Hey A-net! Kudos to all of you!
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
People voicing their opinions. If you don’t like to voice opinion, you belong to the “dragon” country. They don’t want or care about opinions. They have somewhat of a capitalist society, but when it comes to speech, it’s shut up!
“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
Don’t like hearing their arguments. Don’t listen.
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
This response is misplaced. This thread is not a complaint at all.
Either their product is worth the money to us or it isn’t. At this point we don’t know enough to make an informed decision. Either way, I doubt the people who are actually working on building it for us have much of a say in how much their company charges us. The developers do outstanding work and I’m willing to let them convince me it’s worth $50. The core game was certainly worth the $60 I paid for it.
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
This response is misplaced. This thread is not a complaint at all.
I’m saying this to those who complain, not pointed at the OP.
You were the second post in the thread. There was nobody to point it at EXCEPT the OP.
You were the second post in the thread. There was nobody to point it at EXCEPT the OP.
lol Death by Logic! +1
Quidquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Videtur
You were the second post in the thread. There was nobody to point it at EXCEPT the OP.
lol Death by Logic! +1
Of course, that idiot is blindly pasting that from thread to thread without actually reading it in hopes to defend Arenanet.
This shows you that people have blindfolds on their heads already for HoT and the new class isn’t even out.
That doesn’t mean the opposite isn’t true, either. I am betting that there are also people who see two angry people and decide to join them with their ever-present torch and pitchfork. Because gaming companies are evil, yet they still play games all the time.
That’s why it’s refreshing to see a post like the one that started this thread. This is someone who reminds everyone that the ArenaNet studio consists of people too, and that they may have feelings about how this forum talks about them and their work.
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
This response is misplaced. This thread is not a complaint at all.
I’m saying this to those who complain, not pointed at the OP.
Reported for trolling, if you do not have anything constructive to add to the concern/complain/discussion then feel free not to spam all over the forum like a broken record. Most of us aren’t even entertaining post like this as it’s plain as day how out of touch you are with what people are trying to discuss.