HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xianne.1690


I’m really hoping the keys aren’t just for this one day of sessions. That would be a PR blunder for ANet and really frustrating for many of us. I assumed there would be multiple days including weekends when I changed my play style so I could get a key.

Putting the first beta day on a work day actually makes sense to me, technologically (I do load and stress testing as part of my job) precisely because you get fewer people. You want to uncover kinks in the system that maybe are hard to trigger with automation with a smaller group of people first so you don’t end up with so much noise that you can’t diagnose all the different issues. If you have a larger group, you are more likely to uncover so many problems that you can’t tell what is going on. So, the first session has hardly anyone, misses the working US entirely. At the end, they take two hours to make quick tweaks and configuration changes, hopefully tuning the system a bit and alleviating the worst issues. The second session gets the folks coming home from work on the east coast of the US, so it has a bit more traffic. Now they hit a new set of issues – a bit more config tuning, but now there are more interesting issues coming out as well. The last test is the real stress-test though, and it’s set before midnight on the east coast of the US, but after folks on the west coast get home from work.

That’s all well and good, technically. But the players don’t really care about technology motivations. We care about the fact that we won a prize that many of us invested extra effort to acquire – and now many of us aren’t going to get to use that prize.

If there are other sessions coming up on weekends that these keys are good for, no harm no foul. Otherwise, ArenaNet just lost some credibility. I think ArenaNet has done well by their players so far, so I think that they either already have a weekend test planned for Key holders – or, if they don’t, they will see how frustrating this is to us and schedule one.

As for employees of AN working weekends – I don’t think switching a Monday of work for a Saturday occasionally should be a big deal. Entertainment industries attract a user base that is active primarily on the weekends; this is just part of their industry. Many industries are more active during the work week and occasionally require employees to come in on the weekends when they need to do maintenance or testing in production that should NOT impact the users. I’ve done that myself many times, and who hasn’t heard about 3AM maintenance being done by network admins? Usually (at healthy companies) the employees then get some down time during normal working hours so they are working a normal schedule. This kind of schedule is part of why tech engineers are paid salaries, generally. While such irregular hours are not a frequent part of the job for most developers, they generally are still part of the job.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


But that is just the thing.
They can’t just switch out a Monday for a Saturday. That is not how things work in development. The other teams are depending on team x to be there during the standard working hours.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solori.6025


I’m really hoping the keys aren’t just for this one day of sessions. That would be a PR blunder for ANet and really frustrating for many of us. I assumed there would be multiple days including weekends when I changed my play style so I could get a key.

Well, then that’s your fault.
You assumed.
You did something without knowing all the information regarding said subject.
Don’t blame others for your mistake.

That’s all well and good, technically. But the players don’t really care about technology motivations. We care about the fact that we won a prize that many of us invested extra effort to acquire – and now many of us aren’t going to get to use that prize.

No one said this was a prize. This was a chance to earn a spot that didn’t fully rely on the mailing rng.
If you invested time into farming, that was your prerogative. If you switched your schedule just to farm, again, your fault.
No one said the beta had to cater to your needs
No one said the beta was going to be convienient for you

Beta =/= headstart/demo

This is a stress test for them, this is a way for us to help test a work in progress.

If there are other sessions coming up on weekends that these keys are good for, no harm no foul. Otherwise, ArenaNet just lost some credibility.

Lost how?
Because they didn’t cater your life?

As for employees of AN working weekends – I don’t think switching a Monday of work for a Saturday occasionally should be a big deal.

Same can be said for you?
If you don’t want to miss the beta, cancel your Tuesday?

I mean, if it isn’t a big deal for them it shouldn’t be for you either right?

You should send life an angry letter about how unfair it is, and demand compensation

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


But that is just the thing.
They can’t just switch out a Monday for a Saturday. That is not how things work in development. The other teams are depending on team x to be there during the standard working hours.

No sense in re-iterating the same points over and over. Obviously those who are complaining extensively either feel falsely entitled to a preview of the content on their terms and have no considerations for ANet’s employees, or know nothing of software development and its corresponding business practices.

For the people who farmed hours and hours for a beta portal, take this as a lesson learned in that you should never assume the conditions you will be treated without any kind of contract. ANet isn’t here to serve anyone; they’re here to make money. There’s a direct correlation between customer satisfaction and earnings, especially in private enterprise, but their ultimate goal has nothing to do with your satisfaction of their product so long as they’re still making good money.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draghmar.2594


Geez stop complaining. If you live in EU then you have at least one window to play. At least you have portal that gave you opportunity to be there. I live in EU and would love to have beta access even if those hours are a little off for me. :P

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


I understand the reasoning for having it on a workday, even if it’s frustrating for a lot of the playerbase, but I just don’t see any reason to hace staggered it the way they have. Three lots of two hours? What are we supposed to be looking for? That’s not enough time to find bugs and too many people are at work or study for it to be a reasonable stress test.
As for the label ‘Beta’ – it’s not. This isn’t a beta, we can’t do anything with the time frame. This is a sneak preview for the lucky few who have the Portal – AND the time.

First off, if you read the post on the GW2 Home Page, this Closed Beta is a stability test, that’s not the same thing as a stress test. A stress test is to test how the servers will hold up under extreme loads, a stability test is to see how stable the actual game systems are, which can be done with a large or small population, it doesn’t matter…technically one person could overwhelm the game and make it unstable if it’s not coded properly. As for the time, it allows people to come and go during a short window, also something that’s part of the stability of the in-game systems…in this case,

The upcoming closed beta will help us test the stability of our new PvE outpost-event content structure. Participants will be able to use a revenant—or any of the existing eight professions—to play a small amount of expansion story content, followed by two beta versions of outposts and their corresponding adventures in part of the Verdant Brink map. An early, partially completed version of the day/night cycle meta-event experience from Verdant Brink will also be available.

The times listed are Pacific Daylight Time, or the time ArenaNet will have people available to monitor and fix any issues that might arise during the testing period. For those with normal working or school hours, they should be able to attend at least 2 out of 3 sessions.

HoT Beta Not on a weekend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirage.4536


Ask and you shall receive:

So happy

They could have kept doing this on weekdays, but they are awesomely awesome… THANK YOU ANET!