(edited by Neva Eilhart.5347)
HoT Map Events - Looting system
Agreed. The design of the Silverwastes is what I hope they will continue going forward, and from the recent blog posts, it sounds like it is.
it sounds like they will be going that route (at least from the last news post), and that would be great. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my times in SW and think it offers the most for vet players when it comes to both difficulty and reward.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
The system certainly has positives, as you pointed out.
However, it also has negatives. Its much easier for people to AFK while getting event credit and full rewards, for example. It also encourages people to “tag and run”, because if you’re looking to maximize loot there’s really no reason to stick around for the whole event once you hit enough enemies to get Gold, when you could be going and tagging other events. Which can lead to problems if you’re fighting to defend a fort and half the defenders leave after killing a few enemies, leaving the rest to get overwhelmed.
I think the positives outweigh the negatives, but if they could find a middle ground where you can focus on the event and not AoE spam while solving some of those other issues, it would be even better. So hopefully they don’t just copy-paste the Silverwastes model and call it a day, but continue to improve.
Also, I really wish they’d do away with the chest mechanic and just put the stuff into your inventory automatically. Its so needlessly tedious having to click on the bouncing chest for every….single…. event…. just put them in my inventory, I’ll still see the popup of the items themselves on the side of my screen so I’ll know I’m getting loot, just without all the tedium.
its great and all but…makes magicfind kinda useless ?
whats the purpose of my 200account mf, if all rewards are unaffected by it? there need to be some balance done.
and pleaseee
no more currencies. or if we must get some, at least add them to wallet. geodes/badges are really poor design, just wasting inv slots (and yes, i do have maxed bank and inventory..but hate it when unnecessary items are taking slots)
its great and all but…makes magicfind kinda useless ?
whats the purpose of my 200account mf, if all rewards are unaffected by it? there need to be some balance done.
and pleaseee
no more currencies. or if we must get some, at least add them to wallet. geodes/badges are really poor design, just wasting inv slots (and yes, i do have maxed bank and inventory..but hate it when unnecessary items are taking slots)
I agree with a lot of this. I am tired of chests not being affected by my MF. I want the stat to mean something. Otherwise, do away with MF completely so I don’t ahve to think about how ArenaNet is subtly circumventing it all the time.
Unlike in Orr, when you don’t get that much rewards when you’re not spamming huge aoes (if you have the time to do so before every foe is dead…), in SW you can actually play the way you want, and focus on the events rather than trash-tagging. You can run the build you want, wield the weapon you want without worrying about its aoe/dps capability. Players can take some time to revive friends, cast healing spells or run specific objectives instead of dpsing to get loot.
And yet, for “Adventures” there’s this quote:
Your performance in adventures will be scored, and you’ll be able to see—and test yourself against—the scores of your friends and guildmates.
That’s going to be real fun the first time an Adventure fails, because everyone’s going to see scores and there’s going to be a temptation to blame. ((Now, if it’s really only friends (not followers) and guildmates that can see the score, that may be okay.))
There’s a real risk of these scores becoming a new kind of DPS meter, causing people to just avoid Adventures. Which is bad for map events, because if doing an event unlocks an Adventure, and half the people there don’t want that Adventure unlocked and half do, then we may run into problems.
its great and all but…makes magicfind kinda useless ?
whats the purpose of my 200account mf, if all rewards are unaffected by it? there need to be some balance done.
and pleaseee
no more currencies. or if we must get some, at least add them to wallet. geodes/badges are really poor design, just wasting inv slots (and yes, i do have maxed bank and inventory..but hate it when unnecessary items are taking slots)I agree with a lot of this. I am tired of chests not being affected by my MF. I want the stat to mean something. Otherwise, do away with MF completely so I don’t ahve to think about how ArenaNet is subtly circumventing it all the time.
Subtly? No, there’s nothing subtle about it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.