unlocking reaper on my fresh necro is my new objective.

You’ll see many complaints in the ranger forums (my own included), but don’t let that discourage you if you enjoy the class. We are slowly getting to a better place, and many of the complaints are more about how the devs have handled nerfing (suddenly, without communication, and stealthily) the class as opposed to the class being UP (though some things need work, such as the silly amount of gates on CAF).

Reaper seems strong as my first impression, but this was formed in the beta weekends so things may have changed somewhat.

One of my good friends just dropped his thief main to go Rev main, so they seem quite exciting.

I cant speak much on DH as I do not play guard at all.