Heart of Thorns Worth Purchasing?
I believe the Elite Specializations require the purchase of Heart of Thorns. I believe most recommend the Elite Specializations in PvP, but not all.
As to re-installing the game, I believe you will receive both nays and yeas.
This thread may offer opinions on the subject: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/Am-I-at-a-disadvantage-if-I-don-t-buy-HoT/first#post6222552
Good luck.
Do make sure to only purchase from an authorized retailer, though. Otherwise, you may find your account actioned.
Good luck.
is an official retailer and often has it available for a decent discount
I’ve heard some unfairness by Arenanet about legendaries and also some PvP imbalance for WvW and the like. I’ve read about people complaining that each profession now has a special weapon that is the meta for anything in the game.
It’s not exactly sounding like an enjoyable experience. Has this changed?
Have you also heard the polar opposite opinions?
Only you can decide if you wish to purchase and partake in all Heart of Thorns (including the upcoming Living Story Season 3) has to offer.
Good luck.
I’ve heard some unfairness by Arenanet about legendaries and also some PvP imbalance for WvW and the like. I’ve read about people complaining that each profession now has a special weapon that is the meta for anything in the game.
It’s not exactly sounding like an enjoyable experience. Has this changed?
Has there ever been a time when people haven’t been complaining about balance? Ever? Even once?
GW2 pvp is a chaotic mess of action gameplay mixed with crpg mechanics and overlayed with a terrible UI. I would not look at it as a “serious” pvp game. However, it may be fun anyway; the action systems are solid at least.
The core game is free; try it out. If you like it, get the expansion, because it improves on most things (now that most of the BS has been fixed, but w/e). You will need the xpac for pvp, elite specs are basically mandatory. The massive power creep and it’s unhinging of PVP is one of the things the xpac inflicted on us all that hasn’t been fixed.
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
In all honesty this game isn’t worth playing without HoT considering the power creep and fotm rewards being locked behind them.
HoT maps are pretty terrible tough, hardly any replay value beside meta rewards which you can simply tag and afk for.
The HoT specs are a lot stronger than the core, That’s not to say core specs can not hold there own, but in my experience of PvP League play, you need to know your class very well and be very skilled to beat a HoT spec, it’s not imposible, far from it, but given someone with equal skill one having the HoT spec and the other having core, the HoT spec will give you the edge to win
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