Helping the lanes pre-events

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Can someone please kittening explain to me how this works and which event is which? I looked at wiki and dulfy and none of the event titles match up with ANYTHING on my achievment list ingame. I even sat through 4 TD events in 2 different lanes hoping to accidentally get the things I needed, and nothing happened that checked anything off my list. Wtf? how do you kittening make sense of this

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Joshhh.2076


If you mean the achievements “Friend of the Frogs”, “Honorary Ogre”, “Honorary Rata Novan” and “SCAR Supporter”, each outpost has an event chain that begins immediately after the Chak Gerent meta event finishes.

The list of the events required for the Friend of the Frogs achievement at Teku Nuhoch can be found here: and links for the other three outposts can be found at the bottom of the page.

If, however, you mean the “Nuhoch/Ogre/Rata Novus/SCAR Lane Defender” achievements, then you need to kill the Gerent itself three times for each lane to get the respective achievement.

Hope this helps.


Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Felahr.9830


like i said, i looked at the wiki. none of the events match the ingame text. one tells me i have to escort ogres to the blighting tree? which is in kittening DRAGON STAND for cryin out loud. what the kitten? i did the entire frog events and 1 in the middle just didnt happen at all, so there goes that one. its kittening me off, th entire kittening thing

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: KickzNGigglez.4958


Great tree not Blighting tree.

I’ve used dulfy and the wiki guides and haven’t had trouble yet. I think you’re just having an issue processing the information.

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Great tree not Blighting tree.

I’ve used dulfy and the wiki guides and haven’t had trouble yet. I think you’re just having an issue processing the information.



Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Looks like a typo.

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Looks like a typo.

perhaps. except i did that escort to the tree, and kill the bat matriarch, like 4 times in a row. that is clearly not the right one.

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Standen.3479


Bat matriarch is a different event that repeats after outpost is finished. The one you want is “protect the ogres as they carry chak eggs to the mordrem nest”. You can tell it has been completed by going into tree and seeing trolls there. If the chain hasn’t finished the tree will have mordrem.

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


Take it easy, man. You’re just going there at the wrong times. Each camp (the above ground part with a waypoint, not down in the lanes) has an event cycle that begins after the chak gerent event is over. But there are also other events that occur after these main event cycles complete. The bat matriarch is one of those that isn’t part of the events you need to complete.

My advice is to use the wiki timers to check when the next chak gerent will arrive (every 2 hours on the half hour). As soon as the event is over, WP to one of the camps and begin the event cycle. These are the events you’re looking for.

Helping the lanes pre-events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kiza.5630


My advice is to use the wiki timers to check when the next chak gerent will arrive (every 2 hours on the half hour). As soon as the event is over, WP to one of the camps and begin the event cycle. These are the events you’re looking for.

You need to be there earlier than states. For TD events I’d say try it when the “Chak Gerent” phase begins. “Help the Outposts” seems to start immediately after the Gerent event is done. If it fails on an unpopulated map that may even be ~:35 instead of :50. And someone will usually do the first events in the chain.