Hero Point Icons
Yes please! I mouse over to see if I have them
Necro/Reaper, Rev
Having the option to not see completed things on the map would be amazing.
Fixing the bugged ones so we can map complete would be nice too.
Totally agree on this one! I have to mouse hover over every icon to see which ones I already did. The difference is just so small. Please make them more distinctive!!
yes definitely – maybe the incomplete ones turn a bright grey and the complete ones are a bright green.
Yea I was not a fan myself.
I wish incomplete ones were simply just red, completed are green. I’m having to mouse over each one to see if I completed it or not
Having the option to not see completed things on the map would be amazing.
Either better color delineation or this, either way would be a real help.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
and make them bigger so they stand out more. Its very hard to see HP’s with how the maps are drawn currently. They need to be a more defined color as well as change more defined between if you unlocked it or not.
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD
Having the option to not see completed things on the map would be amazing.
I’d prefer better differentiation and visibility, myself. They’re handy reference points for navigation, and if I am helping someone find HP that I’ve already done I can still find them. Sure, you said make it an option but then I toggle them on to help someone and I’m back to the visibility issues.
I really have to agree with most of this thread. Hero Points are currently a real pain to figure out whether or not I’ve completed it. I’ve actually taken to mousing over the points on the top-left of the map where it shows X/XX so it shines whatever’s not completed, but that’s annoying to do.
A color change would be nice for the start… uncompleted Hp icons should have a completely different color, than the completed ones !!
Already suggested this a week ago, I don’t know why its not changed yet, I can only imagine what it would be like for people with bad vision or colour vision issues.