Here's the deal...

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

‘ArenaNet supporters’, as you seem to enjoy calling yourselves, here’s the deal. We’re not telling you not to buy HoT. We’re not talking smack about ANet. So please, just listen for a moment, because we’re not on the same page.

$50 is not a financial burden for you, I understand. Your opportunity cost (what you’re giving up the opportunity to buy by purchasing HoT instead) would be another game, or maybe some other form of entertainment. You’ve enjoyed GW2 a lot, and so you’re happy to use that money to buy HoT. Congratulations on your financial security. It’s nice that you don’t have to give that a second thought.

But spare a moment for those of us who do. We’re not balking at the price tag because we’d rather buy another game. There are those who have the money, and just don’t see it as a worthwhile investment; it’s their money to do with as they please. But for others of us, our opportunity cost is not another game. It’s a bag of groceries, or a tank of gas. It’s rent money, tuition, or medication. $50 is a financial burden for some of us. We were expecting the expansion to be a little cheaper. The only thing feeling light right now is our wallets. And we would just like a little empathy from you. So please don’t put words in our mouths, or make assumptions about us.

As for myself, I was in a much better financial position when the game was released. I bought the Collector’s Edition and have probably spent about $300 to date on gems. I have supported the game plenty. I would just appreciate not being priced out of a game I enjoy. Thank you.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: warbignime.4610


You are thinking too much about this, try to just have fun with video games. The whole intention of video game was to have fun, shocking I know right.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

I don’t have have the luxury of not thinking about this; this is my reality.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


I totally agree with what you’re saying, and its why I won’t be buying HoT.

First of all, I think its pretty silly to drop $50 on a game we know so little about in the first place. For all we know, these new maps could amount to 3-4 hours of actual content. Thats unlikely, but its possible that they’re not much larger than Silverwastes or Drytop.

Even if it were cheaper, I would wait at least until a release date was announced.

But selling it for $50? I’m not really in a place right now where I want to just spend $50 on a pass time I might play 3-4 hours a week, at most. And to fully enjoy it, I’d have to buy it twice so me and my wife could play together.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: warbignime.4610


I totally agree with what you’re saying, and its why I won’t be buying HoT.

First of all, I think its pretty silly to drop $50 on a game we know so little about in the first place. For all we know, these new maps could amount to 3-4 hours of actual content. Thats unlikely, but its possible that they’re not much larger than Silverwastes or Drytop.

Even if it were cheaper, I would wait at least until a release date was announced.

But selling it for $50? I’m not really in a place right now where I want to just spend $50 on a pass time I might play 3-4 hours a week, at most. And to fully enjoy it, I’d have to buy it twice so me and my wife could play together.

Use a program called Tryia 3d to check the collision data of new maps, go see the land masses, Then come back.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


I totally agree with what you’re saying, and its why I won’t be buying HoT.

First of all, I think its pretty silly to drop $50 on a game we know so little about in the first place. For all we know, these new maps could amount to 3-4 hours of actual content. Thats unlikely, but its possible that they’re not much larger than Silverwastes or Drytop.

Even if it were cheaper, I would wait at least until a release date was announced.

But selling it for $50? I’m not really in a place right now where I want to just spend $50 on a pass time I might play 3-4 hours a week, at most. And to fully enjoy it, I’d have to buy it twice so me and my wife could play together.

Use a program called Tryia 3d to check the collision data of new maps, go see the land masses, Then come back.

It really doesn’t matter how big a map is if there isn’t much to do in it. It all depends on what the events are, so that really doesn’t matter.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: warbignime.4610


I totally agree with what you’re saying, and its why I won’t be buying HoT.

First of all, I think its pretty silly to drop $50 on a game we know so little about in the first place. For all we know, these new maps could amount to 3-4 hours of actual content. Thats unlikely, but its possible that they’re not much larger than Silverwastes or Drytop.

Even if it were cheaper, I would wait at least until a release date was announced.

But selling it for $50? I’m not really in a place right now where I want to just spend $50 on a pass time I might play 3-4 hours a week, at most. And to fully enjoy it, I’d have to buy it twice so me and my wife could play together.

Use a program called Tryia 3d to check the collision data of new maps, go see the land masses, Then come back.

It really doesn’t matter how big a map is if there isn’t much to do in it. It all depends on what the events are, so that really doesn’t matter.

There were a close beta which should give you some idea about the new areas. They are pact with events and beautiful structures.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


I totally agree with what you’re saying, and its why I won’t be buying HoT.

First of all, I think its pretty silly to drop $50 on a game we know so little about in the first place. For all we know, these new maps could amount to 3-4 hours of actual content. Thats unlikely, but its possible that they’re not much larger than Silverwastes or Drytop.

Even if it were cheaper, I would wait at least until a release date was announced.

But selling it for $50? I’m not really in a place right now where I want to just spend $50 on a pass time I might play 3-4 hours a week, at most. And to fully enjoy it, I’d have to buy it twice so me and my wife could play together.

Use a program called Tryia 3d to check the collision data of new maps, go see the land masses, Then come back.

It really doesn’t matter how big a map is if there isn’t much to do in it. It all depends on what the events are, so that really doesn’t matter.

There were a close beta which should give you some idea about the new areas. They are pact with events and beautiful structures.

All of it is in a very early Beta, and no one has been given any indication with the scope of the events, how long they will be, how many of them there are or even how long the “story” aspect of HoT is. Yes, it could have quite a lot of content, but its also very possible that HoT started as LS season 3 and just got bigger and wouldn’t contain a ton of events you might expect from a traditional expansion.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Steam Summer Sale is still going, I think it ends tomorrow. Probably 1/2 the games there are under $5.

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

Here’s the information I want ANet to release in terms of HoT content:
- A highlighted area on the current map of the new areas we’ll be able to explore.
- The number of new armor and weapon skins available (NOT black lion tickets or gemstore)
- The number of world boss-level fights
- The rest of the elite specializations, and a better explanation for all of them.
For example, my main is a ranger and I know that the elite spec for ranger is druid and that it uses a staff. I want to know how this fits in with the ranger’s play style/traits/other skills. At the moment, my feeling is that if I want to use a staff, I’ll play a caster.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

(edited by Blazing Liger.1236)

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


It’s not about the numbers of content you are getting. It’s about the quality of content they give you.
Stop riding on those stupid numbers.
Shall they just add 500 new world bosses that are all the same so they can advertise some fancy numbers?

Wait until you see the beta and then you can decide if the quantity but especially the quality of content is enaugh for you.

It’s just pointless to discuss it now.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Wait until you see the beta and then you can decide if the quantity but especially the quality of content is enaugh for you.

Which one? Haven’t they already had several betas? Is there a mountain of “quality content” that you think they’re keeping secret from us? What would be the advantage to that?

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ikereid.4637


‘ArenaNet supporters’, as you seem to enjoy calling yourselves, here’s the deal. We’re not telling you not to buy HoT. We’re not talking smack about ANet. So please, just listen for a moment, because we’re not on the same page.

$50 is not a financial burden for you, I understand. Your opportunity cost (what you’re giving up the opportunity to buy by purchasing HoT instead) would be another game, or maybe some other form of entertainment. You’ve enjoyed GW2 a lot, and so you’re happy to use that money to buy HoT. Congratulations on your financial security. It’s nice that you don’t have to give that a second thought.

But spare a moment for those of us who do. We’re not balking at the price tag because we’d rather buy another game. There are those who have the money, and just don’t see it as a worthwhile investment; it’s their money to do with as they please. But for others of us, our opportunity cost is not another game. It’s a bag of groceries, or a tank of gas. It’s rent money, tuition, or medication. $50 is a financial burden for some of us. We were expecting the expansion to be a little cheaper. The only thing feeling light right now is our wallets. And we would just like a little empathy from you. So please don’t put words in our mouths, or make assumptions about us.

As for myself, I was in a much better financial position when the game was released. I bought the Collector’s Edition and have probably spent about $300 to date on gems. I have supported the game plenty. I would just appreciate not being priced out of a game I enjoy. Thank you.

see the issue here is quite simple (you really do sum it up quite nice, but let me add one thing)

Anet needs to make 100M for the rest of 2015 per their financial annalist’s report. That’s 50USD for 2,000,000 copies of the expansion.

That is the root of the issue here, they are pushing their financial burden directly back on the users.

that is morally wrong. Period.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

I’ve had very little in faith in ANet’s betas because they tend to be hype machines rather than actually being designed to improve the finished product. I really hope they’re listening to player feedback this time around, but I’m not counting on it.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

It’s not about the numbers of content you are getting. It’s about the quality of content they give you.
Stop riding on those stupid numbers.
Shall they just add 500 new world bosses that are all the same so they can advertise some fancy numbers?

Wait until you see the beta and then you can decide if the quantity but especially the quality of content is enaugh for you.

It’s just pointless to discuss it now.

It’s absolutely about the quality and the quantity.

Speaking for myself, I don’t plan to make any new characters any time soon, apart from the revenant, and that revenant will not see much of the original game, because I’ve had enough of that. All the new character features like specialization and whoknowswhat will only see play in the areas added by the expansion. If there isn’t enough quantity, the quality loses value. Why would I care that my ranger can suddenly use a staff if I have hardly any place to run around with that staff?

Also, quantity needs to make up for all the things I don’t care about in the first place, like anything to do with WvW, PvP and guildhalls, so there’s a worthwhile amount of stuff to entice me to part with $50. I’m far from convinced that I should.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vix.6730


I agree with OP. Some of us are working-class adults with families who need to balance entertainment with necessity. Fifty dollars will not break the bank, however, the $50 price tag should have a content-value equal or more than its asking price. HoT does not have the content-value to substantiate kitten price. A core MMO release would, and HoT is not a core release by any stretch of the imagination. In fact I think it needs more to be even considered an expansion, but that’s another story.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329


It’s not about the numbers of content you are getting. It’s about the quality of content they give you.
Stop riding on those stupid numbers.
Shall they just add 500 new world bosses that are all the same so they can advertise some fancy numbers?

Wait until you see the beta and then you can decide if the quantity but especially the quality of content is enaugh for you.

It’s just pointless to discuss it now.

Actually it’s about numbers AND quality. They knocked it out of the park with the base game st $60 so if we don’t get at least 83% of what the base game offered then it’s not worth $50. (50/60=83% for those wondering what that percentage was)

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

Actually it’s about numbers AND quality. They knocked it out of the park with the base game st $60 so if we don’t get at least 83% of what the base game offered then it’s not worth $50. (50/60=83% for those wondering what that percentage was)

I’d agree with that assessment. From what we’ve seen, I think 20% of the content level of the base game would be optimistic. Again, I’d be very happy for ANet to come out with more info and prove that wrong.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

It’s not about the numbers of content you are getting. It’s about the quality of content they give you.
Stop riding on those stupid numbers.
Shall they just add 500 new world bosses that are all the same so they can advertise some fancy numbers?

Wait until you see the beta and then you can decide if the quantity but especially the quality of content is enaugh for you.

It’s just pointless to discuss it now.

Numbers give a broad indication of how much content we’ll be getting. We have a good idea of the quality we can expect, we’ve played the core game.

If it only includes one world boss and little else, that will impact on the value awarded to the expac.

Quantity matters in expansions.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


See my issue isn’t that you decide to buy or not to buy a game. My issue is so many people telling others not to buy it, or that it’s not worth it as if that’s a fact.

It’s a preorder. If you like the game, and you don’t have the money now, start saving money slowly but don’t preorder. Don’t drop money on the game until they’ve revealed more and they’re sure it’s for you.

I’d never have said anything if people weren’t telling other people not to buy. Your opinion is your opinion. Trying to tell others what to do is a different story.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


It’s not about the numbers of content you are getting. It’s about the quality of content they give you.
Stop riding on those stupid numbers.
Shall they just add 500 new world bosses that are all the same so they can advertise some fancy numbers?

Wait until you see the beta and then you can decide if the quantity but especially the quality of content is enaugh for you.

It’s just pointless to discuss it now.

Numbers give a broad indication of how much content we’ll be getting. We have a good idea of the quality we can expect, we’ve played the core game.

If it only includes one world boss and little else, that will impact on the value awarded to the expac.

Quantity matters in expansions.

You don’t know about the quality until you play it.
Take the guild halls… In the time it took them to actually gather all the ideas, make an entirely new concept and code all the new mechanics they could have made at least 10 normal pve maps I bet.

But do you give them credit for making this truly awesome and overwhelming new concept? No. All you say is “I don’t see high enough numbers to justify this price tag”
Even though you don’t know how much work is actually been put in it and you don’t know how big of a part it will take in your playtime.

That’s like saying "why does a 100 m² flat in a big city cost the exact same like a 1000m² house outside of the city?
Because it has other qualities.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Take the guild halls… In the time it took them to actually gather all the ideas, make an entirely new concept and code all the new mechanics they could have made at least 10 normal pve maps I bet.

I wish they had. I don’t give a rodent’s rectum about guild halls.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


That’s your problem. You can say it’s not worth it for you if you don’t use half of the features. But you have absolutely no right to tell it’s not worth it overall just because You don’t care about features and can’t acknowledge their value.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sthenith.5196


You don’t know about the quality until you play it.

One answer: youtube or twitch.

Seriously, i’ve seen games before i’ve even played them, and i’ve bought those games because they looked awesome. Some of those games i saw i regretfully couldn’t buy because they only released it on console.

I remember one game i didn’t get to buy, so i watched the whole 14+ hours walkthrough (no comments one) of ‘The Last of Us’. It was frikkin AMAZING.
I’d gladly pay 50 or even 100 $ for that kind of gameplay. But i highly doubt it will happen here.

Take the guild halls… In the time it took them to actually gather all the ideas, make an entirely new concept and code all the new mechanics they could have made at least 10 normal pve maps I bet.

…and there you go, the amazing guildhalls regular players of regular guilds don’t actually really care about…. but hey, players asked for it. Guildhalls and a vertical map.
Where you can glide. Vertically. Right.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


lol…Guild Halls were one of the very most requested features off all time.
The entire 3 years long.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


lol…Guild Halls were one of the very most requested features off all time.
The entire 3 years long.

And I’ve never seen another MMO in which Guild Halls were a separate real-money purchase from the rest of the game. Not even GW1…

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

Guild halls should have been available at release. Same with everything we’ve gotten in the Feature Packs. The game was very unpolished at release, and it’s taken some time to get it caught up. That feature alone is not worth $50 to me.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Guild halls should have been available at release. Same with everything we’ve gotten in the Feature Packs. The game was very unpolished at release, and it’s taken some time to get it caught up. That feature alone is not worth $50 to me.

Why should Guild Halls have been available on release?

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


Guild halls should have been available at release. Same with everything we’ve gotten in the Feature Packs. The game was very unpolished at release, and it’s taken some time to get it caught up. That feature alone is not worth $50 to me.

Why should Guild Halls have been available on release?

Because they wanted a perfect copy of Guild Wars 1 with every feature of Guild Wars 2 until now, developed within 1 year, for 50$ only.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Guild halls should have been available at release. Same with everything we’ve gotten in the Feature Packs. The game was very unpolished at release, and it’s taken some time to get it caught up. That feature alone is not worth $50 to me.

Why should Guild Halls have been available on release?

Because they wanted a perfect copy of Guild Wars 1 with every feature of Guild Wars 2 until now, developed within 1 year, for 50$ only.

The only reason I ask is because long before the game launched, I was well aware I wasn’t buying a game that had guild halls. The only reference to Guild Halls that was official was a reply Martin K gave to Guru, in which he said that Guild Halls likely wouldn’t be a thing until the first expansion. Yes, he used the E word even back then.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

That does not change the fact that their omission was a particularly glaring one. And I made NO comment about the amount of time GW2 was in development.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


But for others of us, our opportunity cost is not another game. It’s a bag of groceries, or a tank of gas. It’s rent money, tuition, or medication. $50 is a financial burden for some of us.

While I understand what you’re saying, since I’ve been in that situation too, what it really boils down to is priorities and getting them straight. If your money is really that tight, then you probably shouldn’t be buying a game expansion, as much as you may like to. Or perhaps instead of buying a coffee one morning or going out to lunch one day, take that money and set it aside. Do that for a few weeks and then use that to buy the expansion. If you honestly can say you don’t do any unnecessary spending (no going out to eat, no going to the movies, absolutely nothing extra) and have issues making ends meet, then you have greater concerns than the cost of an expansion.

Like I said, I’ve been in that type of situation before. You really have to take a step back and evaluate what’s important and where your money is going to determine if (and where) you can tighten the belt. I have a GW1 guildie in a similar situation. He still does not own GW2, as much as he would like to, because he cannot even afford the 10$ to get it on sale. His situation is that bad (which is also why I haven’t bought him a copy).

We were expecting the expansion to be a little cheaper.

Why? This is roughly the standard price of an expansion. They range from $40-460 when they first come out. Would being $10 cheaper really make that big a difference? Highly unlikely. At $40 you would still be facing the same concerns, if your situation is indeed as tight as you imply. You’re still talking a tank of gas, a bag of groceries, etc.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

I was expecting it to be around $30 because in my opinion, we’ve been told about maybe $30 worth of content by ANet. GW:EN was $40, and it wasn’t a standalone, so I could’ve seen it going as high as $40. I was not expecting $50 because it’s not standalone, and it didn’t seem to be worth $50.

I don’t know if/when I’ll be able to get the game because I am unemployed and my husband is the one with the job…and he is very antagonistic towards the game, in large part because he felt ignored during the betas and the dialogue sequences in the personal story give him motion sickness. But that’s neither here nor there.

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I was expecting it to be around $30 because in my opinion, we’ve been told about maybe $30 worth of content by ANet. GW:EN was $40, and it wasn’t a standalone, so I could’ve seen it going as high as $40. I was not expecting $50 because it’s not standalone, and it didn’t seem to be worth $50.

I think expecting 30$ for it is a bit outrageous, but that’s just my opinion. Obviously if you don’t feel its worth $50 at the present time due to the information you have, then waiting for it to launch may be your best option. As I’ve said to others, then you can watch some people stream their game play, and read feedback from those that have bought it to determine if its “worth” 50$ to you.

I don’t know if/when I’ll be able to get the game because I am unemployed and my husband is the one with the job…and he is very antagonistic towards the game, in large part because he felt ignored during the betas and the dialogue sequences in the personal story give him motion sickness. But that’s neither here nor there.

I think this is a bit of an issue that you may need to work out between you and your husband.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Guild halls should have been available at release. Same with everything we’ve gotten in the Feature Packs. The game was very unpolished at release, and it’s taken some time to get it caught up. That feature alone is not worth $50 to me.

Why should Guild Halls have been available on release?

Yeh that would be an odd expectation for a game called Guild Wars 2.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


I think expecting 30$ for it is a bit outrageous, but that’s just my opinion.

SWTOR expansions cost 20 bucks. Aion expansions were free. I don’t think it’s outrageous to expect a lower price.

Anet can ask for it what they want of course and I do agree there. Everybody has to decide for themselves if it’s worth it to them or not.

My fortune is that I don’t have much invested in this game, so I’ll wait till the price goes down before I get it. I am not angry at Anet but I do understand why other people are not happy with either the price or the way the core game being free was introduced. But as I mentioned in another thread, if you really like this game, you may want to see this as an opportunity to support it and forgive Anet for their less-than-perfect approach to marketing. I will never say that 50 bucks is too much for something you enjoy and spend many hours on.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Well said OP. As a note, each poster is posting their own opinion, it is worth exactly one opinion, no matter how many times you post. I would suggest using ’I" in posts.

Try to be respectful of other opinions. There are many people expressing legitimate concerns and they should not be drowned out by a flood of trash posts that may generate a backwash.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now