Hint at new specialization?
I think it is simply a picture from the event from the demo, where you use a rifle to hold off Mordrem.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Darn! I haven’t seen or played the demo yet, but that’s really disappointing.
Yeah there was some talk about some sylvary “Elite sniper Group” that protects the pact members during their struggle to survive when the mordrem attack.
Well if we wanna really keep up the speculation, they often put in mechanics in the game for all players to use in one area that are generally only available to one class otherwise. Such as the whispers stealth kits you can buy and the teleport/portal guns you can buy from NPCs. In this case you can walk up and grab a sniper along with the elite sylvari. It let’s everyone try out what maybe thieves can do to some extent with specialization. :O
i really hope the riffle thing with thieves is as fake as it can possibly be. It’s a dumb idea…
The only way this would be viable is if the rifle would have Massive damage(sniper like) and i doubt that, so it will just be an extra weapon the thief has no use for. And even if it has massive damage, leave it to everyone else that doesn’t play a Thief to whine about this until it’s nerfed so much, that we’d rather trow punches than use the rifle.
i really hope the riffle thing with thieves is as fake as it can possibly be. It’s a dumb idea…
We don’t even know what thieves specialization will be. If it gets to be called “Sniper”, then a rifle would make perfect sense. Just like a magical staff might seem weird on a Ranger, but it makes perfect sense on a Druid.
i really hope the riffle thing with thieves is as fake as it can possibly be. It’s a dumb idea…
The only way this would be viable is if the rifle would have Massive damage(sniper like) and i doubt that, so it will just be an extra weapon the thief has no use for. And even if it has massive damage, leave it to everyone else that doesn’t play a Thief to whine about this until it’s nerfed so much, that we’d rather trow punches than use the rifle.
You LITERALLY have no 1200 range power option, it makes perfect sense. I know I for one would love a rifle to compliment a dagger/pistol setup. Who the hell wouldn’t? Consider the mechanics and synergy here for a second hey.
It’s the same people who are asking for friggin axes of theives that are screaming ‘RIFLE IS DUMB’. It’s just absolutely beyond me. Thematically, rifle makes the MOST sense.
Ya’ll know you’re not getting staves either, aside from the Dragon Festivals, we all know A-net are going to do as much as possible to make zero allusions to anything else Canthan or worse, tacky (those two terms are mutually exclusive I love Cantha to bits). I know I would. The issue is dead and buried now.
You think you want the rifle because you think it will be good and awesome and powerfull and well implemented. I doubt that…to actually make the rifle good for thieves ANET would actually have to work kitten that, skills effects animations everything. And somehow i have a really bad feeling about what we will get.
Axes are just…easy enough for ANET to do without screwing it up…too much…
Just to be clear, would a rifle be a nice option for thieves, together with a “sniper” like specialization? Sure, why not…do i think arena net is able to make good use of this idea? well not so much…they could but i kinda lost hope here. it’s just too much work to make the rifle a perfect hit for a thief, already the characters have some weird animations that sometime seem broken, especialy with rifles(there were a few ppl talking about this ina thread around here).
When thinking about a sniper class, i also think about massive damage, and long distance, 1200 is not that long.
No matter how great it would seem, we will be dissapointed in the specialization…as the rest of the expansion starts to look. They are stalling too much, it’s suspicious