Hero Points for Elites, bad idea...
I unlocked all 9 elite specs at about 10 or 20 minutes of play per character, my main aside since I took my time and explored everything (and that was back before the # change). It’s extremely little effort once you know where the channeled 10-pointers are.
So because it might take a little bit of time, it’s a bad idea? Are collections a bad idea then? What about leveling? Crafting? Playing the game in general?
I unlocked all 9 elite specs at about 10 or 20 minutes of play per character, my main aside since I took my time and explored everything (and that was back before the # change). It’s extremely little effort once you know where the channeled 10-pointers are.
(sorry i couldn’t fit how much of a bull kitten this was in only 1 line)
Maybe you are a veteran player with map complession on most characters, but for the players such as my self who has been playing for 1.5 years it was long repetetive and boring.
They introduce a new thing, and instead of putting it in the story (braham picking up his mothers bow and starts training to be a dragon hunter; the asura ingeneer, lacking ressources so she starts to scrap reckage and becomes a scrapper…) we have to commune point.
Before june everyone had hundrerds of hp, they took it out, replaced them by shards and now we have to commune 8 times the same points, wait 15 minutes for a champion.
You might be a veteran player, but this expension was sold for everyone, new players, old players. So the “sucks to be you if you are a new player” is either lazy or insulting.
HP for elite specialization is a bad idea, a lazy idea, and grindy as hell.
Im a glad that is over. The first 3 weeks i didn’t even participate to the new meta events cuz i was working on my elits… (thank god they’re was netflix on my ipad)
I unlocked all 9 elite specs at about 10 or 20 minutes of play per character, my main aside since I took my time and explored everything (and that was back before the # change). It’s extremely little effort once you know where the channeled 10-pointers are.
(sorry i couldn’t fit how much of a bull kitten this was in only 1 line)
Maybe you are a veteran player with map complession on most characters, but for the players such as my self who has been playing for 1.5 years it was long repetetive and boring.
They introduce a new thing, and instead of putting it in the story (braham picking up his mothers bow and starts training to be a dragon hunter; the asura ingeneer, lacking ressources so she starts to scrap reckage and becomes a scrapper…) we have to commune point.Before june everyone had hundrerds of hp, they took it out, replaced them by shards and now we have to commune 8 times the same points, wait 15 minutes for a champion.
You might be a veteran player, but this expension was sold for everyone, new players, old players. So the “sucks to be you if you are a new player” is either lazy or insulting.
HP for elite specialization is a bad idea, a lazy idea, and grindy as hell.
Im a glad that is over. The first 3 weeks i didn’t even participate to the new meta events cuz i was working on my elits… (thank god they’re was netflix on my ipad)
Hero point trains. You can be a brand new fresh 80 with 3% map completion, and max out your elite in about 2 hours, and that’s if you’re going slow.
The completion of hero challenges has always been a requirement prior to HoT, assuming you wanted to unlock your skills as you leveled. It wasn’t until they made the mistake of making tomes and scrolls too easy to acquire that you could suddenly skip through the leveling process. HoT is simply a return to the way it was originally, with the only difference being you don’t get a portion of your skills unlocked through leveling alone and you no longer get an extra point for leveling at 80.
There are 40 challenges in HoT and you only need 20. The only mistake was making them both timed and group challenges. They will get nerfed eventually however.
Getting your first elite is hard. You’re new to HoT, you lack a lot of useful masteries, it’s hella annoying.
Getting 2nd and so on? There’s 80 soloable points in VB, 20 soloable ones in AB. These should take somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes. For the rest(150) hopping on a HP train, asking people for help in map chat, or even running to Dragon’s Stand(easy hero points are easy) should take at most an hour. That’s 1.5 hours, WITH 0 tyria points. Any extra points you have from central tyria will just lower your time spent.
Ask any decent player, and we’ll tell you that elites shouldn’t have been gated by HPs. Because it’s too easy. Nobody should have access to the top spec after playing for 10 minutes(this is how much it took the people who had world completion when HoT launched).
“Elite” specs were not billed as “top specs.” They were just supposed to be horizontal progression, an alternative way to play the profession. It’s disingenuous to suggest that Elite acquisition ought to be hard because the specs are best when that was not the design intent.
That said, I have no issues with things taking time to get, even for altitis sufferers. MMO’s are marathons, not sprints.
Yes, that’s why I’m annoyed. They should’ve billed them as what they are, top specs, and make them hard to get. They billed top specs as normal specs and make them kittenedly easy to get. This was a huge gift to the casuals. Yet for some reason they still complain. I’ll never understand them
Maybe you are a veteran player with map complession on most characters
I had 50% on 2, 2 had 100%, and the rest were at “just get this thing to level 80 so I can WvW” range. Whatever that was, like 20% or something.
I don’t really understand your anger towards me. I explained how I did it and how it was incredibly easy for anyone. You can do it too. Hell, if you want I’ll run you through the 200 points or whatever it is to max your elite from scratch, but only on one of your characters. It takes very little effort even with 0% HoT map completion on a character. In fact as I progressed through the characters I got a path down, hitting the easiest HCs in a single line to progress through the maps.
Maybe you are a veteran player with map complession on most characters
I had 50% on 2, 2 had 100%, and the rest were at “just get this thing to level 80 so I can WvW” range. Whatever that was, like 20% or something.
I don’t really understand your anger towards me. I explained how I did it and how it was incredibly easy for anyone. You can do it too. Hell, if you want I’ll run you through the 200 points or whatever it is to max your elite from scratch, but only on one of your characters. It takes very little effort even with 0% HoT map completion on a character. In fact as I progressed through the characters I got a path down, hitting the easiest HCs in a single line to progress through the maps.
Hi, would you be willing by any chance to make a list of those somewhere? I think it would be very useful to learning players. I’m just starting down that road of getting elites and it would help me greatly to have an efficient path to progress through the maps.
Yes, that’s why I’m annoyed. They should’ve billed them as what they are, top specs, and make them hard to get. They billed top specs as normal specs and make them kittenedly easy to get. This was a huge gift to the casuals. Yet for some reason they still complain. I’ll never understand them
Or maybe ANet is either:
A) Making Elite Specs OP to get more people to buy HoT.
B) Really bad at balance.
C) Both of the Above.
The completion of hero challenges has always been a requirement prior to HoT, assuming you wanted to unlock your skills as you leveled. It wasn’t until they made the mistake of making tomes and scrolls too easy to acquire that you could suddenly skip through the leveling process. HoT is simply a return to the way it was originally, with the only difference being you don’t get a portion of your skills unlocked through leveling alone and you no longer get an extra point for leveling at 80.
There are 40 challenges in HoT and you only need 20. The only mistake was making them both timed and group challenges. They will get nerfed eventually however.
It wasn’t a mistake, it was smart marketing because players buy gems and gold and spend gold on max level characters. Besides, you could always craft to 80 anyway.
Smart move for veterans too who don’t want to do the grind again.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Hi, would you be willing by any chance to make a list of those somewhere? I think it would be very useful to learning players. I’m just starting down that road of getting elites and it would help me greatly to have an efficient path to progress through the maps.
Absolutely. It’s been 5 months or whatever since I did all this, but off the top of my head (and check Dulfy.net or something for more specifics and maps if needed. Edit: Just randomly googled a map to help with the read through , numbers don’t match mine.):
10) Enter VB and jump straight off the cliff to the west. There is a HP at the very bottom of the map where you just kill a vet.
20) Use updraft (or WP if needed) up to the crossroads directly to the west of the hole you just came out of. The HP at the road intersection is a channel. You need to jump off the cliff and glide to a ledge.
30) Go back up, and the HP directly the northwest of you is guarded by some baby wyverns and possibly a couple vets, very easy to kill the whole group if needed.
40) The HP directly SW of that you do another drop down to the bottom of the map and channel.
50) Go back up and due west you drop down a tree to almost the bottom of the map to avoid the poison clouds and channel it.
60) The NW most HP is a channel high up along a cliff face.
Before you leave VB for AB, take a visual peak to see if anyone is doing the point right at the exit of the map, if not just move on.
70) Depending on how many HPs you need, you can do the mushroom one due south of the entrance. It’s a champ, but pretty easy to solo, and there are often people doing it anyway.
Edit: 130) If you have nuhoc wallows, this is a good time to do the Burnisher Quarry channel in the far NE, the wallow is in the far NW.
80) I’m not sure if the one immediately to the south of that is re-activated by Anet yet, but if so, it’s just an eat bacon and use the heal skill… self explanatory once you see it.
90) Check the ori node HP immediately SE of the northwatch waypoint. It’s within visual range, so people are almost always there doing it. It’s fairly easy to solo if you need it.
100) Jump off the north gate of Tarir and glide SE to a channel.
110 and 120) The HP after the meta event is always done by the entire map, so whenever that opportunity comes up you can take it. A large group usually does the far SW HP together after the meta as well.
That will get you most characters’ elite unlocked. If not, just fill in the gaps wherever. There are plenty of easy HPs and channels further into the maps if needed. The whole process can take a matter of minutes or maybe an hour depending on how many champs you decide to fight and how lost you get. The getting lost part goes away on your following characters.
(edited by Fluffball.8307)
I unlocked all 9 elite specs at about 10 or 20 minutes of play per character, my main aside since I took my time and explored everything (and that was back before the # change). It’s extremely little effort once you know where the channeled 10-pointers are.
(sorry i couldn’t fit how much of a bull kitten this was in only 1 line)
Maybe you are a veteran player with map complession on most characters, but for the players such as my self who has been playing for 1.5 years it was long repetetive and boring.
They introduce a new thing, and instead of putting it in the story (braham picking up his mothers bow and starts training to be a dragon hunter; the asura ingeneer, lacking ressources so she starts to scrap reckage and becomes a scrapper…) we have to commune point.Before june everyone had hundrerds of hp, they took it out, replaced them by shards and now we have to commune 8 times the same points, wait 15 minutes for a champion.
You might be a veteran player, but this expension was sold for everyone, new players, old players. So the “sucks to be you if you are a new player” is either lazy or insulting.
HP for elite specialization is a bad idea, a lazy idea, and grindy as hell.
Im a glad that is over. The first 3 weeks i didn’t even participate to the new meta events cuz i was working on my elits… (thank god they’re was netflix on my ipad)
Hero point trains. You can be a brand new fresh 80 with 3% map completion, and max out your elite in about 2 hours, and that’s if you’re going slow.
Impossible because in that case you would have to lvl up masteries first
I’ll never understand why you think you would understand a demographic of people that doesn’t exist outside of your mind
I started gaming at 9 years old. I did not speak english. I did not know how to use a search engine. I did not understand most aspects of the games I was playing. I’ve been “that” player for a lot more years than I’d like to admit. The only difference is that the people here [should] be capable of understanding the language and [should] be over the age of 9(Since the game is 18+, or 13+ if you sign with an older guardian).
It’s probably just the result of a side effects from vitamin D deficiency and a back up of sperm from all you “hardcores” spending all your time playing video games.
Please don’t start the time argument. I barely play. It’s okay. I myself called people with a better understanding of the game than me “nolife virgins that game 24/7”. But you should know, there’s players that research the game before playing, and they know what to do. Did you know that me, logging in for 30 minutes a day, am capable of getting around 20 gold and the 10AP from the daily done? Did you also know that a lot of other players who took their time to understand the game, also do this? The term casual is misused as a synonym for ignorant.
Which is accurate.
(edited by Raizen.7981)
I unlocked all 9 elite specs at about 10 or 20 minutes of play per character, my main aside since I took my time and explored everything (and that was back before the # change). It’s extremely little effort once you know where the channeled 10-pointers are.
(sorry i couldn’t fit how much of a bull kitten this was in only 1 line)
Maybe you are a veteran player with map complession on most characters, but for the players such as my self who has been playing for 1.5 years it was long repetetive and boring.
They introduce a new thing, and instead of putting it in the story (braham picking up his mothers bow and starts training to be a dragon hunter; the asura ingeneer, lacking ressources so she starts to scrap reckage and becomes a scrapper…) we have to commune point.Before june everyone had hundrerds of hp, they took it out, replaced them by shards and now we have to commune 8 times the same points, wait 15 minutes for a champion.
You might be a veteran player, but this expension was sold for everyone, new players, old players. So the “sucks to be you if you are a new player” is either lazy or insulting.
HP for elite specialization is a bad idea, a lazy idea, and grindy as hell.
Im a glad that is over. The first 3 weeks i didn’t even participate to the new meta events cuz i was working on my elits… (thank god they’re was netflix on my ipad)
Hero point trains. You can be a brand new fresh 80 with 3% map completion, and max out your elite in about 2 hours, and that’s if you’re going slow.
Impossible because in that case you would have to lvl up masteries first
An 80 with 3% map complete is most likely an alt. Yes, you have to put in SOME effort first, like a whole 3 hours to level up a couple masteries.
The easy to get Hero Points that you can get solo without ever requiring the help of other players, or meta progress, or whatever, are:
VB: 7 HPs, 70 Points
AB: 3 HPs, 30 Points
TD: 5 HPs, 50 Points
For a total of 150 EASY Hero Points.
For the rest, if you do the meta events, the best picks are:
AB: the one after the meta is done, follow the meta and kill the champion. It should be very easy with all those people that did the meta.
DS: you can get 4 HPs after you succeed in the meta. One you get by gliding from the final chest, and the 3 Blighting Towers which are very simple to get after the meta is done.
Total: 200 Hero Points and an unlocked Elite specialization. You can substitute the final 5 HPs with Champion Hero Points in the other zones.
My best picks:
VB: The Golem HP is rather easy to beat, I’ve done that solo on lots of different builds and professions. The time is more than enough to kill it.
AB: The Mushroom king HP can be soloed, he can be tricky, but there is more than enough time to kill it.
TD: Nightthistle Bloom HP is easy to solo if you get the Mordrem Punisher, since he only has one attack with a very long charge time to look out for, otherwise he is easy. If you get one of the other Mordrem types, they are probably impossible to solo, run away and wait for reset.
Guano Incubated Spider Eggs Hero Point: Easy to kill with ranged attacks. Spawns a champion spider that has only melee attacks (and a poison spray), you can “abuse” the terrain to force it to move around by jumping on rocks then kite and kill from range. More than enough time to kill it, remember to deal with the adds or any respawns, they can be deadly, the spider alone is not.
For 4 HPs that spawn champions but have a rather low difficulty. Which means you’d need a SINGLE HoT HP to max the Elite spec, or just go get 10 Hero Challenges in central tyria. Bam unlocked elite spec without ever needing the help of others, without ever doing a single meta, at your own time, casually, relaxing and without any issues.