This is coming from a “casual” gamer averaging 1-3 hours/day with most days at 2 or less
This post is sort of my pseudo review/rant. I see a lot of whining on the forums, and while some of it is warranted, I feel the majority is just people not knowing what they want and just complaining.
Valid Complaints
1)Mastery grind – This too me shows that the devs are either un-imaginative or just lazy. It is definitely a “grind” and there is little to no skill involved in unlocking masteries. Just plain and simple, time spent grinding.
I would have rather seen their unlocking being tied to either use or story, or both. Ex: The more gliding you do, the more glider masteries you unlock. Or, learning the different lores being tied to side quests.
2)Elite spec’s taking far too many HP’s (resolved) The fix for this was perfect. With the original being 400 to fully unlock, it meant that for many, they’d complete most of the HoT story having to play with their original specs or a kitten Elite.
3)Healing being thrown into a game that was not designed for healing (Druid mainly) – This one, Im kind of on the fence on. If you are going to be a main healer, the group UI is maybe sufficient to heal efficiently. But healing people outside of your group is very clunky. In small groups, it seems to work and the Druid/staff skills actually feel quite right. But in large zergs, its just a clusterF and I feel so disconnected from the game.
4)Im sure there are others, (maybe others can share)….
Just people whining
1)The game is too “hardcore” or un-soloable. Now this may be profession specific, because I played through as a Druid which is most situations was almost invincible. I did die a lot more in HoT than in the core game, but most of this was falling while tryinig to explore. For me though, the difficulty was perfect about 95% of the time. There were a few battles (non boss) in the story mode where myself and the entire NPC group got wiped immediately These weren’t game breaking, just required a second try.
But I think the problem here is people are either so used to running zerker builds or not knowning how to dodge and prioritize targets or positioning.
Enjoy the challenge, it will make you a better player.
2)Class balance and nerfs. Every single class forum has most people complaining about how they got the worst elite spec and how their class keeps getting nerfed. While some of these are legitimate complaints, give the devs some time. The expansion has been out a week. At least they are making changes and trying to find balance. My advise would be to NOT invest too much into any or your builds at the moment and make something adaptable. Try different things.
3)Hero points are not soloable. This one may sort of be legitimate, but not everything has to be soloable. Case in point, I ended up gliding to one of the more hiddent HPs in Verdant Brink and there were two other guys there. They stated they was no way we could take it without at least one or two more. We tried once and got wiped pretty quickly. We then changed things around a bit, and were able to do it the second time. Me being a healer actually made it all possible. So, yeah, it sucked that it was challenging, but it was more rewarding when we beat it. But there are some that are just ridiculous.
Review at this point
At this point, Id give the expansion an 85%. The story was definitely too short, as I completed it in a little over a week while just playing casually. Im hoping through LS though that there will continue to be regular updates and that this was only a preview to the story. I wish the devs would be a little more imaginative with achievements and tasks. Old school games like Everquest had lore quests and class specific quests to earn unlocks. Instead, the simple formula seems to just be add arbitrary grind to slow players down. Overall though, Im looking forward to going through and earning more achievements while trying to unlock more masteries.