HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirage.4536


But please please why?

Most people work on weekdays, some of us for those hours and more… One would assume that a weekend would be better for your customers.

Can’t believe I got a portal and now won’t be able to play anyway cause of the extremely limited time, 3 × 2 hours on a Tuesday.

I’ve played this game since start and put so much money into it and just once I win something, and then Murphy just waits around to slap me in the face….

I hate you Murphy!

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dark Dark Binks.8210

Dark Dark Binks.8210

I really hope there will be more than 3×2 hours of beta test. I live in Europe and I work so I definitely can’t play in the two sessions of the night.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lurkerfox.7684


yes i am a little sad as well since i work most of that day and i was planning on streaming the entire event. now i have to miss the first 2 just to do the last session which bites -sighs-

Server: Sanctum of Ral
Hasseo: Thief 80
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HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Most people work on weekdays. Including people at ArenaNet.
Do you really expect them to call in people to work during a weekend just so that you can join a beta? They will have to work plenty of extra hours the coming months before release already so I doubt they would want to require them to do even more so.

The beta tests are not for the customers benefit but rather for ArenaNets.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

(edited by lordkrall.7241)

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Theenjietube.5702


I completely agree, the amount of time i spent farming for my Portal in Silverwastes (45+ hours) and i get the ability to play 3 hrs (European player)… note i said the Ability to play, i don’t actually have time because i work and have other commitments in the evening.

Also i would hope that we get more access with our portals than just one beta, if it turns out we have to Farm for more portals to get into future betas than i am going to be more kittened off.

I’m really not surprised though that Anet are only really accommodating to the US players… this really has annoyed me.

~A Body Dies and Turns To Dust, But A Name Lives On and Becomes A Legend~
~Going Postal Member [GP]~

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’m pretty sure the open betas will be weekends. At least they were back in 2012. I just wish they’d elected to do this closed one on any day but Tuesday, though I know no matter what day they pick it would be a day someone couldn’t make it.

So many years ago I gave my husband an XMas present: “One night a week, I’ll do things with you and I won’t get on the computer.” Back then Tuesday was the day to choose, as WoW patches made Tuesdays unplayable and I had no recurring RP or raids that night … weeks later a friend began Tuesday Night Story Nights both Alliance and Horde, and I was sad. And now of course I’m always wishing I could really savor new GW2 builds but I have to leave for the grocery store and dinner and a movie and TV … Still there are worse reasons to be yanked out of game

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solori.6025


I completely agree, the amount of time i spent farming for my Portal in Silverwastes (45+ hours) and i get the ability to play 3 hrs (European player)… note i said the Ability to play, i don’t actually have time because i work and have other commitments in the evening.

Also i would hope that we get more access with our portals than just one beta, if it turns out we have to Farm for more portals to get into future betas than i am going to be more kittened off.

I’m really not surprised though that Anet are only really accommodating to the US players… this really has annoyed me.

So let me get this straight..

People farmed for a portal.
KNOWING that most of the beta’s so far have been on weekdays

Then get upset that the beta is on a..


A weekday.


The world needs more KUNG FURY!

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I’m really not surprised though that Anet are only really accommodating to the US players… this really has annoyed me.

You mean the US players that will be in school/at work?

They are not catering to any players, they are catering to themselves and having the tests when THEY work and thus can make the most of the tests. The tests are not for us, it is for them after all.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirage.4536


Most people work on weekdays. Including people at ArenaNet.
Do you really expect them to call in people to work during a weekend just so that you can join a beta? They will have to work plenty of extra hours the coming months before release already so I doubt they would want to require them to do even more so.

The beta tests are not for the customers benefit but rather for ArenaNets.

Yes I know, and ofc. you’re right in what you say that they work during weekdays too.
But it would be a bit funny if maybe 5-10% participate in the beta because they also have to work right? Would the test even be worth it then?
It would be most beneficial for Anet to do a stress-test and evaluation when you can actually get players into the game I would speculate.
And if they need to work one day on a weekend, they could have a weekday off. It’s not impossible, since its maybe one beta test in 2-3 years time.
At least spread it out during a couple of different dates would have been fair.

How fair is it to the players that didn’t get it from the RNG that I got it and cant even use it and they cant get my chance either?

Ofc. whichever date they chose would collide with someone’s schedule, that’s why a spreading on several days (even if weekdays only) would have been most fair. Three different weekdays for example.

(edited by Mirage.4536)

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Yes I know, and ofc. you’re right in what you say that they work during weekdays too.
But it would be a bit funny if maybe 5-10% participate in the beta because they also have to work right? Would the test even be worth it then?
It would be most beneficial for Anet to do a stress-test and evaluation when you can actually get players into the game I would speculate.
And if they need to work one day on a weekend, they could have a weekday off. It’s not impossible, since its maybe one beta test in 2-3 years time.
At least spread it out during a couple of different dates would have been fair.

That is not how stuff works though.
They can’t just switch a weekend for a week day, simply because they are working in teams. They need to be there when the other teams are there in order to maximize efficiency, especially when getting ready for a major release.
I also think you highly underestimate the amount of people that can (and will join the test). And if ArenaNet can just change out a weekday for a weekend, why can’t other people working do the same?
Go and work on Saturday instead of Tuesday and you can play as much as you want on Tuesday.

You also seem to assume that there will only ever be this single beta test, which is extremely unlikely.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirage.4536


Yes I know, and ofc. you’re right in what you say that they work during weekdays too.
But it would be a bit funny if maybe 5-10% participate in the beta because they also have to work right? Would the test even be worth it then?
It would be most beneficial for Anet to do a stress-test and evaluation when you can actually get players into the game I would speculate.
And if they need to work one day on a weekend, they could have a weekday off. It’s not impossible, since its maybe one beta test in 2-3 years time.
At least spread it out during a couple of different dates would have been fair.

That is not how stuff works though.
They can’t just switch a weekend for a week day, simply because they are working in teams. They need to be there when the other teams are there in order to maximize efficiency, especially when getting ready for a major release.
I also think you highly underestimate the amount of people that can (and will join the test). And if ArenaNet can just change out a weekday for a weekend, why can’t other people working do the same?
Go and work on Saturday instead of Tuesday and you can play as much as you want on Tuesday.

You also seem to assume that there will only ever be this single beta test, which is extremely unlikely.

How fair is it to the players that didn’t get it from the RNG that I got it and cant even use it and they cant get my chance either?

Ofc. whichever date they chose would collide with someone’s schedule, that’s why a spreading on several days (even if weekdays only) would have been most fair. Three different weekdays for example.

BUT I have to agree with everything you said…

I am just so incredibly sad, this meant so much to me.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


The world is not fair.
But on the other hand: How fair is it to require that ArenaNet’s employees spend less time with their loved ones just so that some players can beta test?

Spreading it out would probably not be such a good idea from a testing point of view. It is easier to gather and organize information if you have it at one point rather than three different ones. There is also the point that there WILL be more betas after this one. It is not like they will do this beta and then release the game. There will be more betas and there will very likely be beta weekend events closer to release as well.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirage.4536


The world is not fair.
But on the other hand: How fair is it to require that ArenaNet’s employees spend less time with their loved ones just so that some players can beta test?

Spreading it out would probably not be such a good idea from a testing point of view. It is easier to gather and organize information if you have it at one point rather than three different ones. There is also the point that there WILL be more betas after this one. It is not like they will do this beta and then release the game. There will be more betas and there will very likely be beta weekend events closer to release as well.

When did I require?

I asked that they would consider a weekend. I am a customer and I have the right to wish for things.
They will do whatever they feel is best. Listening to your customers is what they have shown many times over that they are excellent at.
If I don’t voice my wishes, they can never know them or make them come true.

So if Anet would tell me: I’m sorry, this is what we can do atm. but we will think about your feedback in the future. I would be grateful. But I don’t require that either. It’s a wish.

And maybe it would only be me that wished this, but I’m never gonna let other people stop me from asking. Someone has to be first sometimes even though everyone else thinks it’s stupid initially.

But I respect your opinion.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solori.6025


I asked that they would consider a weekend. I am a customer and I have the right to wish for things.

This is true, you have a right to ask, but don’t expect it to happen.
As has been said.

They work on weekdays
therefore the test is on weekdays

They enjoy time with there families on weekends.
I don’t think people realize exactly what that means, when you ask someone to work an extra day, away from there families for your personal enjoyment.

why does this not bother people?

It’s like going to a restuarant when the employees are closing and cleaning.
Sitting down at a table
and asking for an meal and desert.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I will have to play at 5:30 to 7:30 am for the 3rd 2-hour-test xD (Greece Time)

But nvm i am a college student so i can do that :>

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Roxanne.6140


So sad, I might as well drop my hard-earned portal onto the floor now. What about people from other time zones T,T

gaem not made for mi

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: phys.7689


But please please why?

Most people work on weekdays, some of us for those hours and more… One would assume that a weekend would be better for your customers.

Can’t believe I got a portal and now won’t be able to play anyway cause of the extremely limited time, 3 × 2 hours on a Tuesday.

I’ve played this game since start and put so much money into it and just once I win something, and then Murphy just waits around to slap me in the face….

I hate you Murphy!

The real key factor of these betas is testing they need to have.
They are basically scheduling them during work hours when they have people available to handle/study problems.

IE this beta is not about marketing and promotion, its more for tehnical reasons.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerlen.5326


When you and I and everyone else farmed for that portal, we had no idea when the beta would be. It could have been on the Wednesday when I won’t be home. It could have been the weekend I’m scheduled to work at a local festival. It could have been in the middle of the night because of EU players. It could have been any time Arenanet decided it was going to be and when it was convenient for them.

You and I and everyone else accepted that fact when we farmed for that portal.

It’s okay to be disappointed but I don’t understand how this wasn’t considered before. I knew there was a chance it’d be at a time I couldn’t participate, why didn’t the rest of you?

~Tarnished Coast Pride~

Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Most people work on weekdays. Including people at ArenaNet.
Do you really expect them to call in people to work during a weekend just so that you can join a beta? They will have to work plenty of extra hours the coming months before release already so I doubt they would want to require them to do even more so.

The beta tests are not for the customers benefit but rather for ArenaNets.

Actually its not unreasonable. If they really are testing, they need as many testers online as possible for the greatest amount of results. By choosing a time many people are at work, etc, they cut out a significant portion of their testers, IE testing won’t be as effective.

An occasional weekend to get adequate testing isn’t unreasonable, and lots of people worldwide have to work occasional weekends anyway, so its not crazy.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Most people work on weekdays. Including people at ArenaNet.
Do you really expect them to call in people to work during a weekend just so that you can join a beta? They will have to work plenty of extra hours the coming months before release already so I doubt they would want to require them to do even more so.

The beta tests are not for the customers benefit but rather for ArenaNets.

Actually its not unreasonable. If they really are testing, they need as many testers online as possible for the greatest amount of results. By choosing a time many people are at work, etc, they cut out a significant portion of their testers, IE testing won’t be as effective.

An occasional weekend to get adequate testing isn’t unreasonable, and lots of people worldwide have to work occasional weekends anyway, so its not crazy.

And they may do that later on when they aren’t primarily trying to get bugs worked out of the system. When they start to use the betas as marketing.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Renkencen.6127


I can somewhat guess why they having the test on that day.

I think it is intentionally due to the amount of people that will be in work or education. I mean imagine if they did release the test on a weekend? It would of been cluster lags as hell!

They probably want to make the first test easier will manaegable without straiting their servers too much therefor having lesser people on the first test.

Once they got the kink out, they should release the second test at a more convient time.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


I understand the reasoning for having it on a workday, even if it’s frustrating for a lot of the playerbase, but I just don’t see any reason to hace staggered it the way they have. Three lots of two hours? What are we supposed to be looking for? That’s not enough time to find bugs and too many people are at work or study for it to be a reasonable stress test. Why not have it open for a straight six hours, or for a 24 hour block? That way everyone who spent time (over a week, for some of us) farming for a Portal will all be able to use it. They may be providing the service, but they are doing it for money – this is a business. As customers, we have the right to voice when we are unhappy with something. And hyping us up only to drop the times at such a universally inconvenient time means that we’ve wasted a lot of gameplay when we could have been doing more beneficial things.
I won’t be able to play at all, as my timezone drops the first slot at six thirty in the morning and I have study that day. I can’t do it. Seeing how long and desperately I farmed and how excited I was, this is a little heartbreaking.
As for the label ‘Beta’ – it’s not. This isn’t a beta, we can’t do anything with the time frame. This is a sneak preview for the lucky few who have the Portal – AND the time.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: segman.3560


FYI this is second stress test which is false advertising from anet again, because portals were advertised as beta access, not another stress test

no specs to test
no new revenant stuff to test
more verdant brink which we’ve already played and saw on bajilion videos

I don’t feel like spending more money on the company making jokes on their customers.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


FYI this is second stress test which is false advertising from anet again, because portals were advertised as beta access, not another stress test

no specs to test
no new revenant stuff to test
more verdant brink which we’ve already played and saw on bajilion videos

I don’t feel like spending more money on the company making jokes on their customers.

I don’t know, if it was supposed to be a stress-test it would only be one and it would be on a a more active time than this.

We have never seen any of the outposts, something which will be part of the test for example.

One could of course also question if one could even apply false advertising to something that is not being sold.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


FYI this is second stress test which is false advertising from anet again, because portals were advertised as beta access, not another stress test

no specs to test
no new revenant stuff to test
more verdant brink which we’ve already played and saw on bajilion videos

I don’t feel like spending more money on the company making jokes on their customers.

I don’t know, if it was supposed to be a stress-test it would only be one and it would be on a a more active time than this.

We have never seen any of the outposts, something which will be part of the test for example.

One could of course also question if one could even apply false advertising to something that is not being sold.

I mean, yes. I’d argue yes at least – we haven’t (yet) paid real money for HoT, but we spent time one these Portals. As for bug finding – we don’t have adequate time for that to happen properly.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I mean, yes. I’d argue yes at least – we haven’t (yet) paid real money for HoT, but we spent time one these Portals. As for bug finding – we don’t have adequate time for that to happen properly.

That depends on how much there is in the beta.
Two*three hours is usually plenty of time to find bugs in a map, especially if you don’t have access to the whole map.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


That depends on how much there is in the beta.
Two*three hours is usually plenty of time to find bugs in a map, especially if you don’t have access to the whole map.

You have a point about area size…. But it still doesn’t make the time staggering any less illogical. Or lessen my saltiness that I won’t be able to play it.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


You have a point about area size…. But it still doesn’t make the time staggering any less illogical. Or lessen my saltiness that I won’t be able to play it.

The staggering quite logical I would say.

That means they can tweak and change stuff between the different runs based on the previous stats and feedback.

Lets say they have map limit set to 20 on the first run.
Based on that they see that they could easily fit twice as many in there or they need to decrease the limit. Then they can do that before the second run and so on.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The purpose of a beta is NOT te please the people participating in it but to test the content with real players. For this purpose it is important that they monitor stuff, thats why it is in working hours.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I can understand them doing closed betas on weekdays, and in small chunks. For several logical reasons.

When the game is finally ready to do open betas, I expect to see beta weekends like we did for the original game.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


I’m not looking forward to these small betas, and I may actually take a break since there’s nothing new in the live game for several months already.

Attempts at ele specs:

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


You have a point about area size…. But it still doesn’t make the time staggering any less illogical. Or lessen my saltiness that I won’t be able to play it.

The staggering quite logical I would say.

That means they can tweak and change stuff between the different runs based on the previous stats and feedback.

Lets say they have map limit set to 20 on the first run.
Based on that they see that they could easily fit twice as many in there or they need to decrease the limit. Then they can do that before the second run and so on.

Honestly, I never thought of that. It makes some sense. That said, six hours split into three blocks is still very strange to me, and it seems that they’d be better served with a 24 hour block or something. Not only would that negate the amount of negative reactions upon learning a lot of the player base won’t have the opportunity to participate, the need to tweak between blocks is a nice idea, but in practice wouldn’t it be easier to just take note of everything and fix it when they don’t have to be ready for another block?
I’m also a little concerned about the beta progress being deleted between blocks, which if they are tweaking between, seems more likely than I originally thought.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


And who are going to pay those ArenaNet devs that need to spend 24+ hours straight at the office? Sure they could switch them out, but that could usually lead to issues, misplaced data and misunderstandings. It is always better to have the same team in place for the full duration of a test.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


The purpose of a beta is NOT te please the people participating in it but to test the content with real players. For this purpose it is important that they monitor stuff, thats why it is in working hours.

You’re right, this ‘beta’ isn’t primarily for the pleasure of the player base. But ANet are a company providing a service and the happiness of their customers (which is essential for keeping our business and money) is something they should be primarily focused on.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


You’re right, this ‘beta’ isn’t primarily for the pleasure of the player base. But ANet are a company providing a service and the happiness of their customers (which is essential for keeping our business and money) is something they should be primarily focused on.

Not during a beta.
A beta is purely for ArenaNets benefit.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


And who are going to pay those ArenaNet devs that need to spend 24+ hours straight at the office? Sure they could switch them out, but that could usually lead to issues, misplaced data and misunderstandings. It is always better to have the same team in place for the full duration of a test.

If that was the main reason, why not just get some beta testers in to get it done internally? The reason I personally have a problem with the setup, aside from not truly understanding why, is that they made it such a hyped, exciting prospect. I was so excited by the idea of using an ingame mechanic to spread the beta hype. They gave it to us. They made us want it. And essentially, what they’ve done for a lot of us, is just take it away again. It’s incredibly frustrating, even if they hace good reasons that I need to understand.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Because it is not financially feasible to hire the amount of people needed to simulate the live game?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cookieftw.1843


And essentially, what they’ve done for a lot of us, is just take it away again.

No one is taking anything from you, this is not the last beta test that will take place.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: tramwajarz.2369


About money – who’s gonna pay me for beta testing their game? kitten , every time I report a bug I should be paid for doing their job. And I am totally serious at this point. You defend their rights to be paid so what about me?

And stronghold beta was made 24h and I saw no dev asking on forums for donations.

Stop treating this company like a child. They are paid with our money for keeping us entertained.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


I’m not saying don’t get us to help with it, I’m saying it was a little weird that they made such a big deal out of it if this was the plan. And the Portals don’t provide access to future beta events either, just this one. I don’t doubt they have reasons, but as a customer, the next time they announce a beta I’m going to ignore it, because what did this one get me? Time wasted and now I’m really upset that I can’t participate. I know I’m not alone in this reaction. It just seems counterintuitive to advertise it as a big important thing when this was the plan.
I suppose the baseline is, I am disappointed. And I won’t be hyped for any beta events ever again. And doesn’t that hurt them in the long run?

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


And essentially, what they’ve done for a lot of us, is just take it away again.

No one is taking anything from you, this is not the last beta test that will take place.

The Portal only provides access to this event, so future ones are irrelevant.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I suppose the baseline is, I am disappointed. And I won’t be hyped for any beta events ever again. And doesn’t that hurt them in the long run?

Why would it hurt them in the long run?
They don’t want people like that in the betas anyway. They want people that know what a beta is about and do what they supposed to do.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


I suppose the baseline is, I am disappointed. And I won’t be hyped for any beta events ever again. And doesn’t that hurt them in the long run?

Why would it hurt them in the long run?
They don’t want people like that in the betas anyway. They want people that know what a beta is about and do what they supposed to do.

This wouldn’t be a problem if ANet hadn’t treated the event like they did. The Portals were purely a hype thing. That’s it. If they didn’t want people hyped for this like I was, they would have just randomly selected us all from their newsletter subscribers.
THIS is the result of hype. It will hurt them because a lot of their players are just going to ignore the future betas. And then how are they going to test it properly? They won’t have the numbers.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


This wouldn’t be a problem if ANet hadn’t treated the event like they did. The Portals were purely a hype thing. That’s it. If they didn’t want people hyped for this like I was, they would have just randomly selected us all from their newsletter subscribers.
THIS is the result of hype. It will hurt them because a lot of their players are just going to ignore the future betas. And then how are they going to test it properly? They won’t have the numbers.

No, the portals were not purely a hype thing. It was partly a hype thing but it was also a way to guarantee that the people invited actually played the game and at least had basic knowledge about it.

I think you are overestimating the amount of people that have an issue with this actually.
There are plenty of people that know what a beta is and accept that betas won’t be on our terms but rather at the company’s terms.

It is also worth pointing out that when they need to do larger scale testing they will most likely do it more akin to the 24h Stronghold beta were everyone gets access or via the Beta Weekend events where everyone that have prepurchase would get access. So they would have plenty of people willing to do their testing, even if you wont.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ninjakittee.7681


This wouldn’t be a problem if ANet hadn’t treated the event like they did. The Portals were purely a hype thing. That’s it. If they didn’t want people hyped for this like I was, they would have just randomly selected us all from their newsletter subscribers.
THIS is the result of hype. It will hurt them because a lot of their players are just going to ignore the future betas. And then how are they going to test it properly? They won’t have the numbers.

No, the portals were not purely a hype thing. It was partly a hype thing but it was also a way to guarantee that the people invited actually played the game and at least had basic knowledge about it.

I think you are overestimating the amount of people that have an issue with this actually.
There are plenty of people that know what a beta is and accept that betas won’t be on our terms but rather at the company’s terms.

It is also worth pointing out that when they need to do larger scale testing they will most likely do it more akin to the 24h Stronghold beta were everyone gets access or via the Beta Weekend events where everyone that have prepurchase would get access. So they would have plenty of people willing to do their testing, even if you wont.

Maybe I am overestimating the long term impact this will have, but just because a beta is for testing for bugs and other issues doesn’t mean that ANet is absolved of messing with us. They only succeed because we spend money on their product. Someone above mentioned that if it’s not financially feasible to hire beta testers internally, then we are doing that job for free. I’d posit that since we have to had both bought the game and invested enough time to have gotten a Portal, we are paying for the privilege of doing this job. It doesn’t matter if our satisfaction isn’t the main point, because when customers are unsatisfied they LEAVE. They needed the hype because we are going to have to purchase HoT – that is the price we pay for the content. Money. We don’t owe ANet anything for buying their product or spending further money on their micro transactions. They have their reasons, yes, and some of them are good reasons. But this should have been handled better.
I should mention, I did prepurchase this game.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

This is a beta test on ONE thing. 6 hours should be enough to get info on the hub and if it’s working. If you had 6 hours and the whole HoT to test then i would be dazzled at ANet decision, but its just a portion of a portion of the expansion.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TJgalon.5012


I do wish for a little extra time, though Sunday would be nice as it is my one day off, but I am going to make at least one of the slots, so I am happy to try.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dante.1763


Ya know, all these people QQIng about getting a portal drop and making it into the beta only to not be able to play…It was quite obvious to me at least that it would on a weekday, ya know..the days they work and can be at the offices to watch over the test… I just wish i could have gotten a beta portal..i can play that day, but alas, no such luck.

The tests are for ANET, not for you. if you can make it, good for them, if you cant bad for you. Limiting it to RNG was my problem, because there are people who could(like me) make every single one of those test hours and didnt get a portal drop, and then there are people like my dad, who got a portal drop in the first 10 minutes of being out in SW but cant make it because he works.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerlen.5326


Do… do people not get that a closed beta isn’t a chance for you to kitten around and get a solid preview of a finished game? Did they think they were getting a pony, 1000 gems, and a free level 80 Revenant for the weekend? Did they think if they couldn’t make it they’d get a free legendary as compensation for portal farming? The amount of QQ on the forums is staggering, especially since this is the only place I’m seeing it.

~Tarnished Coast Pride~

Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SoulTaker.2093


Well I got the portal, but cant play the beta, here in Argentina, it would de like 8am, and of course I will be working, so cheers!!