Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?
The best way to manage the fight I found was to separate the Blighted from the boss (Caithe will tank the boss for you if you run far enough). If he has the swirling CC zone up stay inside and JUST focus on surviving (rotate CDs blocks/endure/evades etc) then when it drops use a movement skill to zoom miles away and the Blighted will follow you. Kill the Blighted and open the rift.
The flying part I found a little buggy and also watch out for the floor not respawning as sometimes it doesn’t come back and the Rift spawns in empty space (I needed to suicide and reset when that happened).
Also if you die some aspects of the fight don’t reset (the Eye of Mord will be there from the start instead of after the 2nd large attack), this can be why your first try was easier. You can do the instance again to fully reset it and the bugs tend not to be there – better flying and no failed floors the first round.
Thanks for the advice. If you exit the instance, do you have to do the two pre parts again, with the companion blighted? (the pre before you reach the big guy)
Thanks for the advice. If you exit the instance, do you have to do the two pre parts again, with the companion blighted? (the pre before you reach the big guy)
Yer you’ll need to kill them again, but they aren’t too tough with Zerker (and you’ll know what they’ll do this time so can build appropriately).
Man I tried this one several times, it just got harder and harder for each attempt.
Seems like it bugs and uses later phases moves from the start >.<
Thanks for the advice. If you exit the instance, do you have to do the two pre parts again, with the companion blighted? (the pre before you reach the big guy)
Yer you’ll need to kill them again, but they aren’t too tough with Zerker (and you’ll know what they’ll do this time so can build appropriately).
Ok, thanks.
Man I tried this one several times, it just got harder and harder for each attempt.
Seems like it bugs and uses later phases moves from the start >.<
Yeah, it definitely bugs on repeat attempts. I just tried like 5 times with a group and we got screwed over on air phase 2 or 3 times because he bugged.
How do you leave the instance? i cant defeat modremoth while hes got all his mechnics from the start its just nuts i just want to leave and try again tomorrow but theres no option to leave
dont worry entered the pvp lobby
I managed it on the 3rd or 4th try. First try took what seemed like forever, but I got him very close, then got hit by a rock on a gliding phase so fell and died. 2nd and 3rd attempts I didn’t get far. Fourth attempt I had totally broken gear, but beat him – and it was much, much shorter than the first attempt.
Here is what I did on my winning effort:
I got much more concerned with doing damage and focused LESS on surviving in the first stage. I decided to go all out realizing that many of his first phase attacks are easily dodgable. When the blighteds started coming, I similarly decided to go more all in on damage to get them down quickly. I am not sure exactly how, but at one point his breakbar went all the way down and he was stunned and took hugely amplified damage, so that the phase when you get all of the adds to kill happened BEFORE the last blighted had been turned good. After killing the adds, Mordremoth’s breakbar was dropped again and he was stunned, and I nuked him to death.
Ultimately, I think the biggest key was getting those breakbars down, but I honestly don’t know how I did it.
I managed it on the 3rd or 4th try. First try took what seemed like forever, but I got him very close, then got hit by a rock on a gliding phase so fell and died. 2nd and 3rd attempts I didn’t get far. Fourth attempt I had totally broken gear, but beat him – and it was much, much shorter than the first attempt.
Here is what I did on my winning effort:
I got much more concerned with doing damage and focused LESS on surviving in the first stage. I decided to go all out realizing that many of his first phase attacks are easily dodgable. When the blighteds started coming, I similarly decided to go more all in on damage to get them down quickly. I am not sure exactly how, but at one point his breakbar went all the way down and he was stunned and took hugely amplified damage, so that the phase when you get all of the adds to kill happened BEFORE the last blighted had been turned good. After killing the adds, Mordremoth’s breakbar was dropped again and he was stunned, and I nuked him to death.
Ultimately, I think the biggest key was getting those breakbars down, but I honestly don’t know how I did it.
Haha he bugged, he isn;t meant to have a break bar at that point xD Thats meant to be at the end phase.
My problem is the stupid glider, sometimes I can’t even leave the floor there is no way to use the glider… and there is no way to survive.
My problem is the stupid glider, sometimes I can’t even leave the floor there is no way to use the glider…
My Guardian guildy was able to out heal the attack when he tried it, not sure how viable that is for everyone though. Yer the glider is buggy, was the main barrier for me – I found running to where your NPC friends gather under the bubble shot me up with better frequency than trying to jump into the wind funnels.
THEY NEED TO FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY. Ugh. The glider portion is absolutely the buggiest part of any boss fight I’ve ever had in Guild Wars 2, in which the cost of “failure” is immediate, unavoidable death and a 10 minute or more restart of the fight, and its 100% due to the glider not deploying after the updraft boosts you.
I can’t see how QA didn’t catch any bugs with the glider portion, its horrendous. I’m done with this. I’ve failed over 15 times now.
Same here. I can get to the part when he does his massive aoe, but those updrafts are totally unreliable. Also it doesn’t make sense since you have to be in the air to deploy the glider in the first place, and jumping off the ground is silly. The worse thing is there is a shield that protects the rest of your party, but it’s not allowed to protect you for some reason.
Only two problems i had were when you use the jump things to get in the air the glider sometimes just doesn’t come out, but i found that if i calmly walk to the mushroom/glow thing and not press anything then again calmly press space bar, it words every time. Also the phases he goes through can jumble up if he resets/you die, so you will have to restart the instance pick braham and caithe as i thought that were the easiest.
I also almost always fail at the gliding part either i dont get up in the air cuz the jump thingies are bugged or he just throws a rock at me.. (how am i supposed to dodge that?!)
Also the phases seems a little bit buggy cuz they just stuck were you died and dont reset and then its kinda hard to even pull rytlock into the rift while you get interrupted by everything.
I picked braham and canach after i tried many times the caithe part.
I find the caithe part pretty hard when million peeps storm the arena and you cant kill all and she gets stronger and resets everytime to 25% hp when you kill her.
(edited by rotsono.9176)
Only two problems i had were when you use the jump things to get in the air the glider sometimes just doesn’t come out, but i found that if i calmly walk to the mushroom/glow thing and not press anything then again calmly press space bar, it words every time. Also the phases he goes through can jumble up if he resets/you die, so you will have to restart the instance pick braham and caithe as i thought that were the easiest.
+1 This is the best advice. I completed the story on first try after doing this. Don’t try and jump in the updraft or it cancels the updraft out and it doesn’t work. As mentioned, just walk over one of them and it will lift you up and then you can easily deploy the glider. Then glide from updraft to updraft until the AoE is finished.
Cheers. Saved me a lot of time
Soooooooooooooooooo buggy, and such obvious bugs…
Same for our two man party just now .. got him to the last gliding phase. My glider didnt activate and for some reason i couldn’t jump up again and died. Now i’m stuck above and can’t do anything.
The other one is still down was told to spam the rift but it didn’t make him lose the invuln. Rift gone now and we are stuck. I wonder how the rift can disappear and blocking progress completely.
I opened the instance btw. so maybe it’s that too.
Go us. We reset it, kill mordremoth before we actually turn traherene dude back … and now it’s not progressing again :<
this is getting really annoying.
edit: seems mordremoth’s corpse was invisible …
(edited by nexusone.2367)
This is currently really bad – I mean, come on Anet. I payed for a product that should be playable. I mean, I love hard boss fights. But this has nothing to do with skills or experience. This is just really bad software engineering.
The first try was pretty good. I played a Mesmer and did the whole fight with a greatsword. With this I was able to attack from a huge range so that the swirling thing didn’t even reached me. The problem was the second glider phase. I wasn’t able to get up in the air even if I stand right in the middle of those whirls. Then I read this thread and noticed that it should be possible to stand right by the npcs and should be save. Didn’t work for me.
After 4 resets, the whole fight mechanic was broken. First, the little ledge, where those rifts occur, wasn’t there. Then, the boss was completly out of order. He attacked me all the time, even if I tried to actived those rifts. Furthermore the illusions poped up even if the boss was at 95% of health. Normally they pop up atsomething like 80% or so.
Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897
THEY NEED TO FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY. Ugh. The glider portion is absolutely the buggiest part of any boss fight I’ve ever had in Guild Wars 2, in which the cost of “failure” is immediate, unavoidable death and a 10 minute or more restart of the fight, and its 100% due to the glider not deploying after the updraft boosts you.
I can’t see how QA didn’t catch any bugs with the glider portion, its horrendous. I’m done with this. I’ve failed over 15 times now.
I agree. No idea what this is game is now, but it’s not Guild Wars. When a fight comes down to the one shot being purely RNG there is something very badly wrong…
I beat this with pugs 2 days ago. Make sure whoever opens instance stays alive if they die it’s all over. Also it helps to have another person alive with you for the last part when boss goes invl. because you have to break his bar. The buff takes out only 1/3 of cc bar so having two people helps a lot.
For us, I opened instance with ranger (no specialization). At glider part I was planning on getting into the bubble because ranger has 2 skills for invulnerability as well as super heals. Signet of stone and protect me, make sure to have these equipped.
But for some reason it threw me into the air from the bubble without me jumping so that all worked out. It’s possible that you need to simply walk into the air currents without jumping.
From here make sure to don’t die when shadows spawn. Kite and kill them while your team mate activates rift.
Once the boss goes invulnerable you will need to cc him with the buff, it helps to time this with another person. Also during this part if you walk away, it will allow you to change skills/ weapons so you can get more cc.
^^subtle brag thread. Ranger is OP, stop hating on them. Hope this helps.
Another tip: turn off melee assist. This allows you to walk through enemies and including boss, helps to avoid attacks and provides better mobility.
I solo’d it all on my Ranger, took a long time, but was rather easy.
I ran into a couple problems, finished it on my 4th attempt. Blighted pale tree would randomly go Defiant and immune to damage. Blighted Eir and Blighted Canach are the easiest combo.
One thing I found was that it was easiest to stay very close to this boss. Too far back and you’d get whacked by about every attack. Staying close and strafing in circles was very easy to complete.
Sinister/soldier with on crit condi sigils on both Longbow and staff. When one of the blighted spawn, walk backwards in a big circle around the arena. Save your dodges for the bigger attacks. Once you get a rift open, your teammate can tank on the boss while you run interference and survive while awaiting the next blighted. The flight phases were buggy for me, unreliable deployment of the glider. After the third flight phase, you won’t have to do them anymore. The last 50% is a repeating rift/burn phase that is pretty simple.
Ashen Mistwalker: WvW Tank/Crit Revenant
Oaken Earthlore: WvW Medi/Bunker Guardian
I should grow up and stop being such a whiny *.
(edited by GuzziHero.2467)
I also did the fight with a full zerker warrior. It’s much easier on the first attempt due to the fight being bugged, but it’s still doable even when he has all of his mechanics.
I’ve been running Dolyak Signet for the extra toughness and the stunbreaker as well as signet of stamina for the extra dodges and condi removal.
His physical attacks don’t actually do that much damage. Dodge his highly telegraphed move and you can mostly tank the rest. One thing you do absolutely have to watch out for is when he starting applying confusion. Just wait it out and don’t use skills, I prefer to save my signet of stamina for the more frequent dodges and for if I get too much torment on me. I’d also suggest switching to signet of healing since it allows you to tank his less damaging attacks and not burn dodges on them.
For the Blighted Illusions, kite them away from Mordremoth. I suggest making sure you have your longbow for the fight. All of the Illusions are susceptible to skill 5 and I think only Rytlock is immune to the blind.
Other tips include:
-Make use of the large area. If you’re feeling like you’re under too much pressure, run away! His ranged attacks aren’t very good so can just kite him around a lot of the time. You should save your survival skills for when he puts up his arena.
-You have to be very fast with your glider or else you can get stuck grounded.
-For dodging the rocks he throws at you, you can either quickly switch directions (doesn’t always work) or drop out of gliding to quickly dodge under them. Just make sure you have a nearby updraft so that you can stay up high. It gives you more time, and more space to work with.
Who still makes games where a rng can one-shot kill you? Who? Because that’s exactly what Anet has done. Two times during this fight you need to pray that a) your glider deploys correctly and on time; and b) that you don’t get hit by a random stone. If either your glider doesn’t deploy or you get hit by a stone, you are dead. Start over. Thanks for playing. It was established years and years ago that this is terrible game design. How or why it has been reconstituted here today is utterly beyond me.
And the bugs. It’s just sad for a launch that I think was really pretty darn top-notch. How you have blatant, obvious, stupid bugs in the final boss fight is really hard to square with the rest of the release. Two examples: 1) after killing blighted, the portal appears off the platform, floating in the air and therefore unusable; 2) after a blighted is spawned and you get through the invuln talk sequence, it then starts to blink around the platform for the entire fight.
I’ll eagerly be watching patch notes to see this entire fight sequence cleaned up so that I can have a shot of completing it without breaking my mouse in frustration.
Glider phase is bugged out badly..makes this fight annoying as hell.
I do like the challenge, to a point, but when it comes down to mechanics that are MEANT to work and they just bug out…its frustrating..how many beta tests did ANET do and still so many bugs..
and when wanting to give up and leave, no option to..only to retry..so have to go into the pvp lobby to leave, Id have thought theyd put some way to leave
Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Transvestosaurus.2381
Nothing to add to the discussion. I’m just exceptionally ****ing salty.
Anet have done a beautiful, beautiful thing with HoT. The open-world leaves me gobsmacked, it’s enough to just walk around and soak it all up, let alone the bazillion things to do…
But as final bosses go this is the poop on the ice-cream sundae. Finally ragequit after about two hours of bug after bug after bug. How do you make an expansion this good and then mess it up this badly at the end?
Running it with a zerker/soldier Ranger, dying isn’t a problem. Just obvious, gamebreaking, timewasting bugs that should never have made it to release.
Feel a bit better now, aaaaah :p
Playing shield ping-pong with Canach was the most boring 5 minutes of entire game.
And the gliding… epic fall.
Any tips on avoiding the rocks during glider phase?
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
Any tips on avoiding the rocks during glider phase?
I found them to be quite easy to dodge really. When you go up, aim for the next updraft, then turn your camera to face Mindremoth. As Soon as you see him throw a rock, quickly close your glider to drop down a bit, and open it up again. You might take a little bit of damage when you come too close to the electric ground, but generally you should easily be able to catch the next updraft.
Eine familiäre, erwachsene, PvX-orientierte Feierabend-Gilde auf Flussufer/Riverside
I soloed it with my Mesmer, so I don’t think surviving is that big an issue in terms of stats. Essentially I just keep kiting in circles lol. Once in a while, stop and do a huge attack on the blighted, then start running again till CD is over. You don’t really hit Mordremoth that much really lol. Fly to the sky, survive, rinse and repeat. It very similar to fighting Eir if you pick Braham, Gram is the blighted, and Eir is mordremoth. Except that swirling Aoe, run next to Mordy himself and kite in circles again and again.
So how do you use the glider here ? i am 100% stuck it wont let me jump off the sides .. so confused
So how do you use the glider here ? i am 100% stuck it wont let me jump off the sides .. so confused
There are pillars of Leyline-like energy. Even without the Leyline Glider Mastery you can jump into these and they will propel you up. Then you just need to keep flying over them in order to get updrafts.
my glider wont activate the 2nd go around.
been here for 4 hours… gooooodddd
tried this the other day and rage quit on the glider part…. didn’t know what to do lol… i mean, how do you glide when you’re on the floor, jump ? to where ? a friend said you have to press F on the updraft, really ?
Archeage = Farmville with PK
oh and not to mention the mind portal keeps bugging and that part of the rock falls off and then im doomed
ill just have to get a lfg i guess
tried this the other day and rage quit on the glider part…. didn’t know what to do lol… i mean, how do you glide when you’re on the floor, jump ? to where ? a friend said you have to press F on the updraft, really ?
you go to the updraft, its kinda blueish white- and press the space bar
oh and not to mention the mind portal keeps bugging and that part of the rock falls off and then im doomed
ill just have to get a lfg i guess
yeah i got one spawning on a rock that i can’t reach to… zzzzz.. gg anet….gg
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Two boring mini bosses to go after real boss
Boss is basically a bloat of HP
One shot sequence with little explanation and bugs
Oh did I mention bloated HPs…
Man made fed up with the story, it’s all wrong. I honestly think Zaitan’s fight was better, sure it was completely unchallenging but at least didn’t chore players with what 30 minutes of mindless hacking at DPS sponge?
I don’t get this…. on my dragonhunter it was very boring…. not only he has milions of HP, but he didn’t do any damage to me…. blighted minions who were trying to attack me were just running around as I was kitting them in circles. I never experienced that spinning thing.
What I found more annoying is that flying phase… those updrafts are pretty bugged and almost at the end of each of those phases I always got downed and barely stood up again.
Yeah I’m really disappointed with this fight.
Everything leading up to it has been excellent, but this one’s just a massively overbloated HP bar with an overlong lead up.
Really needs to have been designed better so you don’t have to go all the way back to the beginning of a number of long battles.
And the fight should be more than just 15 minutes of whittling down a boss interspersed with times when one wrong move can kill you and force you to go all the way back to the start.
It should be something epic, it’s actually turned out to just be frustrating.
This experience wrecked it for me!
I love this release and the story line but after 2 hours of grinding over and over again I finally gave up.
What a way to end the story! I thought Prized Possessions was bad but this is far worse. After all of the hard work done it this release only to be soured by messing up the most important battle! Anet you disappoint me! Don’t you realize this is really important to get right?
At this point let the mordrem consume tyria! I just don’t care anymore.
I’ll be back after this gets fixed.
I’m in it co-op, I died, I’m stuck above the fight and literally cannot do anything.
This fight started okay, interseting/epic. and now it’s a complete kittening disappointment because I had to sit here doing kittening NOTHING besides watch my friend fight him. Anybody know how to fix this/get off this god kitten platform?
edit: And I’m the one that started the mission.
edit2: submitted a bug report on it. This is just BS.
(edited by Kalavier.1097)
I finally got to this fight and was very disappointed. I fell prey to all the above mentioned bugs and my husband quit after 2 hours of this insanity. Is this story chapter meant to be done by a full 5 person group?
I finally got to this fight and was very disappointed. I fell prey to all the above mentioned bugs and my husband quit after 2 hours of this insanity. Is this story chapter meant to be done by a full 5 person group?
Well, apparently what I (and others) got stuck on was the “penalty box”, which opens up after a boss is defeated.
Which means it opens ONLY when party fully wipes or Mordremoth is defeated. (If you die to mordremoth)
IMO, they should’ve had it so when you open a rift, the dead players get brought back.
(edited by Kalavier.1097)
Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mikael Ekvall.6039
Actually, its rather simple.
I took me a few attempts and i was really feelin that RNG-stuff that is mentioned in this thread. But then i took some actions and when i did as i did it felt easy, wasent buggy and went rather quick. Battle was over in like 10 minutes. I am Guardian with 50% soldier 50% beserker.
Here what i did.
1. Combat him in melee range and keep circleling around him. His damage is rather pathetic this way.
2. When blighted allies spawns, run far away from boss, the others will tank him meanwhile you dps down the blighted one.
3. When its big AOE time, dont jump and panic, just run over the stream and it will throw you up in the air.
4. Fly from stream to stream, if big rock is coming, hit space bar fast, and then fast again to spread your wings once again.
5. Try never to stand to close to edge, since you can get knocked off and get insta-downed.
6. In last phase, just nuke the trash, close rift, run like wind over and DPS him. When the game says, run away, you run away back to the rift and reapeat this step again.
7. Profit.
Hope this helps out.
Nimin, Druid * Stixin, Tempest * Melandru, Reaper
Stagborn, Berserker
(edited by Mikael Ekvall.6039)
I just use range all day every day in HoT.
The final battle was annoying because of the total server breakdown and a few annoying mechanics. I might’ve won it by the end alone, but I ended up playing through with other people.
I think your best bet is to go in with a group.
Has anyone else had rifts spawn off the edge in mid-air? I couldn’t get past that because they were unreachable.